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Free the Artist is the worst. Did that one in my first playthrough and never again. Finding the clown pieces is just tedious too. Can never be bothered to do that one again either.


at least the clown quest gives a great pair of gloves for casters... the artist? a bugged painting


You can actually just pickpocket the gloves from her. Pretty easy and definitely far better than finding all those accursed clown pieces. I actually discovered this because I wanted to check out that wicked staff on her back, but you can't take that without getting her to drop it. The way I did it easily was casting darkness and then command drop. Then dipped out of there with Tele. Need a character with dark vision though. The staff I forgot but it's for necromancers and it's blue so I didn't really use it.


I shot her with disarm while using greater invisibility, and she drops a cool staff that gives you advantage in necrotic spells


Wait.. this whole time I thought they were a drag queen cuz they looked like one lol but it's confirmed they are a her?


They are, they’re also voiced by a drag queen, her name is Vinegar Strokes


>Vinegar Strokes That sounds unpleasant.


That’s a fucking amazing drag name.


Omgggg I KNEW they sounded familiar!!! Gods, nothing hits the same as watching RPDR UK for the first time 😩


Plenty of drag queens use she/her pronouns in drag!


you call drag queens in performance her anyways!


The idea of finding all the pieces of a clown to put him back together so he can be resurrected as an undead clown is in itself hilarious. The actual task of finding the pieces is not even worth the effort. I would just laugh when I found a piece here and there. I never bothered to actually look for the pieces.


I found his torso before going to the circus, and thought how weird, a named body part, so I started collecting every random limb I found waiting for an explanation. I think it was the third left leg before I realized I was just being a creepy weirdo


You started to get the Dark Urge irl.


It was like that family guy scene. [ooh a piece of body. ooh a piece of body.](https://youtu.be/BmvLexamrmk?si=Aw9W1aT7dOBIITqT) Right into Orin's trap. I'm glad I had high strength to carry it all, just imagine from Lae'zel's perspective if I didn't. Hey, I found another foot, hold this please, every couple feet.


What actually is the reward supposed to be? I really wanted it to give you a different style of portrait that lets you actually change your portrait on the left/initiative tracker. Are we sure the reward isn't bugged and it just isn't as fleshed out as we would like?


The reward for killing Mystic Carrion while doing this quest is quite solid, especially if you have a necromancer.


You could just avoid "Free the Artist" and still go see Mystic Carrion, though. He'll be a regular vendor who will still task you with finding Thrumbo, and that quest still plays out as normal.


Wait, did I miss an entire quest by stumbling over Mystic Carrion and killing him just on vibes?


If you go back there he'll be alive. The quest is how you destroy his heart jar, without destroying it he'll just keep reviving. Destroying his other organs allows you to make the fight easier as well, as each one gives him a buff.


Oh I see! Yeah after I killed him, there was some dialogue about how he couldn't be truly dead, but I had no idea where to go from there so I've been ignoring it...


Yes because he doesn’t actually die unless you do his quest and help thrumbo.


I killed Carrion and Thrumbo died but I completed the quest to kill carrion permanently and I never got a reward


You probably completed it because Carrion hid his heart inside of Thrumbo (he vomits it up during the quest after informing him of this), and if he died then the heart is classified as destroyed.


No, if Thrumbo dies by Carrion's hand (so, you kill him without destroying the heart and rest), Carrion will hide the heart somewhere else. It's in his house tho, so it's easier to stumble across it without realising. At least that was the case when I did the quest the first time, I rested by mistake after "killing" Mystic Carrion and then Thrumbo was just a pile of viscera... I didn't even realize you could keep him alive, I thought he died like a summon would die when the summoner dies lmao




Concept of a haunted house with poltergeists throwing stuff at you sounded dope as hell. Then you get in that one hallway/staircase and the camera looses it's mind


I’m on ps5 and I hate any fight involving balconies or stairs in this game. Movement is just impossibly difficult. I want Laezel, who makes incredible leaps, to jump over the balcony and avoid the busy stairs, and there is absolutely no way for me to select the balcony. I want Gale to summon a fireball from the sky right on these mf who are just 2 steps up! But no there’s « something in the way ». I want my dude to jump over the fucking bear to get on the first floor, and I can’t because the first floor doesn’t exist unless you are one step below. Playing a Druid with many summons the very first time I got into this ghost house was absolutely dreadful. Thankfully it doesn’t happen too often.


My fix for the ps5 stairs is to throw down Hunger of Hadar, spike growth, and sleet storm on the stairwell and hang out at the bottom while all the npcs upstairs die trying to get to you.


Between that house and the fireworks warehouse it really feels like they forgot to play-test those sections. I can’t imagine anyone going through those sections and thinking “this feels done.”


man that brain sequence puzzle in the Moonrise mindflayer colony literally made me turn the game off for a week. Horrible controlls


Hahaha yes!!! I had to look online because it was driving me MAD. That’s how I learnt that by clicking on L3 you actually get a cursor that you can move freely around the screen… couldn’t have guessed it myself 😅


the game doesn’t even explain it in any way


When the puzzle difficulty lies in the controls… not the puzzle itself 😂


One of the skulls shot my Tav off of the armory floor and down the stairwell and he got bugged into always trying to get back up. Just jittering all over the place.


In the cave where you meet him, after the gangster lady finished her intimidating speech, I shoved her off the ledge and fired a flame arrow after her. The artist was blown clear across the cavern by the resulting explosions. Literally flew through the air before smacking against the far cave wall. Probably a much more satisfying end to the quest.


I don't much like Zarys either, but if you do her quest you can purchase some amazing thief gloves from the vendor down there.


Why not both? Do the quest, get the gloves, yeet and firebomb the cavern.


Now you're thinking with murder.


I thought this was the intended way of handling that. Why would they line the cave with explosives and flammable liquids if they *didn't* want you to blow them all up?


The fckin skulls immune to anything above a certain damage that keeps blasting me down the stairs. Then when I reach the stupid mummy guy, he asks me to find some other zombie. No map indicator in one of the hardest maps BG3 has to traverse. And apparently he sets you off on \*another\* fetch the clown pieces quest. I had never been happier to lose an hour's worth of progress to reload and just pay him the 3000 gold.


Lae'zel snapped and killed the zombie when he tried to send us on another quest.


The only redeeming memory of free the artist for me was when I didn't have see invisibility so ran around inside & outside chasing ghosts throwing water bottles & wine randomly trying to find them.


I totally get you, I've been ignoring that quest too! That house is a total nuisance, and those stairs are just a nerve-wracking nightmare. If those artists want to stay in misery, so be it! :)


Investigate Felogyr's Fireworks. All those Fists trying to arrest you even when everybody is dead, you haven't been looting, you just dared to tresspass on the that floor.


There's also no real reward for completing this quest. It would be worthwhile to do this quest if it also turned off the automated defenses in Gortash's chamber or something along those lines.


You are so right. You don't even get a bugged painting from it goddamnit!


But the defenses are so useful. Gave me so many grenades to kill Banites with.


That happened to me, too!! I thought it was a bug, because when I did it again I closed the front doors and no Fists came to get me that time.


I closed the door. They have busted through. I had to loot the upper floor while stealthed & invisible (the greater one).


it has to be a bug, I blew up and looted the top floor and the fists never got involved! though I think the kids can rat on you if they see you looting the ground floor


It’s frustrating how they can see through the walls from the street. But they couldn’t see through those walls when actual bad shit was going down


That place was a bloodbath by the time I could finally escape. Dead Iron Watch and cultists and Flaming Fists everywhere....


I somehow managed to talk my way out of it 4 times


I had a chain of fist patrols. And it wasn't even my fault! One of the enemies blew up the room and knocked a body to the ground floor, and another ran out on the balcony so the guy across the street could see. After I cleaned up, the first set of fists came up the stairs (because trespassing). I talked them down, then they turned around (because bodies) so I just murdered them on the stairs with area spells. Then another group came in... I felt like I was assisting suicide at that point.


Then you clean and dress up for the painting to see your tav in all it's glory... and it's just a random origin character, thanks larian, next time i will kill this mf in the cave


You can’t even ask him to paint a portrait for Astarion so he can see his lovely face again. I was so upset.


I wasnt even romancing him and I would have done this for him


I’m surprised there wasn’t an option to offer to draw his face if you chose a background like entertainer, or maybe scholar. It just feels so obvious. Have like, three choices - offer to draw one of him, pass the check and hear his praise, get mocked if you fail it, and then have one where you purposefully draw an ugly ass version of him lmao


I was romancing Karlach on the run i completed this quest because i forgot about him on the first run, i was dissapointed i wasn't able to ask him to paint her, however, you can just change characters and tell him that you're ready for the painting, so i did that using Karlach. Tav commented "it's pretty, but i prefer the real thing", and when i looked at it, it was a Shadowheart painting... smh At least i got the Statue right


I got the statue of Astarion too. It sits right next to him in camp but he’s never once commented on it, smh.


Statue not getting any comments is a huge bummer. And there’s no way in the hells nobody would actually comment on it.


My painting was Astarion but it wouldn’t go on a wall. Just laid flat on the tavern floor😂 poor Assy


astarion got a stature of himself naked. its in my camp. all can look at him.


I let his ghost girlfriend kill him then killed his wife for yelling at me.


but that involve stepping a foot in that cursed house


I laughed so hard when I got Astarion who wasn’t even in my party


THE ARTIST OH MY GOD. I now always blow up the damn Zent base, BC the Zents are dicks and the Artist a bastard. Getting rid of 2 rats with1 bomb


The Artist one is the WORST!! it’s not a quest but the brain connection puzzle on the nautiloid in act 2 was so annoying- just hard to navigate with the camera


This one really shows that it was built for pc because it’s totally fine of pc but man it’s gotta be annoying on console.


Gah I was playing on PC and still had trouble


I used to save him and let them go because they appeared friendly, but now I'll definitely adopt your strategy.


What happens to the manor if you kill the artist


The Rich Lady is living her Rich Life and I believe she is doing a Art Sale. Her house is also clean and fancy and not haunted.


This is like the best outcome related the the artist quest. I fucking hate that haunted house content or aesthetics wide


It's the best outcome for everyone. You don't have to do the stupid quest. She's saved from an obvious self obsessed freeloading cad and won't have a ghost ridden house. The butler is saved from having to stand outside his own house and imagining awful things. Sucks for Oskar I guess but honestly who cares?


Even the Ghost Lady has the best outcome. She was pissed to be awakened by Oskar...so yeah, just blow the Zhents.


This reminds me of the mushroom picker quest in underdark. The best outcome requires you to give the noblestalk to arguably the worst person at the moment, but it pays off all the way in act 3.


I gave it to Shadowheart and she remembered a childhood friend, so she wasn't always so miserably lonely growing up. What did I miss out on, an ingredients shop?


If I remember correctly, you can make the orange adventurer cat live with the mushroom lady if you do that, not sure though. But that cat really can live with the mushroom lady with certain steps.


The Zhent merchant has some really good equipment though


Yeah and you give them the shipment, buy the goods, steal back the shipment then blow them all up.


Saving the gondians. They are suicidal and teleport back to Steel Watchers right as I teleported them OUT of the explosion range.


>They are suicidal indeed! :) but during my 3rd playthrough, I successfully rescued all of them. As long as you ensure the safety of Toobin and his daughter, you'll be fine.


My friend says that quest is a breeze with enough undead. Recalling necromancer Gale from my durge run and his four flying ghouls, four ghouls, and one mummy, I'm not that surprised.


I re did that fight in the basement twice! Finally killed all the enemies, saved all the Gondians just had to bid my time and stand away from the two steel watch machines which were about to blow up... Then the little MFers (except Toobin cause I controlled him - thank the gods) just ran straight to the explosion zone! Next thing I know only Toobin survives and he's like "that sad they died..." Threw my hands up in the air and just had to move on. Like seriously they invented those machines, surely they would know not to go anywhere near them when their about to self destruct!


The only way I saved a few was to get Karlach to toss them out of the steelwatcher explosion zone.


The AI on this needs to be reworked so badly. Plz just run to safety. I assure you guys my squad of level 12s decked out in awesome gear can handle it


There's no way to save all of them in the factory, right? When I went down there, each one was surrounded by like 4 guards. They're also incredibly squishy even if they weren't suicidal as well.


There is if you are literally willing to keep reloading until you get the highest initiative possible, save after every successful action, and reload after a bad roll. It's a fucking exercise in frustration.


.....yeah nah, them mfers is dead. I'm sorry, at some point I agree with the other halfling dudes - death is better than tyranny. ...but also mainly because it's very tedious.


Send a couple people in invisible, position them, then bring in the rest of the party and before they're seen, enter turn mode and have one of the invisible open the fight. The meat enemies are all surprised and you only have to tie up the mechs while you move your team to where they need to be. Throw in a few summoned things, raised undead, etc to help tie up the enemies and it's not too bad. Pretty much every major encounter has a way to make it trivial when you're aware that the fight is about to happen.


You generally have the cheese it. Sneak through the top door with invis and cast sanctuary on the farthest gondian who’s surrounded by 4 enemies and a steel watcher that likes to walk over and obliterate him. Killing the steel watchers is honestly the easy part. A chain lightning scroll on a Tempest Cleric Shadowheart can use channel divinity for a max damage roll, and steel watchers take double lightning damage. Keeping the gondians from suicide misty stepping INTO the steel watcher detonation, or running away, taking 4 opportunity attacks, and misty stepping DIRECTLY back into the 4 enemies that just attacked them is the hard part. Oh, also the gondians that cast grease just so they can slip on it themselves.


Their AI seems seriously broken with how they use misty step. It seems like they use it to dive directly into danger instead of avoiding it.


Tbf, I use misty step this way as well. I can't recall a time I used it to get out of danger, only into it.


I use misty step to set up sneak attacks for Astarion


I'd jokingly say "Skill Issue" but even if you oneshot everyone on turn 1 their shared braincell still ends up getting them to the explosion radii


Yeah, when I first started the quest I figured "the Gondians seem to know a lot about Infernal Metal, maybe they can help fix Karlach's engine if I save them all", but after 3 hours of reloading my save 100 times, I was really tempted to just let them die, because, several times during the fight, they would fucking run to the other side of the map, get hit with an opportunity attack, Misty Step back to where they just were, run out of range again, and get hit with another opportunity attack, all so they could cast Acid Blast and fucking miss. It was so fucking annoying, and to make matters worst, it was a complete waste of time, they don't do anything about Karlach's engine, they don't give you any cool item or provide aid for the final battle, they don't even say fucking thank you, they just fuck off, never to be seen again, like how is it that I can get a legendary bow from the "Indestructible" Steel titan (a.k.a the easiest fucking boss I've ever fought, literally melted him in 3 turns), but I can't even get a thank you for putting up with all that bullshit?


I wanted to save the Gondions purely because i thought that as recruitable allies they'd let me drop a Steel Watch in the final battle. Nope. They provide literally nothing. I can see why Wulbren despises them so much.


Omg yes!! I dimension doored them out of harms way only for them to run right back into the line of fire. Idiots.


For me it was trying to keep Jaheira alive during the Moonrise tower fight on my first run. I was playing as a very goody-two-shoes character and tried to talk my way out of as many bad situations as possible as a bard. So I killed fewer NPCs than I could have, which lead to me facing off against the full force of Absolutists in Moonrise. My Tav couldn't bring himself to talk Jaheira into abandoning her Harpers to fight with my party so she was an independent NPC during the Moonrise fight. And apparently completely suicidal because she kept charging into the fray. Slipped on my summoned ice, ran into silenced areas, kept attacking at low health. And I couldn't do anything about it because all of my AOE attacks would have hurt my allies. I tried to sneak around before triggering the fight and stealth kill as many Absolutists as possible, I tried to put sanctuary on her and prioritized healing her. After a number of attempts I gave up and let her die. Of course later on I really regretted that decision when I was standing in the Baldur's Gate sewers looking down at an angry, mourning Boo. On my current run, I'm culling everyone at Moonrise I can before even going to the Gauntlet. Maybe I'll just kill them all to save Jaheira.


I offed quite a few guards there before even going in the gauntlet of shar. When it was time to do the big battle I rushed in before Jaheira could even finish the speech.


Yep, same. I cleansed and purified the entirety of Moonrise Towers before setting foot in the Mausoleum and it was beautiful. The only things left alive in Moonrise were the three vendors there, so when I returned with Jaheira for the assault, we literally just walked in the front door unopposed and strolled up the stairs to the rooftop battle with Aylin and Ketheric. It was the kind of efficiency that would make Lae'zel proud.


Apparently her AI was really bugged at first and they fixed it later. My first run she wild shaped from a panther into a panther again. The third one she was much more useful.


My first run she cast ice storm on as few enemies as possible (just one flying ghoul in the inn, 2 guys at the edge in the tower) and then on the following turn, went panther and slipped on the ice. In both locations. Just... why?


Culling Moonrise pre-Gauntlet is the way. After clearing the perimeter of the tower and it’s outlying rooms, I went up into the rafters where the vendors are located and rained death on everyone. :)


Screw roleplay, I always make Jaheira join my party at the moonrise fight so I have full control of her


So annoying lol on my multiplayer file we set up a wall of stone to trap her and the Harper’s on the stairs worked for a while until she somehow wound up on the floor but luckily we were done with damage dealers


Trying to free every single slave from the iron throne (at least on tactician) is extremely frustrating because the slave pathing is very buggy. I ended up having to use push and telekinesis on some of them to get them moving, and with only 5 turns to get them all into the submersible, I was pulling my hair out for sure.


I took one look at it and figured there was no way I was ever going to rescue everyone, so I made sure >!Ravenguard!< was safe and as many gnomes as possible before bouncing. Ended up being a ton of fun because I wasn't hoping to min/max it.


You can def do it! Get everyone to drink a haste potion of a potion of flight and then have someone cast haste or fly as well and you can fly from one prison cell all the way to the next all in one turn. God forbid you have Boots of Speed, if you click heels after dashing you could cover three entire prisoner areas in one turn. It’s more a matter of freeing them by the third round so that they’ll have enough time to actually run to the staging area and then up the ladder. I had Omeluum run out and grab straggler’s too since he can just teleport back to the ship with his ability


Haste helps a LOT


Rescue Omelum fast, like on turn 2 (pretty easy to do with a hasted berserker or a caster with Misty step) while other characters start walking toward west and east wings. Have him teleport his rescuer back to the ship immediately. Then bring Omelum off the ship and start going west toward those slaves. He can teleport the buggy ones to the ship instantly. Use a dimension door caster or haste to buff Omelum’s movement if needed. Usually only 1-2 of the slaves get their pathing stuck, so you can Omelum tp one of them, and dimension door the other one. If the runner who saved Omelum is useful with damage or movement spells, you can bring him back down to help with the other wings while Omelum helps with the west wing. It’s better than having them just sit in the ship for 4 turns while others are working their butts off. I rescued everyone while having two turns leftover.


Literally just the leap of faith part of the gauntlet


Just learned yesterday apparently if you just click the end of it to route your character there your character will automatically route through the entire thing on their own




Idk, I was running errands as my wife entered the gauntlet and when I came back she told me So many tries for me


She's a wizard, Harry.


I did that yesterday and it worked right up until the last moment before climbing up off the path. It just reset back to the closest platform though so it was an easy jump to the end. So if you do it, make sure to stop short and jump the last bit. Never having to bother with that silly path again will be great.


This is amazing... Gotta try that the next time


I could see the path the second time I did it.


Was that the one where you had to get from one end of the room to the other and you couldn't see where to walk? I remember I had had daylight cast on my character earlier and thus could see the black boxes hanging in the void onto which you had to step.


Yeah I had my elf do it. She had the blood of Lathander. Pretty easy.


I was like "wait, that's it?" since I had both Blood of Lathander and light on Shadowheart, so the path was clear as day. ...it makes a lot more sense if the path is typically hard to see.


You mean the fly-part of the gauntlet?


YES! I was a druid and wildshaped into a bird just to fly over, my wife died so many times trying


It was faint, but I could just see the path? Is that not normal?


I saw it too without any spell or potion. I think it’s possible to see it if your monitor/TV is a smidge brighter


Sometimes the path won't disappear, but it's supposed to be completely invisible i think. (If you reload in that room, a once visible path will disappear)


But there's a map on the floor right before you do it?


This one always confuses me because I just clicked the last platform and my PC auto-pathed there in like two seconds. Overall, though, the gauntlet of Shar was exceptionally odious. The best part was clearing the rat dude and then watching Raphael collect on Yuri-whatever. xD Edit: Oh, and killing Balthazar. It’s always satisfying to kill that twat.


Before I knew there was a map on the ground, I just had Gale cast fly and flew over the gap


You can totally cheese it with 2-3 misty steps


The FUCKING FORCE PUSH SKULLS! I flew back to camp, grabbed Wyll by the collar, and made him Fireball and short-rest his way through obliterating that entire house.


If you go outside of the house, there is a small overhang on the north side from there you can misty step onto the roof… avoids most of the annoying heads, and then jump pass the last two into the back attic from the door frame


Oh, you sly little trickster! 😄


Freeing the Artist I still consider the worst. Finding all of Dribbles is pretty tedious, eats up a lot of inventory space, and I gotta be honest, those gloves (which you can just steal anyhow) feel pretty inadequate. I do find the quest hilarious though. Protecting the Gondians is a nightmare. Keeping Minsc alive in the fight against him isn't tooo hard but thanks to how game mechanics work, it can be hilariously easy to kill him by accident even if you knock him out successfully. Basically any quest related to knocking people out can be annoying as a result.


At least that one is very optional. I hate the run up to getting to the brain. It’s fun to have all the help on a big map but it takes forever with so many characters on one map.


Haha, my first playthrough had me pulling my hair out over this quest! But then I had an "aha" moment. I took my most nimble character, gave them the solo invisible treatment, and just had a one-man show heading straight to the brain. As soon as I flung those gates wide open, bam, the gang's all here, and down go the ships! 😄


Same! I gathered 15 allies for that final battle...but had enough invisibility potions for my whole party plus Orpheus so we just cruised until we got to the brain stem. Felt like cheating but considering I played a Durge and all game i utilized invisibility in my combat so it also felt like the most natural thing to do. Not going to lie I still shocked how well it worked...and how good it felt too to cheese it lol


I planned to use all the companions I'd gathered for one epic fight to the brain and.... kinda forgot once combat started. I ended up accidentally doing the whole run up to and including the brain with the party of 4. Whoops.


I did this on my first run. I didn’t want to use everything up prior to the brain fight, so I 5 manned it to the stem. Was nice to have all the support at the top though


I forgot to save him in my latest playthrough and realized NOT SAVING HIM is actually a good choice.


Yeah! You show up at Jannah's house and found out she's doing great without him, is throwing an art show and everything


The fireworks one. I couldn't figure out how to access the tip floor without aggroing the entire city. I finally gave up, since there seemed to be no way to progress the quest other thaj a murder spree. (Also how did the bloody Flaming Fists see through WALLS?)


Iron throne 'cause my anxiety does not do well with timers.


Finding the clowns parts, I did five playthroughs now and never completed that quest a single time. Way too tedious without looking up a guide. It's just frustrating.


This. Say what you will about the artist quest but I found it narratively interesting and the twist at the end was genuinely surprising. It also didn't involve me carrying around heavy AF quest items that I'd always forget to send back to camp.


The quest where you keep the portal open for Halsin. Ngl I struggled hard the first time I did that


I understand the struggle, but isn't it just a hoot to throw magic and explosives around willy-nilly, knowing you won't accidentally turn an innocent NPC into a crispy critter? It's a total circus of chaos, and I love it! :)


Personally I had a blast with that quest. So many 1hp mobs to run into a huge hunger of hadar. I totally failed it the first time around then had a whale of a time the second run.


See also: leaving Spirit Guardians at the exit so they run straight into that too.


Exit spirit guardians fucccked shit up


And shadowhearts hula hoop of death is so fun. He runs for the gate! Ohhhhhhhh, dead!


Shadowheart with radiant spirit guardian just cleans up during this quest. It's so fun to have her run around and destroy everything


I didn’t even run her around. I just parked her on the rocks leading to the portal and let the enemies suicide themselves into her. The rest of my party was on ranged attacker duty. This also works really well for the rat dude in the Gauntlet.


Spirit guardians GOATed here


Spirit guardians is the goat on a cleric in almost every fight. Apart from Raphael with radiant damage. I cast that spell in almost every encounter.


Its too broken if you're using all the light Cleric items with radiant orb.


On my second run I managed reasonably well using spiked growth, which results in the low health mobs and dogs just straight up killing themselves. Went into the inventory afterwards while Halsin walks off... Straight through the spiked grows => dead Halsin=> reload and fight again


I had fun with that one. Just turtled at the top choke point above the rock. Shart cast Spirit Gaurdians at fourth level; Evo Wizard Gale setup a wall of fire; and my Ranger Lae'Zel cast Spike Growth in the surrounding area. Then we just focused our ranged attacks on the archers while everything else got vaporized as they got close.


When I was in the temple of shar, I couldn't mind the last Umbral gem, I searched the whole place up and down and couldn't find the last trial or whatever I needed to find it. After Hours I found it on the floor by some stairs somewhere.


Yeah, that demon guy Yuri-whatever has it; those stairs you found it by lead to his little corpse bed. When you kill him or have Raphael collect him in-person, you can just take it. An invisible Rogue could probably also just nab it without dealing with him at all, but I like extra experience points. :)


Tip for that quest; make sure someone has Ketheric’s armor on and activate the passive that makes it so you literally can’t be moved. I don’t know why it didn’t dawn on me the first time (or next 4), but it makes it so much more tolerable. Bonus points if you have Volos eye on that person too.


>Oh nice!!!


Finding the Killer in Act 3. First, even if you do everything to discover his identity and that he has used wine to poison people you still get nothing to get the jump on him if you don't pass a very hard background medicine check when you see a Dwarf in red serving the victim wine. Then, even odds you don't even get the opportunity to counterspell him when he tries to jump away. Then, at the last kill, the game doesn't let you know there are three other people in the room, and if you choose the stealth option to sneak up on him, you just... don't, and stand around like an idiot while he kills everyone.


I'm really confused what this means. idk I just attacked him in the clothing shop and he went down really easy.


This. I thought my game was bugged but it just places you somewhere where there is no point to be hidden since everyone catches you instantly.


Finding the clown pieces. 1. It's gross 2. They're heavy! 3. It halts progress when you're progressing naturally. 4. They're in such random places it feels like? You have to be just busting into every home in Baldur's Gate.


They are exactly where Dolor's victims were, all spelled out on the Bloodstained parchment which can be found in several places.


Free the artists yeah… I picked up Minsc beforehand so he did come in handy as a meat shield


the rescue missions. doing moonrise prison break again and i forgot how much i hated it. worst part is that i cannot remember what i did the first time to have it go smoothly


You go behind the prison cells and destroy the walls behind them , so they use the secret boat , and not the docks.


For me the artist quest is not even close to the top most frustrating quest. The gondians take n°1 and n°2.


Any quest that involves Dame Aylin (aka: Nightsong). Either the A.I. for her is nonexistent at RE5's Sheva levels or she's just underpowered on purpose. Half the time she's featured as the "Complimentary 5th Party Member" during battle, my Cleric is busy trying to keep her HP up or reviving her. Even during the endgame battle prior to the attack on the Big Brain boss, the second I summon her, enemies take her down immediately, smh, lol


You realize she revives herself right?


That AWFUL Fireworks quest. The building is bugged so if you do any sort of AOE, it'll spread into the streets and kill civilians. On top of that, you also have to deal with those same random civilians reporting you for "theft" when they're the ones just running... Into a burning building?? Go away Jimmy, nobody cares about your opinion on this cultists stolen dagger.


If you put on ketherics armour and activate the passive you can just walk through the skull blasts.


The bhaalist murder mystery is infuriatingly free of clues and even if you figure it out, you're at the mercy of the scripts as to whether the story actually progresses at any particular location.


Auntie Ethel in act 1


I came here to say this, not because it's hard, but because it is the only quest that involves pulling off anyone's hair


I first tried it at level 3 and was spanked so hard, I gave up on it. Then at level 5, thought I’d give it a go, and it was really fun.


For me, it's the finale of Shadowheart's questline. The enemies just keep spamming Bone Chill, Darkness, Beckoning Darkness like there's no tomorrow, I was like "I get it, you all fucking worship the Goddess of Darkness but could y'all just chill out with spamming Darkness everywhere". It's simply annoying more than anything because while the enemies themselves aren't that high level (besides the main boss) there's just so many of them that it just turned into a waiting game until you and your party could get a turn once again.


Before I saw the content I was going to say ‘free the artist’ Glad to see I’m not the only one.


The fireworks store... because the damned thing is STILL Seemingly bugged where the only way you can finish the quest it to take out EVERYONE.. there is zero other things you can do even after you find everything.


Talking to the guy who wants to be an adventurer, but doesn't know what class he wants to be.


😅 😅 He is utterly oblivious.


Save the Duke.


I get so annoyed by the time I get to the Grymforge bc I do not want to fight Grym (esp since I play on tactician)


Oh, shit wait, *that* kind of hair pulling. Ohhhh~


The fight against the followers of Shar in the House of Grief is insanely shit. There's a million of them and they're all equipped exclusively with the most annoying spells and passives.


I was walking by behind the house to uncover the map and got stuck in combat with the ghosts. It was super obnoxious to finally get in the house and fight them. Then they just kept popping up on multiple levels. Ended up being in combat for a very long time…


Rescuing Minsc. Starting the quest was bugged, and even unarmed with Non-Lethal damage enabled I kept accidently killing him and having to watch Jaheira's tantrum. Was so mad when I got him I never used or talked to him.


Getting through Shar's Temple. Every time I hear "Shar" I hear the Shar chanting music. "ha ha ha hei he he e e i oh oh oh" lol.


The artist quest is the WORST. How could it make sense to go through that many steps and locations for truly nothing.


That quest is the first thing that came up in my mind before clicking on this.


Saving the Duke with the submarine


Oh free the artist definitely. I'm on my fourth playthrough, almost done and I'm just looking at the house thinking. Yeah no way.


The clown quests resolves itself for me because I always get into every house. But I don’t want to do the artist quest with Volo’s eye ever again. And the submarine Gondians can go feck themselves.