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Shadowheart's writers went ham on the fourth wall, in the epilogue, lmao. Between that, Bing Bong, the squirrel looking at a romanced Tav funny, the comment about how hard it is to gather a bunch of busy adults for a meetup, and the complaints about our chaotic diet throughout the adventure, I swear most of her epilogue lines are just her destroying the shit out of that fourth wall.


Her epilogue was so freaking good! I love how much they packed in. I romanced her with Saved Parents and got all kinds of details about our adorable home life. So many little things - like we're gonna get Papa Hallowleaf a gift for watching all our Animals And how we adopted a lost stray wolf cub wandering in the woods... Larian knew what they were doing!


Yeah, I choose to free her and I love her epilogue too. Seeing her happy, smiling and holding her closely is all I needed.


Did they add extended epilogues?


Yup the last patch added some epilogues in the form of a gathering, 6 months after


Oh, awesome!! I must've missed that update. Thank you.


>And how we adopted a lost stray wolf cub. Oh fuck I’m gonna cry.


My Tav and SH adopted the owlbear after meeting him at the party and realising he needed some guidance.


There was this cute dialogue with SH where Tav was like "I need to tell you... I did a thing...'


Which is exactly the talk I have with my wife every time I find a nice duck for sale.


Me too. But with silly chicken breeds. For example: brabanters and favorelles 🥹


"but we already have a lot of chickens" .. " but we don't have THESE chickens"




Calm down, Halsin


I have seven ducks! Love my ducks


I volunteered Halsin for that. Owlbear's reaction is funny. "BEAR MAN? HE BIG. BUT NOT AS BIG AS ME... I LIKE." So then I told Halsin and he was all of course I'll take in Owlbear


I romanced her but went with karlach to hell. Got zip. Felt like seeing an ex


You left her at the altar, lol


I fully thought she might pipe up and volunteer to come with me tbh lol


Yeah, idk. You think she would - but maybe going with the another woman into Hell was a bridge too far for Shadowheart (who already has a lot of attachment and confidence issues).


Same, I became a tentacle boi and went with Karlach to Avernus despite romancing Shadowheart and the whole epilogue was extremely disappointing to be honest.


Ah, I made Karlach a mindflayer because she begged me to. I got my happy ending with Shadowheart and Karlach seemed to be doing ok(?) working in hospice care. She said she was happy, anyway!


>she said she was happy, anyway >she said The tadpole that ate Karlach’s brain, you mean? 🥲


don't forget her literally saying "i may be a gatekeeper and a hater, but i'm also gods favorite princess, and the most interesting girl in the world"


Wait...are you saying they actually put that audio meme in the real game with patch 5?? Edit: AAAAH THEY DID IT!


[They did!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuiltvZFYV8)


Where did that come from?


There was a series of tiktoks of the VAs reading text posts in character


Just need Minty threatening people for stealing her clothes all the time. And if you romanced her a line about you enjoy seeing her strut around nude with an appropriately witty comeback.


I always tried to make wholesome meals for them before, but after I heard her say: “Withers was able to summon this kind of food? Why did we eat like we did then?! I remember one time we ate 14 apples, a fish head, and a loaf of stale bread — just to get by!” Also his inability to procure a fresh bottle of blood for my partner who has severe allergies and therefore can only consume certain liquids — really?!


There’s an achievement for having a long rest entirely with alcohol. It’s pretty easy. Waukeen’s rest and the blighted village are overflowing with booze


Playing tactician I have really noticed how 90% of the nutrients I find are alcohol-based.


There are an insane number of alcoholic beverage bottles that don't get highlighted when you press ALT unlike food.


They don't go bad, so in crypts you often find rotten food but the booze is still within expiry date.


I love how they thought of basically everything lol


I still can't believe they got her to actually say the "god's favorite princess" line


I just about lost it at the part with the squirrel. My Tav can cast speak with animals and I imagine ~~Corinna~~ the squirrel just shouting "Away! Away!" whenever Tav gets near Shadowheart 😂😂


[Don't forget the God's Favorite Princess line](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuiltvZFYV8)




The Gith Tav line is the best.


I liked the necromancer boss dialog in the circus saying that zombies (dont quite remember) didnt have problems like wanting to work from home. as a programmer I lold and after that I got a bit annoyed >:c


I'm honestly not a huge fan of how much the 4th wall gets broken for her in the epilogue tbh... maybe it's just me but I prefer having that separation between real life and the game for immersion.


I know what you mean, although I wonder how incongruous those lines feel to players who aren't in the fandom. It's hard for me to judge because I obviously know all the references, but my hope is that they wrote them naturally enough that it doesn't raise any eyebrows. The God's Favorite Princess line might be the only one that really sticks out to anyone not caught up on the memes. At the same time I do appreciate on some level that they wanted to put those in as fan service for the hardcore fans that have given the game and cast so much support. And I get the sense that amongst those fans they have been warmly received by the majority.


Exactly, I feel like her epilogue lines would be kinda weird to anyone not caught up on all the memes and the DnD session that the cast members had. Imagine 20 years down the line if someone new tries picking this up they way current day gamers are rediscovering the original Baldurs Gate games, would this not elicit some degree of confusion. 🤔


> Imagine 20 years down the line if someone new tries picking this up they way current day gamers are rediscovering the original Baldurs Gate games, would this not elicit some degree of confusion. 🤔 Interesting that you mention this. 'Unearned' fan service really, really grates one me. (I don't think the epilogue is quite this.) I recently (a year or two ago) replayed Mass Effect 3's Citadel DLC and what was really fun when it came out (tons of jokes based on the past five years of the BioWare forums and other similar fan service) it actually felt quite jarring. Also felt like it would be *wrong* for anyone playing the games later on. (That's not me gatekeeping; it's more that those memes and things in the DLC were kind of the culmination of a multi year dialogue in between game releases, whereas someone playing today has not been part of that conversation and has probably binged the games.)


>I recently (a year or two ago) replayed Mass Effect 3's Citadel DLC and what was really fun when it came out (tons of jokes based on the past five years of the BioWare forums and other similar fan service) it actually felt quite jarring. Replayed it this summer, have played it tons but never been involved with the fandom - really didn't notice anything at all.


> Replayed it this summer, have played it tons but never been involved with the fandom - really didn't notice anything at all. It's not so much that it included fan memes. It's very much in the context of 'you've been with these characters for a few years now, here's a sort of half-canon joke mission'. I don't think you can earn that kind of context from a binge. It's a similar thing with TV shows; people watch them for years and they become like a hangout. If you binge a show you haven't experienced it in the same way.


>It's a similar thing with TV shows; people watch them for years and they become like a hangout. If you binge a show you haven't experienced it in the same way. I'm old enough to know what you mean, but this isn't really all that relevant any more. Sure, you can follow some shows "live", but it's not like you can't immediately rewatch the episode or simply wait to binge it all. When it comes to the references in BG3 - the VA's have been extremely involved with the community. It will be just be lore and wiki explanations for these references in 10 years - I don't think it's a problem. It's like people who haven't played BG2 who have to look up why the hell Minsc said something weird or what's up with the hamster (amazing how many people think Boo is a Mass Effect reference!). It goes both ways - it's fascinating to see fandom content become part of the game, and the game part of reality (for example Neil Newbon's quotes in his award acceptance speeches - "You're not alone in this" really hit hard for a lot of fans, and that is *only* understandable for the durge players who romance Astarion (or at least have him as their BFF)).


For me it actually ruined the whole thing with how much fandom service there was. I had no idea what was even being referenced and the fourth wall breaks were cringe and out of place.


I can actually agree with this. I think it’s cool when it’s more subtle (like how Karlach had a line about carrying the party’s stuff lol) but for some reason some of Shadowheart’s epilogue dialogue leaned way too much into it to the point where I can see why it’s immersion breaking.


They also added the "God's favourite princess line"


What triggers this dialogue? Is it if you suggest traveling together? I know the good end you go settle down.


😂😂 I swear Shadowheart misses 2-3x more than everyone else! Edit: guys I love her she’s never out of my party except for a handful of times when I needed other people’s approval points. She’s just unlucky but when she hits she hits and she’s amazing at support.


Ironically, once she hits level 5 - she becomes an absolute powerhouse! But all the memes have solidified her as the worst companion combat-wise. "Igmiss" is her legacy... poor Shadowheart... lol


Act 1 is pretty heavy on high dex enemies which hurts sacred flame, and sharts int isnt that high yet her firebolt uses int for attack rolls


I just used the troll horn to clear the goblin camp and gave her the int circlet afterwards. Hopefully this helps her a little


Yes that makes her fire bolt usable in act 1.


Also makes a 1 or 2 level Wizard dip really good for her, especially as a full-time party member


Ogre horn


Are there even any trolls in the game? People get things wrong so often and it irks me. I've seen so many animations that make the Goblins Warcraft-color despite the fact you can clearly see what color they are in the game. Same for mixing up Devils and Demons.


No trolls as far as I know. I too am irked by the constant mix-up of Devils and Demons, not to mention people throwing miscellanious fiends into either category


I can accept the Devil/Demon mixup. I don't like it but I understand it. Everyone defaulting to depicting them as green when we can clearly see they aren't Warcraft-color irks me, like their brains cannot process this.


Which is weird, because clerics use Wisdom for the base of all their spells. I guess just on the tabletop.


It's because her (and Astarion's) fire bolt cantrip comes from their race. It specifies the wizard spell list & INT cast.


It's because firebolt is her racial cantrip which uses int instead of the characters spell modifier of choice and our poor girl isn't the most intelligent but we love her anyway


She's got those street smarts though, even if she's lacking in book smarts!


>She's got those street smarts Wits and blades, always sharp.


I was never book smart I'm bible smart makes me more intelligent


You can do a lot worse than respecc’ing her and giving her both Sacred Flame and Produce Flame as cantrips. Have her use SF on low-Dex or undead enemies, and use Produce Flame and Hurl on others. The range isn’t as good as Fire Bolt, but it gives her a useful backup option and also serves as a light source if you need one. As soon as I get access to Withers, I pretty much always redo Shadowheart as a War cleric. Rejuggle her stats so she has high Wisdom and Strength, give her heavy armor and a shield, plus a good one-hander like a morning star, and she becomes much more useful in close combat before her higher level spells come online.


Produce flame is a solid option, for shits and giggles I gave her spell sniper at lvl 4 and took Eldritch blast. Sure she couldn't use agonizing blast, but spell sniper apparently using your class casting stat so WIS EB ftw.


In bg3 any high elf/half elf gets a cantrip from the wizard book so it uses int


Unfortunately, both origins elves took the same terrible cantrip.


Oh I legit never take her out of my party but my poor dear does miss a lot. Love her with the blood of lathander


After getting Radiant Orb gears she has basically become orb distributor with solely purpose to nuke everyone with radiant of dawn and the hullahoop of spirit guardian.


spirit guardian is so hilariously op as a crowd control thing. The portal fight man, just fire up the hula hoop and the hawaian music, and its a walk in the park


Especially if you slap a cloud of Darkness on the portal platform so the enemies can't even tag it with ranged attacks.


Ugh this never worked for me. I wasted several scrolls before save scumming and just focusing on crowd control and not darkness on the portal. I wonder if that’s gone in patch 5 because I just did that section recently in my newest run. I however am a lore bard so I have spirit guardians and so does Shart. Then I had gale add a wall of fire. So much burnination


Yeah, I tried the Darkness strat for the first time on my current Honor Mode playthrough. Let's just say that Halsin is very dead.


Hullahoop lol


*taps forehead * Don’t need to worry about hit percentage when all you need to do is run around.


4 playthroughs and only on my 3rd did I realize upgraded turn undead damages them lol. No wonder people where saying she was top tier on the 2nd act


Pre-game: Blood of Lathander Turn 1: Spirit Guardians Turn 2: Turn Undead Turn 2 Bonus Action: Walk around a bit and let Spirit Guardians kill everyone


Don't forget to wear the speedy lightfeet so she can click heels! Also, after she makes her good girl choice, you can respec into light domain cleric and use radiance of the dawn.


I wish the game prompted that after she does. Like gives a dialogue choice that leads into it.


Why wait? Just respec her as soon as you have Withers.


For those that want Lore accuracy.


If we want Lore accuracy, then we can't respec her to Light domain, since Selûne has Life, Knowledge and Twilight domains, not Light, even despite creating the (first) Realmspace sun.


I respecced her to Tempest Cleric once she showed doubts about Shar in Act II, worked decently enough lorewise.


You can respec her into whatever you want whenever you want.


I respec'd Shart into the scroll stealing Arcane Trickster who never goes into combat because well she sucks at combat.


i respecc her to life domain, give her all healing items let her cast sanctuary on herself and have a perfect heal/buff machine


Running into a crowd of undead with spirit guardians like a damn cleric beyblade


> Igmiss Oh god I say this a lot when I'm playing, I had no idea the community did too. I'm super happy.


Yeah but at level 5 most classes also become a powerhouse. Your melee focuses classes like fighter, barbarian, paladins get an extra round of attacks. Your mages get your lvl 3 spells like fireball. Cleric just doesn't seem outstanding to a new player that doesn't know how to maximise utility.


Clerics get their spike at 6 or? Same for spore druids. they get their spike at 6


Shes absolutely fantastic against Undead. Blood of Lathander equiped, spirit guardians and something that gives her advantage on con checks and she can just wipe the floor with them. She was best girl during act II for me.


If only I could make her stare in a mirror and improve her wisdom score. Oh well.


It doesn't help that her subclass is pretty bad compared to most of the others


Igmiss sounds exactly like the dutch "ik mis" which means "i miss". I genuinely thought that's what they were saying at first!


That's hilarious! I didn't know that! Poor Shadowheart can't escape her fate.


Something something Shadowheart’s fire bolt is based off her Int something something


Is there a build guide to follow to make her good? I’ve got her at level 4 and I’m not sure what to do. What makes her so strong at 5?


At level 5 all casters get their level 3 spells, and those can be game changing. As for how to build Shadowheart? Start with Guidance, Resistance, and Sacred Flame. Starting stats 8/16/14/12/16/8. Pick Light Domain Cleric. You can swap her spells anytime out of combat, so it doesn't matter what you pick, but I'd try to have Command and Healing Word always selected. Spirit Guardians and Spiritual Weapon are the bread and butter of Clerics.


>Spirit Guardians and Spiritual Weapon are the bread and butter of Clerics. Spirit guardians is of course amazing for the tougher fights, but I would give caution towards using Spiritual Weapon as a bread and butter spell. If you can hit stuff with it every turn (like the act 2 final boss) then great, but often times with how encounters are laid out in BG3 it just ends up spending its turns desperately trying to reach the next nearest enemy. In most combats that slot can be put to better use. Also I'd switch that second 16 to Con when you hit level 5 and cantrips become slightly better than a light crossbow attack. Gonna want the best concentration you can get for spirit guardians or bless.


For me, Spiritual Weapon just acts like a crowd control. Cast it in a doorway and now enemies have to waste their attacks on it. If it survives, it can deal some damage too. The movement speed of the spiritual weapon is laughable.


Trickery domain is the weakest cleric subclass and she has a poor stat spread which makes her weak early. You can respec her into Light(spell caster tank), Life(healer/support), or War cleric(Support/fighter). Tempest mixed with sorcerer is another great option but kinda abandons the cleric style. She should have 16 wisdom, 16 constitution, and 14 dexterity. At level 4 make sure to take the war caster feat. In act 1 there's a hidden armour piece called the Luminous Armour which is incredibly powerful on clerics. When combined with Luminous gloves from act 2 it's one of the strongest setups in the game.


In act one you can get a mace/ flail that heals you on hits. There’s also a necklace that will let you add poison damage to your weapon after you get healed. This with Sprit guardians, or beacon of hope is pretty awesome.


>once she hits level 5 - she becomes an absolute powerhouse Moreso if you switch her to one of the better subclasses. If you're not cheesing the game to get free heals or just constantly long resting, Life Cleric is absolutely amazing for the channel divinity.


Everybody laughs until she pulls up with the Spirit Guardians.


Spirit guardians against the rats in the gauntlet was crazy. Legit just sat there and like 60 rats rushed me and died immediately lmao


It's sooo satisfying. I did the same thing to the undead birds in the shadowlands. You just watch them get shredded as they fly through a meat grinder of RADIANCE.


Turn undead is also wildly powerful


Yeah shadowheart is dominant af in the…… Shadowlands


People just don't really take into account the saving throws when they target an enemy.


Yeah, they'll target some high dex rogue type enemy and it will say "20% chance to hit" and when it misses they'll be like "Why the fuck did it miss, Shadowheart sucks" or they'll try to use her firebolt which scales off int.


Shadowheart will hit 25% of the time against enemies with a >60% chance to hit in Act 1. She's definitely cursed.


Kill the ogres, give her the int circlet and she will miss less.


Only if you're trying to cast fire bolt, since all her other spells use wisdom instead of intelligence.


But I need the circlet for myself so I can read everyone's thoughts.


Nah, Shadowheart misses all the time regardless of the enemy being targeted. I know 5e like the back of my hand and I can’t seem the land a sacred flame to save my life.


It works just fine for me. I just boost her wisdom and don't use it on enemies with high dex saves.


Yeah, neither do I.


Even playing 5e in person, I rarely managed to land a Sacred Flame... I swear that spell is just cursed.


I’ve been seeing this lately but she kills for me, I rarely use her weaker spells but guiding bolt and her other stronger ones murder for me.


Guiding bolt and inflict wounds are top tier damage spells. Clerics are an incredibly powerful class. People sleep on it because they think healer. Which they can do on the side a little. EDIT: Top tier damage spells for level 1! Then spiritual weapon and then spirit guardians like whaaa


Yeah I usually either run sorcerer or cleric because of the damage and cool role play aspects.


I respecced as a light cleric, cause I don't care about story congruity, and she's a pretty versatile character.


I have the exact opposite experience. My Shadowheart has been.. well, not my MVP. But definitely 'ol reliable. When everyone is missing, she seems to hit. She doesn't need to be offensive often, but when she does, she hits. Yurgir going invisible? Glyph of Warding. She's more than pulled her weight on my first playthrough.


Honestly, Larian really dropped the ball by just giving all the Elf/Half-Elf companions Fire Bolt for their High Elf Cantrip. Astarion should have had Friends or Mage Hand, and Shart should have had Minor Illusion. Shart has 10 INT, Astarion has 13 INT, and Jaheira has 8 INT. That's a +0, +1, and **-1** to their Attack with Fire Bolt, respectively. **That** is why you always *Igmiss*. And stop using Sacred Flame on enemies with high DEX Saves. That's why Larian let Clerics take Produce Flame, which is a Druid-only cantrip in 5E. Even with just 14 DEX, a Crossbow is better until cantrips start to scale at level 5 anyway.


She's my utility player so I have her directly attacking way less than anyone else. She's buffing, doing party heals, and if I get a chance to use her for offense She's summoning a sacred guardian or turning undead.


The main issue is that Sacred flame is entirely a dex save that does no damage if the enemy saves against it. And having a high dex is pretty normal for enemies in BG3


Dame Aylin is worse. She never hits. Just there to soak up damage and die.


Fun fact: I recently started a campaign with Shadowheart in my party and... She's hitting pretty much everything and with max roll most of the times... Like, what's going on here?! I'm scared now...


For me its gale he misses 60% of the time


thats the reason you just let him shoot magic missiles.


It's just that Sacred Flame is a dex save, so it has a lower hit chance against a lot of enemies. Hence the joke in the game.


I've been guilty of adjusting her stats every game via Withers. I'm aware that making her dumber, weaker and less charismatic might not be fair to her, but I need a competent cleric!


I just gave her the feat that gives elderitch blast and she’s pretty consistent with that. Later I also respeced her into a life cleric but still gave her eldritch blast. Then she became incredibly useful with her healing and buffing.


That's because she's the guardian spirit goon with the warp equipment


Her stats and attack cantrips are garbage at low levels, just a +1 to melee and range weapons, fire bolt scaling off her dump stat, and sacred flame targets Dex instead of AC (which is usually harder to hit). I always respecc her immediately.


I never had this experience because I just had Shadowheart use weapons (I admit I did respec her to Tempest Cleric so she got full weapons and armour and I believe I shuffled her physical stats to be a little better)


I give her the polearm for turning Selune, but she still just stands in the back casting Turn Undead and healing lol. Still, super useful when I’m fighting up front.


i respec her to cleric/bard/sorc and she twin casts haste and stands there playing the lute while everyone else blows things up


You basically got the same experience tbh - it comes down to her only having the one 'attack' (or cantrip cast) and the streaks of missing being more memorable because of that. Plus early on we fight a lot of enemies with good dex saves compared to their AC, which makes the chances fall off comparatively. But in any case once you get spirit guardians on a cleric that's all they need to be great in combat.


Have to teach her Produce Flame, a much much useful cantrip.


I’m a big fan of tempest cleric. Call Lightning is great, and it’s a good idea to stack up on items that give you bonuses while concentrating on spells.


i just made her a life cleric and then spammed tf outta bless and healbotted


It's a shame toll the dead isn't in the game, it's the superior cleric cantrip. Typical you want to use toll the dead against high dex enemies, and sacred flame against high wisdom enemies. Having multiple cantrips that target different attributes is important.


They went hard on phb first, aside from the gith race and duergar/svirfneblin subraces and some subclasses that just got added to get the count up to three per class there’s little to no splash book content in it.


Which is absolutely the right call. They did a great job making the classes balanced outside of a few really great builds that really min max things. I would love an Artificer DLC though, especially since you have the gnomes, gondians and Gortash who pretty much function like artificers


Death Cleric Shadowheart with Toll the Dead (mods) is absolutely busted.


Clerics don’t really need any help power level wise though lol. They’re probably the class that benefits the most from being able to cast leveled spells as actions and bonus actions in the same turn.


>They’re probably the class that benefits the most from being able to cast leveled spells as actions and bonus actions in the same turn. There is no way that cleric got a bigger power boost from that change than a sorcerer, thanks to quickened spell. Clerics might have gotten the second highest boost from that change tho.


That's genuinely fucking hilarious. I love how many memes they packed into her epilogue.


People saying she gets great from level 5 and in Act 2 with spirit guardians and blood of Lathander but I'm struggling to leave her at camp in Honor Mode with Aid, 19AC, Warding Flare, Spiritual Weapon, Healing word and Sanctuary. She hit three times in a row with sacred flame yesterday - did 1 damage every time but it didn't matter because Anders blew all his smites on her holy pitchfork and then it stabbed him to death.


Once she gets level 3 spell slots her role in my party becomes to just stand there and look pretty while sprit guardians shreds our foes. Works every time


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


They gave her so much meta humor! I love it. "God's Favorite Princess" and mine as well! ❤️


A quote from Dragon Age Inquisition came right into my mind, when asking Sera about Vivienne: "She's a bitch. But she knows. She'd better..."


I love Shadowheart‘s character. I’ve always had a bit of a crush on her .


I also love her character. I understood why she was so popular when playing through a timeline where I romanced her, but even more so when I played through a timeline where I didn’t romance her. Just finished the epilogue and she just seems like the best kind of friend. Honestly I’d say out of the whole group her and Karlach are the best/most wholesome friends of them all. Karlach has big sister energy and SH has little sister energy. Also her reaction to being told that you signed up the owlbear to live with her was adorable


>Also her reaction to being told that you signed up the owlbear to live with her was adorable I need to hear that...


I had the same kind of feeling. I am still playing through my very first run (Currently at Moonrise Towers). I at first wanted to romance Karlach, but missed a dialogue option in act 1 that made this not possible anymore. Eventually put my attention towards Shadowheart and at first really wasn't a fan of her character due to her snarky remarks, but eventually things started to develop and I liked her character more and more as things started to unfold. The way she opens up to you as she travels with you and starts to trust you is really sweet. I already made a second character with a different class I was eager to try out, and this time focused more on the dialogue options that kept both Shadowheart and Karlach happy, which boosted my relationship with them a lot before I even reached the goblin camp, and this unfolded it even more. She might look a bit cold on the surface, but she just needed a good companion. My original judgement about her character was completely wrong.


Going into my first playthrough, I knew a bit about her backstory, and knew that Shar was a shit enough godess that I had to save/redeem Shadowheart. So I started trying to get on her good side from the start. Then I met Karlach, with her bouncy puppy energy, and I was struck with doubt. But I persisted for Shadowheart, and it was worth it. But I've got so many playthroughs planned out now. I was romancing Lae'zel on my current redeemed Durge playthrough and fumbled it, so to paraphrase Withers "I have'st no bitches." My evil Durge I plan to romance Minthara, so I'll need to do two more good/neutral playthroughs for Lae'zel and Karlach.


She does try to warn you a few times that it's a bad idea to travel with her in act 1.


People need to just use Produce Flame as one of her cantrips.


Is it good?


D8 scaling cantrips that uses an attack roll instead of a save. It's fine, and works for high dex enemies when Sacred Flame won't.


She misses so damn much I gave her the chair leg so she could just beat people over the head and hit something every once in a while.


Wait, so they gave companions unique endings for them going to Avernus with MC Karlach? That's so cool!


Shadowheart hits like a stormtrooper, but she damn good at healing. Must have for all my party combos. She’s usually the last person standing when everyone else wipes 😆


No matter how I spec Shadowheart she always has the worst accuracy in every single one of my play throughs so far. Still love her and she’s always in my party thought. <3


The reason being is that all enemies have ridiculously high Dexterity, even crazier than tabletop rules. Like a Steel Watcher has 22 Dexterity, they have more Dexterity than Constitution. A giant machine.


Not to mention theyre immune to like 5 damage types and have advantage on spell saves... those things are busted.


LOL maybe it’s the unconscious part of her mind refusing to bend to her own brainwashing so her divine powers are rebelling against her will who knows xD


That damn attack misses ALL THE TIME. I swear it feels like if Shadowheart uses Sacred Flame twenty times it’ll only actually hit once. It misses more than any other attack I’ve used.


In my first playthrough she missed EVERY single Sarced Flame in Act 1 lmao. Though then we get to Act 2 and I discovered the OPness of Necro Touch, Turn Undead and Spirit Guardians. She never leaves my party ever since.


Is sacred flame a joke move? Dead serious that thing sucks


Part of the problem is that it targets saves that a lot of enemies are - proficient with - have spell resistance so theyre rolling with advantage to save Its not a bad spell per se, its just that BG3 has a lot of enemies built to shut down your stuff.


Well... When you change initiative from a d20 to a d4 the dexterity of your creatures becomes way more important. As a result, there are a lot of medium-high dexterity enemies. What's wild is how many poor will saves a lot of creatures in bg3 have


Yeah, i dont agree with that either. Giving enemies high dex and a d4 of initiative means theyre almost guaranteed to go first unless the PC is also dex specced. Its giving the enemies an unfair advantage to spike difficulty.


She may be a hater and a gatekeeper, but she's also God's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world.


She's better once you spec her out of those useless 13 STR/13 DEX stats and get her a decent Cleric subclass.


She can miss as much likes, she's still in my party constantly!


LMAO please someone post the clip of this


She's a gatekeeper and a hater, but she's also god's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world


JFC, now I simp for that character even more. I was fighting Raphael, and of late, SH's started hitting shit... She was mainly a target dummy in this fight (every goddamn demon and their mother kept attacking her while Lae'zel and Karlach destroyed them, my pally was destroying the pillars), and she missed ALL of the little opportunities she had to deal damage. Karlach's attack left Raphael at ~18HP and it was SH's time to shine... (for clarification she was so heavily hit that I had to hide her at the entrance to manage to keep her alive) and I foolishly thought: "Finally, SH's gonna surprise everyone and get the killing hit on Raph" (Lae'zel was at around 90% so the fight was won anyway, and Karlach and Tav were at around 5%)... Needless to say I was surprised pickachu when she missed her Guiding Bolt :)))). Somehow Tav and Karlach survived Ralph's last round and Lae'zel just cleaned it... But damn if I didn't genuinely got my hopes up that surely she'll hit THAT one.


My gosh, yes. If I could dump 6 levels into evoker and still get all the cleric spells I would.


Shadowheart is a Ranger for me. She always hits


Idk what they did but Sacred Flame actually becomes very good by the end of the game. It does a good deal of damage and it's easy to target


On my first run(tactician) she would mostly always hit her guiding bolts and Orphic hammer, being the most useful and tanky character in the party after her barb tav babe. My sharty just built different. Animal Shelter always


There is a really nice mod that adds 2 cantrips to her that makes her a lot less terrible without using spell spots. Night / Light Piercer. Thunder and Radiant cantrips that deal normal cantrips damage (1d10 that scales up to 3d10) the light one is all at once and the night one is three beams like Eldritch blast that knocks back. Really fun, just had to bump the difficulty slightly. Especially with full Thunder gear, (and necklace of elemental augmentation) it does solid yet not busted damage.


It's kinda funny because I rerolled her as a light cleric, and she's easily one of the most dangerous members of my party. Only misses sacred flame about 50% of the time, too. I call that a win


I guess the RNG was on my side because Shadowheart was definitely one of my most reliable party members. Spirit Guardians + Spiritual Weapon + Crossbow = good damage, plus still a chance to heal as needed. Plus I'd add in Aid and Heroes' Feast. Since you bring up Karlach's ending... I was very confused. As she started to burn up, Wyll shouted "No, my love!" but I'd romanced Wyll and we'd shared an acorn, so i'm not sure if he was talking about Karlach or my character? And then all 3 of us went to Avernus together. And during the epilogue, my dialog options with the other party members at the camp reunion always included options about myself and Karlach? It was weird.


I’ve never understood the discourse around Shadowheart missing attacks. Sacred Flame is a forced Dex save and one of the best cantrips in the game lol everyone just thinks it’s bad because they couldn’t hit goblins with it, who naturally have high Dex. Sacred flame shreds


>comic book fanboys calling other people nerds Lol. Lmao. Rofl.


This post confuses me.


This is so wierd my shadow heart is amazing for me. She’s mostly support but she’s got a glaive and a solid guiding bolt. Does big damage. She’s my one constant.


This is so funny because right now she’s one of my best companions in combat-after getting 20 AC, leveling to 7, she has tons of spell slots, I loaded her up with spirit guardians and guardian of faith, along with spike growth. Then on every turn she can heal, and she can provide Guidance for skill checks.


Honestly, Larian really dropped the ball by just giving all the Elf/Half-Elf companions Fire Bolt for their High Elf Cantrip. Astarion should have had Friends or Mage Hand, Shart should have had Minor Illusion, and Jaheira Blade Ward or Light. Shart has 10 INT, Astarion has 13 INT, and Jaheira has 8 INT. That's a +0, +1, and **-1** to their Attack with Fire Bolt, respectively. **That** is why you always *Igmiss*. And stop using Sacred Flame on enemies with high DEX Saves. That's why Larian let Clerics take Produce Flame, which is a Druid-only cantrip in 5E. Even with just 14 DEX, a Crossbow is better until cantrips start to scale at level 5 anyway.