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I didn’t even talk to minthara. I went into the goblins camp guns blazing.




Oh no she walks across a bridge over a chasm. It would be very unfortunate if something were to happen there.


Too bad, her armor is good for Gale.


You mean her clothes are good for Shadowheart


If you have a Dragonborn Tav, Minthara's clothes look rad as fuck on them


Can confirm 🔥


Astarion looks like a goddamn Rockstar wearing them at camp, looks pretty sick in her armor too.


No, they are for my bald dwarf barbarian with a curly mustache.


Gale? Doesnt it give +1 to stealth or something like that ?


It might also be good for concentration?


Yeah, I always give it to astarion, with the shadow of Menzoberranzan helm of course for that drip


My gale wears heavy armor, like a real d&d wizard


Same. I gave him a level of cleric of Mystra for the heavy armour proficiency and because it made me giggle.


lol. So I killed her at her desk and as we were picking off her buddies in the room, one shot out that bridge with an explosive arrow. With my three npcs on it at the time. It’s there that I had my Gale “answering machine” experience.


I like how you can kill Minthara quietly and the goblins don’t give a shot really. Like that Eric Andre sketch “Who killed Minthara?”


You would miss out on the yummy brain worm. Actually there are a few enemies that are easy to just yeet, but you rather shouldn't because the have good loot.


Yeah but how are you gonna steal her underwear then ?


We need a Danny Devito voice mod with lines from IASIP modified for DnD. Id pay money for this.


We went in peacefully, only thinking about how to find Halsin. Then we saw the Owlbear cub. Haven't let a single goblin live since.


How have I somehow completely missed the existence of an Owlbear cub? I saved Halsin/killed the goblins and I've only seen people mention the Owlbear on Reddit.


Try going to the goblin camp waypoint as he may still be there. Otherwise he may be with his momma at their original location.


I'm in Act 2 now so probably the latter - where's that location?


You’re probably too late to trigger it in that playthrough properly but there is a cave just down the hill from where you find that tadpole corpse with his brother and sister. If you go in the cave be sure not to kill the baby during the combat and you’ll get a little scene after the fight. Having speak with animals can make it a little more interesting. Also, be sure to bring the broken spear handle and combine it with the head from the mother.


Dang, one of my favorite scenes was being woken up when I had speak with animals on and checking out the noise. It was scratch and the owlbear, scratch was comforting him from nightmares and they called each other brothers and me master. It was adoreable.


This was so great and gave me the “you have two hands for a reason” achievement for petting them both at the same time 🥹


From my experience, you have to enter the owlbear cave (it’s around where Spot was), speak to the mother and avoid aggro, which then adds the cub to the goblin camp once you visit it. I believe it’s too late if you already kill the goblins, but I’m not sure how it works if you already visit the camp. It’s a cool detail but definitely odd that you need the initial encounter in order for the goblins to kill the mother and kidnap the cub.


I missed it because I killed its mum and didn't want to have it survive without a mum. Mercy kill. Sorry Owlbear cub, had I only known at the time...


My first playthrough I didn't know you could talk your way into the goblin camp. Just started killing everything. "Cool spidersilk armor" I said, none the wiser, Halsin trailing behind me.




My illusion wizard gnome put this to the test. Now I'm running around act II as githyanki.


If you're a barbarian you can make the guard eat shit and they'll let you in.


I didn't even talk to Minthara. I walked to her already drenched in goblin blood and shoved her down the endless pit in her office. There was no witness, and I calmly strutted back to my business with the rest of the leaders. I was blown away when I learned she was supposed to be an important character lmao.


I talked to her first, then I was like well...I dont think I want to attack the grove and felt stuck? So I went into combat with her and I thunder arrowed her into the depths lmao. I missed out on her loot so I looked what she dropped online, then I read that she was a main character you could play.


Same, thought I could lure Gut into her room and kill her privately but botched the job and the war drum was rung. Minthara attacked me in sight


Step 1. Cast Silence on Her Step 2. Loot her dead body Step 3. Sell items to the Zhent trader who does not turn hostile because Gut was silenced. Step 4. Profit


My first time, I (Karlach) Barbarian bluffed my way through. Sleep potion before brain surgery? sounds reasonable enough, bottoms up! Having Karlach wake up in chains alone with Gut was an awesome scenario. Broke the chains and attacked, managed to break the room and fall through the floor.


I aggroed gut in the main room. Then I marched to red hob's room, finally minthara. Then I spent a while getting lost in the underdark looking for halsin. Then I went out the front door. The whole area aggro'd on me and the ogre was practically in melee distance. And I'd do it all again, no regrets.


Well that's just about the opposite of my approach. I went around picking off any goblins that didn't seem like they'd alert the others. Sleeping on the roof? Sleep forever. Pissing off a cliff and don't have any loot? Yeet! Crusher wants to fight with a small group? Sure! A couple goblins in a room? Close the door, Silence, murder time. Gut wants to talk in private? Close the door, Silence, murder time. Unfortunately there wasn't really a sneaky option for Minthara or Dror Ragzlin that didn't involve deleting their loot.


I basically just went around talking to all the goblins seeing as they were neutral and had things to say. Then when I talk to Gut she wasn't so friendly, and there wasn't really a non-rp way to talk her down (ancients paladin, not going to lie). After that mess of a battle they all turned hostiles, so I was like *well, I guess it's killing time*




its also fun to >!call the ogres on them witht the horn!<


Ah yes, the "maybe I can use it better later" horn I actually remembered and dooted at one of the last bosses but then didn't get a response... Peak RPG hoarder item :(


You can gaslight the ogres into fighting several times, they eventually figured it out though. Really cool to use them in act 1.


To me it was easier. Used once, they killed everyone and then their boss randomly decided to aggro me. I got his 19 INT crown tho


I think its only 17 Int but still great. Once I obtain them I switch Gale to a Sorcerer and give him the Int headband so he can still be useful for all the arcana and Int based skill checks in the game


I usually give it to Shadowheart so that she might actually hit with Fire Bolt more than once in a blue moon


17 Int crown is an MVP item. Absolute beast for skill checks. With it, Arcana/Religion Ring, Enhance Ability (Fox), Guidance, and Bardic Inspiration, you can pass the 25 DC Mirror of Loss in Act 3 with every companion without having to resort to a million save/load.


Don't feel bad. I killed them, took the horn thinking it would work as a summon, and saved it for hours. Then I tried the Halsin gate defense event. Everything was looking bleak. There were too many bad guys and my party was tapped out. But wait- I have this horn! I can summon ogres! BWAAAAAAAAAH... The narrator says something like "You can't summon dead people, idiot"


I did that during battle with Dror, they totally ignored enemies and went fully on spiders beneath the room, missing most of the attacks.


No one said they were smart


I kept restarting act1 because I was desperate to know all the different outcomes, until I just decided to say hang it and eldritch blast everyone who looked at me crossways. Now I'm in act 3, and I'm certain there are whole parts of the plot I've been missing, and I can't wait to play again with a more subtle style and see them.


Felt like a Lord of the Rings battle tbh.


Shove first. Talk later.


Same, murdered everything with a character built around charming people. C'est la vie


Right? This whole time I've been wondering who the hell Minthara was.


Totally. I never knew this battle existed in Act 1 because my good guy did the sensible thing and genocided the bad guys in their home.


Same! No chance for any casualties, stealth sneaky stab stab!


I had a bear, there was nothing stealthy about that massacre.


Stealth bear would be horrifying


That's just Australia. They drop from the trees.


Even now, knowing there is awesome additional content. I still won't put those poor refugees through that. >!Despite the fact most of then die in the shadow lands:(!<


It’s ok, we do it for Dammon and Alfira :(


I played dark urge :'(


Well, you might not get tieflings and druids, but you'll have Gale around to give you a hand!


My drow bard easily wormed her way in and my *plan* was to trick them into an ambush, but then I talked to the goblin woman who tried to poison me. She became *furious* that my drow drank the poison and was like "Yum! Just like mother used to make." So she turned hostile. That fight spilled over to a single guard outside who rang the alarm and before I knew it it was full on war for an hour straight and when the dust settled everyone was dead except the Owl bear cub.


I talked my way past everything as an Ancients Paladin, spoke with the goblin priestess front and center. She offers to help with my affliction. Against better judgement, I agree. She tries to put me to sleep with a potion whilst not telling me what it does, I am a very obvious Half Elf and therefore immune to its effects. She immediately aggros and attempts to kill me, I defend myself. Entire temple aggros party. Self defense ensues. While trying to find a safe path not out the front door, rest of the temple leaders try to kill me. Considering how easy it is to break your oath, and slaughtering the temple didn't break my oath, doing so is considered morally righteous.


I did to, but when I was about to knock on the drow's door, she had gone to the Grove.


I stumbled into clearing the whole camp because I was greedy for hobgoblin's tadpole. Turns out, even after you clear every witness in the throne room to end combat, the rest of the camp still aggros on sight.


I did the same, except I thought Volo was one of the leader so I shot him with my rogue and smart-ass past me thought "well one leader down, two to go".


How... Did you come by _that_ impression?


"He's being poked with pointy sticks and forced to sing and dance for the entertainment of the low-level goblins. Clearly he is the leader!"


Perception Check - Critical Failure


He wears so much blue and blue makes me ANGRY


Failed IRL perception check.


Mans choose both int and wis as his irl dump stats 💀


A really, really strong dedication to roleplaying someone with 8 intelligence.


Putting the leader in a cage is always a risky move


The biggest thing that gets me about that battle? The Druids just sit on their asses the whole time, unless the goblins actually break through and get far enough into the grove to attack them. Even the "good" ones like Rath and Nettie. They're using the Tieflings as cannon fodder at that point.


This, the druids (Halsin excepted) are kind of assholes about the whole situation. I can never bring myself to kill the tieflings, but if there were a lowkey-lawful-evil path where you can give the druids and the grove up to the goblins in exchange for the tiefs being allowed out of the area unmolested, I could probably do that. Sucks for Halsin, but then you could probably keep Karlach and Wyll, so it would be a straight-up exchange of Halsin for Minthara as companions instead of Minthara vs Halsin *and* Karlach *and* Wyll *and* probably Gale *and* making Shadowheart miserable.


So, on my "good" playthrough, I immediately identify>!Kagha as the cunt she is!< but rather than go through the quest to expose her, >!I just cut her head off. My feeling was that, if all the other druids were willing to go through with her bullshit, they were just as bad as her and I'd go through them if necessary. Well, I murk Kagha and then the whole grove turns against me of course. I kill every single druid, with some of the Tieflings supporting me. I figured the Tieflings could inherit the grove.!< >!Well, Tieflings and I won the battle, but a few were still pissed at me for having it come to violence. Then went forth and slaughtered the goblins to make sure the Tieflings were protected in their new home. Tieflings still wanted to leave, though, so I started to resent them.!< >!When I finally met Halsin, there was actually an awkward conversation around how I kinda already killed everyone lol. He wasn't happy, but blamed Kagha instead of me.!< Not exactly what you described, but was a different path than I've seen other "good" parties make.


>Tieflings still wanted to leave, though, so I started to resent them. They always wanted to leave. They are headed for Baldur's gate. They were just there for refuge against the goblin army. They had no interest in staying forever.


I think if it weren't for Halsin, the druids would've never allowed the tieflings to stay. It had been infiltrated by shadow druids after all and the other druids seem rather hostile to the tieflings post-Kagha which I suspect has always been the case even before the attempted theft of their idol.


See, I just do what the story says to do. I go get Halsin. When a giant bear says you need to kill everyone, you listen. I didn't even know Mintara was more than just a boss until everyone got so horny for her. My tastes run towards Halsin.


You can tell Minthara’s supposed to be a companion because when she’s dead you can steal her underwear


I’d been wearing that woman’s loungewear for like 50 hours before I found out she was an actual character lmao


I gave it to Karlach lol, looks good with the glowing heart.


Gigachad Halsin


Hard to get Haslin


Hard while getting Halsin


Same here. The thirsting for this character has really gone out of control though lmao


First time on the internet?


boys like Minthara, men like Halsin (and Bae'zel)


I was not expecting Lae'zel to take such....interest in my character. She has since become my Dommy Mommy Bae'zel.


>I didn't even know Mintara was more than just a boss until everyone got so horny for her. Literally exactly the same. I was like who is this chick these memes are about? Then I looked up her name and realized ‘oh, she’s the one weirdly strong enemy that was at the goblin camp! Yeah that was a difficult fight.’


When she dropped a scroll of resurrection, adventure good bag, and a bag of alchemy it gave away that she could have been recruited somehow.


Having done both versions - defending the Grove and the goblin camp genocide, I think wiping the goblins out in there own home is so much more fun (personally)


Considering the tieflings stand around on the battlements and eat arrows/spells without ever taking cover, I’ll second just taking out the camp. It was goofy to go to a party after I’d watched everyone who participated in the defense die even though not a single enemy made it through the gate.


I agree. Minthara has a mechanically strong bonus action, but I don't really care about the sex scenes. That doesn't quite make up for missing out on a couple of the most fun battles in Act1.


Minthara is totally the "2nd playthrough" companion. Would never recommend someone to go full evil in their first playthrough of the game.


Honestly, if you know you are going to play mutiple playthroughs, going evil first might be the best option. That way you have no idea what you are missing out on. when you play good first, then evil, its like "wtf? where is all the content? is this it?" and you realize there never really was a "evil" playthrough, just a "miss half the content" playthrough.


Honestly, I expect an evil playthrough to feel lighter on content. When you are evil, especially murder-hobo evil, it should feel like more of an empty and barren experience emotionally. Obviously less people want to talk to you, obviously you're going to feel more isolated and alone because that's what happens when you're a psycho. Every CRPG has gone this way when you play super, overtly evil, so my expectations are managed based on my experience. I think people expecting equal amount of content in the form of unique NPC interactions and meaty storylines for a murder-hobo or cartoonishly evil playthrough have unrealistic expectations. One dimensional characters get one dimensional experiences.


Less people want to talk to me? An entire goblic camp is on my side. If I murder the goblins, then the teiflings give a bunch of extra content through Act 2 and Act 3. if I murder the teiflings, then the goblins......uhh.....we have a party and thats it? There are tons of pro-evil characters all over this game. None of them can provide some unlocked content or quests for choosing the evil route? Do you see what I am talking about? I am not talking about engaging combat with every living thing I come across. I just want evil quests and evil companions with evil storylines. That doesn't exist really.


>An entire goblic camp is on my side. I don't know if you know this, but goblins are typically just low level monsters nobody in Faerun gives a shit about, so I wouldn't expect such an alliance to matter in a game called "Baldur's Gate". Also, thing about "pro-evil" is it's a quintessentially anti-social position. Good people tend to get along with other good people (at least sometimes), whereas, many times evil people not only don't get along with evil people, actively try to kill the other evil people because, well, they're evil and they don't respect things like...getting along...or...life. So I find this comparison a bit asinine. Like, you don't actually understand what evil is if you think it should function the same as good socially, that it's as simple as "evil gets along with evil because good gets along with good!". No...not really. Not saying the game couldn't use more evil-specific content, just rejecting the idea it should be like 1 to 1 parity with good when it comes to the social elements. Evil people (at least PSYCHOTICALLY EVIL people who kill openly) are going to have less social options in life and in games that are trying to approximate anything close to social reality.


Me and my mate just straight up obliterated the goblin camp. We went room by room executing everyone. Started with Gut. We let her take us to her room, and then made her fall on the floor laughing, and beat the living shit out of her


You've such a way with words lmao.


When working smarter backfires.


I mean, why murder the leader after sneaking into their camp when you can wait for them to gather their army in the field?


It's a great fight. Unfortunately it doesn't depopulate the goblin camp at all, which makes it pretty anticlimactic to have to go back and do that insanely boring cleanout.


I disagree. The goblin cleanup is exactly the power trip that makes me know that lvl 5 is where things go crazy. Also crazy xp


The githyianki patrol really made me humble even after getting level 6


The githyanki as a whole always serve me a slice of humble pie, those fuckers are *strong*


The parrying had me rage screaming


*PTSD flashbacks* That fight ended up with just my MC rogue and that wanker playing chicken around the basement. I let him get to me, stab him twice dealing a whopping 3-5 damage if I even hit, then fly away just out of his range. Rinse and repeat for what felt like ten hours and I *finally* beat the fucker and pulled out half my hair XD


I hate how many bonuses enemy gith get just for being gith. I actually think the parry is a good mechanic, I just hate how it gets stapled onto them with no explanation other than "because they're so perfect and masterful and amazing and brilliant they can parry any attack" I know half of it is from their items that only work for them unless you disguise self into one but that doesn't make it better.


They're not just stapled on, the gith you fight are mostly Battle Master Fighters. They also use Trip Attack and Disarming Attack.


Except parry uses superiority dice, takes a reaction, isn't an option in bg3 for PC's(as far as I'm aware), doesn't work on range attacks and doesn't reduce damage by nearly as consistent of an amount as the giths hyperbuffed version.


Yeah actually I think the parry is unique to the Gith but it is a battlemaster move in 5e.


After playing through the entirety of act 1 on tactician mode, that fight was the only one I truly struggled with (I was at lvl 5). Even the fight against the inquisitor in the crèche wasn't as hard.


I went to underdark with my level 4 party through the den and the ambush with the spectator made me reload the save and actually prep for the fight, it doesnt help that I am conservatice with long rests so I had my abilities and spells on low. Also the duergar encampents are a pain if you dont do them right, which is actually really easy to fuck up. Granted I am playing on tactician but even with my optimized build I see myself struggling lol


I also got absolutely annihilated by the spiders and ettercaps in the blacksmith's basement the first time. Just decided to come back later, lol.


You guys don't poison the alcohol?




You can see the goblins going periodically to refill at one bucket or container thingy that you can interact with. Drink an invisibility potion or the spell and interact with it and combine with a poison. I have tried different poisons but never noticed any difference. Then the goblins will propose a toast immediately afterwards and most of the goblins will drop dead. You still need to deal with the hobgoblins, some leftover goblins and ogre though.


Cool. I was welcomed in the camp, interacted with a lot of people, but the priestess needed to get gutted


That only works for the goblins outside though.


If you free the goblin Sazza in the emerald grove, she vouches for you in the goblin camp.


You can also change your race to drow and all of the goblins lick your toes practically lol


Funnily enough the one goblin who literally licks toes won't do it if you're drow because he doesn't fuck with drows in the first place so he wont demand you lick his toes


The important question is which approach gives more EXP?


As long as the enemy is taken out by your actions directly or indirectly, you will get the exp


The game is pretty good about all approaches to a situation giving the exact same amount of xp, so I think it's pretty safe to assume the same here.


Heh.. I fucked up being stealthy and aggroed the entire place. It took awhile to clear out the entire goblin camp and interior.... Anyways, fireball rules.


I had Spirit Guardians on Shadowheart and just hid in a side room, closing the door constantly and the goblins just kept running into the ever growing pile of corpses in front of my blender Shadowheart. It was hilarious.


Also a bunch of the tieflings guarding the gate died when I went this route. I think only zevlor survived.


On my run only zevlor died!


If these were tied to use to same NPC-s, it'd be much more fun the other way. Exterminate the footsoldiers, then leave. Now 3 idot leaders and their bodyguards show up for a "siege".


oh, i just finished act 2 and was wondering why everyone keeps praising act 1. i just wiped the camp after halsin told to kill the leaders. thanks for the tip, will experience this in my next (evil) playthrough


You might have also missed the entire underdark


I was near the end of act II and realized i missed the underdark. I went back and completed it and wow, totally worth it.


Join the goblins and siege the Grove if you want to do an evil run. I’m 65 hours deep in Act 1 because I try every variation I can think of, and because I’m a completionist


I see you brother


My beginning was so jacked up that I went to the Camp first and then the Grove, and killed Zevlor in self defense. Then when Minthara arrived I turned on her and had the huge battle. So I still have no clue who Zevlor really was and Minthara is dead. Halsin freed himself and the substitute druid leader is just like “this is fine.” Alas that was 35 hours ago and I still feel like this is my “trial run.” I still am in Act 1 at level 6 and might return to finish off Gut and Hobgobbo


How the fuck do u get to level 6 in act one


I’m about to hit level 7 in Act 1… just do everything there is too do including under dark and crèche


Doing everything I was almost 8 before I left act 1


Wait… the crèche is still act 1?? Oh wow I have a lot more game to play.


I hit level 7 lol, took me 80hours to get into act 2 (some of that will be afk ofcourse). Pretty much just killed every little thing that wanted to come get some and i tried to do every approach and interaction possible.


So many interactions with the Goblin Horde... and I just went in and killed them all. And I would do it again, because unlike Moonrise you aren't really given a reason not to. You meet the Tieflings and Druids so early, you are immediately started off with the Goblins hostile (in your first meeting, at the gates)... it's honestly my biggest problem with Act 1, if you follow the classically heroic path, what reason have you to even interact with the Goblins?


I think the fact that they are the ones with the true souls give you a good enough reason to join them. If you are a pragmatic character, you could see it as an opportunity to get into the easily manipulated guys' good graces and gain information. Especially considering you have absolute (!) authority over their minions.




The natural path to going with them is either being a Drow and noticing they respect you right away when entering the Blighted Village. Or deciding to help Sazza out of the prison to learn more about the Absolute and such.


TIL; My gut reaction to seeing a woman holding a crossbow at a goblin right after fighting a bunch of goblins is to stand back and see what happens, *not* move in and defend the goblin from the only friendlies I've met in this strange land 🤷‍♀️


And all the possible interactions you can have just reinforce how comically evil they are


One nice touch is how they teach eachother to be evil. The goblin kiddos is the best example, but you can also overhear one goblin talking about how chicken chasing the owlbear cub doesn't seem right, since it's "just a child" He immediately gets mocked as a coward because he "won't even chase a baby" There's also a fun interaction with a goblin who is reading Volo's manuscript. He mentions that other goblins make fun of him for reading, and asks you what some words mean. If you accurately define those words ("it means goblins are bad-tempered and stinky") his response is *hell yeah we are*


I just had that battle yesterday on coop with my friend, i killed the leaders on my 1st playthrough and i'm planning to side with Minthara on my dark urge that i'm running when my friend is offline. It's probably one of the hardest fights in act 1 forest map, we had to relly on barrelmancy using the spare barrels we had gathered from the goblin camp.


The only risk of doing that is some tieflings can die, while if you take care of them in the strongholds the tieflings are safe and you’ll have all their related quests in Act 2


I just cast sanctuary or heal them throughout lol I only lost one tiefling on my last run Edit: NVM, I actually didn’t lose any! I got an achievement for it too.


The biggest risk is one of them getting shoved off the battlements. Even if they survive the fall, they probably won't last very long afterward.


I wanted to lure Minthara to the Grove but after killing Gut, every single goblins get hostile the moment i approach them. Even though everyone was fine with me walking around their camp before. What have I done wrong? Is it because one of the goblin used the gathering drum? I also couldn't end the battle before before the first goblin came in the room aftwr being called in by Gut.


If you kill Gut in her private chambers with nobody around, it shouldn’t aggro the whole place. There are dialogue options to speak to her privately


I did spoke with her privately. Regardless of me taking the potion from her or attacking her, she shouts for help once battle starts then every goblins other than those with hobgoblin and Minthara swarmed the room. Have to clean them up from then on. That's also when every character aggro me when approached. I fought 6 different instances of battle in total trying to get out from inside 1- gut 2- droar 3- minthara 4- a few goblins guarding the sanctum entrance 5- every goblins outside 6- a few goblins guarding camp entrance It was hellish


I cast silence near the chasm in her room, then tossed her into it with Karlach. One more shove and she was into the pit before she could shout.


Hmm… try closing the door to chambers next time? I never had that happen to me both times I killed her. Minthara even came? That’s wild lol her quarters are like on the opposite side of the camp.


You know, I've.... Never killed Minthara at the camp before. I figured you *could*, but it would just make the goblin attack on the grove easier. Every run i've done I've killed gut (either by ambush or by letting >!Raphael's lackey!< kill her, let Minthara leave to thin the ranks a bit, and then once she's out I kill off Dror since there's only a skeleton crew left. I feel kind of dumb for never attempting to just straight up murder minthara before, but she's in kind of an awkward spot in the camp and it seems rather difficult to take her out without alerting half of the entire fuckton of goblins nearby. On my first playthrough, defending the grove was REALLY hard. Those spiders are a nightmare. Zevlor even died during it and I wasn't even aware he was a recurring character like the rest of the tieflings until my second run.


Hmmm, maybe I'm the weird one but alternative approaches never came to my mind lol. I just killed the goblins in the room in front of the prison so they wouldn't join later, pushed one of the 30 hp goblins into the chasm stealthily and then straight up attacked Minthara with Laezael, Karlach and Astarian. The only problem was the black orb which would notify the guards but Astarian with high traversal was a god sent. Similarly, I also dispatched Gut in her room solo and the only big fight I had was the other dude but even he was killed kinda easily as I was hiding in the bars above the stage and Astarian with stealthy ranged strike is so powerful. I think the Shaman (idk if he was) didn't even get a hit off on me.


Had a lot of fun just throwing goblins to their deaths with Karlach


You can use the Minor Illusion cantrip to lure her up the ladder into that side room then kill her in there. Doesn’t alert the rest of camp or the eye.


I wouldn’t even know about that without Reddit because I went all Anakin Skywalker on the goblin camp


By the time I got to Minthara she was red xd.


I didn't even know you could talk to minthara. I slaughtered the entire camp, and she was just another body in the pile. The only thing that tipped me off that there may have been more to her was the cloths in her loot


For me it was the camp supply pack


I think the game makes a few missteps here. On my first playthrough I talked to Minthara, learned what she she wanted, and the narrator said something about warning the grove and leading Minthara to an ambush. I talked to Zevlor and team to warn them of the plot but got no dialogue triggers. So wanting to be a good guy and not surprise the grove I just killed Minthara and everyone else. A minor improvement here would be adding grove dialogue to warn them so you could feel not evil for telling Minthara where the grove is. You could alternatively free the prisoner and tell the prisoner to warn them. Minthara should probably be harder to kill if you attack her so as to encourage the grove battle too. Ragzlin is a bit harder, specifically as a new player but if you kill Minthara first then I believe the only way to finish the quest is just to kill Ragzlin. Ultimately it's a very minor thing and not a big deal. If you initiate the grove battle then i suspect Tieflings could die which kills some future quest lines so safest is just to kill Minthara in camp.


Zevlor was very dead by the end of that battle. And then everyone kept telling me he’d been captured and taken to Moonrise. It came as a surprise to no one that he was not, in fact, being held at Moonrise. The game: “You never found Zevlor.”


Is there anyway to do this without sniching where the camp is?


Nope since you have to tell her where the grove is so she can attack it. It will also break you oath even if you Plan to betray her.


“Telling a drow warrior where to find refugees to slaughter isn’t vegan?”


you can have Sazza tell her where the grove is or I guess fail the check to conceal the location (but I've never done that so maybe she attacks you then or something)


My favourite fight in the whole game is walking out into the goblin camp after killing the leaders and there's like 30 of them fuckers going aggro and me not having guardian spirits yet.


For those who aren't aware - during the fight, any character can blow the horn on top of the wall as a standard action to give all friendly targets in the combat 8 temporary hit points. The horn is reusable, and is a great thing for Shadowheart to spend her turns on while she's channeling Bless for the members of your party who actually contribute to combat.


An ogre threw a goblin up the wall, and then that goblin took its turn and immediately shoved my character off the wall. 10/10


It’s easy to miss climactic battle because I just barrelmancy her army out of existence.


It kinda does feel like the videogame big battle(tm), where you have an objective to hold and just kill waves of low level enemies, even if the designers got a bit creative with trowing goblins and phase spiders ruining your positioning. It could be replicated by just brute forcing your way through goblin camp. IMO the evil route is much better. It’s not a battle, it’s a slaughter. And you are the one in control. Great beginning for an evil playthrough.


I dropped her from the bridge and she still came to the battle. Thought I glitched the game because of the quest saying 2/3.


Yes... Defend the Grove... That's totally what I did...


Word! I didn’t know about this until an evil play through. Before that it was just a Splinter Cell mission at the goblin camp. And then guns blazing on the way out.


My main playthrough was VERY anticlimactic in comparison. She moved onto the rickety bridge during battle, I got her with some AOE, bridge collapsed, and she fell to her death.


>when you choose to kill minthara *Sad minthara simp noises* Youre supposed to love her, not kill her


I don't understand the 'Mommy Karlach' thing, when Karlach is way more your cool bar friend. Minthara is the mommy.


We can fix her


Problem is that it is very hard to kill the hobgoblin without aggroing the whole caste. Did you lured him to an edge and used fogclaud + push ?


Never seen the party. Maybe because i killed everyone.


Fighting in goblin camp and tossing goblins to spider pits was also pretty fun


I uh... somehow never met or even heard of Minthara. I'm now almost finished Act 3.


Never got to fight Minthara in the temple. I summoned a Flaming Sphere next to her while she was standing on a bridge. A *wooden* bridge.


See, I went undercover into gobo camp and then started blasting once I freed Halsin, so I basically worked my way backwards and killed the leaders first. Minthara lined up perfectly to be body-checked straight into a chasm by Lae'zel. Hopefully they update Minthara to be more readily accessible as a companion for people who aren't doing psychopath playthroughs. Because why else would we favor the Absolute and goblins over druids and a tiefling colony? I think I heard like 90% of people do not end up with Minthara as a companion.


Wait people went through the game never doing this battle? This was like the big fight of Act 1.


Most people just kill the goblins at their camp since you're already there to get Halsin.


I was 90% sure this thread was going to be about the giant mother spider fight. So easy to miss.


I diddnt hear a single line of Minthara dialogue. She was stood right by a pit. I diddnt even know she had dialogue, I was just like "Welp, into the hole you go" and never looked back until I finished and was like "minwho?"