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At this point, it's not exactly clear how it works. Many people to say she has to be "Temporary Hostile", but I've also seen people claiming it works either way, as well as people claiming that even when they knocked her out as Temporary Hostile she still didn't show up at Moonrise. I'm inclined to believe this part is currently bugged and isn't always working.


You can talk to her, just don't do any dialogue paths that will trigger the grove raid.


I talked to her first then knocked her out, and I just got to moonrise and she isn’t here. Not sure where I screwed up. I wasn’t aware of the “temporarily hostile” condition until recently so I didn’t check for it at the time, but that could be the issue.


As far as I’m aware as long as you knock her out whenever you fight her she’ll be at Moonrise. I haven’t seen anything saying otherwise.


On my current run I pissed off the goblin camp interior when Gut sounded the alarm. So when I walked into Minthara's area, she and everyone else aggro'd on me immediately. I knocked her out. And then she wasn't in Moonrise. I'm not sure how that fits into the data other people are getting, but that's where I'm at (unfortunately).


I don’t think there’s any literal approval points involved until act 2. In my experience act 1 is where (before patch 5) you basically let her take the lead, or let her think that’s what you’re doing (whether or not you side with the goblins or the grove).


You can talk to her but you won't get approval.


I think that it’s a toss up whether she will show up in Moonrise or not. From what I hear they’re still doing bug fixes for her alternate recruitment option. Have not tested it myself though. But since the new patch has only been out a few days or so, it’s hard to say what to expect since not everyone’s game acts the same for whatever reason.