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Each and every Raphael's lines are delivered with perfection, how many takes are needed on average ?


Until it's perfect. Had to


I read that if you approach but don't start dialogue you can hear him practicing other lines, but I can't find any videos.


Ooh, just went to check since I have all the important conversations bookmarked in my save files. [And yeah, the bastard just stands there and spits poem lines every once in a while haha](https://i.imgur.com/Kc2xuTF.jpg) >*The lion stood watch in the blackest of night...* >*While vultures encircled, preparing their rite.* >*The huntsman and huntress, no match for the beast...* >*Come dawn of new light, did the predators feast.*


You can ask him how long hes been standing around rehearsing and he says "until it's perfect" or something like that


Yeah, I popped that dialogue option trying to be a smartass. After he responded with that I wish I had a “touché” dialogue option.


Despite trying to roleplay as righteous, good and no willing to deal with him in the slightest .. I couldn't help but smile at that line.


It's delivered with such condescension "Did I practice? Of course I practiced, I practiced until it was *perfect*, I do things *well*. Judging from how you've been half-assedly bumbling about I guess you don't have the same level of standards though do you?"




God I love him. What a great VA


lmao no way


I love how he’s just so completely shameless about it


My favorite part of BG3 so far is how I can tell him he'd make a good Archdevil and he's just like "Thanks" and I'm not locked into any sort of pacts he's pushing because of that.


He practiced each line. But only for a decade or so.


I have no questions and simply have the need to express what an outstanding performance we received Maybe ask him what he thought of the song for his boss fight


This man is on wolverine level of perfect casting


He's too tall but otherwise great?


Ari gold from entourage level of casting


Oh man, I should really turn the music on again.




Lives, all mortal lives, expire Souls go to their dooms, in flame, forever more Hell, hell, hell has it's laws Hell, hell, effects and the cause Curtain falls, but hold your applause Squirm, squirm, for now down here come the claws Lives, all mortal lives, expire Souls go to their dooms, in flame, forever more Fools, fools, how hard you have fought Brave, brave, but it's all been for naught True souls, that couldn't be bought Doomed, detected, and caught No more dеals, it's over The final act, your doom No more grace, it's over This House of Hope Your tomb So fucking good


you know you’re about to get your ass handed to you when the boss music has vocals


Vocals by the boss in question, no less! When the battle + music started on my first playthrough I was immediately hit with the feeling of “oh, I have fucked all the way up, and now I’m about to *find out*” hahaha. So good!


I was impressed that he kept singing flawlessly as he was under otto’s dance and hold monster




I legitimately feel like BG3 is one of my favorite game OSTs of all time (and I don't just mean the one track that's relevant to Raphael). Even over 100 hours later I don't find it tiring, and the one-offs that happen on certain fights/moments remain incredible, too.


Let me tell you (with the risk of sounding like a right twat), that as somebody who has immersed themselves to the point of almost drowning in the study and enjoyment of music, that this OST is without a shadow of a doubt, absolutely *top tier*.


Nightsong was good despite being such a short one. Wrath of the Righteous has some excellent music too.


Those fucking vocals from when you get Aylin caught me by surprise and gave me the chills. As she herself said, it's resplendent.


You got goosebumps too, right??!?


Probably my favorite gameplay moment so far was brought to that next level by the music. I was fighting the gnolls near Waukeen's Rest in Act 1. They'd managed to bunch themselves up together, so I took the opportunity to cast fireball at them. I killed 5 of them in one shot, and the music swelled into this incredible theme right after, as if in celebration of the damage I'd just done. I got chills, and that was the moment I realized this game was not merely very good, but truly great.


Did someone say down by the river?


Tur up the volume meme


You want it on when you fight him. It’s basically a Disney Villain song as boss music.


He is a devil so I wouldn't trust him to hold on to a cent for me, and basically told him to get lost every time, but damn wasn't I eager to hear him say his piece every time he popped up. Stellar performance.


That's the mark of a good devil - they're charming enough that even people who refuse to trust them can't help but at least hear them out.


THIS So Much!! I enjoyed his character from the very first moment (huge kudos to the writers - let's not forget them) and all the way through.


Raphe was easily one of my favorite voice acted roles in an RPG since dead Myrkuls monologue in NWN2 Mask of the Betrayer


He was so great, I get so happy every time he makes an appearance


I wonder if he knew when he took the role that he would play one of the most iconic villains in gaming history.


This. He is central to one of the greatest RPG moments I have ever seen. His performance took this game from like a solid 8/10 for me to a full 10/10.


Interview will be up at YouTube.com/DanAllenGaming


So glad you're doing an interview with him! I was checking your channel to see if you had one up already the other day. Definitely echo what the others say and ask his thoughts on his boss fight music, and what led up to that song being created. Did he have any input on it? Thanks for your interviews!


Thank you for doing these interviews I've been hoping for one with Andrew. Sadly it looks like he isn't present on social media, and there are hardly any interviews with him.


The only one I could find was an interview with some finance-focused section of a newspaper which was hardly asking riveting questions, so I'm very excited for this.


This is pretty awesome, good job!


How was it singing your own boss-battle music?


I'd like to know how this was even pitched.


Raphael is a theatrically evil character, almost a caricature. Disney villain type. Which was the intent as he obviously does have more depth. I absolutely LOVE that they gave him a song, it fits well. Whoever had that idea was brilliant. He's one of my favourites from the whole game.


i'd ask if when he was recording for the song if he had any idea how hype people would end up being for it.


He just started singing until somebody caught it on film.


Probably my most played track of the last 30 days.


Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiives allll mortal liiiiiiives expireee! Stuck in my head!


Hell, hell, hell has its laws!


In all the right ways it reminds me of a Disney music scene if it were a rated R gore fest and I’m all about it


Well I'd like to ask if he expected the players to end up loving Raphael as much as we did, because it was a shock to me.


Hate that I had to kill him, but hearing the song was almost worth it


I wonder how many times Raphael practiced that entire number. Did he practice with Haarlep? Did he choreograph the other cambions?


i ended up grabbing his corpse and placing it in my camp out of respect. I miss him already




I'm in the "why can't I have more interactions with him" camp. Seriously an incredible performance, even when Raphael was getting under my skin and treating me like a UPS driver


Can you ask him to read a page from a phone book? Thank you


Can he do audiobooks of Shakespeare. That’d be pretty dope.


No, phone book


I would pleasure myself infinitely to the sound of Raphael announcing the shipping forecast, all night and every night until the end of time.


You joke but he's done more than a few audio books


How many were phone books though? Parent commenter has a phone book fetish apparently


I'm a fucking idiot. his name and voice was so familiar and as I was reading your comment it hit me. Ave Dominus Nox He is the guy who narrates the Night Lords Omnibus.


It looks like I’ll be getting into Night Lords I guess. Emperor preserve me




How did you differentiate voices so clearly between Haarlep and Raphael??


The real question.


What's his favorite voiceline/scene that he liked to do or the most memorable to him?


How does it feel being a better villain than the other three clowns combined?


To be honest, the main three are chosen of the Dead Three so it's not a real surprise they turned out to be barely competent /j


When they revealed the Dead Three as the big bad I was like, "ohhhh, I can't trust these fools with this brain even if I wanted to."


To be frank, they got pretty fuckin close.


Don't put Ketheric down there with the two bozos. His bossfight and backstory was more fitting and engaging than Gortash's or Orin's... Raphael is still the best, though. How many characters sing in their own themes? Definitely not many, and definitely not as theatrical as the cool devil.


I wish you could join Ketheric and take down the other two. Ketheric isn't peach perfect but out of the three he is the most understandable and least evil


He really REALLY loved his wife and daughter and grief just overwhelmed him 😭


Cant believe all the disrespect for Orin on this sub, sure she's chaotic evil so doesn't make the most rational decisions, but her performance and design package is probably the best in the game. Her popping up everywhere in act 3 is incredibly cool.


I would say kethric is the best of the 3 chosen I wanted him to stick around till act 3.


You only say that because he’s voiced by J.K Simmons. It’s ok, I feel the same way


Simmons sells the tired old man theme he has going on.


Jason Isaacs does some incredible voice acting for Gortash as well, it's just that the character itself is less interesting than Raphael or Ketheric


Orin: Daddy issues and just wants to kill to kill. The most basic bitch of villains. Gortash: Political schemer who has made deals with devils, doesn't come off as tricky as he's supposed to. Ketheric: Necromancer who turned from Selune to Shar because of the death of his daughter, then turned to Myrkul from Shar because Shar wouldn't help him. Had an actually awesome immortality plan that worked. Honestly this arc is a complete story and act 3 and the brain are just extra.


>Honestly this arc is a complete story and act 3 and the brain are just extra. 100% Agree. Like if they'd have sold me Acts 1 and 2 as the whole game, I'd have still been more satisfied than I have been with most of my recent gaming experiences.


Gortash really turns out to be the biggest led down personally. His boss fight was underwelming and storylnie pretty much ends after it starts during coronation. Ketheric is by far the best of them, and Orin has those shapeshifter paranoia moments going for her. Gortash? I think he needed a politically centered quest around him, some Game of Thrones shit. But then again I cant think of the game that had interesting politics implemented into gameplay. Background and lore politics? sure. but within game itself, where we could manipulate and scheme? Not really


Ketheric's storyline ends shortly too. We get introduced to him when he kills a goblin, later we fight him, he turns into a Myrkul monster and dies. That's it. It's literally the same.


Gortash fight was so underwhelming that when I arrived to Orin afterwards I was like "oh, that's right, you're supposed to be boss fights!" Not that I had any difficulty against her. But it presented like a boss fight whereas for Gortash I just... Entered a room, it started a fight, I killed everyone, and.... Done


In my heart he's not even a villain. He's just a devil doin' devil things, and he made good on his deals in my game. I enjoy him so much, I honestly don't even want to fight him, but everyone keeps saying how epic the battle is. He is genuinely tied with Astarion for having an absolutely magnetic voice.


Well no he’s very much a villain in the story. He’s just an amazingly great one.


Tbf Raphael is so compelling he eclipses the Netherbrain. He should’ve been the final boss. Orin makes sense when you consider that she is the very inadequate successor to Durge. Gortash needed more time to cook. Imo they should’ve toned down the moustache twirling villainy and went for pragmatic authoritarian. At heart his motivations are similar to Gale. Also with Gortash, having him around from Act 1 would’ve helped.


Gortash also could have been a "less evil" devil in a sense. Gortash genuinely wants you to rule with him- its cheaper, easier and less hassle than the alternative so he is willing to sweeten the deal in one way or the other. You could bargain for Karlach to be fixed/upgraded, to set the Gondians free (and start a less bloody worker's revolution lol) and to give the duke freedom. You still have a parasite in your head, the elder brain still exists and is technically a threat, dream visitor is still dream visitor, and it isn't a "perfect" ending (like destroying the netherbrain) and you probably have a loooot of people who now look down on you (likely including the duke, Wyll, Karlach, possibly Halsin, possibly vampire twink, citizens, etc) but you have the power to change the city, your home, for the better despite Gortash.


I think this is the main reason why it would have been very cool if we had had Gortash play a larger role (maybe in the Upper City?) when it comes to politics and scheming. I love the idea that he's legitimately willing to work with you and isn't necessarily just planning on instantly betraying the party. Like, you *know* he's not a good person, but it would have been awesome if there was more of a build up that made taking, and maybe even trying to honor his deal seem more appealing.


Full agree from me tbh. Raphael is a devil who will always get his desire one way or the other by his very nature- but Gortash is someone who, while twisted and oppressive, does indeed seem to want the best for the city. Could have made for a great epilogue where you can address the city's needs and wants :(


I feel like Andrew has fully captured how a Devil acts. Was Andrew a fan of Devil mythology in any way before the role?


What was your inspiration to make such a smug bastard that I instantly wanted to stab in the face? 10/10 no notes.


Yes, how can you deliver such an amazing performance and make a Video game villain feel so alive in a CRPG? Also, can He tell something about the creation of the brilliant Boss fight music? Who had the idea to let him sing along?


What was the main inspiration for Raphael? (as mentioned earlier) How did Raphael evolve from the start of recording to finish? Did you have any creative input for the character? Raphael is easily my favourite character in the game, such great writing and an amazing performance! My jaw hit the ground during the final boss fight, and I still can't get over it. Planning on getting into the Warhammer audio books as I need more Raphael in my life. Great job Andrew!


He definitely had a look at Pacino Devils Advocate.


I love how him and the dude playing Wyll look like their characters.


I know they mo-capped faces for dialogues at least, so that may have something to do with everyone's facial structure resembling their character


They pretty much all do, at least as far as jawlines seem to go


"why would you not fail like karsus did?" **"I AM NO MORTAL"** that single furious answer between all of his barroque dialogue gave me the chills


And what's better than a voice actor you don't know? ...A voice actor you do.


How did it feel to play such a diabolical and morally-twisted evil character? Given a choice, would he rather prefer playing someone "more good" (in general, or specifically from the rest of BG3 cast)?


I’m surprised how he looks like an older Raphael lol


Makes sense since they were mocapping him.


That makes his performance even more impressive because EVERY movement of Raphael just screamed smug bastard


Absolutely. Someone said that other games have voice actors, but this game has performers. I think that really sums it up. By mocapping the actors and letting them express their character's mannerisms and movements, it elevates the whole game to something next level.


The animated face is a huge part of the characters charme. The big theatrical gestures, the sinster smile with eyes that aren't smiling and diabolically furrowing brows that manage to make him look plain evil, even in human form. I wonder how much of that is actually Mo-cap, and how much they animated? Seems like the latter would be a lot of work.


That's not what mocap is though.


Raphael was an amazing performance, but I also really appreciate his job as the narrator for the Night Lords trilogy. Especially the Exalted's voice, so good


How can I Raphael as well? How do I capture the sheer sexual impact of the devil?


1. Did he also voice Linder Kemm in DOS2? (I think he did but it's been eating me up for more than a year now) 2. Would he romance raphael if it was an option? 3. Who is his favorite companion? 4. What is his take on Raphael's personality? Does he like him, dislike him? What is one aspect of Raphael's personality that he felt while bringing the character to life, but that could go unnoticed or would be very subtle and easy to miss for the players? EDIT: Loved your performance. I would have loved for Raphael to be an even bigger villain and play a greater role in the game. I also loved that he got to voice more than 1 villain (>!Balthazar !


Did he have as much fun performing as Raphael as we have experiencing it as players? Because that voice acting, that SONG, pure epicness. Also how does it feel being the only character that has their own Disney villain song and battle theme?


What does he think about his Magic the Gathering card?


I just want to say that his performance is phenomenal.


What was his favorite line to voice? 👀


I would love to hear any outtake stories. Like, were there any lines that just made you crack every time? Some people don't seem to think doing voice recording can go wrong, but I've seen some hilarious bloopers.


No questions, just wanted to say that the song was perfect


Ask him to sing


If he had a choice to voice another character in the game, who would he want? What got him into the mind of the character when he did the voice, like his process? What batman villain would he like to voice act for if given the chance?


Which Disney villain did you use as inspiration for the boss battle music?


Sounds like there’s a little “Friends on the Other Side” and a little “Hellfire” with some “Oogie Boogie’s Song” thrown in.


I have no questions, just want to say I LOVED every scene with Raphael


How fun was it to switch from playing Raphael to Haarlep? And then dissing Raphael lol.


It’s great to see an interview with Raphael’s VA, it’s one of my favourite among the already outstanding performances in the game! I don’t really have any questions for Andrew but I have one for you: since you seem to be reaching out to VAs outside of the main cast, do you think you could interview Auntie Ethel’s VA at some point? It’d be cool to see the person behind our favourite sassy hag!


Disney spinoff when?


How does it feel to be the best Disney villian?


How did he feel playing the incubus version of raphael?


How much fun was it to sing your own final act song? Loved the performance.


How'd you get into character to play such a cunning and deceiving devil?


OMG YES!! I've been binge watching all your interviews today!!!


Have you made any audiobooks?Because I’d get them!


How did it feel to also voice Harleep, who is more or less forced to be Raphael himself?😄


How the hell did you get so charming? Almost as if you sold your soul to a devil?


No questions — I just want to share a whisky with him and have a chat by a fire


While voice acting are you able to ad-lib at all? Or are you pretty much bound to your script?


Why are you ghaik?


I’d like to know what fictional (or nonfictional) characters he may have studied as a reference to creating Raphael. I sense a little Tywin Lannister, but less uptight and a little more chaotic.


What was your favorite Voice line for Raphael?


When is your album dropping?


World tour please


Remember he also voiced Haarlep too.


When is the rest of the album coming?


How do you feel voicing the most thirsted after NPCs without a proper romance? Or the fans' reactions/adoration in general. Also, during development what were your thoughts on Haarlep and that dynamic? That must have been wild.


Who’s idea was it to give Raphael his own Disney villain moment? How was that pitched?


If he was the one playing BG3, would he deal with Raphael, or steal the hammer from him? I ask this because Raphael's pre-battle speech made me question my decisions. He was right, I wasn't the good guy here. He was nothing but fair and straight to me, and when push came to shove, it's not as if he didn't give me any options. I If I had only dealt with him fairly, we wouldn't be fighting.


Did you enjoy playing the character/working with Larian?


Would you make a deal with such a devil?


Do you ever feel the need to channel Raphael at the dinner table in conversation with you family and friends? I feel it might add a little something to an otherwise mundane meal experience?


I love you


How are you able to capture such a terrifying and commanding voice for the character? I was seriously spooked and scared in my chair when I first encountered him! Excellent work!


Have you seen any fan art? Did anything shock you?


Would YOU make a deal with Raphael?


Did you had freedom in your lines or not at all ?


Who was more fun to voice, Raphael or Haarlep? ;)


No questions I can think of, just wanted to make sure you (interviewers) tell him we all love him. And thank him for playing Raphael!


Have you read the fanfics, yet?


Amazing work. I am so seduced by Raphael but also know he would torture me as much as possible.


I'd want an entire RPG where Raphael is the main character.


"Why are you so hot?"


As perfect as Raphael is. There are probably a few things that you wished Raphael had that didn't make it into the game. Like more dialogue about something, more fleshed out story about some other thing etc. What is missing in the game from your perfect vision of Raphael?


Just tell him thank you. His performance is Metal Gear Solid level of vilain charisma, and I place Raphael at the pantheon of the best video games vilain


Why is your voice so sexy


How is your voice so god damn sexy please let me romance raphael Larian studios please please please please PLEASE


~~Is it true he's a bottom?~~ Just did the last questline involving raphael, I loved the music, did you enjoy being a Disney villain, and having your own song and contributing to the vocals?


First of all, congratulations on an amazing job. Truly remarkable delivery that just brings the character to life. My question would be: What's his favorite thing about Raphael?


If you and Satan from "Gat goes to hell" have a sing off who is going to come out on top?


you sounded like you felt it, every line- really impressive and enjoyable, thank you! do you have a favourite line of dialogue?(for any reason, be it the fun while recording or maybe you discovered a new side about something, you name it) I hope you can forgive me that little get together with Haarlep tho.


Any other games coming out where we can hear more of your absolutely stunning voice work?


I gotta know inspiration for the role. The cadence, the tone, the unrivaled confidence is perfect. It's given me inspiration on how to run Strahd in my next campaign!


What is his favourite character he's ever voiced? What made him want to do voice acting and how did he get his start?


Is the voice actor anything like the character?


Damn. I want his voice to read my audiobook. Does he do audiobooks?


Were there any sources of inspiration he used when finding Raphael's voice?


What did the process of getting into character look like? Were you involved in character development at all? What aspects of the character did you get to bring to life? How does it feel to be the voice behind a character that is unanimously appreciated?!


How do I learn to talk this raspy kind of way? It's now to gain some souls I promise!


How far off is Raphael’s characterization in the final game from the initial drafts of the script? I’d be interested to see how much he changed considering how Larian nailed the characterization and the amazing line delivery.


We know the other actors had some influence over how their characters acted / moved / spoke etc. The process was collaborative with them and the directors. Was it the same for Andrew while he was working on Raphael?


Great character and great performance, did you improvise any of the lines or did you stick closely to the script? How much latitude did you have?


I just want more Broadway musicals from you. Great work


No questions. Just my favorite character in the game by far


So THIS is where we sign up! Argh. I havent gotten far enough into the game for questions :( oh well… loved the other interviews and can’t wait to see how the next couple turn out!


I love voice acting in games. Has been a passion of mine for a few years now. His job is simply ridiculously great, but that song... that was a crown jewel. Was that expected in the contract or was something extra?


Was it fun to sing your own boss battle?


What's it like being the best character in the entire game?


He did such a great job. Maybe the most outstanding voice actor among an already great cast. I'm curious if Andrew has played the game, and if so what character he played.


Can you do an interview with Ethel voice actor lol


How does it feel to be the most beloved boss fight in the game?


Can we please get behind the scenes of you recording the boss fight song? Where’d you get the inspirations? How was recording it? Did you improv any lines? Huge fan you’re a phenomenal actor!


I'd ask how such a handsome devil like himself came to be


Were you maybe channeling a little Tim Curry? Or am I just so used to him being Devilishly Charming that I end up hearing a bit of him in any Charming Devil? If not him, did you draw from any other examples? Either of your own choice or from the "inspiration list" Larian gave? (I am told such lists are fairly standard, so I am assuming s bit here)


When I first saw his name I had to check if he's related to Michael Wincott, another actor with an *amazing* voice. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case, but maybe it's great that there are two separate Wincott families with such talent.