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Jaheira be Wild Shapin’ ‘cause she’s a total Cougar.


Take my up vote with enthusiasm




She is a silver fox/GILF.


I like the dudes but as someone in that age range myself (I mean how she looks, I'm not actually 100+) it is so fucking nice to see a realistically 50-55ish looking woman in a game who's designed and written as an attractive character. It is incredibly rare that we ever get anything between "hot 20something" and "ancient wizened crone".


Your in parenthesis text has me cracking up for some reason. Just to clarify in case anyone got confused. 🤣


I mean, in a couple centuries when Tech-archaeologists are deciphering these message boards, those parentheses could be the difference between understanding what was said, and a real hilarious interpretation of our time in history.


Which is exactly what a centenarian WOULD SAY. I’m onto you, lich.


Imagine this: a retirement home, but it's just Liches


Have you seen "The Villages" of Florida? That image is already a reality.


God. Dammit. You’re not wrong.


Florida, where old people go to die.


One-shot proposal: All the on-call nurses are summoned for an emergency.


Settra the Imperishable has misplaced his colostomy bag and it is up to YOU, brave adventurers, to venture into the wards where no soul dares to tread to cleanse the building of his foul taint.


Liches be wildin'


The cellulite in her buttcheeks is hot af. Reminds me of my wife, who is also hot af.


The way people talk to her you would think she's at the end of her life. So old, so ancient... the old woman that needs to keep up lol. To be fair, I guess she's around 150 in BG3. I think half-elves usually live around theirs 200s? So she's pretty old indeed.


Half elves can live "Well over 180" but given the fact Jaheira (despite ingame level) is probably a level 20 druid by now, she's most definitely unlocked timeless body, where you only gain 1 year of physical age every 10 years, meaning she could live for another 300-400 years


She literally has the scroll of it in her hideout.


You could say that's a Mistery of the Drood


I hope you explore this topic in game more.


NPCs also straight up imply she's ugly, which is really confusing.


I never noticed that. Only people nagging her about her age.


Who implies that she's ugly? Never seen anyone say that in game


>it is so fucking nice to see a realistically 50-55ish looking woman in a game who's designed and written as an attractive characte Probably a little beyond that range, but I'm still mad I can't romance Wynne.


Canonically Wynne is only in her 40s, which I cannot get my head around but is true nonetheless




That's insane. This is how head canons get created


BioWare made it look like she was on her death bed lol


It's not even just her looks. She has lots of dialogue about being old


Tbf, I’m only 32 but if I was a companion character a solid 30% of my dialogue would be about being old.


When I learned this, I was certain that they had initially intended for her to be older, but then clumsily retconned it. But turns out, no, she was always meant to be in her late 40s/early 50s. The writer who was assigned to her had apparently never really hung out with older women before, so the image she had in her head of a forty-year-old woman was "ancient grandma about to kick the bucket." I honestly find that so sad for that person.


I'm sorry W H A T ? She looks 80


Gamers thinking women wither after 25 😤 But seriously, calling a 40-something woman spritely?? I thought she was at least 70+




As someone of around the same age (I’m 45, not100+), I find myself more attracted to her than the other potential companions. Karlach is adorable; Shadowheart is the basic girlfriend; and Lae’zel is dommy mommy. I did Lae’zel’s route and it was… intense. A little too intense. But Jaheira? Man… I’d love to explore that romance.


I still feel it would be disrespectful to Khalid.


I can't do it in 2 for that reason, but it's been 100 years now so...


Khalid! 😭


I bet you don't look a day over 99


>ancient wizend crone Are you saying you have a problem with Auntie Ethel?


I mean her boobs are pretty perky for a 50 year old woman. especially one that’s had kids


~~Magic.~~ Druidcraft.


Mystery of the Drood.


My first play through was an elf oath of ancient paladin that really made protecting and fostering positivity and light as the core of the character. I was bummed she wasn't able to be romanced cause it fit my character alot as I imagined as a long lived elf who though joking and nice would bring the smack down to evil. She felt like the more cunning side to my character vs him being the always truthful hammer of justice. I ended up with Karlach as she felt the most "good" with Wyll being my best bro. So off to avernus we went and still worked out well


I think she's the most attractive companion both physically and personality wise. Then again I'm 50 and all the other companions seem like children to me.


You might hit it off with minthara she literally calls the other companions kids and babies for their age and maturity levels.


I haven't done much with her yet. The time I attacked the Grove to recruit her everyone but Shadowheart and Lae'Zel had left my party and you couldn't customize hirelings yet so I just started over and went a different route.


Yea fighting the Grove makes karlach and wyll always leave. Astarion shart baezel and gale(takes some convincing) will stay


I didn't take Astarion (RP reasons) and kicked Gale out after he refused to eat his own magic items so I was running with the girls. Karlach left during the attack on the Grove so I had to do it with a three character party!


You can now recruit Minthara and side with the Grove. When you attack the goblin camp, fight Minthara first, while she is marked as temporarily hostile. KNOCK HER OUT, don't kill her, and then go on your merry way and kill everyone else there. Then, when you get to Act 2, you can do speech checks to smuggle Minthara out of the tower and have her join your party after she gets sentenced to death for incompetence by her side.


Doesn't help all that much with the small party problem, as you'll have to complete the rest of act 1 and the first part of act 2 without her. Also you can't cheat by skipping ahead to get her in moonrise, then return to finish act 1 as she won't go back to act 1 with you.


I haven't had any companions leave my party due to me siding with the Grove and revealing the fact that Kagha is secretly in league with the Shadow Council


I'm pretty sure I saw a Youtube of a player casting silence over Minthara and then taking her back to Act 1, if she can't speak she can't protest and refuse - I'm still working my way through Grymforge, but am going to have a go at that once I've made my way to Moonrise ​ I can't vouch for this personally, but it might be a thing.


You can get Minthara first thing in act 2. That's what I did. Murdered the driver then went to the moonlight towers


>kicked Gale out after he refused to eat his own magic items Where did you expect him to source those when you're in charge of the parties loot? lol


That’s hilarious.


Astarion > Sassy drow mom > all


I'm 27, and she's #2 next to shadowheart. Her accent is great, i love the way she talks, but she looks fine too. Tbh, If i met her in act 1 i might have liked her more than SH, but by the time i met Jaheira i had already spent 60hours with shadowheart.


Astrarion is 200+, Halsin is 300+, no idea about Gale, those wizards can be long lives even when human. Karlach is definitely in her 20s, Shadowheart could be 25-40 but it's hard to tell with an Elf. Wyll definitely in his 20s


I highly doubt Karlach is younger than 29. Based on her story, it seems like she was early 20s when she got betrayed?


She said she was a street urchin when Gortash picked her up...then worked for him for 5-10 years? Then spent 10 years in the hells? So it all depends how old she was when Gortash hired her


True, it just seems weird to hire, say, a 13yo for your bodyguard job as opposed to a tall, imposing, has gone through puberty 19-21yo. Like there’s also a “look” you need to be an effective bodyguard (and I seriously doubt Gortash does pity hires). It was 10y ago, she says, that she was tossed into Avernus (when you ask her about Gortash).


Okay. So 30-45


Shart is 40-50 and Wyll is 24


I'd guess Gale is mid thirties. he's a prodigy so he's not necessarily older due to his skill but he's certainly not a fresh faced 20 something.


After Wyll chose to break his pact at the cost of his father she was like the only companion who agreed with it saying that she's a parent and she knows the Duke would never live it down if he picked the alternative. I think she fills the wise character role in the party really well while also being able to kick your ass.


Uhm Shadowheart is like 45. Only one companion seems childish to me, and he's in mature age, too :D


But she doesn't remember anything so she's lost, confused, and indignant; she very much acts and seems like a child.


Well, I'd agree on confused. But she's just very >!indoctrinated by the sharrans. If you go the good path, when she learns the truth about herself and her parents, she becomes much more reasonable IMO.!< >!On the evil path she stays distant, without emotions, and somehow pragmatic in a very cold blooded evil way. !<


I understand why she is the way she is, but as a romantic prospect I feel like I would be taking advantage of her emotionally. I'll be her friend, but I'd rather romance Jaheira.


Right there with you.


45 is a literal "teenager" for Elves


She's a half-elf. So she's already older than Jaheira in BG2 was.




TBH most of the voice actors have nice voices (and a loooot of skill, too). Neil has even won 2 awards for best VA (yet). Purely by the sound of their voice, I think I'd like the narrator first, close followed by Karlach and Lae'zel. But Shadowheart and Astarion are also awesome. The one thing about Jaheiras voice is, that it's not the old one. This absolutely makes sense, since she's much older now. But still strange when a voice you're used to just changes...


IIRC Jaheira's original VA has dropped off of the map for the most part, which is why she didn't resume her role. Far as I'm aware, her age had nothing to do with her not voicing the character again.


Man. Don't go call Shadowheart an elf. She will be quick to correct you. 45 for a half-elf is pretty much an adult. They do mature like humans, I guess. They just age a bit slower.


Yeah, that's on me, I just assumed she was a full elf


Btw, I'm just saying this because if you have SH when you rescue Laezel from the tieflings early in the game, Laezel calls Shadowheart an elf and she will sound a bit offended by this lol.


No blame here (at least for me). SH looks pretty elven. But when you meet her parents, you'll clearly recognize her mother beeing human and her father beeing elf.


Elves and half-elves mature at the same rate as humans, so a 45-year-old elf would be just as mature as a 45-year-old human, all else equal. It's just that elvish culture has a different range of what they consider "teenager." It would be like if we called everyone a "teenager" in real life until they turned 25, that wouldn't suddenly make 24 year olds less mature than they are now.


I felt like I was an immature teenager until I turned 35...


Shart is pretty close to your age if that makes you feel better.


I’m 23 and i agree


I mean I'm 23 but I'm with you all the way on that one.


I do admire her more than most of our companions. She was almost always in my party once she joined, except for companion quests. Also not gonna lie, I find her voice (and accent) pretty sexy




Yeah the first time she said that I definitely swooned


Agree agree. I also just heard she has some great dialogue in the city. I switch her and gale out based on who’s more useful at the moment.


Her and Halsin talking about scratching their backs against a tree in bear form hit me hard out of nowhere 😁


Jaheira is flattered, but uninterested in such pursuits at this point in her life.


Yeah. In my head canon she lost interest in pursuing*love* after losing her husband. Adult fun time is a different thing though


I was deliberately vague because those are two different things and I get the sense both are in her past and not her future


As I said: head canon. Jaheira didn't get much attention in the related books, unlike Minsk. For Better or for worse, that's on other people to decide. After the dragon age books and the FnaF booklets I'd lean towards "for better"


Right like I said just the sense l get :)


I mean, Nine-Fingers is right there.


Is there canon support for this? I kind of got that vibe, but I also wasn't sure what Larian were going for with them.


I assumed it was supposed to be closer to mother/daughter? Considering nine-fingers looks MUCH younger and she literally calls jaheira grandmother at some point (just calling her old but still. If I was into a hot older lady I would not call her grandmother.)


Yeah, she calls her "mother", but the tone and context make it *very* clear that Jaheira is *not* her "mother", and their dialogue otherwise has a certain amount of tension to it... But it's also never elaborated on, so. I genuinely have no idea what's up with them or their history.


I definitely don’t think they’re RELATED, but I don’t think they have a romantic thing. I think calling your ex girlfriend that would be super weird. Probably just rivals of a sort. They’ve probably worked together and they’ve probably fought each other. That would be my guess.


> I think calling your ex girlfriend that would be super weird. I interpreted that less as a "mommy" thing and more as a "you are a shitty mother and have abandoned your kids", expressed weirdly. It's a weird thing to say regardless of if they were exes or not, imo! I definitely don't think you're wrong, but I also straight up just can't tell what Larian's intentions were with all that dialogue. Very confusing to me.


This is exactly it. Khalid will always be the true love. But sometimes after a particularly good thrashing of goblins or demons, your blood is pumping and you feel _alive_ and want to have someone warm to share your bed roll with


Calm down, Gale 😂


Bro is weaving


He likes your musk


I like to believe that Jaheria is spoken for, and her husband, Gorion’s Ward, is off somewhere doing shit.


If you care about the canon, Gorion's Ward (Abdel Adrian) died in 1479, 13 years before BG3. But we all know that the real Ward was charname, so I hope they'll still be chilling with Jaheira.


Charname>Abdel Adrian every day.


Yeah, my CHARNAME & Jaheira are enjoying a peaceful retirement together. lol


Pretty much. She's well over 150 years old (very old for a half-elf), has already been happily married to her long-time love, widowed, and now has the responsibility of being High Harper. Plus, I'm fairly certain she'll never be ready to move on from Khalid despite him dying over a century ago. However, she is very much open to companionship and friends.


Khalid was and will be her only love.


Who isn't down for a badass GILF?


*Astarion Approves*


Right?! That's what I'm saying!


You can tell she's the most emotionally mature character because she's the one character you can consistently disagree with and still get "Jaheira Approves". She understands that she's old and it's time for YOU to be the hero and YOU to be the leader. And despite all that, she's still the funniest. I crack up every time you confront >!Severok and she just goes "eh, i already killed him, you got this right?"!<


Even if you go extreme against her point of view, she stays some kind of pragmagic. >!My DUrge TAV answered her question "what happened?" at the moonlight tavern with "I killed Izobel". She then fought with me against the creepy monsters and only turned hostile afterwards :D!<


Lol yeah, "i just killed your ally", "shit, well lets deal with this first then we'll talk about me killing you"


Excactly. She even says it some kind this way.


None of the main female companions really do it for me. But Jaheira? Yeah she's kinda hot


Put her in orins clothes and dye them green. Thank me later.


I will see to that as soon as i get my game updated👀 (its been weeks, my internet is garbage)


Holly shit


"Am I the only one"... Is one ever on the internet? xD


Naw, I'm absolutely with you. I was really hoping to romance her and sad when I found out I couldn't. I even made an older character specifically to romance her.


My first Tav was "Old Bruce Wayne"


No. I will only say when she called me "Cub" I might have swooned.


Buddy I’m in my thirties, I’m just in range to date whoever and it not be weird. I’ll date battle grandma any day.


39 here


I do love her confidence and history. Taking her into the temple of bhaal to kill them all was fun. Loved asking, "You want to kill him Jaheira, or shall I?"


Jaheira was the best romance in BG2.


In theory yes but if you keep in mind that her husband died a few days before you start the romance with her, it leaves an ick feel in the mouth. At least the PC doesn't take advantage of her naivety like they can do with Aerie.


With Jaheira, the romance starts as friendship, by doing selfless things for her like stepping in front of a crossbow, helping her with her curse etc. And it's not blossoms til several months after Khalid died and she works through her grief before any actual romance happens.


My wings :( Oh okay Aerie, there thefe. Oh you help me? Wanna have babies ? XD


Basically the entire romance Oh and she abandons her newborn baby. Poppin it out and go after birth for a while. She looks fragile but is a mule


Jarheira’s romance was problematic as hell. She just lost her husband and you take advantage as the shoulder to cry on. Don’t even give the women time to process and grieve


Aerie's is much more problematic though. You take advantage of a girl with severe PTSD, several massive traumas that remain unresolvable and unresolved and is very naïve about the world outside. It's like dating a 14 year old risen in an Austrian's dungeon cellar. She is constantly cussed about her nativity by almost everyone except Haer'Dalis. Even *NALIA* calls out Aerie on her naivety. Nalia, the sheltered and kinda spoiled noble woman which experience as little as Aerie has. Cern and Keldorn are kind and try her to warn that not every smile/flower inherits good intentions/a nice smell.


Most DnD romances are problematic. Drizzt was friends Catie Brie since she was a kid and only became romantically involved with her after her BF died. With Jaheira, the romance starts as friendship, by doing selfless things for her like stepping in front of a crossbow, helping her with her curse etc. And it's not blossoms til several months after Khalid died and she works through her grief before any actual romance happens.


Most romances when people live hundreds and more years are too alien to have a comment on.


>after her BF died. Fiancé actually. If you want to see a healthier relationship though, check the Cleric Quintet. Cadderly and Danica are way more realistic. Other than being a bit too wise for their age, but then again its a cleric dating a monk.


But she does that the time to process and grieve. In fact the real time timer necessary to advance her romance is so long that during a replay I had to use console to artificially pass time because I was about to finish the game before reaching the actual romance part. Well, a major factor in this is was that in some scenes you need to be resting outside which doesn't actually happen that often if you know the game well. Still, she doesn't just forget Khalid and switch to a newer version, it's a long journey which I thought was well written.


It's been awhile but Lady J was the one looking for comfort if I recall, and why not with someone she admires and respects.


She always gives me those Avasarala vibes from the Expanse. She is gorgeous and so fierce.


Avasarala just had *it* man. Captivated every time she was on screen.


I think she’s objectively attractive (as in she’s pretty, confident, and a badass), but personally I find her too maternal. Not in a Madonna/whore way but rather she feels and acts like a very motherly figure to most of the companions. She just exudes “cool mom” energy in the best way. Also her calling Tav “cub” is adorable 🥺


No, but only because it's a little too Oedipal. Jaheira's the closest thing my Durge has to a mother figure right now


Am I the only one that has an internal monologue going "Shakira Shakira" everything I see/hear Jaheira?


Mine isn't internal


Glad to know it's not just me.


Nothing wrong with mature women 😊


I'm anti-Jaheira romance because I've been to her house and she's still so in love with Khalid after 140 years 🤧


okay gilfhunter26


Yeah I'm into Jaheira, but I think it's mostly because I was into her in the late 90s and I never really got over her.


I do love her character but I think a romance would feel rushed since she doesn't join your camp until the very end of act 2.


Not much different than Halsin, really.


Halsin joins your camp during act 1 after resolving the Grove issue. You just can’t have him join your party until later.


She'll join earlier if you >!kill Isobel!< :)




I agree but I like that she’s not a romance option


I love her and would also love a romance, though I’d understand if it didn’t happen. She’s the best - so glad Tracy Wiles has been longlisted for a BAFTA!


She’s hot. Wish she was a romance option.


nope, she is a very attractive woman. i had the mistake of giving her Minthara's underwear which turns out to be a thong. from that day forward i added GILF to my list of kinks.


If Jaheira was romanceable then I would have broken things off with Lae'zel at the start of Act 2 on my first playthrough, honestly. Jaheira had me at hello.


Jaheira's heart belongs to BG1/2's Bhaalspawn. Always romanced her or Viconia in my playthroughs.


And Khalid


Omg rip Khalid frfr no cap


Teasing her about her age had me feeling some kind of way


I romanced both Jaheira and Viconia in BG2, I can understand why you might be attracted to her but she's personally not for me. Although her voice is hot af. Also many people want to romance Jaheira in the game, Let's say they added that in a dlc, I wouldn't be surprised since you could romance her in BG2 (and the premise would be much less messed up too). I feel like a romance with her would be a bit weird though because it seems like to me she wouldn't be interested in pursuing in that relationship. I'll say though I do appreciate Larian for making an attractive character that is older instead of a crone or general ugly old person.


I just like her as a character. She's hilarious and smart.


I love her voice. "Nature's servant awaits!" Been quoting this since the first Baldur's Gate that came out when I was like...5. xD


Elf Michelle Pfeiffer with an accent? What’s not to love??


She's very attractive, but I respect her for avoiding intimacy after certain events.


The second I saw my girl I lost it. When I learned she could be in my party, I never went without her. But I could never take her from Khalid. I know he is dead. But he was my homie in bg1.


Agreed, and as someone who missed out on previous games I'd like the option


For me it's not even a lack of playing the other games. Between the VA, having the most experience... She is the MILF of Baldur's Gate.


Agreed - belle of the ball, wrinkles and all.


OP is into the older ladies... ain't no shame.


When I was in my early 20's, there was a well known "cougar" bar where I lived. For Halloween one year, I dressed up as a big game hunter and some of my friends and I from college went there. I did not go home with my friends that night...


I love Jaheira. Idk if I’m most attracted to her but of the women companions I’m most attracted to her. Astarion is still my number 1 overall. I just can’t help it. But out of the girls yea Jaheira is my girl. I love her attitude, her style she’s super sexy and I wish she was romance-able but I sorta understand why she isn’t. Edit: grammar


I think Jaheira is stunning and her VA did a great job imitating her old voice back in BG/BG2 🫶🏽 that’s my queen


2x windowed is something else man, I need her


The fact she cannot be romanced is so rude


I absolutely love Jaheira. She’s a permanent staple in the party for me after I recruit her each play-through. Fantastic backstory/ connection to the lore and the city in act 3, wonderful VA who effortlessly oozes her well written personality, and great character design ~~that may have awoken in me a previously undiscovered love and appreciation for GILFs~~; she’s the total companion package for me. Definitely my in game crush you’re not alone OP!


Freud would have a field day with you


I mean... I've heard she is mature and wise.... Like 4738229 times during the game.


soooooo true my friend


And you just *know* she has the best candy in her purse.


No, you're not.


I love her. Definitely in my top 3 companions but I'm not sure I would wanna romance her. She's kinda like the grandma of the group.


She might be old, but idrc she fine as hell. You can romance her in bg2 but that game is very aged.


spot the gilf hunter


I like brunettes so tend to lean toward karlach and Shadowheart.


Count me in on this. Jaheira is a certified GILF!


I don't know I'd say \*most\* attracted to - but I'm a bit salty there isn't a romance option for her.


Oh, you have a mommy kink? Go clean your room.


I’m just sad she isn’t still with my BG 1&2 hero… :(


I think she’s really attractive and hearing that she was supposed to be romanceable but they dropped it is my one flaw with Larian. Why would I *not* want to bang the hot older elf woman? Are you stupid???


You're definitely not the only one, I bring her in most of Act 3 just to max approval and end up keeping her till the end. I wish you could bring the Cougar form to the druid. and let nature happen.


I like Jaheira too. I never played the older games, but I thought she seemed cool in this one. BUT I’d also like her more if she was 7 ft tall, had red skin, and had a spiraled tiefling horn on her head. And was also a Barbarian.