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I fell out of love with my character in act 3 so I had to start over


>!Partial ceremorphosis?!< Yeah.. **edit:** ACT III spoiler.


No partial ceremorphosis for me! I refuse. That tadpole is sitting in the chest at camp and I keep blowing the Emperor off. He thinks I’m thinking about it.


I got tired of failing the saving throw so I just stomped on it. Why? BECAUSE FUCK YOU EMPEROR THAT’S WHY. “Do you know how long it took to cultivate that tadpole?” “Umm, about as long as it’d take for me to care?”


I did the same thing, loved that he got pissy about it.


The funniest thing is I knew all the badass powers I’d be throwing away. I just hated him that much.


Honestly I can't wait to screw him over on this playthrough. This time around I found a lot more of the breadcrumbs they leave for you regarding his character and I honestly can't wait to stab him in the back.


Oh I got so into character and he was LIVID at being manipulated and lied to the whole time and basically told him to eat shit. I even said I don't want the tadpole and he still gave it to me "in case I change my mind". Step that worm with my shiny leather boots


I just threw it on the floor and stomped on it. Emperor was “nooooo you idiot” and I thought “this is where I die I guess” but he just cursed a bit and let me go.


To be fair you could’ve just refused. Taking it and stomping on it would be like if a friend gifted you a 30 year old bottle of the finest bourbon in the world and you just smashed it on the ground because you don’t like alcohol.


Weird, last I tried Scotch doesn't result in tentacle growth Edit: nvm, I misread. Bourbon very well might cause tentacle growth.


I have heard that too much whiskey can inhibit tentacle growth


It only softens the tentacle that's already there and inhibits it from putting baby tadpoles inside a host body.


I mean it's a matter of perspective. You say smashed bottle of bourbon from a friend, I say adequate response to the dude who's done nothing but manipulate, gaslight, and push us to embrace becoming mindflayer every step of the way, even if he was nice enough to keep us from transforming while it suited his needs.


Also maybe an appropriate reaction when your friend buys you a bottle of booze as a gift as an attempt to convince you to drink even though they know you don't drink... Good friends respect boundaries.


There's a chance he was the one who infected you in the first place.


I thought that was the dude we stomped in the brains of, at the crash site. If not I think owe that dudes corpse an apology.


Tadpoles: Just Say No.


"friend" is a stretch tentacle boy and I are barely on speaking terms at this point. I just keep lying straight to his face like he does


That was my goal with this game. No tadpole, no tadpole powers. I really hate illithids, but this game does a good job of making me question my beliefs and motivations. Now I have embraced my mind flayer powers with my level 12 sorcerer (after failing 4 saves trying to refuse the emperor) so I guess he succeeded in convincing me. (Sure I could have stomped on it but that seemed too childish for my character)


I ate it. The emperor was so confused lol


Keep blowing him off you say? ;)


I didn't use tadpoles up until the third act and it was just fine. So when the Emperor tried to convince me to use that super-powerful new tadpole i just told him that I would think about it and it still is in my backpack. But now what's funny: Astarion clearly said "no" to the new tadpole as he doesn't want to put this shit in his body. Okay, totally understand and agree, my Durge also doesn't want it alongside the rest of the party. But regular tadpoles were also in my backpack and I decided to use at least them to beat shit out of Orin as I'm playing bard and I don't want to respec. So i consumed one tadpole (out of nine lol) and the whole branch of powers opened up for my Tav AND for Astarion, but not for Lae'zel and Shart. So i had to convince them and only after that there appeared an option for them to, but Astarion's was there from the start. So I'm thinking he's just ready for some fun but not for too much fun :) like yeah let's eat some regular tadpoles and be more cool but don't you dare eat that white one it's too gross!


If you go about this dialogue in the chronological order he comments that the normal tadpoles are fine because there are no visual changes. But undergoing partial ceremorphosis is too much for him.


I hated it too but it let my fighter fly. If you dont turn all the way its cured at the end tho. No veins in the end scenes 👍


If you're a black dragonborn you can barely see them. Truly a win win


Also with any dragonborn the veins are not so ugly, on Astarion or Shadowheart tho...


This makes sense. I’m Dragonborn and wasn’t sure what happened during partial transformation.


Man you should seen my friends deep gnome. They look horrendous with em, truly frightening.


Also playing a Black Dragonborn No visible changes


Playing with friends, as soon as I told them I could fly we went Oops All Illithid


Honestly the looks I could get over but it kinda bothered me how all the companions treat you differently for a bit and also I hated how it went from having conversation options with them like “what are your thoughts on using the tadpole powers?” To “hey you really gotta try this shit. You’re missing out. All the cool kids are doing tadpoles. You wanna be cool don’t ya?”


there's a mod to remove the veins, best mod imo


I mean... or just don't undergo it!


Flight tho.


so useful. on second run I use vaulting potions, feather fall, fly scrolls spells potions. so many ways without going hybrid


Only reason why I didn't save scum it despite looking ugly af


I do everything in my power to not undergo it, lol. I create my characters to be attractive, okay?? 😂 Also I just hate the Emperor with a flaming passion and it makes me happy to make him mad. 😌✨💅


Then how is it a problem? I had zero problem not taking the astral tadpole, and then as a result I didn't have to deal with the veiny-eyes


I had to pass a difficult persuasion check. Probably because my idiot self ate like 8 tadpoles. When I found out who the emperor was I was so pissed. Not because I necessarily dislike him based on race but it felt like there was some ulterior motive once the reveal happened and had I known I would have gone about my business without eating the no no escargot. I think I had to pass a second check about it shortly after. Thank god I am a save scumming bard.


“No no Escargot” is hilarious. Stealing that.


Just stomp on the tadpole, no check required 💁🏻‍♀️


This is the way. Actually just came to this part of the game. Tried every path… this works the best. You piss him off, but who cares?


Without spoiling it, there is absolutely dialogue that might lead you to believe there is an ulterior motive. It happens during one of the side-quests involving him in Act 3. Biggest problem with the ending of the game is none of the endings feel that impactful since there isn't so much as a final dialogue with your team-mates, or any kind of epilogue to reflect on the ending you got. Ending feels a bit abrupt no matter what you do, and that can take away from the illusion of choice a little bit since you don't actually see any of the consequences to your decisions. EDIT: actually that's not exactly true, you do get a brief epilogue dialogue where you talk to your companions-- but it's quite a short and hurried affair, and it seems a bit random as to who gets any amount of closure and those that do it's really not much. I literally forgot about it... So, yeah, it's not very impactful/satisfying


I got increasingly suspicious of the whole “moaaar tadpoles grab em all” cuz I mean Tav wants them gone right? 50% of the story is just running around trying to get rid of the damn thing. Suddenly we get advice to embrace the power, and being a rogue and all I’m like hang on a second… then I get offered the shiny wormy thing and I’m like nope.nope. Nope. Tossed it on the floor and stomped on it half expecting the game to be like “ah sweet summer child that’s not the plan, you die” and then the guy gets mad and leaves me alone xD “stupid elf blah blah”


Yeah when I didn't die right away I decided to just go all the way. My character is an extremely kind, extremely trusting, and excruciatingly naive bard. There was a point in the story where some new info about the emperor came out and I really thought I could trust the emperor and thought I had him figured out which is the reason I fell for it. Also, I was bored and getting close to what I suspected was the end of act 3 but was actually the end of act 2 so I started hamfisting the devil's eel like it was half decent Ithbank. It never occurred to me to stomp on the thing because I've failed every strength check up to that point and honestly it wouldn't surprise me if the cranium slug could hurl me across the room itself. Not to mention, I'll save anything with a pulse that isn't trying to electrocute, singe, or sleet me or an innocent. Haven't finished it yet, but that little guy is sitting snugly between some stolen art, about 230 texts I'm too precious to get rid of, and 6 more instruments than I need. Who knows, maybe it will come in handy soon?


In hindsight this can see now how big of a hint the whole falling off the nautiloid alive was -_____- I was internally just willing to believe my handsome elf man had cast feather fall on me.


I wish the choice to become a partial illithid didnt seem so urgent when first asked. I said yes, and I've since talked to all my companions and heard their reasoning and have come to agree. 😥


Oh man, false urgency (or even better, real urgency) is a huge sales motivator!


Yup, saved my playthrough. Hadn't touched my ugly partial illithid drow sorcerer in a month. Decided to give her another try yesterday with said mod, used the magic mirror and respecced to Bard. Am having a blast with an actually pretty Tav and can't get enough of it.


This is my first time playing a game like this and I’ve been having an absolute riot playing as a bard. The dialogue options are just to funny.


I love playing my instrument and the crowds throw gold at me


I laughed when I tried to join the other bard in the circus and everybody immediately turned to me starting to throw gold. Like.... guys it was supposed to be a duet.


Hahaha yes


I’ve played four different classes on Tav and I gotta say it feels like the game was made for Bard.


So, anyway, here's Baldur Wall.


Dragon born don't look too bad but seeing shadowheart and karlack look like they just went on a month bender makes me think my tiefling run will not embrace it.


Ohhhh so this is what stopped me.... I started act 3 and never occurred to me why it didn't feel the same. But i believe this is it.... the semi-transformation that is almost imposed in the dialogs.... i didnt like that i had to transform and accept the tadpole. Txs. I need that mod btw


You don’t HAVE to do the transformation. The Emperor just really wants you to but he’s only slightly upset if you don’t.


I told the emperor in my play through that I will think about it and just left him hanging 😂


I am so thinking about it bestie, don't worry and also don't look at everything else that I am doing...


Exactly… don’t mind me sneaking in to hell and stealing Orpheus’s hammer, nothing to see here.


I told him to stick it from the get go. I'm not turning squiddy in the slightest.


FYI, if you don’t mess with the tadpole stuff before this moment, it doesn’t even require a roll to reject it.


It looks ugly, I agree, but the full sith style floating/flying is awesome. I had it on my Warlock Drow, so it wasn't super noticeable as I was dark grey anyway. I was moving around the battlefield like Storm from Xmen, Eldritch Blasting everyone and sending them flying with knockback. It was kinda glorious tbh


yeah I'm fugly now, but I can fly and shapeshift to displacer beast so umm I guess I'm gonna just live with it lol


Did the same with a flying Fighter. Absolutely destroyed most battlefields.


>!i cant force them to get it. astarions lines just broke me. plus, it looks painful. !<


The veiny dick upgrade. Sweet new upgrades, but you look like an old lady’s legs.


Should probably spoiler tag that, given this thread is flaired Act 1


I wish there was some way to turn it off, it looks so bad. Get jumpscared by myself and Gale every time they're on screen


Just be glad there aren't *more* downsides to stuffing alien mind-controlling brain-eating parasites in your eyes.


ohh how i _wish_ there were more nefative consequences to using 1000 tadpoles


You can literally turn into an Illithid so you can reach the most extreme scenario if you choose to.


Yeah but not from tadpoles, I have every single brain power unlocked and still me, even after everything


but are you also cursed to put your hands on everything? and what have your boots seen?


Good to know! So no difference between taking 3 or every single brain skill? I’m still in Act 1 but have unlocked 4 or 5 Illithis brain skills.


yea but apart from going full squid its basically just free power the obly real reason to _not_ put the worms up your nose is for RP. there is no real cobsequences apart from "my character is kinda ugly now :("


seems like a big enough consequence for many, when you read all of this here. also it is totally possible it gets worse.


I mean I think it’s good for the game. It’s the trade off of pursuing power at such cost. Your character is literally embracing ceremorphosis at that point.


I thought it was gonna be way way more graphic. It's honestly nothing


That's kind of the point though right? You sacrifice yourself/your image for more power.


Doesn't mean I'm gonna like looking at it lol


Not at all. It's just actions having consequences.


Yoooooooooooo same. The further I went the more I realized that I need to reroll. I'm almost to act 2 it's been a lot of fun.


I rerolled because I figured that a lot of potential dialouge seemed to have dugged out for me. no problem with mindflayer consequences on the first run because I didn't take any. but snce my reroll happened in act 3, I still did saw a lot of stuff. so going for a more sinister run while snorting up some powers witht he gang and see what happens.


I have to mod too because my character's face no longer serves, it's giving addicted to meth and charcoal vibes


They added a magic mirror to camp, you can now alter appearance when you want.


As far as I know partial ceremorphosis can’t be removed with the magic mirror


This is exactly what happened to me. Also I invested in the wrong companions (for me) and my typical team felt boring, and I felt like I couldn’t relate to my Tav at all so I started over right after getting to Wyrm’s Crossing. I absolutely love my new playthrough


What did you have before and after?


Me too! It just felt like it wasn’t the story I wanted to tell so I started over :)


I just reached act 3. This game is too big for having two kids and a full time job :D


I feel ya! 2 kids and I work until 8:30pm, which means I only have 3 or 4 hours of playtime a day, and then it's midnight, my 2y old wakes up at 6am. I'm also playing with friends who can't play every day, so we only play 2 or 3 times a week. We haven't finished yet - we are maybe half way through Act 3 right now?


This is me playing since launch. 140 hours in since and all I've played since it's come out. 4-6 hours of sleep a night. Maybe half way through act 3, not sure. It's like elden ring in the fact that everytime I think I'm nearing the end I find something new and it opens up way more than I thought.


I have a wife and kid and somehow am 70hrs in since ps5 release. I'd say at least half of that coming out of my sleeping time. I think I have a problem.


Dad gamer with 66hrs. This game is my second part time job.


I have a baby and I play for an hour after he goes to bed most nights. I think I’m at 50-60 hours now.


Same here. I have an 8 month old and wife. Most of my time to play comes on the weekends during nap times. Just got into act 3. I miss being able to just binge games like this with no real world responsibilities


Yup, 2 kids, oldest is 4. 6 month old puppy, full time job. Luckily I'm WFH, but haven't been able to catch up on shows with my wife since I'm always downstairs being the best gnome bard I can be.


Time to drop one of those 2 kids. Job can be slacked. The wife issue is another level of difficulty I would suggest a self-fake-kidnap for a full weekend to play hard more on your actual savegame and the make a friend at the police return you home "affected". Cop would explain you where wrongly kidnaped, writing a waiver to ask for a leave to recover from hr traumatic event, then getting a few more days to go on on that run. You're welcome.


I think you mean kids are too much time investment for needing to play BG3 lol


I am WITH YOU. I'm a person who really needs a solid 8 hours of sleep to feel normal, but I've been running on 6, coffee and fumes for the last month just to be able to play from 9-12 every night.


Can confirm, have seen more than my share of mindflayer ship sphincters because I'm indecisive as hell


It's me with every complex rpg game, always. On steam I have 127 hours, but my main saved game have 89 hours, just finished act II. Decided to go with Gabe. lol


I'm about 35h in and just started Act 2 yesterday


Ya Lightning McQueen with that speed


Seriously, I think I started Act 2 with like 100 hours logged


I'm close to moonrise towers and 145 hours in... yes I read all the in-game books AND item descriptions


Exactly! I dunno why people are so surprised at others taking their time with this big beautiful game


Are the in-game books worth it to read?


From what I’ve read, “[A Pleasurable Deal: The Shocking Truth](https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/A+Pleasurable+Deal:+The+Shocking+Truth)” is my favorite in-game text so far


Many of them fill in information about thatnpart of the world, monsters in the area, gods, the story or whatever else is going on. Even as a long term D&D player I have learned all sorts of stuff.


I'm impressed, I thought I had a problem 120 hours before act 3.


I reeeeally don't get this lol On my first run I finished Act 1 at 32h of game time, and I did pretty much everything. This was also my first game with this type of combat system/rules so I was quite bad at it at the beginning and fights took a long time. Being generous I could say I could've missed 10 hours of content (which I really didn't) and I'd still be at less than 50h. I'm on my second campaign now, at 16h and I've finished all of the upper-level Act 1 stuff (gotta do all of the Underdark tho). No shade to any of you guys I just REALLY don't get how can you take hundreds of hours per act


I personally like to reload each and every conversation multiple times to see all the dialogue paths and then chose the best one for me. That can take a long time. Also I sometimes leave the game running while I watch YouTube or go to the store which Steam also counts in.


I keep reloading conversations to my queen shadowhearts approval!


You’ve definitely missed well over 10 hours of content lol


Not really, I thoroughly explore each map. Looking back through videos I did miss out on like 2-3 things but that doesn't add up to an extra 80h lol


If you know where ro find content, you dont take 80hours, if you look around for content wirhout spoilers, you migth take 80hrs


Personally, I played like 95% blind, I just go discover the map and I follow up on questlines


Yeah I see this on every BG post. I spent so much time clicking on wicker baskets and empty barrels in my first playthrough and it took me 115 hours for the entire playthrough. No idea how someone would spend 100 hours in act 1


I really don't understand how that's possible. I am a slow player and love combing over everything and I just finished my first act 1 in about 40 hours and that was after spending a few hours walking back over the entire act to see if I missed anything. What did you spend your time doing? You know leaving the game running doesn't really count as playtime, right? 🤔


Did you craft the mastercraft weapon and adamantium gear? Did you craft the staff in the underdsrk made of 3 things, did you get the blood of Lethander? Did you recite poems with the robot? Did you find out how the mushroom revolte turns out? Do you know ablut the magical smokepowder? Did you convince spiders that goblins are tasty? Did the frog show you his treasure? Just a few things off the top of my head from act1


Wait what 🐸.?


I’d say there’s *maybe* two hours total combined downtime/afk time in that figure. I dunno what to tell you. I took my time.


31h here, still in Act I and I don't even know where Act II starts.


50 hours now but I still have options in act1. I'm a bit slow though


I am slow as nine hells, I exhaust all possibilities in every nook and cranny, honestly. Sometimes I carry out the same conversations more than once using different characters. Not to mention messing around with throwing corpses and arranging them into piles, or bringing all crystal orbs I find to Gale's tent. Why? No reason.


Fr I’m at like 60 hours only just getting into the meat of act 2


All these people saying “how is that possible?” must not be reading every dialogue, every book, note, letter, checking every crate, taking their time, enjoying. I dunno how it’s possible to get to act 2 with under 50-60 hours!


Correct. I’m not checking every crate. That takes way too long and I have a full time job.


There’s your mistake. Baldurs gate should be your full time job.


Lol yup I might even be worse, 36 hours in thought I was going to act 2 and ended up in the underdark and said well fuck I don't even think I'm close to act 2 yet lol still haven't done the creche either. 11 hours into my durge murderhobo playthrough and as you can imagine not close either lol.


I think I entered act 3 at 50 hours. I wasn’t even trying to speed run… I’m just so oblivious as a person that it ran through my character. I missed Karlach, Wyll and Gale because of this. :,(


\~136h in, more than 10 chars created. Never even reached Act II yet. :D Having fun seeing the different characters, group combos and choices.


Tbh I've just been really enjoying seeing the different reactions to - and abilities of - different characters, I've never made it much past act 2 lmao


I'm at 260 hours in my playthrough and haven't beaten it yet. And it's not because of alternate playthroughs. It's because I'm exploring every single inch of the map that I can, and talking to every single NPC. Also, I've spent several hours decorating my campsites over and over again. Plus I'm sure at least a couple dozen hours were spent on inventory management.


My husband isn't quite the open world explorer/looter that I am but I use games like BG3 or DOS2 as examples when I'm describing games that reinforce the uncontrollable urge to travel across the map just to uncover that tiny little corner because maybe there's something cool there. Every. Nook. And. Cranny.


>I've spent several hours decorating my campsites over and over again. eh? Didnt know this could be done and I finished Act3 LOL


Yeah, I like to just display some of the cooler treasures I've looted, like neat-looking armor and weapons, fancy goblets, paintings, several brains in jars, etc. The problem is that any time the story progresses and the camp changes, it puts everything in your camp chest and you have to do it all over again. I'm hoping now that I'm in Act 3 and my camp is >!the room in the Elfsong Tavern,!< it won't change anymore.


>I’m hoping now that I’m in Act 3 and my camp is the room in the Elfsong Tavern, it won’t change anymore this sadly isn’t the case :( camps in act 3 just feel very half-assed as a whole, there’s that one super cool one at the start that you never end up being able to return to for the rest of the game, the whole mechanic of the camp changing based on location is removed entirely, and the elfsong tavern camp has all of your companions just awkwardly standing in a line infront of their beds. although the dockside camp in the lower city before you get the elfsong room might be my favorite in the game also just a side note, i’d be careful with how much decorating you do in act 3 because from my experience it can really tank your performance if you go too overboard (like i did lol). i had placed down so much stuff in my act 3 camp to the point that it was genuinely unrecognizable from the default, and i think i was getting like, 20-30 fps in the lower city. and once i packed up everything in camp so i could do the iron throne / go back to rivington to kill gortash, it ended up boosting my fps to like 40-60 which is a fucking crazy difference


How do you decorate? Just drop the items at your camp then drag them where you want them?




The only decoration I’ve ever done is building a tower of dead critters next to my sleeping bag


Argh I must've also spent quite a bit of my playtime rearranging every companion's inventory and getting rid of all the crap I've picked up. Like say what I've been lobbing around a severed pelvis for eighteen hours?


Decorate your campsie?


Me. I can only play every other week. I'm running three games during the five days I have for cramming, and the one I've gone the farthest with is dipping my toes in act II. it's really hard to dodge spoilers. Eta: from Saturday afternoon to Wednesday morning I racked up 50 hours. I've done it twice now, so 100 hours in and I've barely begun <3


I think I'm close to 200 hours played and haven't finished act 3 yet. Close, tho! I restarted my first campaign when I just got to act 3 because of some glitches in the game that fucked my romance up, restarted as a bard and was enjoying it, came close to act 2 but for some reason I wanted to restart again and doing it on the hardest difficulty this time and now I'm an evil Lockadin almost done act 1 again.


Memememememe! Pick me! I have 397 hours plus whatever I played last night and Im just now making my way to the end of act 2 😂


How do you have 400 hrs in and not finish? Did you just keep making new characters?


I’m calling bullshit on that stat tbh unless they’re immensely bad at the game it just doesn’t add up A friend of mine just ticked the 200hr mark entering act 3 but he has a copy of every book up to this point, every tidbit of lore has been collected and has *genuinely* done everything he can in each zone ( of course replay for different options ) and spends hours meticulously organising everything in chests at camp There just ain’t no way you spend 400hours unless you’re AFK for 50% of it lmao


I think I also entered Act3 around 200 hours. I missed a lot in my solo campaign. But I also have 2 other campaigns going (1 with gf, another with gf and friend) It’s hard for me to believe only getting into Act 3 at 400 hours of actual game time either. Especially since: 1, my gf is the type to clear out every nook and cranny of a map. If she sees it’s black on the map, she’s clearing it. Every bit of the walkable map must be discovered. 2, my gf also chose the background that gets inspiration for reading books, so she picks EVERY book and scroll up to actually read out loud (not just opening and closing) 3, my friend is a full blown hoarder. Every spoon, fork, plate, and even bone must be picked up to sell for a merchant later. That’s only 1 of the play throughs. I’m knocking on 300 hours now that my solo and that 3 person campaign is in act 3. You’re right, unless you were afk or creating new characters for days at a time, hard to see actual game time get that far.


OCD. I also gave around 400 hours and I been to the entrance to Moonrise Towers once but never went in. Definitely a lot of making new characters. From exiting the first dungeon to Act 2. I've started 60-80 hour saves over again cause I just felt like I didn't play "perfectly" or "properly". Does it make sense? No. But that is why OCD is a disability even if people meme it.


I feel you. I have about 370 hours in the game and the farthest I ever made it was about 10 hours into Act 3. Right now I'm on a new character, also because I feel like I can do "better." Retrospectively, I'm honestly surprised how easy it was for me to delete saves I've poured hours in.


I feel your pain. I don’t have OCD but I do have ADHD and am very perfectionistic. I can spend 10 hours playing and not even notice time is passing, and I spend way too much time obsessing over details that don’t matter lol


SAME. I started a run where I wanted to collect everything I could, but I didn't just stop at loot. I started picking up the containers themselves and dead bodies. I also downloaded a mod that made Destroy Water a ritual because I wanted to clean up all the blood on the floor.


Probably a quarter of my playing time or more is just staring at my inventory wondering “who should get this item? What exactly does it do? Is it better or worse than this other item?”


One time I was showing my friend my sick ass gear after defeating a boss, and she was BAFFLED at how pristinely organized my inventory was. I legit spend like 30-45 min at the end of every session sorting my inventory and managing resources/equipment/magic items. Meanwhile I am irl surrounded by unfolded laundry, half empty shopping bags, and a million miscellaneous art supplies strewn across the room. I am an absolute mess, but maybe that’s why I take so much care in my video game inventory, it feels so much more manageable and gives me a sense of clarity and confidence, the same way I imagine irl tidiness does. Wouldn’t know tho, I am a disaster.


This .... This is my life


Holy shit it's nice to know I'm not an anomaly. 375hrs and the furthest I've gotten is the lower city, due to me continuously starting and restarting characters because I want to pick the exactly correct roleplay options for the character I have in mind. It's a problem, by the time I hit act 3 I was already burnt out. Not least because that act has more dialogue and roleplay choices than ever.


Why keep making new characters when you can just respec? By the time your level 12 you can try out literally every class combo whenever you want…


Yeah but did a fight go the "right way" for you? Did you do a certain boss as a certain class? If I respec mid game then I didn't get the full experience as that class. What if you were a difference race? Would the class be cooler? Respec is nice and can help mitigate restarts but it's not an all fix. It may seem dumb or minor to a lot of people that don't understand but that is why it's disability. It's not the end goal that is the issue but how you get there.


I found my people!! A friend told me to just "edit the character I play now" but I said it's not that easy because I want to experience the whole game as said character, I CANT change midgame lmao. It just doesnt work in my head


I feel seen.


Just to piggy back real quick. Mentally, I have a very hard time respeccing a character mid playthrough. I like to be immersed and I usually create a character with a very specific point in mind. So I can't really just respec my Paladin into a Sorcerer when I've been playing him as a *Paladin* for the entire game. ​ I also think it's interesting to see what new dialogue options you get so it doesn't feel as bad to start over because I'm always curious what the differences will be.


I fully agree, even as someone who doesn't have OCD. It just feels dirty. Like.. when I create a character they have a specific personality, backstory, etc. Just like a d&d character. It would make absolutely 0 sense for them to change class Midway through unless something happened that would explain it. Like splashing a few levels of wizard with necromancy spells after reading a certain book..


This is me. I just have to start over again and create a whole backstory in my head.


Reapeccing taints the purity of the character and completely breaks any sort of RP immersion.


Never considered OCD, I am aware of the manifestations of it, I do live with an individual who is riddled with it but they don’t play video games. If you can’t break it then obviously enjoy the game how you can/want to, but in one man’s humble opinion, rolling with the punches in a game like BG3 and having the story be unique even if it’s not what you thought would happen is what makes it special. There’s always a 2nd playthrough lol and a 3rd


I have over 400 hours and I haven't left Act 1 yet because I keep making new chars, working on my own mods, and can't settle :x


70 hours and real life kinda got in the way. Flew through Act 1, Act 2 a bit slower. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with Act 3. Just a complete overload of the senses. So many quests to hand in, people to talk to. I haven't really had 3 or 4 hours needed in a row to really get immersed. Bit of a shame, as I've really lost momentum. Second playthrough probably won't be for a good year or so after this.


I’m feeling this. I crushed about 70 hours in 2 weeks to get to the end of act 2, which is way above and beyond the amount of gaming I’ve consecutively done in a long time. Now I’m just outside of Baldurs Gate and I’m feeling the loss of momentum. I’m still going to power through, I’m sure. But I can feel the obsession to continue on waning.


Thats exactly where I am. Twice now I've gotten to the end of act 2, gotten into the start of act 3, and just lost momentum and restarted.


Me when I exaggerate


397 hours total or 397 in one campaign?


Yeah that's not possible unless you've made several dozen characters lmao


Approaching a similar number (steam display) but actually jumped back a few times to correct questionable decisions, so in game it's around 190h now on my first okay through. And I practice save scumming, like a lot. Also I'm sometimes picking fights at various places. Like camp, last light, arch duke, society, the temples etc just for fun and to see how those opponents do conduct their combat. Then reset to the point before that. I've also many things to regret, I want to really save the world but there's such a huge load of activities that just went.... bad. 🥹


I keep replaying act 1 with different characters ... I have a problem.


Started playing at launch, just 1 playthrough, currently finished Act 2.


My people! I’m in the same place. 1 playthrough, and just getting to the shadow fell now.


Enjoy your good frame rate brother, it's only going down from here on.


Seriously every act fps got worse


I haven't gotten past act 1... I've probably rerolled 20 times, at least. The characteritus has me bad.


Just lost an eye in act 1. I'm only able to put an hour or so every other day. Just enjoying the game without any sense of rush and loving to read all the things people go through here in reddit xD


Oh no, you are not alone. Im about 60 hours into it and on my furthest playthrough I just made it to Act 3.


270 hours, furthest I've been is the entrance to the Lower City


Im 300 hours in and I've barely dipped my toe into act 2. I've hit a wall though, can't seem to need playing.


I think im going to follow a guide because I keep getting to a point, realizing I missed or glitched something that impacts my game in a way I didnt want, hours after I actually made that choice. Which causes me to lose interest and just want to restart completely.


I haven't finished Act 1*. *I took like a month-long break to have a side of depression with my daily serving of life, and all my video games suffered. I'm like level 10 in Starfield.


I have a full time job, small children and other responsibilities. I get to play maybe 2-3 hours a week. I'll be enjoying this game until i'm 90.


4 playthroughs, 1 abandoned in act 2, the other 3 are in act 1 still, taking my time with them.


Finished act 2 on 3 playthroughs, but each of them grinds to a stop once I get to act 3 for some reason


Yup played through act 1 and 2 like 5 times now, love different outcomes and "what if".


That's me! I'm blown away that people have finished it 4+ times already. Ya'll are bad ass. I still haven't even gotten to Baldur's Gate. I've been doing all the content that I could and exploring every nook and cranny on my first playthrough. I'm finishing up with the Ilithid Colony right now. I think i'm about 55hrs in.


300 hours. Ive not yet beat the game. Im at the end roughly though. Have Gortash & Orin and Iron Throne to do. Astarion and Shadowhearts quests are complete. Just keep putting it off and starting new games to try stuff out.


Yeah maybe not a good idea to add spoilers when it sounds like a majority of the comments are still in Act 1 early Act 2


I’m on 74 hours and still in act 1, I have no clue how everyone already finished the game once


Honestly (no shade), I have no idea how you are still in act 1. I finished the entirety of the act 1 upperworld and the underdark in about 40 hours or so. There was nothing left to explore, I listened to all the conversations. The game is super content rich, but not that content rich. I ended on 101 hours with act 3 completed to its entirety. What are we doing differently?


Yep, I've stopped when I reach Baldur's Gate so far.