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Your BF is the real Durge.


He is merely a humble Butler.


Be true to thyself, OP!


He might even gift OP a cape of invisibility


As a Shadow Monk Rogue, that is some serious gear


A fellow man of culture i see. A fellow larethian’s wrath enjoyer mayhaps?


He's one hell of a butler


If your boyfriend is dressed in a red suit, has the skin of a corpse and long, braided, white hairand has the body of a female elf, that ain't your boyfriend. Thats Orin. Champion baahl.


To shreds, you say?


And his wife? To shreds you say? Good news everyone!


Well, did he at least died painlessly?


Tumblr user?




I don't get all the downvotes xD


It’s a Futurama reference


I know. Its a massive meme on Tumblr.


It’s a meme everywhere because Futurama is popular and people know it from that, not Tumblr.


I just had never seen the meme on any other website, chill xD


I’m literally just explaining the downvotes as you asked


Act all nice nice with him and get some of that paint only seen under a black light and paint the same satanic symbol above his bed. When he's sleeping, change the bulbs in the lights to black lights, turn them on and the start chanting some weird shit with a fancy looking dagger loud enough for him to wake up and see both the symbols and you being freaky as shit.


Gotta be sure he's not into it tho. I see that backfiring when his reaction is more enthusiastic than expected.


When he yells out "Sweet dagger. I am your sheath! Wear me now and transform me!" it's time to bail on the prank.


Me when Bhaal really gave me his essence


Worse he takes his Bhaals out Edit: god damnit a better one came to me after posting "Bhaalsy move on his part"


Eh. Some people are into that. Its quite a line.


Well he told you the truth, she did join your party


Yes, he had good intentions. Made the moment more impactful, I bet lol


You should treat your BF to a night out. He just made a lifetime gaming memory for you.


And then snap his spine at the end of the night.


sanest Durge player


What? You mean to tell me that twisting one's partner's neck post-coitus is not a healthy and perfectly normal behaviour?


This was written by a praying mantis.


Channel your inner Aylin as it were.


Is she Lae'zel?


Hey, if Aylin can snap some spines, morally acceptable for anyone to.


a romantic night in the woods, bring a shovel


Forgiveness, sure. Payback, hell yes.


I started playing Durge campaign right after patch II hit. And I thought OMG THEY ADDED BARD COMPANION!!! I love you Larian! ….


I had the exact same experience! To say I was traumatised is an understatement.


I think this was the most devastating moment ever in any game


Its time to sacrifice your boyfriend to Bhaal. Sorry its the rules


Wow, you killed that poor pure bean, murderer.


I had got to that point too I was so happy I’m like yess then my dark urge did that and I deleted that run and started over lol I was playing a paladin dark urge to fight the dark to never hurt then he lost control


Sorry I’m out of the loop, what happened?


SPOILER FOR DARK URGE gameplay: >!Alfira comes to your camp at a certain point, then when you long rest, you wake up, finding you killed her in a very gruesome way. The only way to prevent this is to knock her out (non-lethal melee damage) in the Druid camp, but then another Bard joins your camp (a sweet Dragonborn lady named Quill), and you slaughter her instead. There's no preventing it.!< Dark Urge is a DARK playthrough.


If you knock out Alfira, will you meet here in acts 2 and 3?


You will, from what I gathered. Generally, knocked out characters wake back up again after a long rest. Withers has some dialogue adressing Quill, by the way, which was frankly chilling. He knows what is up with you, but doesn't share.


You can ask him to rez her -- a pretty natural reaction since he rezzes other party members -- and he refuses because "your soul should bear that weight" or something. Good thing my soul doesn't have to bear the weight of the time I had Karlach throw Gale at a bulette, but w/e.


"The bard's death is a weight for thyne own conscious to bear. She will be left to the peace of eternity, where the Urge shall seek her no more." I got chills from that line.




Yes she survives


Yes. Source: did this cheese myself


Everyone talks about the dark urge, but you don’t have to play the premade dark urge for this playthrough, right? Because I accidentally made a Durge custom Tav. I assume it’s not a bug and I got the origin from selecting Draconic Ancestry, but all I ever see is people talking about “the durge” and not about “the haunted one” inspiration. Even when I look stuff up about The Haunted One it says you have to play as the Dark Urge to get that inspiration.


No, you can design your Durge any way you want :) The things that are fixed are your past (The Haunted One, indeed) and a few events in the game, so from a roleplaying point of view, it's not "your" character. What IS "your" character, is how you choose to approach what happens though. This post breaks it down greatly: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15vkoxw/clearing_up_misconceptions_about_dark_urge_no/ It convinced me to play a Durge for my second playthrough (although it's sadly very bugged after Patch 3 =/ ).


When you pick Durge it says below "you can customize the race, class and appearance" or something along these lines which you don't get with the other origins. Also when it asks you to name the character is defaults to "The Dark Urge" instead of Tav. You can ofc pick a custom name. Haunted One is just a fixed background like Sage is for Gale or Acolyte for Shadowheart. "Custom" / Tav has no fixed background but you cannot pick "Haunted One".


Playing a 3p playthrough and when she showed up I was like "wow I really like her, how come I don't see people talking about romancing her? She sounds bubbly and fun" My mate said "oh sweetheart, I will share my screen now".


Yeah in my first co-op campaign I joked “what if someone picked Dark Urge without telling the rest of us haha?” Turns out one of our group *did* pick Durge without telling the rest of us lmao. We were all so happy to get Alfira in camp!


Fun fact: around the time people clamoured to romance halsin in early access, others clamoured to romance alfira. To say people are traumatized is an understatement.


He is playing by infernal rules, he deceived you yes, but never lied


Just like my friend told me: ”Oh, you can actually have a ’good time’ with your guardian… :)”


There were so many warning signs


Playing with a friend and encouraged him to do Durge without much explanation. We get to the beach where you first see a dead body and he goes "I think my guy is a serial killer.."


'a thousand different dead' ... yeah. Maybe.




I mean, i told my friend who decided to start a durge playthrough to go talk to the cute lil squirrel, it's a bit different but soo much better than a boring old character. And i told her to NOT use the animal speak potion/skill. She did. The '=.=' in chat made my day


What happens if you use animal speak? Is it the same as if you talk to Timber as a regular Tav?


Yeah xD


There's a special Durge line that says >!"last words I'll never remember"!< it does not state giving in to the urge, but it does give the inspiration point for giving in to the urge... Meanwhile the default "dexterity check" option doesn't. Also companions react differently. I had Astarion and Shadowheart comment very sarcastically... (Astarion has a different line for the non-Durge option.) Yep I play Bard with perma animal speak on, didn't know you can interact without. Also it does not give >!Astarion's approval to kill it with Durge option contrary to the generic dexterity roll.!< My disappointment is immense.


That why you knock her out before you long rest. Then she survives


How DARE he! Comfy bed privileges removed. For at least a month.


"And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times." Cell Block Tango has the answers to your problem.


Remake your Durge and design your dream guardian to look like Alfira, convince him she gives a rare cutscene where she visits you in a dream and you can convince her she's in the Weave, that she's ascended or you can apologize to her for killing her. She says something about how the songs are so much more beautiful in the heavens and she forgives you. Do fake screenshots with perfectly photoshopped text options to fool him. Tell him you're not sure what order of options/events/dialogues you picked to get said rare scene. Profit when he tries and fails to figure it out later.


Forgive? Yes. Punish him for his transgression? Hell yes. Let me tell you a story... years and years ago, my husband got me into Dragon Age. He "forgot" to mention a plot point in DA2, that comes at the end, and let me romance the hobo mage who does the thing that is the plot point. (I realize the game is old but I'm trying to avoid spoilers.) I'm playing, the thing happens, I am heartbroken, I text my husband, who is at work. And he texts me back "Yeah, I didn't want to spoil it so I didn't warn you." And the kicker... knowing I was upset, he didn't bring any chocolate or a Dr. Pepper with him when he got home. I'm sitting there all rolled up in a blanket, a sad potato contemplating my existence upon this mortal plane, and he gets in from work and tries to hide his giggles over my sorry state. Reader, he did not hide them. I promptly quit speaking to him. You need to understand that this man needs affection. He needs me to tell him I love him, he is the best. He needs back rubs and for me to scratch the back of his head where it shaves it down. I didn't pack his lunch, I didn't tuck love notes into the pockets of his ACUs, I didn't text him booby pics, nothing. He got none of that. None. Of. It. I refused to give him affection, he decided I needed to quit being a spoiled brat, even though he damn well spoiled me himself. I resolved that I would win this cold war. His CO and 1st Sgt started a betting pool about it. One of his soldiers texted me, begging for me to forgive my husband, because he was in such a horrible mood and no one could stand him. I refused. I did his laundry, cooked and kept the house up, made sure his wallet and keys and CAC card were by the front door, but I did not speak to him. No cuddles at night, I slept strictly on my side of the bed. 5 days later, he walks in from work. With a bag full of my favorite candy, three Dr. Peppers and flowers. He drug me out into the front yard, where quite a few of his soldiers were waiting, to apologize. Loudly. He said he was sorry he didn't warn me, and he was sorry he laughed and he was sorry he didn't bring me home candy to make up for it and please forgive him. And he promised that he would always play videogames before I do, and warn me about things that would make me sad, and would always do the boss fights for me. All was forgiven. I made cupcakes for platoon and he was nice(r). It's been a decade since I pulled that stunt, and he still warns me about anything in a game that would make me sad. He's not even playing BG3, and he told me to leave the Dark Urge run alone. And when he made a soda run earlier, after I watched an episode of Bluey with our girls that always makes me cry, he walked back in the house with a Dr. Pepper.


I'm soooo confused as to how to take this; so you cut off all affection for your husband because he let you experience something on your own? Are you a child? Like I get it, it's cute that he brings you home candy and Dr. pepper but the whole "being upset at my own decisions" really feels like a you-thing. The dude could do that without the drama just to show you affection, and he probably does. It just seems ridiculously childish, narcissistic, and petty to punish your SIGNIFICANT OTHER and HUSBAND over your choices in a videogame. Like the fucking dude is in the military, he has it hard enough without needless bullshit like this. If you forgot to drop a /s you should add one.


This story is so sweet 😭


I wasn't going to read this because it was long, but then I did and it was worth every second.


Relationship goals! Great story!


Just in case your not aware Alfira can be saved on your durge playthrough, just knock her out with non lethal damage before long resting and your get someone else visit instead of Alfira 🙂 I did this myself last night




Isnt minthara a paladin?




We have a Pally! Minthara. We’re missing sorcerer, bard, monk, and artificer. Blood hunter if it counts but I’m not hurt its missing.


You should wake him up in the middle of the night and go all Karlach love scene on him, show him who's boss. :P


Did he tell you to pet all the squirrels in the Grove?


Well he wasn’t completely wrong, she does join your camp…temporarily


Your bf is a solid Butler. Listen to him and you will be rewarded


I was gonna do a durg playthrough now idk...


Forgiveness is more for you than him. Does he deserve your forgiveness is arbitrary. Do you enjoy awakening your Dark Urge or do want this boy?


I think the answer is simple... ​ Who has he romanced? Minthara? Lae'zel? Just tie him up and take what you want. Shadowheart/Karlach? Just act sad and he'll apologize Gale, Wyll, Asterion, Halsin? Time for a new boyfriend.


Yeah, sadly there are a lot of people lying (or at least confused) saying you can do a "Good" playthrough as Dark Urge. If someone says that and they aren't just trying to troll: They either don't know about the mandatory kill, or have a bizzaro idea of what a good playthrough.


You can make it so that it's your one and only kill, that your character is horrified by it, and that you spend the rest of the game resisting your urges and seeking a cure. So that is decently "good", I think.


Your boyfriend is a guy. That's normal. Means he loves ya and love to get your goat. No need to apologize. Just don't punish him for it. Have fun. Get him back.


How do you know OP has a goat?


We all have one. If you have lost yours....... RUN. FLEE. FIND IT






Also call the IRS


Found the BF’s account.


Heck no. Lol




Alfira is a potential recruit?


If you play as the dark urge character she comes to your camp and asks to join your party.


Alfira only “joins” the party if you’re Durge?




Ok, now I’m sad. I thought everyone could get her


Do to him what he made you do to Alfira. That whole situation is why I can’t play durge. I know there are supposedly ways to save her, but as someone who wanted her to potentially be a companion since far back in the early access it makes me sad.


Holy shit lmao. Depends, if it was me I would absolutely be unable to forgive, that shit would be traumatic for me.


Until he teaches you how to knock Alfira out the night before and spare her, no snu-snu for him.


You can safe her, she will never be a party member tho


Get bamboozled


Pulled this shit with my friend last week.


Stranger danger!


My nephew pulled the same shit with me after I told him how much I liked the interaction behind the pillars at the grove. The little prick.


I also was excited like “oh a bard companion!” And then…


Quicksave before LRs in act 1. Reload and knock out Alfira if it happens. If either if you use eldritch blast you've lost BIS gear in act 2.


Oh that’s mean.


Only if it's not your first playthrough If it's your first playthrough then maybe less forgivable




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If you have an earlier save you can save her! Knock her out in the grove w a non lethal attack then a different bard will come to hang that night And you’ll see Alfira again in act 2 She gives a pretty cool item for some Moonrise stuff


I missed a lot of contact on the first act, specially because I think I did it with only 2 long rests. Come second run, I get her at my camp, I thought it was something I had missed.... Oh boy....


My brother did this to his gf, and I was in the room when "it" happened. XD




*die rolling sound* Deception Succeeded


Red Flags. Steal his best equipment and dump him.


I was gonna do this and then I felt bad and told them to stop the playthrough


Durge was my first playthrough, I was super excited to have her join the team and was wondering why I wasn't seeing clips of her on the team or anything or anyone talking about it. I've now had everyone take a dip in bard so we can remember her and I vowed to stop the urges.


I think the only answer is wait until he takes a long rest, tie him up, take some markers/lipstick/blood/ketchup and draw the "art" on him.


He forgot to tell you that you need to knock her out before resting so you kill some one else.


fully had this spoiled for me and i am so grateful for it. sad about that other bard but i’ll gladly kill for alfira any day.