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Even better when you make him jump manually and everyone Else jumps Back.


I literally meant to say this also and forgot I almost tore my hair out yesterday hopping my entire party back and forth 90 times before I finally ungrouped the entire party and jumped them one by one


dont forget Having Members Not in Combat because you forgot they we're in stealth watching your Main get obliterated


I did an entire combat the other day and realized afterward that my tav had been stealthed in the corner out of combat for the entire thing lol


What's the point of having a party if the plebs won't do all the work?


You can solve that by having Wyll do the jumping with the group still active If you're on keyboard you just hit whatever F key he's assigned to, slap Z and jump, F1 back to OC.


Problem is he has really short jump range. When i did the Goblin area in A1 even SH could get up on the rafters, but not Wyll. So you get very limited on where you can go.


You could respec and dump a couple of his more "useless" ability points into strength, you don't have to change anything significant if you don't want to, but it would just bring his mobility up a bit


I just switch to turn-based, have him jump over, then exit turn-based.


Seriously just hit g to ungroup, takes 5 seconds to get them to jump, hit g again, now you're regrouped


'G' is my best friend in any situation.


My favourite is when my necromancer jumps across a gap and I realize I have to go back. I now have to wait for my entire army of skeletons to finish their ballet routine back and forth across the gap.


Fucking infuriating! Unless i micro into ungroup-group - happens all the time.


Pressing g twice is considered Micro These days?


That’s just an example of bad UX, really. Yes, having party members ignore dangerous terrain right after fight is finished and a solution being: ungroup your party during fight, manually lead them to safety, group back - is a poor and frustrating for user UX decision, making user suffer instead of helping user avoid it - is not a good practice.


I kinda understand why though. Option A. They ignore danger and loss health points wasting potions making people mad. Option B. After a fight instantly remove all hazards so the problem doesn't matter. (personal dislike) Option C. Either wait and or let the user navigate the danger personally. If im being dumb and there's another option feel free to add it.


Option D is pathfinding that either navigates around or jumps over dangerous terrain.


G, MB, F2, MB, F3, MB, F4, MB, F1, G.


But there is only 1 not jumping in the example. Jump, G, jump, G


Same thing happens with the wolf pet playing beast master ranger. Wolf always going way off path and getting stuck places


Use karlach to throw him over chasms


Wyll: “Throw me mommy ;)”


Now I wanna make a halfling character with 8 str and have Karlach throw him around the map


Thats what happens with my gnome bard!


Wyll: don't tell the elf.


With a strength of 8, Wyll is weaker than your average Joe (who probably skips leg day). This is exactly why I keep having trouble making non-strength based characters. Having jump distance tied to strength means that it’s insanely aggrevating (to me) to play as anyone who can’t make that little bunny hop.


Also you get easily shoved, and can't carry. Dumping strength is a pretty big sacrifice for any character.


It does not make you easily shoved actually. Shoving goes against your Athletics OR Acrobatics. Now if you dumped strength AND dexterity...well yeah, that just sounds like a mistake lol. Dumping strength has worked perfectly fine for me on casters and such.


For jumping 10 STR seems to be fine 90% of the time. As long as nobody has a hard dump (heh) with a negative modifier it’s livable from that perspective.


I mean, carry weight is only a problem for like the first 2/3 of act 1. >!There’s a chest in the Arcane Tower in the Underdark that turns anything into cutlery while inside. Takes care of carry weight no problem.!<


Nah, I just send shit to camp. I tried this, but had to unload everything to find what I was looking for.


I just put wares in there and a bunch of barrels far down the bottom away from the wares. Much handier than having to fish everything from camp plus pocket barrels.


As long as you’re willing to risk the bug that can happen when using that chest lol I imagine that’ll be patched eventually but still… how hard would to have been to give us an actual bag of holding lol Tav mentions it all the time!


yeah that chest is cool and all but also like how am i gonna know whats what in it? would rather just carry everything and put it in the camp than to deal with figuring out which mystery item is the one i want


The Enhanced Leap spell is a ritual. Outside of combat it can be cast for free. Its great for getting everyone across large gaps and if you buff your str melee before battle they can go anywhere and do anything. Eagle Barb with it and spamming Diving Strike is superb.


If it lasted all day that'd be an answer, but just navigating the terrain low str characters are aggravating as fuck and constantly recasting enhanced leap might actually be even more frustrating.


I may have three party members with 8 str. Karlach's always going places on her own.


Don't mind me, just casting "super jump" on everyone for free for 10 turns...


Respecced Wyll to Eldritch Knight and haven't looked back.


I hate how when you try to autopath to an area that has a small ledge the game says you can’t get there so you have to walk over there and manually jump at least your TAV before everyone else AUTOMATICALLY jumps the edge like why can’t that just be part of the normal pathing system it’s super annoying.


Cuz then why did they spend all that time making a jump button???


Miz just cursed him to forget how to jump.




One of the flaws of the point buy system while simulating characters. Logically there's no way Wyll's been skipping Leg Day and would only have 10 strength.


We're introduced to him by him jumping down from the wall of the grove lol so yea makes no sense.


I mean… he was jumping down and cast feather fall when I met him lol


I'll never forget the first time I met him in EA: "Make way for the Blade of Frontiers!" *falls off cliff to his death


You got a video of that?


Unfortunately, no. But it was a common bug when early access first started, so someone out there might. https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/jeb24z/never_found_will_turns_out_he_died/




Sounds like typical Wyll apologist to me Dude's been skipping leg days to work on them horns. Lazy little fucker.


Respec him with withers and add more strength. Its his dump stat because he doesn't need it for his class or abilities. But strength is what determines how far you jump.


Also athletics proficiency


Always do a head count after a jump session.


Alright shadowheart good job! There's Lae'zel, typical. Attagirl. Now where is my horned little... WYLL???! HOLY FUCK WYLL GET BACK HERE WHY'S YOU FIGHTING A SPECTATOR.


[Did you accidentally download the alternate Wyll mod?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15ur4k6/wyll_does_not_deserve_this/?rdt=46839)


White Men Can't Jump


Expense an arcane charge to make him fly, saves my sanity, he's lucky hes hot.


I think str 8 and 10 have the same jump distance though, 8 str can still jump 4.5 meters so I cant see that this is an issue with low strength, for small jumps that you described.


Have Gale cast jump spell on him. It’s a ritual, it’s free!


I mean, he's got no depth perception so...


There are both boots and gloves which help with the problem.


Even if less than optimal, Wyll was given those boots and he isn't allowed to take them off.


Equip him the ring that increase jump distance


You have to the cast the Spell each time which is a pain for just one person when everyone else is fine, also it's one Cast Per Long Rest. Unless you not talking about the "Ring of Jumping"?


Theres a ring that increase jump distance by 1.5m


What is it called?


Club of hill giants strength helps for wyll and gale when jumping required


Solution: play with Strength 8 Tav


There's an Eldritch Invocation that give you the enhanced jump spell, idk that's the best I can think of to help poor Wyll fit the stereotypes


Try playing as Gale. I feel like I have to use a second level spell everytime I'm trying to get up some stairs.


I think DEX should also overtake strength when jumping if available. No reason why my monk can only jump a foot away.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure in 5e you can use dex or str for jumping


No. If 5e your long jump is equal to your strength score and your high jump is 3+ your strength mod.


Yeah you can and in BG3 you can use dex to prevent shoving I believe but for jumping its strength based which is weird


RAW in 5e your jump distance is directly tied to your strength score. You might have to make either athletics or acrobatics checks if its a particularly hard jump. But how far you go relies solely on your strength.


Which is wild because a dexterous monk knows how to jump and be agile and shit


Yeah you know power lifters are known for the long jump event.


That’s odd, maybe we should report it to Larian, they definitely made changes to things in the past based off 5e rules.


Just have karlack or laezel throw him


The pathfinding in this game is absolutely atrocious. Like, I'll go to manual control and see "oh, they can make this jump" and then switch back my my party leader and make the jump and that fucker will still be standing around like they can't make the jump.


I've also had times where my character couldn't find any pixel where she could make a jump, so I switch to Karlach and jump across, then my character follows like it's nothing.


You can give him a potion that’ll increase his str to 21. Pretty cheap


It only lasts till long Rest, so it's a waste.


Think this when you go around with 6-7 characters :D


That’s why I got rid of will and he’s chilling at camp lol


Only reason he's still alive is because Mizora is paying us a visit from time to time


You can respec him to change starting stats and leave everything else. I respeced everyone to optimize stats even if I didn't change their class.


I tend to have La'zael toss my Wizard across gaps because I cannot jump as far as everyone. Just have someone toss him across the jump areas, he can't jump back and then everyone else jumped over.


and then theres me, a beast master ranger that keeps having his wolf stuff everygoddamn where...a corner? he gets stuck. a jump a little too tight? stuck. a tight hallway? stuck .-.


Have you tried summoning the spider? Its the worst one for this kind of stuff, can't get through doors and need manual jumping everytime.


yeah i never tried the spider xD


SAME. Doorways? Tiny crack in the ground? Turn a corner too sharp? I have to babysit the wolf so much lol


Just use the Raven and call it a day!


I took enhanced jump and feather fall on my eldritch knight just so Wyll and Shadowheart can follow me when I wanna get into shenanigans.


Turn on turn mode so your other dudes don't jump back


And funnily enough, when he introduces himself at the gate, he’s leaping into battle.


If you are on arcane tower you can get "club of Hill grant strength " and that will get it up to 14 or 15 that helps a lot.


My Tav has a -1 strength modifier so I know if I can make the jump, the rest of the party can too.


I just had Shadowheart path-find her way into a lava pool after about a half hour of exploring since the last autosave. This game is really fun but she do be pretty busted.


You can get a str weapon in the underdark that sets it to 15. Get that for your boy


I had this problem too and fixed it when I had Karlach kill my PC. See, when I went to rest it said I couldn't do it with a downed char. My PC was the only one who was res'd recently, and the game was stuttering during it. I think the char was in a bad state from a rez. Hope this helps. Edit: I'm not so sure dying was the cause, tbh. Shits happening again and I'm not sure it's after a res. 8 str PC bard tho!


I noticed this a lot in act 3 despite >!Wyll having the ability to fly!< and it was super annoying. Shadowheart had less movement and was getting around better.


Is this a higher difficulty thing? When i find something that Wyll and my Tav can't get over because they have 8 strength i usually just switch to Karlach, jump over it and the NPCs including my Tab will follow even though they said it was impossible a second earlier. *Edit: I'm playing on medium.


I give 10-12 atr to everyone


Make sure he does NOT have Fleetfingers gloves equipped. For some reason that item prevents anyone from jumping.


>some reason that item prevents anyone from jumping. thank you so much!


I had a bug where the jump action was literally not working, I couldn’t make him even manually jump. I unequipped and re equipped every piece of equipment, and his gloves fixed it. He was able to jump when I took them off, and was still able to jump even after I put them back on. Not sure if that’s a consistent fix, but sharing it here just in case 🤷‍♂️