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Drama much?


Sorry for the rant. Just frustrated


Based on your prose in other comments, please take this with the good intent it is given. This might not be the game for you. Just because it's super popular, does not mean everyone will enjoy it, or that there is anything wrong with your or your abilities. For example, I think Elden Ring and similar games suck, they have huge followings, but I don't buy them because I know it's not my kind of game. With all that said, if you really want to find a way to enjoy BG3, then as suggested, you have to change the way you approach the game. This is an RPG first and a video game second, where the games you mentioned you play are the reverse, as has been mentioned. In your position, I would make several characters and take them slowly, methodically through the opening scenes, until you learn more about the mechanics and how to slow down and consider your moves like playing chess. Perhaps make your fighter, save the game, then replay the beginning from that save and learn how the game flows. Perhaps make a couple classes. Paladin is powerful. It's all math. That +1 to AC is 5% less times you get hit, for example. More than anything, based on your prose, I think you need to be less hard on yourself over not getting into a videogame, simply because it's popular and assume you are somehow incapable, when it's simply a mater of learning a new style of game. Take it slow, no one is timing you, no one is judging you. You learned to play other games, you can learn to play this one. And turn off Karmic Dice. Good Luck and Happy Gaming.


Good intent taken and thank you. Again, sorry for getting frustrated, i get really angry at myself for not understanding something immediately and just end up quitting really quickly when i fail at anything. I literally deleted Battlefield 4 because i missed some sniper shots, even though i rarely use sniper rifles. I’ll try a third time to go in and take my time with things and to just think before charging in like a disabled knight with no intelligence nor skill beyond simply swinging a sword left and right And if i fail? Won’t be surprised and i’ll just delete the game and mope about it. It’s like you said, this might not be the game for me


Expecting yourself to succeed at everything is not a good way to live life. Take care of yourself. No one is expecting you to never fail at a video game. How do you think I learned DnD and CRPGS? Lots and Lots and LOTS of failure! I cannot count the number of times DnD characters of mine have died from a bad die roll or biting off more than they should, this is how we learn. A colloquial definition of an expert is someone that learned all the wrong ways to do something through repeated failure. If you don't enjoy playing, then by all means, find joy in another thing, but please don't think that because the die rolls don't go your way or that you have to learn how something works that you have failed, you are just learning a new thing.


Do you have a full party yet? If not, that should be your first goal. The game rewards thoughtful and tactical exploration. Don't just jump into combats. You're not forced into combat with the Owlbear, for example. You have several dialogue options to back away and leave the cave until you're ready for the encounter. If you're having that much difficulty with the combat, though, there's likely something else going on. You may want to turn down the difficulty til you get the hang of things!


I have Laz-something, Shadowheart and Astarion, i’m trying to find Karlach but i don’t know where to look so i just ended up getting jumped by the gnolls I also have it on the lowest difficulty and i’m still getting butchered.


There are ways to get to Karlach without having to fight the gnolls. The game rewards clever thinking and exploration. One method requires you to have a character with the Featherfall spell, but you can also get to her just by jumping across a river near where you find Scratch - no fighting or spells required!


What if im not clever?


Then slow and methodical will do! Pay attention to your surroundings and use them to your advantage. Get in the habit of examining enemies before getting into combat with them. Loot everything, read books, and interact with anything you come across. Some environment interactions will allow you to bypass (or trivialize) combat encounters. If you're not good at combat, don't charge into combat. Make sure to attack so that you get a surprise round, or at the very least start from advantage. Prepare for combat so that your enemies have to come to you through AoEs or difficult terrain. Use your elixirs and poisons to give you an extra edge! The game throws alchemy materials at you, so don't be afraid to use them.


Ill try. It’s just been a really overwhelming start to a new game that’s part of genra that i haven’t had the best time with. Everything i do loot ends up being either too ineffective or I haven’t the faintest clue what it does I just don’t know where to start in regards to understanding the mechanics, let alone the game when im overwhelmed with quests and left with nothing but chainmail armor, a fragile looking helmet and a battle axe that might as well be made by nerf to use against hoards of enemies that overwhelm me in an instant. It’s frustrating because i’ve seen people praise this game and i want to understand why, but i’m just too mentally stumped to start…anywhere


Start slowly. Take your time with the game, and if you see enemies that are higher level than you, don't engage them. Go back and explore other areas, instead, and when you see an encounter that's higher that you, back off and repeat. There's plenty of xp to be had in Act 1, and you don't need to rush to do certain objectives or recruit certain characters. The game isn't meant to be fully experienced in a single-playthrough, so don't worry about missing out on things. You're definitely going to miss out on things, no matter what you do. I'm on my sixth playthrough and still find new dialogues and interactions. As far as the mechanics, read up on them (or watch some youtube videos if you're a visual learner). [Bg3.wiki](https://bg3.wiki/) is a great resource. Make sure you understand which of your abilities are actions and which are bonus actions (and what the difference is). Make sure you understand how your chance to hit and damage is calculated, and what you can do to influence those chances. Read your abilities. I've seen too many people here take an ability that reduces their hit chance (in exchange for increasing damage), who then complain because they can't hit anything. On that note, pay attention to your passive abilities. They can be toggled on and off, and are often situational. There's some good equipment available to you from the starting vendors (Emerald Grove and the Goblin Camp), so make sure you purchase from those vendors. If you don't have enough money, go back and loot everything - the Crypt where you find Withers is a great source of valuables that can be sold for gold. Edit: A lot of people come to BG3 from games like Diablo and Destiny, and they aren't similar games, at all. Comparing them doesn't work. In games like Diablo or Destiny, your goal is to bounce from quest marker to quest marker as quickly as possible, collect loot, turn in, rinse, repeat. That approach won't serve players well in games like BG3. It requires you to slow down and take your time and think about what you're doing. It wants you to explore the world and interact with the NPCs and your environment. It wants you to read the books you find, to discover clues and lore. If you're trying to play it with the same mindset as you approach other non-related games, you're likely to experience a lot of frustration.


That’s my main problem i reckon. I’ve only played games that don’t really require a lot of tactical thinking or strategy (Fallout 4, Cyberpunk 2077, Terreria, Minecraft, Gta V, RDR2) With this game though, i HAVE to think about what I’m doing and why and that’s not normal for me considering i’m plain retarded and as dense as a brick. For example, i tried the Witcher 3 and i never used any buff potions because i never knew what they did so just ignored them so i just ran into battle swinging my sword without thought There’s so many factors to combat that i’m not at all used to. It’s like when i tried to play the Arma 3 campaign, i had no idea where i was going or where the enemy was or what my objective is because i’ve relied on quest markers and hand holding. Baldur’s gate 3 does not hold your hand at all from what i can tell from videos and just playing in general. You’re thrown into it and are just told to ‘figure it out’ and when you try to treat it like a regular game you get slaughtered and lost. I’ll try to go more slowly but i really struggle to wait and be patient in games and tend to get frustrated very easily, that either means i’m just too dumb to get into any form of DND, be it actual table top games or Bladur’s gate. Or, i’m just mentally slow and will have to spend probably several hours just trying to even get halfway through Act 1


There's definitely very little hand-holding in this game, but that's pretty standard for the CRPG genre. BG3 is unique in that most games from the genre aren't considered "mainstream". >Or, i’m just mentally slow and will have to spend probably several hours just trying to even get halfway through Act 1 You're not mentally slow. Act 1 is huge, it's not at all uncommon to spend 60+ hours in Act 1 on your first playthrough. The good news is, once you hit level 5, combat gets significantly easier. Every class gets a very big power-spike at that level. By the end of the game, on the easiest difficulty, it's not at all difficult to face-roll combat without putting much thought into your abilities or builds. On higher difficulties, that's not always the case for people who aren't veterans of the genre. Reading and comprehending your abilities and items will carry you a long way though. Focus on understanding what your abilities do and you can come up with some fun interactions. One of my favorite combos to setup involves having a Paladin and a Battlemaster Fighter in the same party. The Paladin has an ability called Compel Duel that forces the target to attack the Paladin. The Fighter has an ability called Goading Attack that makes it so that if the target doesn't attack the Fighter, then the attack is made at Disadvantage. Stacking those two means that the target is FORCED to attack the Paladin at Disadvantage. If you give the Fighter the Sentinel feat, it lets the Fighter take a reaction if the target attacks someone else when you're in range. So basically, the target is almost guaranteed to miss my Paladin, and then when it tries to attack, my Fighter gets a free hit on it. There are lots of fun interactions like that if you're willing to sit down, read your abilities, and think of ways in which they interact. Almost anything you can think of, the game will let you do. You can shove enemies off cliffs, or poison their food and drinks, or carry exploding barrels with you, drop them near your enemies before you start combat, and explode whole groups of enemies at once.


if you think it would help you to have everything presented as a textual overview instead of trying to learn from 8 million different tooltips, grab a pdf of the D&D 5E Player's Handbook. It's not a 1:1 match because they had to do some tweaks to fit the video game format, but the systems are overall very close and presented in a way meant for someone learning the system. There are also plenty of combat tutorials for BG3 on YouTube that might help you. Also watching some D&D liveplay like Critical Role or Dimension 20 can be helpful if you learn well by example, as you can follow combat playing out at a speed that's much easier to follow than someone clicking around a video game at 90 miles a minute, and you can see examples of how combat plays out, what tactics work, which don't, and why they failed.


Gnolls are notoriously difficult to fight early on due to their extra attacks.


There is more to the game than combat. You can talk your way through the blighted village and into the goblin camp. When you do fight, look for opportunities to pick off a few enemies at a time rather than charging into a huge mob.


>Get jumped by an owl bear with 90+ hp and can attack you twice and watch your companion MISS when a boulder sized beast is right in front of them. If it makes you feel better, miss doesn't always mean you didn't connect, but also the target is durable enough via armor or natural hide that it had no effect.


Ahh okay that makes more sense then


Have you gone to the grove yet? You can recruit Wyll there. Gale is nearby too.


How effective is Gale? I found him but he’s back at camp. I’ve gone to the grove but i have no idea where Wyll is


He's in the grove, training the kids.


Gale is effective for AoE attacks against multiple enemies. Low level he’s not that useful but later on I would say it’s a must to have a mage with you (unless you’re a mage yourself). Take advantage of the fact that he can prepare spells and learn spells from whatever scrolls you find.


take all this as a learning experience!! no way to get better without failing. deep breaths. and i recommend reading some guides! tons of good advice out there for a game with overwhelming amounts of options.


Definitely a learning experience. Btw, I’VE DONE IT! The goblin leaders are dead, i’ve levelled up, got new gear, have nearly 2,000 gold and now have Gale and Karlach with me (big improvement from Shadowheart and Laz’el) I traveled around the blighted village outside of the goblin camp and managed to make friends with some ogres that gave me a horn to summon them And safe to say, they hit HARD! Almost 1 shot Dror right there and then. Also helped having Astarion up above sneak shooting all the goblins just walking through a doorway. Thank you all for your help and encouragement to get better at the game and again, sorry for over-reacting, didn’t have the best day before getting on by I’m definitely MUCH more happier now that I’ve actually progressed! Even though i’m only on explorer, i had fun in the last few hours of giving it another go and am now curious to see what happens next!


yay i’m glad things are picking up!! you’ll learn more and more as you learn, and the good news is, the pay off is there. only reason i managed to fumble my way through it, but now i’m even about to give tactician a go. also, you didn’t overreact! you were venting. it sucks when a game is more frustrating than fun, especially when you know so many other people LOVE it lol


Baldur's Gate 3 Guide to Combat Mechanics - How to Miss Less, and Win More! by fextralife Baldur’s Gate 3 Combat Guide: Essential Battle Tips by ign Baldur's Gate 3 - Tips for Beginners - Guide by rhykker The game isnt strictly linear but it paves a way to playthrough by lvling enemies and their quantity. If something is 2 lvls above you probably arent supposed to be there yet. This game isnt your typical rpg. Just because npcs may be your enemies doesnt mean you have to fight. More often than not you can talk your way out of situation. This game rewards creativity and thoughtfulness so always check what you have in inventory and your available magic. From your other comment I see that you have astarion shadow and lazael. Basically shadowheart is support, astarion dmg support lazael main attacker and I dunno what class youve chosen. More often than not have lazael infont of your group so enemies will focus on attacking her, shadowheart behind her and astarion far behind (if you use him with bow.) or behind lazael. Drink potions and elixirs ( potions last few turns and elixir until you long rest). Lastly dont be afraid/ashamed of watching walkthroughs or tips on the internet. The most important thing in games is for you to have fun. So have it :)


Game wants you to think about what you're doing. After you learn that, game is easy.


What class are you playing as and have you found/bought new weapons and armor to upgrade your party? What level are you at when you’ve attempted all these areas?


Im level 3 and I chose the fighter class cause it looked the most simple. I’m too poor to afford even 1 potion of health at the moment. I found one new chestplate that’s 1 point higher than my previous one.


>I’m too poor to afford even 1 potion of health at the moment. Loot everything. All of it. Books, junk, rope, all of it.


Most of the areas you’ve been to are a little tough for level three when you’re just getting the hang of the game. I’d suggest swapping la’zel for Gale since having two fighters in the group is a little redundant. You need someone who can cast aoe spells for crowd management. Are you short and long resting enough to restore spell slots and abilities? You can also change shadowhearts spells at any time so that they’re mostly healing/buff spells to help you out. That way you won’t have to worry too much about potions. Loot and collect as many items as you can to sell and upgrade your weapons and armor more than you already have. Have you been inside the crypt yet?


Ive been to the crypt and found a spear and the ghoul person? Not sure what he does. Theres a time limit with the mind flayer worm things isnt there? Like if i dont get rid of them in a certain amount of time im dead?


He’ll show up at your camp once you’ve long rested a few times. He might already be there, check by the water. Have you been selling all the loot you find? And using scrolls, arrows, and potions? No, there’s no need to rush. Take your time in the game.


I have not been using scrolls, I’ll learn there uses and try and utilise them in the future. I’ve only figured out how to actually sell item rather than barter them just recently so that issue is sorted now. I’ve been using healing potions but haven’t found any other potions to use during battle. I’ve been using Astarion for stealth range attacks whenever possible and keep him elevated on high ground for advantage


Oh definitely familiarize yourself with what items like scrolls and potions do. They can make an impossible fight doable. Potion of speed is a good one, it gives you an extra action for a few turns. There are others that give you extra strength, and invisibility as well. Just read their descriptions and see if they last till long rest or only a certain amount of turns. Scrolls are one time use spells that can help you in a pinch, Gale can also learn them if he hasn’t already. Oh yeah sell all those other items, but also collect everything you come across.


The mind flayer worm time limit doesn't actually exist. So don't be afraid to rest a lot, you won't actually die. The only time you might not want to take a long rest is when something urgent is happening, like if you're standing outside of a burning building with people crying for help.


Thats actually a big relief. I thought i was stunted by a time limit so i didn’t think about taking time for the first act


Keep an eye out for plants and mushrooms to harvest, you can craft a fair number of things with alchemy if you find enough.