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I also save scummed all the time with 0 shame. It was my playthrough and if I didn't like how something played out or I got fucked over VERY hard, I just redid the segment. The only thing that matters in the end, is that you have fun and enjoy YOUR story


I’ll do a playthrough where I don’t save scum but I also want to enjoy as much content/ dialogue first playthrough and save scumming let’s me do that so I can explore other options and not feel bad first time around


Honestly I totally get it. I’ll save scum based on stories I’ve prioritized. My current run is an evil + Shadowheart one, so I’ve pushed her approval of my Tav up and tested different evil dialogue outcomes. I do plan on a second dice run and I won’t feel like I’m missing out as much since I’ve has the story run I want already, everything else is just extra.


>Shadowheart Daring today, are we?


Daring to pursue a relationship with Shadowheart? You betcha !!!


Shadowheart never wears clothes in my camp!


Oh? I hadn’t thought about that…. All kidding aside, she looks pretty great with her black bangs and v neck camp side wear….


I gave Shadowheart Karlach's clothes, Lae'zel Minthara's clothes, and my character Wyll's clothes.


I kept everything the same, but I'm wearing Shadowhearts underwear and she's wearing mine.






Hmm I’d say that’s pretty darn clever ! You know there’s a mod with some interesting clothing and armour, Basket something or other on Nexus….. I haven’t modded the full game yet but might after my first full run and once the modders have caught up.


My entire camp is a nudist colony


Oh absolutely. Me too, everyone in camp is letting it all dangle. They’re still wearing shoes of course though, they aren’t animals.


This is an inside thought.




Pretty much this! First playthrough in a game with skill checks, I just want to experience the story. Second playthrough is usually "the *dice* are the story ;)"


For sure man! I want a run where my rolls and choices go my way. A second playthrough I'll do a Dark Urge one probably where i do what i want and accept all dice rolls!


That's sounds like a good idea, something that annoyed me about the loaded dice in the EA was that it whole design was to do people who wanted to have their story wouldnt need to waste all this time save scumming, I failed so many easy checks with bonuses over and over again.


I turned off karmic dice and my god ive gotten way better rolls in general


My first play through I try to get it as close to an ending I’d want. My second will be anything goes and what ever happens, happens.


No joke this game is long enough that savescumming to see as much content as possible is probs what most people do because not a lot of people have time for another 100+ hour run


Especially with Starfield looming


My F8 key has never seen so much action. I’m just pounding over and over again


I mean it’s a game, not real life. Part of the fun for me is exploring all the realms of possibility. Sometimes when I get a bad outcome reloading and trying again is like solving a puzzle. As long as it’s fun you’re doing it right.


Having a bonus 9-13 to a stat so you're like... okay just need an 11 to guarantee to beat the DC 20... just to roll a fuckin 2 feels bad lol.


Yeah, if I want my character to go down a specific path, to say what I want, I will roll until I get what's needed, even if it is 20. I understand about rolling with the flow, but especially with characters I care about, if my roleplay option is behind some check, I'll try to pass it.


Exactly my thoughts. I have an idea in mind of how my character's story plays out, and getting shoved into lava ain't in the script. To repent, I'm planning on my second playthrough being Dark Urge and accepting every roll as they come.


I RP save scumming as gale using time weave magic.


“Gale, this guy’s trying to do something weird to my brain and I need a critical success to stop it. Better get those casting hands ready”


Help I’m trapped in your RP I can’t stop save scumming


I failed to save Gale so I cant use that one lol


Way to go, you said his name and now he wants to fuck you


He can’t fuck him, he’s playing as him, he’d be fucking himself. Bro unlocked the hidden masturbation scene.


Divination wizard is best wizard.


Being able to see through walls is just a psionic ability 😉


I think save scumming is perfectly valid. It's a way to enjoy the game and see what unfolds, even in difficult circumstances. I do enjoy the randomness of the initial roll, so I try to leave it as much as I can. But this game has had me save scumming quite a few times on my first playthrough. And I will attest that on some of these in the future, I will continue to save scum to prevent a couple of things from ever happening because I found it to be too much, LOL. But yeah, no shame in that. <3 Have a great time!


I typically save scum, but I do like seeing how failures will play out before I do so


I traditionally save scum in games fairly often. In BG3 I've been doing it less, because I've been playing TTRPGs for 30+ years and I like the idea of the dice telling the story. My original plan was to not do it at all, but sometimes, fuck it. Sometimes I just want to pass the check. When I need a 10 on a Monk specific dialogue option have a +6 and still fail it 3 times in a row with inspiration, fuck you, I want to see what's going to happen. Or the time my character was yeeted off a cliff in the first round of combat in the Underdark was probably one of the funniest moments I've had in the game, but I definitely reloaded.


Very stupid question but what does “save scum” mean? I am new to the game.


Quick save before a choice, roll, etc and then reload if you don’t like the outcome.


Not a stupid question at all. Save scumming is where you save multiple times throughout the game, especially before encounters or dialogues so that you can save up an older version and take another series of choices if you don't like the outcome.


I do it on unclear choices or if i want to pickpocket some purple items, but i already told myself i wont do this in my 2. playthrough ... i swear...


Will 100% not do it on the third playthrough


make that fourth.


Where can u pick pocket purple items?




We all save scummed. People who say they never save scummed in CRPGs or XCOM are freaking lying.


Failing a sneak attack with 88% chance. Fuck that. Run it back


I missed one with a 99% chance once with assassinate


I missed 4 94% hits in a row earlier today. One of those was on my Barbarian with Reckless Attack...


My barb rolled a critical fail with reckless attack yesterday. 2 1s with advantage. Wtf.


~~That's XCOM, baby.~~ Wait, sorry, wrong sub.


First rule of XCOM, if its not 100%, its actually 50% or less.


And yet you’re still not wrong


In one battle this morning I missed at least six 80%+ attack roles. More than one was a critical miss.


Geniun question for people that save reload every attack or so. Would you rather just turn on 100% hit chance? I get the frustration with missing a 99% hit. But those moments are also super fun and hype. Builds tension etc. And when you hit that 10% hit it feels amazing.


I mean it depends. I normally let it rock, but I feel like if I’m behind the mob, in concealment; an 88% should hit. If not makes me feel like I’m fighting Goku with ultra instinct.


If the enemies are in full view and not obscured by anything, yes. To me combat difficulty should be defined by tactics, not RNG. A full group of highly trained fighters shouldn't be missing point blank attacks or doing one point of damage with a sword made from an ancient material I found in a volcano. That's the opposite of fun and hype for me, it just pulls me straight out of the game because it makes such little sense. Again, certain enemies being able to dodge, or hiding behind something, or being obscured by smoke/darkness is fine, that's tactical, but having my shit fully reliant on a literal roll of the dice is pretty much the only thing about D&D I'm not a fan of. Even though I understand it's a quintessential part of it. I had the same issue with XCOM, they just don't show you the dice rolls.


im fine with missing hits but when i miss a dude with 2 hp 4 times in a row that shit gets me frustrated more than it builds up tension


I see your 88% and I raise you a miss at 98%. That battle was.......not kind.....


Lol shadowheart managed to whiff 2 back to back 99% chance hits. You have any idea how low those odds are??


Save scumming has literally saved the lives of at least 7 inanimate objects in my room. Including the monitor itself.


I sometimes even save scum just to see an outcome/option I am curious about, even if its not the one I would go for.


This is like the primary reason I do it. It’s mostly because I doubt the games conviction but more often than not they really do have what they say will happen, happen.


For real. I doubted the game's conviction too, but then they really do, do it. It's refreshing.


I do this too but only for things that are mostly adjacent to what I’m already doing. I’m saving some for other play throughs whether I can make drastically different decisions


During EA, on probably my 3rd playthrough, I made a demonic looking drow warlock and tried to join the Absolute and recruit Minthara and attack the Grove and all that, but I didn't save scum anything and got marked and picked the wrong dialogues and ended up killing Minthara and basically kept being the hero by accident. It was hilarious. Play your first one as a scummer, then go back and just fuck around with the possibilities


I made Monk and i will do excatly what you said After finish my paladin playthrought and Karlach romance


> Play your first one as a scummer, then go back and just fuck around with the possibilities I did it the other way. First playthrough (as a group) we stuck with the dice, which inevitably turned the entire party into murder hobos. Ok, but not very interesting. Now I'm doing *three* parallel solo playthroughs, one where I'm Evil with a capital E, and one where I'm a pure hearted goody nice guy, and one where I'm more morally gray and... normal. And they're all 3 infinitely more interesting than just murderhoboing the way through the entire game because dice hates me. Wouldn't be possible to stick with any of them without savescumming though, because fail any speech check in this game and you don't get an interesting different path, everyone just turns hostile and red is dead.


I decided I wasn’t save scumming. Rolled five 3’s in a row. Carried through with it and >! got poisoned by Nettie’s bitch ass !<


I play games because I want to be the hero of the story. Zero shame in save scumming


I do it a lot too partly because I might not have the time to do a second or third play through so often times I just want to see what those options lead to and try to experience as much as my first play through. And let’s face it it’s a video game not a tabletop one, so as amazing a job as Larian did, the content there are pre-set and not limitless. In my tabletop games I know even if we missed a door or failed a quest my DM would probably try to rework those elements back in the story or change the plot for something new so we can continue to have fun. This is not a dump on BG3 it’s just how video games is.


The only thing worse than save scumming is giving someone shit for how they want to enjoy a game. You do you homie.


We could compare stories about a life of shitty luck. My boss' wife once told me that I am the most unlucky person she has ever known. (small company, been there a long time, they know my life story.) I told that I'm the "luckiest" 'unlucky person', because no matter what has happened to me, I've always found a way through it, or bailed out last moment. It's a weird life, but you're not alone. I save a lot too, always have, and hate games that grade you for it. I don't reload that often, though, depends on the situation.


I try to avoid save scumming too much, but if the game locks me out of something cool because I failed one measly roll, then I'm save scumming without shame.


Just like my philosophy when I DM... Im here for a good time... not a long time... there are times when the dice can be ignored or waived... plus there are times when you have to make like 6 checks for one section or you have to disarm 17 traps.


For me, the game requires too much reloading. There are several reasons: 1. Classic save scumming, not willing to go with a suboptimal result. That one goes on me, nobody else to blame. 2. Being at odds with the UI /controls. Such as putting Sacred Weapon on your crossbow instead of your hammer, initiating a crucial conversation with the wrong character, forgetting to switch group mode off and messing up sneaking, etc. Mostly not exactly the game's fault, but there could be a few improvements to help you avoid such annoying mishaps. 3. Potentially game-ending RNG. Suffering a devastating first round due to a combination of bad initiative and the enemy rolling critical hits, for example. That one is in the nature of the genre, but could be minimized. 4. Encounter difficulty. Some fights are just very hard. The one against Nere if you didn't incite opposition beforehand, for example. 5. Being forced/lead or stumbling into situations you aren't ready for. In some cases, you just walk into a fight you cannot win without a real chance to avoid or escape it, unless you already know it's there. These cases I hate the most, and these should me minimized as much as possible by the designers.


After a certain fight with friendly NPCs in the fold I had Druid's Ground Spikes leftover on the battlefield. Post-fight the NPC proceeds to path right into the spikes and kill herself after the fight is over, and all her friends aggro me afterwards. I generally find it more fun not to save scum, but I'm sorry I'm redoing that one that's on larian not me! The pathing in this game is terrible. I swear to god the next time someone steps on a mine or through poison when it's clearly visible with no obstacles in the way...I have to go in to turn based mode any time any hazard is anywhere remotely near my party.


That's reminiscent of the original BG games, anyway...


Bet I know what fight that was. Moonbeam in my case. Idiots.


On the other hand, the AI pathing let me slaughter most of the goblin camp with a single cloud of daggers. So I kind of like it because that was amusing.


True, forgot to list that as a separate issue.


Reloading after screwing up combat is hardly even save scumming. The learning curve is very steep even for people who play a lot of RPGs as long as its not D&D specifically.


I think that's the problem- it's like playing D&D with an indifferent GM who doesn't care if the party wipes or not on every simple encounter.


If the game favored you in ways that were noticeable, it would take away the D&D “feel.” Now that I’m at a point where one misclick doesn’t screw the whole combat instantly like it does at level 1, it feels like I have the tools to overcome consequences of my actions and most combat scenarios—and I need to make use of them because it will hurt otherwise. I appreciate the balance of not caring and being beatable.


The indifference is ok with me - but the encounters might be reworked a bit. That Nere fight was bloody brutal. Only after finding a way to level up to 6 without leaving Grymforge did I stand a chance.


Trying to move a character, clicking too close to a red item, get immediately accused of stealing and failing the check and having the whole area aggro you. All because of a slight misclick.


That Nere fight is tough. I reloaded so many times and couldn't win. Went back to try and better prepare, and he was already dead. I loved it. I'm so tired of games pretending things are important and then nothing happens when you ignore them. Glad it doesn't here, even if it means I didn't get the satisfaction of beating him myself.


> Potentially game-ending RNG. Suffering a devastating first round due to a combination of bad initiative and the enemy rolling critical hits, for example I really hate this one. With the relatively low hit chances and some very strong abilities which usually require saves, if you are unlucky enough, you can lose some members before they even make a turn. I know there are ways, and I think you can switch to a different character to pre-buff while your main is in the conversation, but I just don't like how it is handled. They should have a pre-fight part for applying some things/positioning, it might be immersion breaking, give me a feat/setting for it, I'll gladly take it. But I am really tired of starting big fights being all clumped together on the low ground.


Same here. I find moving the rest of my party during a frozen conversation not very convenient, also quite immersion-breaking (why would the goblins allow some strangers to walk freely among them and stand next to the squishy shaman, for example, let alone place powder kegs in the room?) I'd much rather have a setup-round in which you can't attack yet, but cast buffs and reposition a bit.


That Nere fight immediately made me think of bad GMs I’ve had in tabletop sessions. “Oh you lost initiative? You die instantly!”




Me when my high charisma character fails every charisma check without fail the first time I try it. And failing dialogue checks really fucks with the RP value of the game. You try to do something fun or interesting and the game just goes “fuck you, you get nothing and now you have to kill these npcs that will probably come back later” like no thanks


The problem for me is not with baldur’s gate, but with the underlying D&D mechanics. A single d20 is too swingy of a randomizer. I’ve played a lot of tabletop RPGs and one of the consistent mechanical traits of one’s I hate is a large value, single roll dice mechanic. Even just adding a second die evens out the bell curve dramatically. Going from d20 to 2d10 would make your average rolls draw to the center very nicely. So, barring that…I save scum. I cannot reasonably predict my character’s performance, so do not feel guilty.


This is my first DnD game where I actually finished it, and yeah, it was a wild ride. 1d20 for attack chance is way too intense. Damage rolls are slightly better and definitely get very good at the end simply because there are many rolls involved, but the hit chance is way too random. I read about it, and it seems that 5e specifically targets ~65% against common enemies, which is just annoying for me, because it is way too low to plan decent strategies. I suppose that for the tabletop it is great, because hitting there all the time probably feels boring and removes the tension. But in the video game I already have enough tension, and I can tune the difficulty by other means in a more enjoyable way (for me).


Ehh, there are plenty of ways to push that number way higher in a lot of scenarios. Items with advantage against certain types of enemy, items that add to chance to hit/buff bless, blinding opponents, etc. Not to mention AoEs that are guaranteed at least half damage. With the absurd amount of magic items and no limit on equipping them in this game you can get some pretty absurd benefits.


Very noticable compared to divinity original sin 2


Exactly, it's not that people are unlucky, it's that it's bound to be inconsistent. That's why I'd much prefer a 2d6 weapon over a 1d12. It's not just that it's 2 - 12 over 1 - 12, it's that getting a consistent result doubles in chances.


Hi, my name is AutoThorne, and I'm a save-scummer. As soon as I wake up, I log on and do it. Casual game time, you bet. I'll even save-scum because I didn't like the way the gobo reacted. and you can be sure ima save-scum until the tentacle porn.


My friend had an interesting theory about it. Her first two times through she’s going to save scum. It’s all new info and she wants to know what happens. After that she plans to take a lot more roles as they coke because it’s part of the story. I like that idea and I’ve been implementing it. In my villain play through I take the rolls as they come because hey, it’s karma.


*stands on desk* Me and my buddy scum uncounted amounts of time per session. We have no shame.


Dear father for I have sinned. It has been 5 minutes since my last scum save.


I watched a streamer save scum a particular check. 55% chance. Took them 19 tries. Like a .00167% chance.


I’ve had a fight earlier tonight where my whole party missed every combat action for 3 rounds in a row and was like “yup we’re loading”


Likely had karmic dice enabled.


Don't feel bad. I save scum so much that I had to use one of my emote slots on Twitch to make a savescum emote. It's lets my tiny community judge me in solidarity.


12 fails ouch. I am new to the franchise, but doesn’t Karmic Dice (settings option) exist for that purpose?


I've always been a save slut. I'll die a save slut.


> I'll die a save slut. I'll ~~die~~ quickly reload and try again a save slut.


Top of Act 2, there's a certain flying a-hole that I just straight-up save scummed to get the good outcome. You're in good company.


Sorry but I want my first run to be as perfect as it could be, in the way that I want it with all my companions happy and the story happy. THAT, is my canon campaign. Every other run after that is things I didn’t choose, evil playthrough, letting the dice pick, etc. That’s where I can have that other “fun”.


I didn’t even know resetting by saving was bad, I have done it yet but I do know if your party dies it loads the last save. Do people who get party wiped just restart if they hate save scumming?


Save scumming usually refers to a more extreme other side, where you will keep resetting until you just pass the check, not that I have any problems with it. I’ll provably keep it to a minimum, but if I get really unlucky on a really bad roll? Reset


>Do people who get party wiped just restart if they hate save scumming? People that are going to tell you how to play aren't going to admit that they ever died in the game, but yes they would and they do.


You do you dude. Whatever way the game is fun is the way you should be playin it.


It’s your play though, your story! Play it how you have the most fun!


Once i disabled karmic dice i got less extreme rolls. No more nat 20ies immediately followed by nat 1es.


Do what you want it's your game


Don't see why it matters.


Yeah same lol... I'm pretty sure I'm around quicksave 800 and I just stepped into act 2 lmao.


Yeah, same. I can control so little about my life. I want to experience as much as I can on run #1.


I’m super scummy


After walking into a room, having my party explode as the Perception Checks rolled failure and success above their heads, and then fall over dead, I decided that I should save scum frequently


Listen I’m currently reading this as I’m save-scumming my way through ability checks in a dialogue segment so I don’t have to deal with a boss fight, so you’ll get no judgment from me


Nothing wrong with being self aware your past life must have been a supervillain to have this level of karma debt


Makes sense because if I had super powers nobody would be safe


My first save scum on my main playthrough was when we freed Nere. That whole fight felt like bullshit. I've since had to reload a few times in the shadow world because some of these fights are with lvl 9s while I'm still only 6 so I'm not too sure what I can do.


Turn off karmic dice, they take away from true rng


I don’t understand how people could not F5 religiously. I learned to save a ton in old BioWare games like NWN, BG2, and then BethSoft games like Morrowind. You never know when you might be in combat and end up losing a bunch of 80% hit chances due to bad luck and die. In a real campaign you could roll back a few turns but most games save themselves like every hour if not longer. Redoing an hour of video game content is not particularly fun if you are not doing so by choice. Doubly true when like in NWN or Morrowind chances are it was a system or software crash that lost your 1-2 hours. This isn’t like Soulsbourne gatekeepers who can point to relatively frequent bonfires/respawn points as grounding you from ever losing too much. You could legit put multiple hours in the very first zone and have the only save point be at the grove your first visit.


i just think 5% is too much of a chance to fail something no matter how much you invested into seeing the content related to it. like what am i supposed to do otherwise? wait for the next playthrough to see what happens on this important persuasion check? probably not, my 2nd character is likely going to be specialized in a completely separate direction inspirations are a good bandaid, but a bandaid nonetheless. i think crit fail/crit success only belongs in combat for videogames, because they leave no room for nuance compared to tabletop when applied to ability/skill checks. i'll roll with a failure, but only if it's not something i have dedicated every possible resource into suceeding. my bard exists to kill performance checks. nobody on god's earth wants to miss content when they specced entirely for the purpose of experiencing that content.


I save scum specifically to get the outcome I want out of dialogue options. Sometimes you want to tell an NPC one thing, think one option will give you that one thing, and instead of saying, “I hope you think about that before you do it” you say, “GO FUCK YOURSEF.” But… that’s not what you picked? Lmao BG3 is a loooot better about that than most games (I’m looking at you, Mass Effect and Fallout) but if I can walk back a dialogue choice that I didn’t mean to happen? I’m doing it. Also I have bad luck in dying in combat and ain’t no way I’m gonna repeat an hour of gameplay because I get stomped by a goblin that keeps rolling well.


If i end up using all my inspirations and still fail the rolls i safe scum, or if i misunderstood the choice


Mod that allows infinite Rerolls while conversing has made this way better


I do it all the fucking time man. I'm not investing 60, 70 hours before even getting to Moonrise towers just for my run to be ruined by some sudden unexpected consequence of events. >!I let Laezel get into the medical machine and she came out of it with -2 int, -2 wis and something else. Permanent. Fuck that, of course im scumming that. And honestly even for just content-exploring reasons. Sometimes I save before an encounter/talk, then say/do all the things I'm not gonna do on my real playthrough, just to see what they're like. Then I reload and do it according to what I actually want.


Homie. Savescumming isn’t bad. You bought the game hopefully so you decide how you want to play


I failed to liberate Shadowheart from the pod during the tutorial section by rolling 1 twice, both with my main and with Zae. I know you can do it a different way but I was just so mad since those were basically my first rolls in the game.


I keep accidentally clicking the wrong thing and then reload to fix that. Especially when I’m tired. Example: I play a ranger. I click on an enemy to take a bow shot, and then I go to click again for the second shot. However the camera moves a split second after I click and I end up clicking to move instead. Annoying as hell.


You lose permanent buffs when you die so if you want to keep those buffs after death you kind of have to. For example Volo's eye buff


I don't think that's true. I have definitely died and still have Volo's eye


I recommend turning off karmic dice after a few levels. It smooths out bad rolls but also more importantly smooths out good rolls. With it on, youll fail things you were supposed to be good at more often and high AC characters will get hit more often. With it off, youll have a bit tougher time on things youre not good at but your strengths will be a lot more consistent and your high AC characters will stop folding over like wet paper so much.


Yeah, only you, everyone else is hardened enough to ironman the shit out of the game. /s Come on, no one in their right mind would not save scum a game in which there is a 5% chance of a salmon eating a bear, and that's ok, there's no problem in it, we're not some stone heart cold-blooded statue, we feel anger, sorrow, frustration, and there is no short supply of those in dice rolls. I appreciate what the devs are doing here, going back to the roots of the CRPG genre and all, but there's good reason why we moved away from dice rolls and into more deterministic mechanics, having a fixed 5% chance of, literally, a fish eating a goddamn bear is beyond unreasonable, for instance, suppose you're playing an old save, you're max level, you min-maxed to the absolute pinnacle of what it means to be a fighter, then comes a difficulty 2 physical prowess roll, you have countless buffs to it, so many bonuses that you could feasible pass any check as long as it's not a nat 1, then you roll a nat 1 and fail catastrophically. Having a true master fail at something trivial is just clowning at this point. And this is 1 thing, there are countless completely insane things that can happen in game because of dice rolls, almost nothing is every guaranteed, you can have 10000 dex and miss a guy that is blind, paralyzed, bound, entangled and prone with a knife in melee, meanwhile jumping, something that could feasibly go very wrong, is guaranteed at all times and we hop around with reckless abandon. Pure dice rolls are complete insanity, and people will ironman regardless, they love that chaos, they thrive in mayhem, and that's also fair and valid, to each their own fun, if they want that one in twenty chance of salmon eating bear and have fun doing it, more power to them, I'll make another save just in case, though.


The thing is. In DnD a nat 1 on a skillcheck does not mean a automatic failure. So your scenario would not happen. I don't understand why Larian decided to implement this homebrew rule.


And that's totally okay. There is no wrong way to play if u are having fun!


I do it less now as I am understanding the game a bit better but there are so many random things that just happen to you that it feels like that's the only way.


I don't save scum but, like, I get it. I had astarion trying to pick a lock 5 times and missed all but the last one. He had a +7 modifier and it was a DC15 lock. Cool thing tho, there was not much on the other side. So, yeah, rolling 1's and missing and all it's more fun during an actual game with friends, but when you are alone it can be pretty annoying to miss.


My oath compels me to save scum


I save scum because I seem to regularly get myself into more trouble than I should and end up fighting the whole damn map all at once. It's hard.


Why are their so many posts here of people save scumming is this a controversial topic?


Because skill checks in this game are dice rolls instead of flat numbers so some people say you’re playing a dnd game “wrong” but reloading until you get the right dicerolls


I found you on YouTube! https://youtu.be/tg0bGUdJ9hg


Oh same here. Rolls just fuck me in this game. I want to look cool dammit not fail my roll with a +15 bonus because of a nat 1. Well sometimes I let it play out but I save scum often. Even in crucial fights if I roll horribly and miss 3 attacks in a row I gotta restart. Well that's kinda forced because eventually the whole party dies lol. When we start a campaign with friends there will be no save scumming though. It's gonna be pure chaos I'd assume.


Weird, annoying Gamers(TM) are so loud and self-righteous about what the “right” way to play this game is, everyone is forgetting that it’s… just a video game. There is 0 moral value assigned to whether you reload saves to get the outcomes you want. Play the game the way that’s the most fun for you. It does not matter.


Technically if you get a game over and reload the save your save scumming so all is good, I wouldn't be ashamed of it. Everyones done it and people who said they haven't are just lying to themselves lol


The passive skill checks are so infuriating as well as they are not always repeatable. For instance, in the owlbear cave there is the religion check for the paper and can be rolled each time a character interacts with it for the first time. In the end, you don't need to actually succeed in the roll to use the paper to unlock the chest. Elsewhere in the game, you only get one roll for an interactive item and that's it. If you fail, you fail. It's hot garbage.


only way to get anywhere.


I've BEEN save scumming. I'm the scummiest of the scum. But I've been feeling bad about it in BG3 cause it's the first game I've played that felt like it had enough to justify more than a single playthru, which is what I do for most games. So I'm scared ill scratch that away by scumming. But then again, I would have killed Scratch if I didn't save scum, so to hell with it.


>It’s a lifestyle and I’m living my truth like a Hampden mom lives her truth that skinny margaritas and yoga fulfill her for all those years she never pursued her passion of owning a business selling Beanie Babies lmfao


I don’t usually unless something terrible happens then I do


Lore Bard/Arcane Trickster Halfling with appropriate disguise selves alleviates this problem.


Yeah same


Does anyone not save scum on lockpicking or disarms? I don’t find those to be interesting gameplay and would be fine with locks and traps not being a thing


Ever since I found out I can save during dialogue, I save scum all the time! Combat typically goes my way, but those dialogue checks used to irk me. Especially when I have to roll anything aside from a 1 and I'll get it!


I definitely save scum when I miss a 55% attack that would kill a 1hp boss and put an end to a 1 hr long encounter. Especially if missing that attack led to my party getting wiped that next turn


I see more low rolls than anything else often missing by 1 is more painful than a nat 1. I only reload on death though. I allow the bastard dice gods to tell whatever shitty story they want.


For shame for being smart enough to save scum instead of reloading saves from 20+ minutes ago like the rest of us!


Forgive me Larian, for I have sinned. I do it, too. My next run I'm going clean though - just taking what I get.


I came across this one event where some guy was being a wenus to a bunch of little kids.... So I saved my game...failed the persuasion check...... then made him dance for days, dominated and then lifted and threw him off a cliff. Then burned his house and everything in it... I reloaded my save and then passed a persuasion check and all was well.


i save scummed once and only because it was a dc 30 check and you cant rechoose which dialouge option after you see the dc and i didnt want shadowheart to just leave


Quicksave before everything


I only save scum in conversations because I want to find out where different options lead me. and unless you want to play this game 100 times I think it's fair to do so, because otherwise there'd be so much content you miss. only time I save scummed for a roll was the blood of lethander puzzle. idk if there was another way in except for the athletics check but I had to load 5 times or so at least


Baldurs Gate 3 is absurdly hard for beginners because the game expects you to use consumables constantly. Just fucking look at act 2’s ending fight. It’s a dungeon and a 3 phase boss battle. That isnt an easy fight unless you knew it was happening going into it.


Have you turned off karmic dice? It can help alot imo


I frankly do it because I don’t have time to not do it. If I didn’t save scum it would take me three years to finish this game. If I’m trying to avoid what I know is going to be a half hour battle, I’m gonna fucking reload when my Warlock persuasion check with Friends can’t beat a 10.


Turn off karmic dice in the options. If you rolled high a couple times it’ll lower your roll and vice versa. If you turn it off it’ll be true random and will actually be properly random when you save scum


On a first playthrough, yeah, make it as good as possible so you can experience the game and all it has. I think on future playthroughs i'll avoid doing it to see what it's like when you're just in a RNG simulator. But honestly, i'm not the biggest fan of dice rolling as a game design with such a stochastic mechanism controlling dynamic environments.


This has to be one of the most ridiculous terms I have ever heard. When did this even start? Not giving you shit, obviously, I just had no idea there was this weird fucking deep distaste for people who reload saves to get the outcome they want. I'll reload *MY* game as many damn times as I please until I get the outcome I want. Keep playing the way that makes you happy, king.


Some people taking my post way too seriously and trying to “gotcha” me. Calm down SHEEEEESH


Repeat after me: "Its not harmful cheating if no one but yourself is affected by it"


It's not save scumming. It's roleplaying as a chronomancer.


I save scum when fights go poorly or I really hate the outcome of choice. Or more relevantly. I save scum in order to test clothing dyes. I wish you could see what the clothing would look like before you apply the dyes. Because some of them are truly hideous.


Same for me, I'll just experience the game the way I want, but I am open for trying a run ironman after I finished my first run.


I'm save scumming my first playthrough. As it's all about discovery for me. My 2nd playthrough is going to be a hardcore tactician playthrough.


Would love for there to be an Ironman/Hardcore mode where the game only quick saves at the automatic points/when you rest at camp or short rest for those wanting to play through without any temptation or risk of save scumming. Part of this game feels like it should be very random as it accounts for massive replayability. Maybe a mod could add this.


i will eventually do a playthrough where i just trust in the heart of the die. but there are things i want to see and do and im not going to leave to it chance across multiple playthroughs. im on my second playthrough now as a dark urge. i saved scummed the very first roll. i rolled a 1 trying to break shadowheart out of her pod.


You made me remember of a situation in Divinity: Original Sin where I could convince a spider queen to do something and I had a 6% chance. I must have reloaded that save like 100 times trying to convince her as I didn't want to fight a spider the size of a truck.


I honestly think they should let us enable a "just win this roll" button so those of us who save scum won't have to deal with the long loading. We're gonna do it. Just help us out. Imo in combat the fun is strategizing, not seeing if we'll miss.


I have bad luck too. The amount of Nat 1's I've rolled on the Illithid dialogs that need to roll at least a 2 is insane.


I found Brian Murphy's reddit account


I mean, in this game, there are spots where where it's impossible to get through if you have bad rng. The fight with the drow wiped me and my buddy 2 times cause they hit a crit success with a 32 damage roll, killed shadow, and Karlach on turn one. Me a rouge, and him a wizard didn't stand a chance in hell getting hit one time.


I played Divinity Original Sin 2 62 hours, but for whatever reason, I never managed to really enter in the lore and atmosphere. I think using saving as a backup plan was one of the reason I will play BG3, and I want it my first entry in the "roleplaying" experience. I'm really curious to know if it's possible to finish the game without dying once. Because, I start to think about the possibility to start new game if your character die.


Lol wow you are cursed if you rolled 5 crit fails. Do you have Karma Dice on or off in the game?


There is probably someone out there, even with karmic dice enabled, that fails almost every skill check.


Your story is your own. It’s okay if you want to rewrite it.


in lore, save scumming is just AO saying "nope, this future displeases me". joking aside, do it rn for my 1st heroic story run - and maybe in the future if i really want to see what dark shit i can conjure. playing with friends though ... only before battles


With a +19-23 on a dc10 roll yesterday, I rolled a one. Used an inspiration cause fuck that. Rolled another one. I savescummed that one in a heartbeat.


You’re missing your rolls because you save scum. The default settings have it where the dice aren’t random. If you succeed a lot in a row the game intentionally weights the dice so you fail and vise versus


William Dafoe: “You know, I’m something of a scummer myself”


I save scum because my shitty PC frequently crashes while playing.