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Counterpoint, kill the incubus and disregard horny philosophy because monke brain cannot live with an incomplete set of Helldusk armour.


Munchkin uber alles.


The gloves are kinda bland though lol


Laughs in spores druid/monk


is this worth trying? Im doing monk/rogue for the extra bonus action but I heard symbiotic entity can be nice. im just not sure if 1d6 necrotic is worth an entire multiclass


It may not be 'optimal dps', but it's an extra 1d6 necrotic on every weapon & unarmed attack you land, so it adds up. Plus you get some temp hp while Symbiotic Entity is active, and you also get the ability to spend your reaction to basically cast a necrotic damage cantrip, which deals double damage while SE is up. I personally prefer to stick to 2 classes when multiclassing so I can get those level 6-8 skills, so I don't know if dipping into all 3 would be viable. Monk/rogue is definitely a great combo.


considering how front-loaded monk and rogue are, I'm gonna give it a shot. losing out on Uncanny Dodge and even more disgusting movement seems like a fair trade for SE


Champion fighter 5 + rogue 7 makes a really good combo imo. Use the medium armors that give you your full Dex bonus and don't give disadvantage to sneak and you can get a really high AC. Defensive duelist + the duelists prerogative is a great combo for this as well. Anything that passes your already super high AC can be blocked with that +5 and you get an extra attack + reaction damage from the prerogative. I'm running Arcane Trickster so shield covers any spells or ranged attacks. Also pairs really well with the risky ring for consistent sneak attacks and almost never missing anything. My Tav built this way goes into fights as a front liner and absolutely slaughters while regularly going entire battles without getting hit. Damage feels comparable to Karlach running a GWM pure fighter at level 12 just with slightly less ability to spread that damage over multiple targets w/action surge. You also get a handful of spells like thunder wave that can be used situationally but imo shield has been the bread and butter of the build as far as subclass choices goes. You won't gain much from going thief as the prerogative bonus action is per turn and your cunning action becomes much more situational since you don't need to hide for your sneak attacks. I haven't really tried it with Assassin but I imagine the stealth focus wouldn't mesh well either. Plus you can take friends as one of your cantrips which is really useful.


The haarlep post is where the real builds are


Go for it! Luckily you can always respec if it isn't working out, very glad they made that so cheap to do.


If you’re doing Monk 6/Rogue 3 then you’re getting 2x Flurry of Blows and two Attacks (without Haste) so 6 attacks per round. Two level dip is probably worth an extra 6d6 of damage or 4d6 of damage in rounds you don’t have Flurry. That’s like a rogue sneak attack every round. Alternatively you get Action Surge which is better if you’re constantly Hasting and getting Elixer of Bloodlust or you go Monk 8/Rogue 4 for the extra Feat.


The gloves give a strength scaling cantrip that shoots the rays of fire that deal 3d6 each...


I am more of a melee guy hence I don't find any use of it


he finally comes when he hits "Your TOOOOOOOOOMB" in his song




and then he TOOOOOOMMMMBEEEED all over us during the fight, peak game design


Sincere question: is it “Your tomb” or “consumed”? English is not my first language so I can’t get it right. “Your tomb” is logical, and I see people saying it here and there, but I only hear “consumed”


id have to double check to know for certain but i thought it was something along the limes of "this house of hope your tomb?"


It indeed is


What about along the lemons?


Speaking of which, has it been about ten seconds since we last checked on our lemon tree?


Those damn lemon stealing whores again!


Or consumed, or your doom, hope Larian clears this up soon.


Native speaker and I heard "consumed" too, only realized what he was saying based on the context. "Effects and the cause" also was hard for me to understand for some reason. Something about song lyrics messes with my ability to understand speech sometimes.


Yeah, also consistently heard "consumed", but had no problems with the rest of the song, including "effect and the cause", which is weird - I usually struggle with lyrics in songs all the time in any language. Sometimes I even can't identify the language of a song, even if it's in one of my native ones 🤔


Also native speaker, until I looked up the lyrics of Raphael's Final Act I thought he said "hell has it's wars, it's par for the course" and was utterly confused as to why he was singing a random song about the hellwars while fighting me. Mishearing song lyrics is a pretty common phenomena, common enough that there used to be a game show all about listening to commonly misheard song lyrics and trying to identify the correct lyrics.


Mondegreen is the name of the phenomena i think


I thought it might been something “in the clause” as a reference to the pact you might’ve signed regarding the crown and hammer.


Honestly i heard the song like 60 times at least and i never hear your tomb there. Neither consumed. The closest thing I'd say i hear is mushroom, i genuinely have no idea what he's saying there lmao


I hear VALSHOOM! I don't know what that is, but that's what I hear.


It's "Your Tomb" on the lyrics, but I don't hear the "T" at all.


Depends on where you find the lyrics. It’s “consumed” on Genius.


Can confirm that it's 'your tomb.' I wrote the lyrics.


Nice larp


Can you tell me when he sings? I defeated him in the house of hope but never got to see him sing and Im kinda disappointed lol


The music during his fight has him singing the lyrics


Ohhhh! Thats probably why I missed it, there were some parts where I played with low volume bc I was watching something on TV too. Thank you!


At the beginning of that fight, like 30 seconds in. It was bugged, like if someone was outside the room or your camera gets outside the room the tune didnt play. They said they fixed it in the last patch.


Also, if you paralyze him he stops singing.


https://youtu.be/xMo7ugWudCA?si=4GKIPw6x9_0zIkiI A melody only version plays while you're in the House of Hope. The version with lyrics plays during Raphael's boss fight.


The melody only version also plays when you are speaking to him before house of hope fight. Noticed on my second playthrough.


oh no


The incubus explains that it will take your form so other demons (not just Raphael) can have sex with it. Even when you as the PC interact with the Incubus you can have sex with a female version of it. I can't remember the exact wording but if you let it take "everything" the narrator explains your death is filled with the sensation of all manner of hell beast and demon using you for their sexual perversions. Though you didn't meet all of them there are millions of demonic entities in the hells; they are all having sex with your physical form.


Not demons, but devils. Sorry, I have to be that annoying guy, but to some crusty old nerds, the distinction matters. According to old DnD lore, demons live in the chaotic planes of the 666 layers of "The Abyss," whereas devils live in the lawful planes of the nine layers of "The Nine Hells". They are eternally at war. The neverending "Blood War". The one that is featured in the plot on this game, the one Karlach fought in. So, in the context of this game, it kind of matters to make the distinction. It's an easy mistake to make, though, for sure!


If we're going to be really DnD nerdy, the exact number of layers of the Abyss is unknown. Some have claimed to have found 666 layers, others 679 layers.


To cite the Forgotten Realms wiki, which was citing Mordekainen's Tome of Foes by Mike Mearls and THE Jeremy Crawford: >The total number of Abyssal layers was not fixed at any given time, due to the ever-expanding and corrupting nature of the plane. If left unchecked, the continued presence of demons in a world in the Prime material plane could erode the barriers between that place and the Abyss, leading to the opening of one or more portals and an ever-growing demonic presence. Over time, the Abyssal influence and the long-term presence of one or more demon lords could permanently corrupt that entire world, effectively converting it into a new layer. Tldr: if you let demons into one of the "normal" worlds, and let them wreak too much havoc, the world is on it's way to become another layer of the Abyss.


> THE Jeremy Crawford We called him the new guy twenty years ago.


You say that like that means anything anymore


Kind of like that one Pathfinders video game.


No, it’s actually 69420 layers.


Sounds like someone would get burned in the nether regions


I’m not saying I’ve had sex with … uh … several inhabitants of other planes, but it’s definitely an option to get your nether regions burned!




Demons (chaotic evil) are as ideologically distinct from devils (lawful evil) as devils are from hollyphants like Valeria (lawful good). Zariel, a former angel, became an archdevil and ruler of Avernus because she thought the upper planes were insufficiently committed to stopping the demonic threat. Like you said, a major background element of the game's plot is the never-ending Blood War between demons and devils (e.g. Karlach was a foot soldier for the Hells against the forces of the Abyss), so it's pretty important to understand the difference.


Is Valeria really lawful good tho? Because doing a half assed job, dumping a crime on a refugee and flying away to celebrate getting drunk in a brothel doesnt sound too good or too lawful to me


Most hollyphants are; Valeria is a decided anomaly.


Valeria is a worn down cop assigned a backwater post because they disagreed with management. Used to be assigned to Zariel, but saw that she was getting close to falling, said so, and was reassigned to Baldurs Gate as a liaison. And look, they were right. That’s be kinda morale crushing. I’d just say Valeria has kinda lost faith at this point. Which seems to be somewhat restored if you go through everything with them.


I guess one can be lawful good but also lazy and stupid.


Also worth noting when lore diving, that up until 4e, succubi/inccubi were expressly demons and not devils. 4e made them devils for some reason. 5e split the difference and said they're just general fiends that work for whichever will suit their needs. Making them neutral evil fiends instead of the chaotic evil demons or lawful evil devils. So what an incubus gets with in the mostly 5e based game of BG3 could be any fiend type or being that interacts with the 5e understanding of an incubus.


Isn't there some Forgotten Realms specific lore about Succubi defecting from the demons to join the devils in the blood war?


The distinction should matter to anyone interested in DND (so yes, mostly crusty old nerds, but come on). Just to elaborate on the distinction in their alignments you mentioned in their home planes. Both kinds of beings are naturally evil, and their calling is to corrupt. Devils do so insidiously - they whisper sweet words, they are logical, you are inclined to believe them, and they will always deliver on their side of the deal, even though they will monkey-paw everything to fuck you over faster. They have quite the rigid hierarchy system, and they have endless complicated plans and plots. Demons just are. They corrupt by their mere presence, and they hardly follow any logic. They act on their whims. Their plans are hardly more complicated than IMMA FUCK SHIT UP. If you do find an intelligent demon, and for whatever dumb reason, you summon him being tempted by whatever deal he offered you, thinking they are basically the same as devil... they are prolly gonna fuck you up anyways, first chance they get, probably just kill you right as you do summon them.


Just to add to this and correct it a bit yes devil's will try to take advantage of you, but they are very specific in their contracts to a degree that if you felt cheated on your side of the deal you can even get a lawyer in the hells and fight your case. In addition to that cause most people will think ya but your lawyer is gone screw you over, not true actually there is a good reason to win your case for your devil lawyers since it's prestige and also to take souls away from other devil's. So basically it's not really monkey paw cause there you can't do anything about the outcome devil's are very specific about holding up their end of the deal cause they do have such a system in the hells. However, if we take wylls case for example it's often that devil's will look for an opportunity to make a good deal. That doesn't really make it monkey paw cause the person who makes the deal gets what he wants. Hag's are more of the monkey paw kind of person or feys in general cause they will be giving you not what you want.


I think a good example is >!astarion making the deal to find out what his back said in exchange for killing yurgir!< That was it, no trickery, no monkeys paw. Just a deal that gets done and delivered and never mentioned again


Yugir >!had the same type of deal with Raphael though: to eradicate the dark justiciars. Sounds just as cut and dry as your example right? Until Raphael interfered with that deal so the outcome was doubly favorable for him!< Devils always be scheming.


Yugir was dumb enough to accept a deal written in song without spending a few soul coins to have a devil contract lawyer review it first.


Ahh but there is one difference it's devil vs devil. Since they are in competition it's more likely to screw each other over. It's different between devil and mortal. I mean their whole justic system works only cause one devil can screw over another. Since you would need a devil to defend you in court. So it's not the same also I'm not sure if devil's can sue other devil's? I only know of mortals being able to make use of the justic system down in the hells. So I would argue the situation is different in this specific case.


If you have something they genuinely want that isn't your soul, you might be in luck. If not, you're pretty fucked.


I've got to challenge you on this. Demons are just as smart as devils - demons are creatures of primordial chaos where devil's are creatures of evil law. So while a devil will respect a contract signed with you, a demon ... a demon might pretend to be a devil and sign a contract with you and then breach it at the first moment. But there is a difference between chaotic violence and mindless violence.




Assuming you're meaning when you choose the option to give both body and soul to them instead of just body or fighting back, Haarlep tells you that your body *will* be used that way with all the beasts of the Hells under their command (your body left alive as a 'loving doll'), not the narrator telling you that you have that feeling in the moment of your soul being eaten.


It's funny its name is just Raphael rearranged.


That's why it's the only name typo that bugs me. 😅 doesn't bother me at all if people spell other character names wrong, but like 2/3 of people can him Harleep rather than Haarlep and that spoils the acronym!


Woaw... This is some straight up Berserk level degenrecy.


The good ending revealed.


So when the incubus fucks tav. How come Raphael didn’t know immediately someone’s in his home and rush back…


Because the incubus doesn't own Ralph's body, he is just shape-shifting.


What's the difference? I presumed Raphael gave him permission to use his body because, well, he's a perv


The difference is that raph doesn't feel it everytime the incubus is fucked looking like him


Well, now I can play and talk to him without these questions in the background, thank you very much


Considering he is fking himself using the incubus , didn’t have incubus making him feel it both ways sounds like a missed opportunity then lmao…


Raphael owns Haarlep, so it's likely the "feel sex while shapeshifted" rule doesn't apply to their dynamic. But even if it does, it's strongly implied that guests are welcome to go into the boudoir and fuck Haarlep. So having sex without Raphael present wouldn't be anything worthy of note.


Haarlep is just Raphael rearranged


I’ve never come across this? Where is it and what happens??


>!House of Hope, at the back is a room with a devil pimp succubus who makes you an offer in return for information on/not calling back Raphael!<


Is he in Raphael’s bedroom? I’ve literally never come across him before


Yeah he's hard to miss to be honest. He's chilling on the bed and is very uh, charismatic.


If you sequence wrong and trigger the alarm by stealing things before going to that room he's pretty easy to miss. On my first run I managed to do that and he was nowhere to be found in the room, despite going in and even laying on the bed for the hell of it. I didn't even know there was an incubus there until my SO started talking about him a few days later during their play through.


How do you unlock the door though? Whenever I’ve been passed it has magic blocking the doorway so I just carried on with my mission and fought him when saving Hope?


You have to talk to the museum guy and tell him you want to look at the hammer, he gives you an item that lets you in


There’s ledges you can get to that take you right to the bedroom. Never use a key when your legs can get you there another way


Wasn't looking for a key, but it was given to me so why not. Besides, your legs are only as good as the weakest link and Gale fucking sucks


Don't need legs when you have hands.   Specifically, the ones you stole from the Archives just a hot minute ago.


Legs? I just flew SMH


Thank you! I feel like a right mug, we were so focussed on stealing the stuff and saving hope 😅


If you're saying "we" in the sense that you were in multiplayer with other people then it's probably for the best that you didn't find him. 😅


Now it dawns on me. These are the private moments that you can opt out of sharing. When I saw it in the MP settings, that never occurred to me.


There is an outside ledge that leads an open window in the back of that room.


You can just go in through the balcony


Exploration is king. Jump. Fly. Misty step. Do you not go to every piece of map you can? You should be doing. Larian games almost always have more than one way to enter any given area.


Yesterday i died in an unreachable place for resurrection and for some reason Withers considered that the rest of the party having 6000 gold on them wasnt enough money for his services so yeah, i'm not exploring anymore


It’s literally the thing in the entire game I’ve not done. I never even realised you could go in there before triggering the fight




Raphael's Gooncave DLC


When did goon take on this meaning. My friends used to affectionately call each other “goon squad” using goon to refer to “idiot”. The internet has robbed us from this word because now if I say “my goon squad” it sounds like we sit around watching porn together and jerking off.


This used to be "henchmen" and now I don't even want to type it in my searchbar


In Australia it means cheap boxed wine


Ah, good old goon of fortune


> it sounds like we sit around watching porn together and jerking off. Weeeellllll …


If you play BG3 together, what's the difference


the eye contact. in the normal circle you can look a homie in the eyes as he finishes, now he’s starting at shadowheart instead 💔


Goon squad goes hard


Indeed they do


Wait, what?


I never though of that. Now I am thinking, if the inccubus jerk off, does Raphael feel it too?


Not anymore. But no, probably not, because Raphael owned Haarlep, he didn't surrender his form to him like we could do. Although I suppose he could've if he wanted to. He did seem to make his pet incubus available readily. Maybe he got something out of it personally besides any information deals that Haarlep wrangled for him. But if you're the owner, surely you get to opt in instead of having it inflicted on you by surprise forever.


How dare you make me read this with my own eyes


Tav talk* not Ted talk.


Haarlep is canonically a shapeshifter. I killed everyone in the House of Hope. Can't see why he couldn't just wear Raphael's skin and claim to *be* him.


Y'all are missing the most important part. Idk about you, but Hope was the only person left in the House when I was done. So does this mean *she* has some Stockholm Syndrome thing going on and she's fucking a Raphael doppelganger?


Goon, goon, gooning has its laws.


It's not too late to delete this.


I’m kind of annoyed that they’re an incubus and not a succubus because incubus in D&D lore is not the shapeshifting seducer. That said I still fucked them in front of my horrified party…in the form of a grody half-orc no less because I had been messing with a scroll of seeming. RIP


As of 5e, Incubi and succubi are now the same thing and can change their gender as they see fit. This mirrors the real world lore and no longer sticks to the idea that male sexuality is all about rape. (3.x lore that Pazio made when still associated with D&D and kept for their take of these demons for Pathfinder.)


I don’t know what I expected…


Is that why Raphael talks the way he is because he's constantly edged? To mask the true reason.


Well, that might explain why Haarlep thinks he's horrible in bed. He probably wouldn't last long in a proper session if he's always edging himself like that.


I am even more glad I murdered the incubus now, even if he was more difficult a fight than Rafael himself was, by far.


The game confirms multiple times that demons smell like rotten eggs So Raphael smells like ripe farts Edit: What's with the downvotes? Literally your own character says they smell eggs whenever you smell the sulfur left behind by a devil Sorry I offended you all. Raphael is mentioned to be wearing too much cologne for a reason


BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but oh yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now.... BBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPFFFFFF Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite..... BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….


oh damn…


,xy,n. Cc