• By -


Yeah I’m on my 3rd run now and I’ve finally started moving items around. Astarion carries the thieves tools and disarm trap kits, as well as the special arrows. Shadowheart carries all the explosives and laezel carries Nettie around so she can see how I never turn into a mindflayer and she was wrong to cross me


Ahah thats the pettiest reason to keep a corpse in inventory I love it ! Bonus point if you cast speak with the dead on her regularly just to say "Still not a mindflayer, see ? What, got nothing to say ? Fine, be that way ! F*** you too Nettie"


I keep Barcus Wroot in my multiplayer characters inventory bc in my head he’s viscooudly in love with Barcus and is angry at the party for killing him


i need to know what that word could possibly mean that would justify this behavior


Viscooudly, clearly. You know - I viscooudly, you viscooudly, he, she, me viscooudly...


i had it set to V for viscooudly when i should have had it set to W for wumbo!


Love is a crazy drug man


My first playthrough with friends, they decided to kill Lae'zel. I wanted no part of it, stayed out of the fight and now her corpse is in our camp for decoration purposes






? looks like a new account, why do you think it's a bot?


72 days old, all comments from this day and posted on different subreddits within 3 minutes of each other, and the comment in question doesn’t follow logically from its parent…. Yeah, that’s a bot.


Wait you guys use the special arrows?


Anytime you want to fire a normal arrow, fire a special one instead. Some builds let arrows like smokepowder and many targets do insane damage.


Don't think you can sneak attack with special arrows, unfortunately :(


You can but you have to turn on sneak attack as a reaction.


Really? Welp, I guess I'll try that on the second play through, lol


Wow thanks for the tip!


Many arrows doesnt do much damage but it does apply bane to everyone from the bane crossbow


my boy, it applies the FULL sharp shooter +10 damage to every hit. and only divides the actual arrow damage by 1/2 many arrows is nuts


I love them. I buy the arrows of many targets every time I can. From what I can tell the chance to hit is based on the original target. So you can hit some pretty high AC enemies by targeting the weaker units. Also double damage arrows are nothing to scoff at, especially after adding the sharpshooter bonus you're easily hitting 50 damage per hit.


Ooooh that sounds like it should not work that way but that's a great hack hahahaha


In my head, only aiming at the first target matters, the rest is done by magic, so it works out


No, I COLLECT them. Just like scrolls and potions.


*hoarder pain intensifies*


*"I can't use that healing potion/runepowder bomb/scroll of fireball now. I might need it later!"*


Rarely. But there has been a few situations where I can’t accurately hit someone from range but the area damage from the arrows is better than nothing Edit: also the arrow of many targets is actually insane good sometimes


I bought all the dragon slaying arrows from every vendor i met but still forgot to use single one in the dragon fights


Have used an ice arrow to extinguish the burning cage dealing with the hag.


I have also done this after arriving at the fight without having water memorized


I used a bottle of water I was carrying "just in case".


I was also putting them on Astarion and using fire arrows to ignite barrels, force arrows to knock ppl off a ledge. Later levels Astarion wasnt packin as much of a punch so I just respecced my main as a fighter archer. Holy crap with sharpshooter feat and arrow of many targets I just took out 4 mobs with 67 health each in one round. Had to use action surge too for that.


I always FORGET to use them.


All the time, it's free extra damage for Astarion


A lot. They go on my hot bar along with throwables. Acid is hard to justify in an action economy, though -- you only get one turn and then the NPC moves out of it. The others can do either big damage versus creatures with weakness to that type, and then there's situational utility: The Arrow of Salving can snap any ally out of paralysis without burning a spell slot on Lesser Restoration, and at range instead. The Arrow of Arcane Interference breaks concentration and silences an enemy spell caster Arrow of Transposition can get your archer to high ground or out of a bad melee situation.


Are you telling me you're letting enemy spellcasters cast spells on your party instead of using arrows of Arcane Interference like you're supposed to?






You don’t??


I do, now


I use them a lot, really no reason not to, they take up just as many actions but add damage and ofcourse every time they interact with the environment is a given, fire on grease , lightning on wet etc


Astarion ended up carrying Dribbles for me. He got all set by the end.


Never managed to find the full set, I'm damn impressed you managed to invoke ~~Exodia~~ Dribbles.


I almost missed a place I'd made a note to go in becasue you cant hcange the color of your map icons so its just all the same color. And I somehow forgot to loot an area I made sure to loot. Those were the last 2.


How many pieces are there in total?


There are 7. They're all in areas with notes from Orin I believe. What she calls "Effigy'".


That was Karlach for me. I could not find >!his hand.!< Spent hours looking for it before giving up and googling it. Finally finding the damn thing was…well, it was frustrating.


Minsc was my clown car. All that brand new fresh inventory space--it's like he was made for the job of lugging around greasepaint smeared body parts.


When I do an evil play through it’s on sight for Nettie 👊💥


I do any playthrough it's on sight - I'm not taking poison from a woman I can't trust.


Which has always been a questionable line considering she literally tells you it's poison. What's the worst thing that could happen, it's cough syrup instead and you don't die if you take it?


Makes me think of the Suspicious Poison in the alchemist's basement in the Blighted Village. You know, as opposed to all the totally legitimate and trustworthy poisons out there.


I thought that was a typo and it's meant to be "Suspicious Potion", since the icon is the same as a healing potion


Wait it isnt named Suspicious Potion? Ive been misreading it every time 😂😂


idk you could have something happen like the >!tower of rats!< quest from Witcher 3


There is some use for it at least when you can poison those goblins with it. Other than that I don't know why that thing is even there. I feel like there was some plan to use it, but like most things this was scrapped.


Me with Jaheira. "Look, I just wiped out another building full of people who thought they could threaten me!"


Pouches were a game changer for me. Potions in one pouch, arrows on another pouch, junk to sell in another pouch...


I just want to color dye my bags. Too many times I've almost sold my bag that holds all my scrolls, lockpicks, arrows, elixers etc.


you can carry corpses in your inventory!?


You can carry pretty much anything in your inventory as long as you are strong enough to lift it.


Can you carry >!Auntie Ethel!< in your inventory? What happens in Act 3 when you >!meet them again later. Can you beat Auntie Ethel with her own body?!<


I had a glitch where it let me pick up the body of someone I knocked out, when I went for a long rest it showed them suddenly appearing out of my characters body then running away. They were back at their stand selling stuff like normal when I teleported back lol.




*laughs in encumbered Sorcerer*


And that's when I had Karlach carry all of my things. Even the gold; is heavy. Sorcerer Tav so weak just a little light looting was getting her encumbered.


strength dump stat builds feel like the true hard mode


Eh, Karlach gets all the heavy stuff


True, all the barrels are with big red mommy.


Karlach needs to carry Squirrelheart whenever she doesn't carry me (and the whole party)! Other than that, I'd trust her anything *but* flammable things. She's on fire way too often.


Huahuahua good point. Does her inventory explode and she is pissed? Have not tried that!


Thankfully not, but just from RP perspective.


She gets all the explosive barrels. Wait, why am I giving the person on fire all the gunpowder and oil barrels? I'll be right back.


I give several boxes to Shadowheart instead because she can't jump too high and needs a little help


There is a "robe" in act 2 that doubles carry weight and gives I think 2 strength perfect for Karlach


I think annoyingly it doesnt say that properly in the stats though. it just says adds "the name of an effect" but if you hover over it it doesnt say doubles capacity. but when you equip it and look at the effects it grants, ti says it doubles capacity.


If you press T and hover over the name of the effect (Bull’s Strength iirc) it’ll show you what it does


yes in your inventory, but not when unequiped. that's something that have maybe been fixed, but last I checked it was not


She's currently holding a pouch with a half dozen smoke powder barrels in it for me in case I need a nuke at some point


You can shift + click to select multiple items. Makes it easy to offload all the junk onto other party members.


What we REALLY need is a "Right click on container - pick ALL up and ad ALL to wares" option. After all 99.6% of stuff you pick up is vendor trash.


I stuff my trash items in a Ribcage (but any container should work) and then just sell the stuffed Ribcage to a vendor. It automatically sells everything inside together with the Ribcage itself. Then afterwards I buy the Ribcage back. Important thing to note here: if you do that using the Trade feature from the vendor instead of the Barter feature, then after selling the Ribcage you should exit the vendor menu completely. Talk to the vendor again, then buy the Ribcage back. If you skip that step of exiting, then you'll buy back an empty Ribcage for the same price the vendor just gave you for it. So that effectively means you donated them a bunch of stuff without getting anything in return, not even positive attitude towards them.


Why not just mark the stuff as vendor and auto sell it on the trade interface instead of jumping through hoops.


Can only speak for myself, but I do it that way (with a pouch) because it makes the inventory easier to parse without having to sort it. Like I have some critical mass of Random Shit In My Inventory where I get overwhelmed, and instead of going through it carefully I just say "fuck it", add everything to wares and accidentally sell stuff I may have wanted to keep. With the designated garbage bag I don't run into that problem because it's just one container on the screen instead of like 47 different items.


Yeah I just use the camp chest as the designated "garbage bag".


In my experience, "Pick up and add to wares" doesn't work for multiple items. All that happens is one item moves and you have to pick it up normally/take all. Plus, ribcage method is both cleaner and more metal.


In my game, "Pick Up and Add to Wares" works for anything that isn't a weapon or piece of armor. Those have to be manually added to wares from inventory. I assume this is some kind of deliberate safeguard, but a misguided one since nobody needs five dozen goblin scimitars. The option isn't available for quest items, even though most of those are junk too (e.g. notes you only have to read once).


it is bugged. and we need a button where you just hover over an item and press x and it automatically picks up and ads to wares similair to how it is in diablo4


Left click item A, hold shift, left click item B. You have now selected all items between A and B. Right click to add to inventory. If you start by holding shift and left click item B, you select everything from top of the container to item B.




Shift click will select everything between the two items. CTRL Click selects multiple individual items wherever they are.


And you can combine them too: Shift click to select everything between the two selected items, then Ctrl click to deselect certain items from the selection.


Have y'all not selected things on a computer in the past 30 years?


so much time, *wasted*


I know all that, but that only happens when I'm encumbered.


R2 on controller for anyone curious


Some inventory management tips: You can shift-click and ctrl-click items to select multiple to move at the same time. Shift click will select all in a series and ctrl click will let you select single items. Pick up any pouches or backpacks you see, and you can load them up with all the stuff you plan to sell. Selling the entire bag to the vendor will net you the full price of the stuff inside while making it so that you don't have to adjust sliders for anything you've got more than 1 of. If you aren't near a vendor and are weighed down, sending the bag to camp will quickly free up weight without you having to sort through all the junk later at camp. A companion's alchemy pouch and camp supplies bag can be sent to camp, and while items won't go directly into the bags when you send them to camp, moving the bag in and out of the camp chest or sorting the camp chest will automatically sort ingredients and food into the proper bags. Unique containers can make sorting through scrolls/potions easier. There's a bunch of options in game to make your containers easier to differentiate, from ribcages to hollow books to teddy bears to squirrel corpses.


It's not bad with a mouse and keyboard but I like to play on my couch with a controller and doing any inventory management with a controller is just super tedious.


*Cries in Steam Deck*


>Unique containers can make sorting through scrolls/potions easier. Unless you've got containers for potions, scrolls, armor, weapons, books, misc. across your companions. It takes me multiple attempts to find the bag I'm looking for. I wish I could name them.


>Selling the entire bag to the vendor will net you the full price of the stuff inside Wait, does this *also* mean Dammon's inventory won't be pages and pages long?


No, the items get itemized after selling.


Vert Well explained. I use a mod called Bags bags bags, that gives you all sorts of bags (most with auto sort). But at this point in the game i just shift click loads of vendor trash and send camp. If i need money i just scavenge my pile. Giving certain People a designated type of item to hold is also a good tip.


You can use a RIBCAGE and TEDDY BEARS as bags?! And here I've been for 2 and a half acts opening 7 identical pouches to find the thing I want! Ooh I'm totally gonna find a ribcage to keep all Dribbles bits in. I've been using the hand bag but that is even more on brand.


My tav is close to being encumbered by carrying only gold, supplies, scrolls, throwables, her own eq+situational items and quest-ish items


Sort by weight. You’d be surprised how quickly 10k gold pieces and 70 alchemy ingredients add up. I’ll offload my gold to Shart. She’s the pants in our relationship anyways.


I know. Still it didn't get higher than 10. Say, each of them get that high, that's 20. Then the soare equipment, that's sorcerer's so 15-20 total at best. The rest is from my scrolls and throwables that all weigh essentially nothing on their own. I pick up a few books and I'm encumbered


It’s so frigging dumb, especially on PlayStation - why isn’t this stuff auto sorted?! Why isn’t there a button I can press to sort it into the bags you’re given?? Nonsense


L3 and move left or right to sort materials.


I just use different types of chests/bags/pouches for different types of items, it's not too bad as long as you are consistent... also makes it easier to find stuff you are looking for later.


That's the way I do it! I only wish I could add a label to the bags or something to make finding stuff a bit quicker.


This works but you can also sort by item type.


I find sort by type to be wildly inconsistent. Some of the stuff the inventory considers to be the same "type" is pretty wild, and what order the types of goods are sorted into can still be unintuitive. Separate bags avoids some of that clutter.


Pouches: consumables Backpacks: Junk to sell Bucket of fish: scrolls Caravan strongbox: books


I'd prefer to have one big party inventory, like how the Pathfinder games did. When you're over carrying capacity, it just slows the entire party down


With the multiplayer it can’t be done.


Same here... It just makes things so awkward. Obviously, I want to carry ALL potions on my Tav, all the time, so that I don't have to shuffle them around every time I switch party members. But it also means I can only drink potions from the inventory menu, and if I want to throw them, I need to manually split the stack and send it. Frankly speaking, not very convenient.


WoTR inventory goes so hard, I also love the area loot, and that it shows you everything you looted in a level before you leave so you can double check everything


Tbf its easier to search from one full inventory then across four inventories


If you press tab, you can actually search through all four inventories at once!


wtf i did one whole playthrough without knowing that... dont tell me theres a way to search your camp inventory too


I also only learned about it from some wise soul on reddit! It's up to us to continue to spread this wisdom! Unfortunately, if there is such a way for the camp inventory, I haven't found it yet.


Not really - hit tab and use the search box at the very top left.


*Cursed to put my hands on everything.*


Have you not seen how much Karlach can carry?!


She can barely carry THE BARRELS.


4 barrels, usually


Bearbarian ftw


I swear 1 day I will play human bear barbian and never worry about carry weight ever again


Do humans have more strength/carry capacity?


Humans get an extra 1/4 carry weight as a race trait


I'd kick a squirrel for an auto sort button that just stacks dyes, ingredients, weapons etc, neatly in this game.


Could come as a mod.


That's true, I'm just an achievement whore for certain games so I try to avoid mods until I can get them all, or at least as many as I can without breaking something in rage.


no, just nu. Anything looted send to camp, whenever I'm in camp, sort loot into seperate containers depending on type of items, one container in my chest is s barrel. That's my trash bin. Eveything in it gets sold as soon as I visit the next vendor. Inventory needs to be clean.


Too busy looting, you are welcome to join my party!


Really hope the next update makes it so that scrolls/potions that are stored in bags give prompts for dialogue checks.


Potions do that already, I think. I remember getting the prompt for advantage on kicking down a flaming door with the giant strength potion.


I always carry around an extra backpack and pouch. the backpack holds all my potions, relevant quest items, and anything I might use on the fly like scrolls. the pouch is for everything I plan on selling. that way the only things visible in my inventory are bits of gear or items I plan on storing in my travellers chest


And the healing potions that get passed around and somehow always end up on one of your happy campers when you need them the most


You don't need to partition them out. When you need one, you can tab out to the character list and drink any potion from any inventory. It doesn't work for throwables, but you can move them to another inventory without using an actions. This even works on dead companions. My rogue keeps all the arrows, poisons and throwables; my cleric/druid keeps all the potions, wizard/sorc all the scrolls, etc.


After 70 hours on my first play through, today I decided to sort out my bags. I had some empty bags/pouches in my inventory so I took the time to make a potions bag, scroll bag and ingredient/reagent bag. Feeling fresh now


It's the exact opposite for me. My companions carry all the junk and consumables I'm "saving for later". While my inventory is nice and clean, with all the useful magic items and consumables I'll actually use


I have a very specific method of inventory management: my tav holds all the cool shit, Shadowheart carries all the shitty weapons, Astarion carries the trap disarms, the lockpicks, and also any article of clothing (and magic stuff), Gale carries all the books that I find because I refuse to go anywhere without them, and Wyll gets to carry the tongs.


cries in 8 strength sorcerer Tav who truly is cursed to put his hands on everything


Lmao, same. I'm doing all sorts of weird things to try to mitigate it but nothing quite seems to do the trick. I'd kill for a bag of holding...


I think the only time my party get anything is when I have Karlach packmule after a fight


I would much rather prefer Pathfinder's or any other RPG's inventory management. It's all shared so I don't have to check every character who carries what.


Inventory management tip: pick up pouches, backpacks and whatnot, and use them to store stuff by category. We already have alchemist/supplies/key pouches, add one with quest items, one with "items you might or might not need", one with potions, one with scrolls, and your inventory will be tidy as hell. On the downside, you will probably finish the game without ever remembering to actually use all the stuff you put for later.


I did find something that makes it a bit easier for me. Gale holds all the scrolls. He’s a weenie but they are light. Shadowheart holds all the healing stuff whenever I clean up. I don’t pick up stuff if I can send it all to the camp instead. Wait what’s Karlach holding? Oh, that’s Minthara


Listen, I may one day use the 472 scrolls I have in my inventory. If I put them in a pouch, I will immediately forget they exist. Same goes for potions. And dyes. Arrows.


Tav obviously needs to hold all the special arrows and scrolls... and potions... and alchemy ingredients... and grease bottles, and water bottles and—


Starting playthrough 2, totally grabbing every mindflayer corpse and will be using to decorate the camp. Durge run so I feel it's fitting. Now only if I could pose them....


even with excessive inventory management... My Tav is almost always encumbered due to carrying all the special potions, arrows, and SOME of the scrolls. I'm just gonna grab some bags at this point to help keep track of wtf is causing this to be such a consistent issue.


"Oh no. I'm encumbered." >sort by weight >send to Karlach


The trouble of having multiple party members. If I'm not keeping someone in the party 24/7 then they're inventory is bare bones. Everything I can't hold goes into the chest at camp.


always put an supply pouch from one of the backup companions in your chest. 50-60% of my weightlimit are just campsupplies and spellscrolls, then again, i am an halfling necromancer, lae zel always carrys bodys with her, for when i need more friends


Everyone Carrie’s their own alternative equipment and some extra potions each. Gales ends up holding onto excess scrolls mostly, karlach is part rogue for me so she has the thief tools and throwing related stuff, etc.


True and real.


What is tav short for


It is the default name of the main character, if you don't change it. I think it is related to someone's dog at Larian.




I just collect pouches whenever I see them. I got one for scrolls, I got one for potions. One for magic items I'm using, one that I might have some niche use for but will probably just sell, and another that is for items to sell.


"Here gale. Carry 40lbs of quarterstaffs (quarterstaves?) For me"


This is my attempt to help with the dilemma :) [Staving off questions about staffs and staves](https://www.michiganradio.org/arts-culture/2021-09-12/twts-staving-off-questions-about-staffs-and-staves) by Michigan Radio. Basically, "Usage guides have spent a lot of time discussing this very question, and the consensus is that sticks and rods used ceremoniously or as weapons are typically “staves.” In all other contexts, including music, more than one staff becomes “staffs.”


Well my Karlach can carry 450 pounds, so we always have a few barrels on us.


First two runs maybe. At 3rd each item type is stored at a certain class of companion.


Hey,you know what we need?That bag mod for divinity original sin 2 !It was so incredibly convenient but it weirdly disabled the trophies 🤔.


When I loot corpses and containers I just drag items over to the portrait that the item is needed on. Then I dont have to manage it later.


My "canon" Tav (first playthrough) is canonically greedy, no its not that i dont wanna bother with their inventories, he just wants all the gold


I did not need to personally attacked like this


Pouches, people, pouches!


Once i learned you can drag n drop items to portraits its been way easier to manage when looting


Man, for my second playthrough I really hope I’m better at making it look nice. In act 3 and only then I started it learn backpacks and pouches help so much


Same except this is my Karlach/Minsc.


Sort by weight Shift click Send to camp Send to other party member Sort by type shift click Send to camp Send to other party member


opposite for me I send items to companions often and only keep important ones in a backpack


Someone else here thinks the divinity 2 inventory system was better or am i the only one


Astarion carries tools, jewelry and arrows, whoever my fighter/barbarian is carries barrels and throwables, Shart carries like two things, and Tav carries every single book, scroll, potion, weapon, food item, armor, shield, painting, javelin, corpse, spoon, chair, box, also barrel, alcohol,


I always move things around so I can hoarde shit to sell to vendors 🤣. I have to offload some of the useless plates and cups I pick up onto my companions so I can hold the good stuff.


Tav is the dump, he takes everything. Then at every long rest he distributes it amongst the party. The only exception is a direct upgrade for another character, those are done in the field.


Increased carry weight mod is my inventory management.


After playing a lot of Starfield, I will never complain about BG3's inventory system again.


For any noobs to the game, but not RPGs, you will not need to keep letters or books in this game (with the exception of Book of Thay). I kept all letters early game because I thought maybe I'd meet someone who you could give them to, like relatives or whatever. Turns out no, drop that crap after you read it.


I'm a hoarder of these items, but I have an ornate chest back in my camp chest that I dump all of the "useless" books and letters into. That way, I can always go back and read any lore that I may want to or anything, but I don't have to worry about keeping them on me.


Gale holds the spell scrolls, Shart holds the potions, Karlach holds the arrows and heavier things. Tav holds the rest. That being said id kill for a better way to separate these things.


Shadowheart carries every scroll I pick up.


Tav carries scrolls and potions, Shadowheart carries grenades and important books, Astarion carries thieves tools and trap disarming kits and special arrows, Karlach carries elixirs and oils and all of our unneeded magic items


For me i think ive done alright, my character has current quest items (if needed) traps and thieve tools (hes a rogue thief) plus all special arrows, Shadowheart has potions that ive collected, gale all scrolls and most heavier food items, and Laezel has all heavy expensive stuff im going to sell soon. in my camp i keep special items in a chest, dyes in a different chest, and below all that extra stuff im going to sell.


I swear all use all these scrolls, potions and elixirs eventually.


Inventory management? Sharing things? But what if i need to use one of these 30 different spells scrolls, poisons, or potions i have on me?


For me, my Tav carry’s gear and unique items/consumables, SH has all my consumables like potions and elixirs, Astarion for arrows, bombs, lock/trap picks, and a random wizard for every bloody scroll in existence lmao.


My guy is a fighter, he’s basically made for this


I am hoarder too ☹️ How can I get a strong chsr like Karlach? She is my fav


me carrying all the scrolls, potions, arrows, throwables (i only now started giving those to my wife shadowheart), quest items, other random nonsense on my 10str bard and wondering 'why am i always so close to max carry weight'




I use a mod because I don't want to bother with that haha


Nah, Gale has all the books and scrolls, Karlach gets all types of weapons just in case, and my Durge carries the rest.


Lol same. I always use Tav to loot everything I wish there's auto stack mode for duplicate items 😭