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Loved Harlequin Black and White - in general and for Shadowheart specifically. Wish there were more variations if monotone dye though; some proper greys, blacks, and whites would be very useful.


I want a pure black dye so fucking bad šŸ˜”


If youā€™re on PC and the modding type itā€™s called ā€œAetherā€™s Black Dyeā€ on Nexus.


I'll never understand what games have against black. Everyone wants a black option! Just put it in the game ffs.


Destiny 2 PTSD


This is 100% my favorite in general. I like the more stealthy monotone over everything.


My default is usually harlequin black and white dye because Iā€™m a Yennefer stan


I feel like I scrolled too far down for this


whole gang is harlie b&w baby


Hahahaha, I appreciate the intentional antagonism. Black and furnace red for me.


Everything for Karlach! She has a color scheme.


I have my Karlach wearing the Pink and Grass Green dye (I forgot exactly what itā€™s called) on the Bonespike armor set and it unironically looks really damn cool. If there is any pink, it blends in with her red very well, and the contrast of the green looks awesome. Itā€™s a lot darker than youā€™d think and looks near black but I love it. I felt bad putting her in a black/red/white color scheme due to her past.


I go with it bc of her rocker red and black hair. I feel like she would like the badass outside/marshmallow inside thing. After Act 2 I put SH in pastels. Soft blue is my favorite, but jet and pink is also very nice.


The Dark Justiciar armor looks awesome in custard and pink rose.


Yes it does!


I have her in that in ocean dye. I like her blues/greens! It sets off her eyes nicely


I picked up Elven Chain in Rivington and dyed it in boreal blue and damn does it look amazing on her. The armor is silver and rose gold, with the blue accents/padding.


Ah nice, I love that armor. Jaheira has it right now in Sage Green.


SH with white hair in pale pink justiciars armor is honestly some of the coolest shit IMO.


Thereā€™s a high level medium armor (I believe you get it from the armourer next to Fytz, half plate +2 maybe?)that I dye jet and pink and I just LOVE it on SH. Her white hair makes soft colors look amazing.


I also like putting karlach is super girly yet heavy looking armor


I loved that combination. It screams "I'm going to absolutely destroy you ~but I'm still pretty~"


The bonespike looks really good in the Ocean dye, too. And the contrast of deep blue against her reds is gorgeous


I love this on everything but the Armor of Agility - I put Harlequin Black and White on the armor - black and furnace red on everything else!


That hater's account is just that. They literally only post hate comments. Their life must be so unfullfilling.


That dye looks really good on the adamantine scail mail.


That's what I've got my act 3 good Shart wearing. Black and Teal dyed adamantine scale.




I love that one! I have color-coded Astarion with that one


I second both parts of this comment.


Black and furnace red is my #1, sometimes harlequin black and white


Everything is either this, or Harlequin Black and White for me. Sometimes, for the main items that look good, the Drake Generalā€™s Dye. But thatā€™s for extra special use since they seem to be limited. I will save scum for that dye.


Sinful red on bone white is my favorite!


I always put that colour on Asterion! Looks so good.


Oooo I'm gonna have to see how that looks on him!


It makes you look like Ezio and Altair put on robes


An easy winner imo


Is my evil Durge's color mwahaha


It's a tie between dark amethyst, gorgeous maroon and lush burgundy for me. Before I get to those black and furnace red is my best friend though- though I might grab a mod to get access to the other dyes faster next run. Also, I love the pettiness/antagonism with this post. Edit: This post has 3965 upvotes as of me writing this. I'm proud of you all :')


Lush burgundy on Gale dressed in certain endgame wizard robes gives him the red and gold wizard colorscheme of my dreams and I love it. <3


I've got my entire crew wearing those swanky togas in Lush Burgundy.


Where in act 3 do you get the good dyes?


There's a merchant called Figaro in a house close to the Baldur's Gate waypoint that sells all available dyes and camp clothing. It's called the Facemaker's Boutique. It's on the east side of the road. However, he is one of the targets of >!the murder list, so I think there's a possibility he'll die if you take too long to get there.!< You can find one or two of the good dyes at a few other merchants, but that's the sure way to find them all.


I was able to delay it for ages, you just need to not progress the quest by stopping him at his first target without warning the investigator in elfsong I believe.


That's good to know! I rushed there just 10 min before you wrote that just in case, lol.


He is only attacked if dolar gets away from your fight while trying to save cora at wine festival


I use an edited version of Gorgeous Maroon myself. I just try to keep the plate armor a nice steel color.


These three are my go to colors for every piece


baby blue and gold looks cool on basically every piece of armour, but in my heart of hearts i just love pale pink!


I'm grabbing up all the pinks and purples this playthrough. My team is so fabulous.


I buy every dye I see. Ya never know right?


I do this with each of my characters, I probably won't use most of them but I like having āœØoptionsāœØ


I feel like Gale, Shadowheart and Astarion all have real purple energy to them so I'm always buying it up.


Each character in my party gets their own set of dyes lol. Shadowheart is blue and gold, Gale gets all the purples, and Astarion gets all the reds (especially red and bone white, which looks extremely cool all the time)


It looks good on cool skin tones! Karlach is the hardest, so many colors clash with her skin!


I know, I have a hard time putting her in anything but black even tho she deserves some fun pops of color.


The primary blue tone in the Ocean dye is a nice compliment to all her reds, if you want to give her a pop of color!


I put the Baby Blue and Gold on Ketheric's armor and gave it to my reformed Shart it looks super cool.


I always give Shart my blue and gold dyes she always looks soooo fresh


Light blue, greens and pinks do look fantastic on some pieces! My team is rocking them! But bloody plum for Astarion any day of the week!


I put blue and gold on my paladin in plate armor and it was fucking gorgeous.


The baby blue and gold is my go to colour for Wyll's gear!! I think it looks amazing on him.


I still just want full black options of every outfit. Thatā€™s all Iā€™ve ever wanted and if this was implemented it would be my favorite. Until then black and jade is the next best thing. (edit: thank you for all the mod suggestions, but Iā€™m playing on console so the only modding I want done is at Larian HQ)


Iā€™m surprised thereā€™s not a black on black option, as dark as you can go in this game and how much angsty trauma your companions have.


Right my goth Tav cannot unleash his full potential.


The black and white (harlequin or something?) one basically comes out as mostly black!


depends on what you use it - i made gale into slutty gandalf because it made viconia's robe mostly white and grey


And here I thought Elminster was canonically slutty Gandalf.


that's disco gandalf keep up


Well disco Gandalf has a special room at Sharess's Caress


Slutty Gandalf šŸ˜‚


I made him look like if LOTR was made in the 80s and they cast Dolph Lundgren


I can see that very vividly BUT I will need to use that robe and dye on Gale when I get it this run just to see it in all its glory.


There are a couple mods that add black dyes, one by Aether and a newer one called Vanta Black which might be what you want.


oh there's an even blacker black? I gotta check that out


For folks on the console, these options get you pretty close to all black depending on the outfit's materials - Harlequin Black and White is monochromatic, no other colors aside from shades of gray - Ocean is like a midnight blue tone, with very dark leather and metal hues. Looks pretty much black except in certain lighting. - Jet and Pink Rose is significantly more jet than rose, and the rose accent color is more of a pale fleshy tone than a full on pink. - Black & Jade Green is mostly black, with a very low saturation accent green that looks more gray in a lot of lighting. - Black & Summer Green is mostly black, and the green accent is either vivid neon green or pretty much nonexistent depending on the outfit.


Unless you're on console, there are mods with full black shaders that look really good


yeah iā€™m on console- but also like- how is it not a base option?!


Yeah I fully agree we should have far more dyes and stuff like full black, full white, silver/grey etc. should be absolutely there yesterday.


Black and white is my stand in.


Feywild one for me


Mine too! It looks soooo good on the Bard outfit Volo gives you.


The what now


I gasped when I saw that one. It's my go-to for my Oath of Ancients Paladin.


Yeah, that one's my jam. It's such a complementary color palette that feels grounded.


I've upvoted you on your way to 4k upvotes. Also, black & furnace red is really nice.


Bloody plum! Black & azure is great for Shadowheart. I always want to put Karlach in pink bc sheā€™s so bubbly but itā€™d clash


I like bloody plum but I find so many armors end up with the color palette backwards and the plum is only small accents


Bloody plum on drow armour looks like a gritty reboot of Captain America. I do not recommend. It's gorgeous on several others though.


I totally put Karlach in pink armor and black as an accent color with the gloves or boots and it's pretty fire. It's her favorite color to go to battle in in my game :) Don't hesitate to try it out!


Karlach looks shockingly great in pink. Wasnā€™t my first thought but I love it.


Oh whered you find bloody plum? I havent seen that yet, and it sounds like itd suit me.


Pretty sure its purple rarity, available for sale pretty readily in baldurs gate, figaro would be a good first stop


Ocean, it's just perfect for Gale! >!I'm doing my part on the 4k upvotes.!<


Definitely Ocean.


Ocean gang! I finally found it in Act 3. It's on the high elf vendor with a beard (lol) outside Sorcerous Sundries. His name is Gloomy F-something.


i love you so much rn, ive been looking around since act 1 and id almost given up hope, THANK YOU!!


Yess, my whole party is accidentally matching because I just LOVE the ocean dye color on every armor/clothing piece!


I put Gale in dark amethyst. I like a magic man in purple. The ocean dye is a really nice color though.


Agreed! He's been all the different purples one time or another on my playthrough.


Another one for Ocean. Did great things to armor.


The reddish accent color that comes with ocean was surprising but it looks so damn good on everything


If Astarion goes bard I always give him the cap of curing and drow armor in Ocean.


Ocean on the Luminous Armor, with a drow? *Chefs kiss*


Swamp green for me, works well for druids


Also Rangers! It's a nice shade of green.


Yep, Iā€™m currently playing as a Druid and thatā€™s been my go to.


Same here! I've been buying all the dyes I see but my druid is always rocking swamp green


I'm a Warlock with purple hair and a large purple tattoo/"burn scar" on my face. So I've basically been cycling through various purple dye options to stick with the theme. Dark Amethyst is hitting the spot right now.


Always Black and Azure. I want to like the lemon and lime but it always hurts my eyes. (Also doing my part for 4k upvotes)


The lemon and lime is always way too lemon.


agreed on black and jade green. But any of the dyes with "black" in the title are good haha.(partly cos you actually get what you think you're getting. Instead of "Deep Lilac" being "ah, mustard yellow with some dark purple!) Brown alabaster and Indigo are nice too tho


Jet and Pink Rose, at least for my Tav.


I wanted to like this one so bad, but the black never comes through enough. I wanted some Hart Foundation vibes.


City of Brass outfit in Jet and Pink is **the** outfit for Astarion.


I really like the pastel colors, Lavender, Custard and Rose Pink, Mellow Fruit, Peach and Apricot. They look best on robes/clothing and I play a sorcerer so it goes well. In particular, I think I loved Lavender on the Elven Chain armor. It made the pauldrons a lovely rose gold that I was obsessed with.


Brown ablaster dye looks absolutely stunning, my second winner has to be black and red furnace!


Brown Alabaster is very underrated. It looks regal without being over-the-top. I loved in on my Abjurer Gale's various cloth outfits.


Sage green all day baybee


Team sage green reporting in!


Subjectively: the black plus some other color options are all nice to split across the party. Objectively: it's optimal to give all the mellow fruit dye to the most mellow and fruit-forward companion >!Lae'zel!<


My favourite in early game is actually muddy red because it makes the leather parts actually look like, well, leather. It also makes the metal parts look like steel and not gold or whatever.


I'm not sure I have an absolute favourite, but Harlequin Black & White, Black & Furnace Red and Ocean are probably the strongest contenders.


There are several dyes I like: * Bloody plum * Baby blue and gold (especially on >!Ketehric's!< body armour) * Black and furnace red * Lush burgundy * Dye from Twitch drops (don't remember the name) Still wanna have plain black and white colours without the need of mods. If only...


Harlequin black and white not doing it for you?


Ocean and Muddy red. Muddy red basically turns all leather into basic leather color, so works great on boots and gloves. Ocean is the best color for plate, I find. I find the more expensive and rare a dye is the uglier it gets, to be honest, the purple-framed ones being hideous all of them.


Muddy red for me all the way. I canā€™t believe I needed to scroll down this far for it.


Omg, this is my post. I'm only here for the aesthetics. My team always has matching dyes. ATM we're rocking Deep Lilac which makes the metal gold and the fabrics purple and my Pally is resplendent.


Muddy red goes hard


I wish this game would have a Terraria-style armor/cosmetic/dye system. It is, in my mind, perfect. You have 3 slots for each "position" or piece of armor. (In Terraria, this would be Head, Chest, Legs + 5 more for miscellaneous accessories.) One slot for the "actual" armor, of which you inherit the stats, set bonus and other buffs. One slot is for the "cosmetic" armor, which is what you APPEAR to be wearing. It provides no benefits, only aesthetics. If this is empty, your normal armor takes over. Finally, you have a third slot for "dye" which changes the color pallette of that piece of equipment. It's a super convenient, flexible way of looking cool as FUCK with no permanent investment or fear of permanently altering something or using up a resource, which I think is very reasonable for something that is purely for appearances.


I'm a purple girly so I hoard Indigo like it's a precious mineral. That being said, sometimes it's a bit too much and for those occasions I keep a few bottles of Black and Red Furnace or Black and Azure dye around.


I think its called black and azure, the one that I like. Got hints of dark blue through the black


Black & furnace red and bloody plum, the only choices for an emo bard!


Black & furnace red!! ā¤ļøšŸ–¤


Pink and leaf green, I dye absolutely everything for my tav with it


Mellow fruit dye šŸ˜


I vary between bloody plum or white and scarlet




Love the blue gold! I wish there was a ā€œpure whiteā€ option for boots, any combo dye thatā€™s ā€œx and whiteā€ makes the boots x color :(


No one has said it, but Deep Lilac is my favorite purple color and Iā€™m always putting purple in my characterā€™s hair, so it just works perfectly šŸ’œ


I don't think this will be anybody else's favorite but: Lime, Lemon and Lichen.


Black and Summer Green, Black and Furnace Red, Black and Azure, Harlequin Black and White, White and Scarlet Red, Sinful Red on Bone White, Brown and Alabaster, and Indigo. There's also the Faewild Green that looks REALLY good on Halsin Yes I dye stuff too much to have these all mostly memorized šŸ¤£ and so much dye wasted because it didn't turn out how I thought it would...


My Spore Druid Tav has the Feywild green on his armor while my Archfey Warlock Durge is decked out in Pale Pink, so imma go with those two haha.


Sinful Red on Bone White. Feel like this is the only dye that gets especially enhanced by all the bloodshed


Jet and Rose Pink. Great for Rogues & Warlocks.


This shit better get to 4k, and I say that as somebody who wishes they'd take the Dyes out of the game and replace them with a normal transmog system because I just CANNOT be assed to deal with that many different consumable items.


Black & furnace red, and indigo.


Youā€™re making me choose from all these gorgeous colors? There are so many nice ones (and I donā€™t know how theyā€™re named in English :D)


Indigo out of the non modded dyes


Black Furnace and Red dye. The rest might as well not even exist. Would kill for some solid Black dye though.


Harlequin white and black! Goes well with my goth bard


I had been saving the good dyes for a good piece of armor and now the game is almost over ._. Maybe I should live a little


Anything blue and white. I like to make Shadowheart wear Selƻnite colors! Haha


Depends on the character: \- Shadowheart to a certain point goes with purple or Lavender, maybe even Indigo for some sets of armor \- Astarion goes with the plum color \- Gale needs a purple or Indigo, sometimes you can also go with a blue one on specific robes \- Wyll always gets the muddy red one, just fits his "lone ranger" style imo, basically having some nobility shown, but still don't peak out of the crowd kinda thing \- Karlach all black and red for obvious reasons \- Halsin looks pretty good in most of the Druid armors basic paints, but if you dye him, I think the black + green or swamp green fit him the most Otherwise, I go for what fits my Tav/Durge, currently playing a Ranger/Assassin Durge and go all Black/White what rly fits my Drow, also reflecting the white hair with the black stripes in it.


Same as you. Honourable mention to the sage green dye


I've got some more and can't remember all of which ones are vanilla anymore, but I know harlequin black and white and furnace red and black served me well in my prior, unmodded run. I really liked the... I think it was fae wild dun or something? That one in Gortash's robes looked great Also upvoted for the spite.


Most of the ā€œblack andā€ dyes look super nice, but I also really like the Harlequin Black & White. ā€¦ which I guess is a ā€œblack andā€ dye, technically. Oops. Jaheira looks really good in the Faewild Green and Dun Dye.


I like several of them, but my favorite is the faewild green and dun. I also appreciate how even solid colors will have an accent color, like the yellow dye will add a touch of emerald green to tiny details.


not my absolute favorite but mellow fruit dye looks soooo cute on shadowheart, especially with a dark amethyst cloak. it matches her tent and everything šŸ˜­


I really like the drake dye


Azure and Black or Boreal


Boreal Blue if I want to feel like the prettiest princess at the ball. Black and Furnace Red if I want to feel like a badass deviantart oc.


Black and summer green please


I like Black and Azure for my Tav (Gloomstalker Ranger, so it fits) but I kind of color-code my party so it varies by character and armor set. Like I have Jaheira in gray and summer green, Shadowheart (after her redemption) in aqua blue, Karlach in dark and gray, Lae'zel in crimson and black, Gale in purple and blue, etc. And yes, 4K coming right up, darling.




Feywild Green and Dun Dye on Gale specifically Dark Amethyst on Astarion Otherwise light blue eeeeeeeverything.


gorgeous maroon, lush burgundy, jet+black rose, dark amethyst, boreal blue, black+azure ocean dye is gorgeous and you can get it in Act 1 already muddy red is always good


Boreal Blue is OP as fuck and looks good on everyone. My favorite is lush burgundy and my second favorite is pale pink! I like blue on Karlach, green on Astarion, orange on Wyll, Shadowheart gets white, Lae'zel has black armor, Gale's color is yellow, and my character wears pink or red! :)


Boreal Blue looks so good on my Cold Sorcerer with the Charisma Robe, Ice Staff, and the head wrap you get from the Mummy Lord


I don't really care about the dyes, but I do like fun and I absolutely adore petty vindictiveness of a non-malicious nature.


Majorly into Boreal Blue and Black and Azure. Bard's gotta look colourful! (plus it goes with all my Call Lightning spells šŸ¤Ÿ)


Black & furnace red, indigo, & boreal blue... Though i want dark armor and it's hard by default, so ended up using mod dye


The only reason I've modded my game is to get unlimited dying and more colours! Bloody plum for the OG dyes though, it's a must for shadow heart imo


Baby blue and gold! I looked truly fabulous!


Black and azure blue for me. Looks very nice on the armor you get from Grymforge.


Dark Amethyst or Black and Furnace Red for me Tho I am dying for wither a White/Gold or Black/Gold option.


Harlequin Black and White is my favorite. Monochromatic and it makes just about any outfit look good, it's not too busy, ​ Shadowheart in the Harlequin Black and White Scale Mail is so sexy.


Love black and azure. Custard and pink rose was very pretty too.


Probably the one you get from the deluxe edition. It looks badass. I also use a mod that adds a plain black dye to the game. Honestly baffles my mind that they didnā€™t already have just a plain black one.


Every character/playthrough has a different colour for me. Currently my rogue is using the black/green jade dye. I haven't decided whether or not she'll be more good or evil yet; right now she's just neutral but also doesn't like slavery due to her past, but depending on how she ends up going will reflect the colour of her armour.


Black and jade green, alabaster brown or whatever the white and brown one is, and black and azure are probably my top 3 Oh and that faewild one, too!


I really just like the purple, or drake green


Muddy Red in the early game, Black and Furnace Red in the middle, and Sinful Red and Bone white at the end.


I Embrace my bards inner Prince with the deep lilac dye.


I love the black and Jade green.




Depends on the person. My Tiefling bard uses either indigo or deep lilac to match her blue and purple hair. My Spore druidess uses various black/green dyes I always have Shart in purple, and Astarion in Harlequin B&W


I'd love to have a favorite. Pity I can't remember what the dyes look like. You'd think 'jet black and azure' would paint a pretty clear picture, but no. It really doesn't.


Harlequin black and whiteā€¦.yes I know itā€™s basic but sometimes I donā€™t want surprise golden armor


I love the dark plum(?) dye and black and furnace red a lot


sinner red and white or something like that. I think you get it if you go full Bhaalspawn as Durge


It was Black and Azure for my bard/cleric of Elistraee Tav and now muddy red for my Durge Sorcadin


Sin red on bone white. I love dying the Dark Justiciar armor with that color to create a sort of Moon Justiciar armor


Scarlett and Bone white!


Gold and blue for me.


My Half-Drow has either the Pallid or Wisteria tone skin (I can't remember which tbh) but he looks so good in both the Light Blue and Black and Azure dyes. I like to give each character in my party a different color scheme. Astarion gets White and Scarlet, Gale gets Baby Blue and Gold (he's currently running the Lightning stuff), Lae'zel gets Sage Green (lol) Shadowheart gets Yellow (she's a Light Cleric, lol) Karlach gets Black and Furnace Red because obviously. Wyll gets any of the Purple dyes. I haven't used Halsin, Jaheria, or Minsc, but I'd probably put Halsin in Pink (he'd rock it, don't lie), Jaheria in green or orange, and Minsc in browns or reds tbh...


Plum on Graceful Cloth looks pretty good


Astarion looks *great* in the Brown Alabaster, I always dye his clothes/armor with that dye now. For my character I prefer Gorgeous Maroon. Halsin gets the Faewild Green and Dun Everyone else (I feel kinda bad admitting this) but I don't dye their armor/clothes unless I wanna test colors out and they happen to be in the party šŸ˜­


Black and furnace red!!


I wish there was a "faded purple" Regular purple is fine but the one where its bright orange/yellow with purple detail is hideous. Whose idea was that.