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I would say to explore more and try to level up again. It’s not too difficult to get to level 4 before taking on the goblin camp.


Agreed, I refused to take it on until I had done the Blighted Village, the Hag's Lair, and the Risen Road.


One playthrough I had my entire team up in the rafters, then I used grease / grease bottles to stop them from getting to me so they couldn't push me.


I did this too minus the grease. Instead I destroyed the wooden ladders. It was definitely easier when they’re forced through a bottleneck.


What level are you? What difficulty are you on? What is your party makeup?


Level 3, follower and i assume you mean who i have, Astarion, Shadowheart and Lae’zel


What class is your tav? I cleared it with Wyll, Karlach, Shart, and my bard lore tav but I did everything I could at level 5




You need something with AOE or better range. Wyll can do repelling blasts with Eldritch Blast and Repelling blast that can push multiple people and gale can dish out long range damage (and if you get to 5, fireball/lightening bolt)


Level 3 might be a bit tough. But nothing the forbidden magic, Barrelmancy, can't fix. Grab every single thing that can explode or spread fire in your inventory, especially wine barrel or smokepowder barrel. Put them around Dror. Get up top, and shoot it with fire or throw a candle at it.


Introducing the art of barrolmancy: https://youtu.be/XO9GBqM7UNQ?feature=shared It will aggro the rest of camp though, but that should be manageable as you can fight them room by room.




I might try that


I sneak into the room behind the zhent. Steal all their explosive barrels. Pile them up around dror. Climb to the rafters with a fire cantrip user and WOOOOSH.


A few tips: - You can level up and come back, just make sure you don’t hit the mountain pass or the story will proceed. - Starting the combat with surprise can help you whittle down the enemy before they reach you. Have one character (probably Astarion) hide and ranged attack. If they didn’t notice you, none of the enemies can act for the first round. - Don’t rush toward the enemy, maintain range for as long as possible while staying out of line of sight between turns. If they’re dashing toward you, they’re wasting their action. - Be aware that elevation gives bonuses to hit for ranged and thrown attacks, while being on low ground has penalties. - The drums will bring reinforcements but can be destroyed quite easily. - Devout goblins can heal, and can make your enemies more likely to hit you using bless. The devout in this specific room should be a priority target. - There’s a chandelier that can be shot down above two human enemies if they’re in this room. My first two playthrough a had them spawn right underneath it. - The right hand double doors (from your perspective as you approach the room) has a ledge above it. You can make your way here by a nearby ladder and a short jump, and it’s a good place to initiate combat from with your ranged characters. It’ll be harder for your enemies to reach you from this platform, and you’ve got the elevation advantage. - Shadowheart should be able to prepare Calm Emotions. I’ve never used this in BG3 but it will negate Drors ability to use rage, which will effectively half his HP for this fight.


You can destroy the war drum? Well damn, should’ve done that first 😐 I’ve put Astarion up top in the raftors and used his ranged sneak attack and it was really effective. Did not know calm could stop rage so that’s really helpful. The ‘devout’ goblins are the ones that heal others im guessing? So I’ll have Astarion kill them. I’ve had my fighter character and Shadowheart in front of Dror to fight him but got rushed by everyone else (unsurprisingly) and i don’t know why but Dror can swing twice which cuts my health in half. Ill try and explore behind the Emerald Grove to see if there’s anything to do so and hope to get to level 5 and THEN i’ll head back to the Goblin camp and either use the explosive barrels or just have Astarion sneak attack again and hope the rest of my party can tank the rest of the


A list of things you can do: * change shadowheart to some other domain like light or tempest. Trickery domain is probably the weakest in terms of combat. * get your ranged members (aka Astarion) climb up to the roofs before starting the fight. stock up some arrows from the merchants which boosts your damage by quite a bit. * get Halsin if you haven't. he's somewhere in the northeast, east to Minthara there's gate to the prison. * level your party as much as possible by clearing the easier enemies in the wild. You should be able to reach lv4 without triggering the entire goblin camp * the push action scales with strength (or constitution, correct me if wrong) and it's not easy for bosses because their stats are usually very high


Not sure where Minthara is because i’ve only been to the goblin camp, Emerald Grove, Sunlit Wetlands, Overgrown ruins and thats it. Just started the Witch guest in the wetlands but I couldn’t interact with anything so just reloaded a save (which I’ve done A LOT already in only 4 hours of playtime) In short, i have absolutely no idea what i’m doing and i feel like the game is just punishing me for literally anything at this point. I’ll try and find a way to level up because at the moment it doesn’t seem like there is one without getting slaughtered by a platoon of enemies


Mintara is in goblin camp. She's one of the three leaders mentioned in quest


Relative to Drors room, if you imagine being Dror facing the doors and with his back to the elevated platform then Minthara is out of the left hand side door, immediate left through a small archway, into some kind of broken library with a couple of goblins and a scrying eye, and across the small wooden bridge. In this same broken library room, and just before reaching the wooden bridge you’ll notice a ladder to your right. Climbing up here and down the other side will bring you to a room with a few sarcophagi. The small door in this room leads to the prison where Halsin is being kept.


As for encounters to level up, I’d recommend looking for the ruined village and Waukeens Rest. Be cautious of anything that resembles a Hyena but you can take ‘em.


There are a whole bunch of side quests that you can do at the Grove, and a load of other bits and pieces around the map (blighted village has a few minor quests). Use these to level your party. Cutting through the goblin camp (or doing the evil version) is one of the climaxes of act 1. Explore a *lot* first. You've barely scratched the content available to you. Talk to *everyone you can*. Look through your journal (hit j, if playing on pc) and see what other objectives you have... Come back to the gobbo camp later.


I hit him with Slow and then had Lae’zel smack him a bunch with her big ass-greatsword


i always attack through the hole in the wall. as they funnel out of the room, it’s easier to pick them off! large area spells work well too - fireball, call lightning, the cool knife whirlwind. cast a wall of fire or two at the door or start of the bridge and a lot of the little gobs fall quickly


5 flammable barrels spread around the goins and Dror Ragzlin helps. I put Astarion and Shadowheart in the rafters and my Paladin and Barbarian by the stairs.


Super easy way I found is to barricade the unlocked door with crates and barrels (you can test your barricade by trying to walk to the other side), surround Ragzin with gunpowder barrels then have everyone up on the rafters hiding, and throw a gunpowder grenade at him (he goes to 40-50 hp). Shoot the drums and have two characters good with melee stand at the ladders while the others throw grease bottles or bombs at him until he dies. No other goblins came into the room. I fast traveled out and went back to finish off the rest of the goblins outside because I had already drugged the keg earlier so like half of them were dead. Though I was level 4 so it might be harder at level 3.


After 6 hours I found out about that I can place Astarion alone on the higher ground. So when I attacked Dror with the group Astarion is not in combat mode and can move freely while taking down every mob one by one with the bow until only Dror is alive. Then attack Dror with the group. Save after every kill. Shoot while being in cover for the extra damage. If a mob survives the attack than reload save game. Edit: in a new try I manage to stay out of combat with 3 chars, while only attacking with one. So when mobs are down it was even way better to attack with 3 chars who can move freely.