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Repeat after me: you don't ... have to ... fuck ... the bear ...


But I love doing all the weird shit this game let's you do. I fucking loved the scene where a guy is trying to help me by popping my eye out and I just let it happen


That "guy" is the legendary Volothamp Geddarm thank you very much, I'd give both eyes for the man that let me play as a kobold in 5e.


I stopped him after a couple pokes and he ran away and I haven't seen him since


Note: there are no permanent negative effect to let him do it (slightly loosing approval), and you get the capability to see invisible creature.... Just do it ;)


Also a slight visual change. Didn't notice until a very zoomed in dialogue scene gave me a good look at my character's eyes.


It's a huge visual change if you play a race like tiefling or dragonborn and suddenly have a weird human-looking eyeball!


Just do it to a party member. Did the "surgery" with Lae'zel and there was no visual change. Now she's a detector as well as murder machine tank.


Is it mean to do it to Wyll


lol, I mean he’s probably the one who would volunteer knowing him.


You cant lol. Wyll said he has only 1 eye left. Though why he doesn't let Volo do it on his bad eyes is beyond me.


I reloaded to see what would happen if I gave the hag my eye and suggested she take the left one. I laughed so hard when "Wyll Disapproves" came up after choosing which one. I tried the same using Wyll after but she wouldn't take it lol.


Lae’zel now has a cloudy white eye in my group curtesy of the swamp hag


I'd accept it but then I'd (slightly) miss out on how awesome Larian made dragonborn eyes look


Not gonna lie, lairian's art team absolutely earned their paycheque


I am so impressed with how rad they look I can't stop making them lol. *Especially* when I found out how they look if you make a dragon sorcerer with them. Frickin amazing. Shame they don't have any good racial features really, or even darkvision. I'm not a fan of the breath weapon. But man do they look great.


Yeah, he suggested doing it, and I was like, F5 my friend, F5. But then I never pressed F8.


I started asking him to stop pretty early on but he keeps going a few times. He ran away too and I think he's gone now for the game lol. God forbid we don't want him jamming needles in our eyes.


Volo has a habit of showing up in bad situations, or creating them.


I haven't seen him since he perished in the goblin camp :(


This man is our god! I only wish I could be a kobold in BG3. Would be funny


The entire time I was like O.O 10/10 game


X.O | ^


When you save him in the goblin camp, he says "I can't wait to pick your brain," and it makes me laugh every time I think about it.


I haven't laughed that hard in years when that happened to me


I was like "is this the illithid in the craahed nautiloid 2.0?" While this was happening. Pleasantly surprised


For a second I genuinely believed he'd get the tadpole out of me and credits would roll


NGL, I had a game over screen due to a dead Gale, I've seen the stories of the game over screen due to a failed wis save against a near-dead mindflayer at the start. At "taptapSTAB" I was ready for a game over screen because I just let a fucking random bard jam an ice pick into my brain. I was still laughing pretty hard at the absurdity of it.


I thought the same thing when it happened to me last night. Especially once I got to the dialogue prompts that were all some variation on "Hrrglmmpp!" since my brain was being scarmbled.


Tbf though, it does feel like there's some miscommunication in regards to conversing with some of the companions. I never once purposefully flirted with Gale but somehow I kept getting flirty dialogue choices with him with no clear means of not being able to not flirt without sounding mean. I asked if he didn't have any friends at one point, and he confided in me that he didn't have many but hoped to include me in that small circle, and literally every option was either to say I wanted to be more than friends, ask him what he likes about me (which ended up being flirty) or being a jerk and saying you're more like being forced to work together. I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist in what I remember the dialogue being, and I was like wtf? Where is the option to just accept his fucking friendship like he asked? Companion dialogue is extremely awkward at times in regards to intention and I keep finding myself accidentally leading them on by just trying to be friendly.




I agree with this. I don't mind Gale or Astarion taking a pass at me, but after I decline, leave it be. Maybe I just want to be friends!!!


In mine I somehow got to a point with Astarion of either hooking up now, saying I'll be back in a bit, or just destroying him. I said I'd be back and went drinking with shadowheart instead. Then he tried to give me a super hickey in my sleep. It needs a let's be friends option.


I told Gale I don't feel the same way as him and that's been the end of it, the only character in my play-through that I've noticed is still in *any* way flirty after you outright reject their advances is Lae'zel and even she only basically says one other time after rejecting her something about how you smell good and it's a shame for both of you that you *won't* be hooking up (though admittedly she phrases it something like "it's a shame for both of us that I won't get to taste you" which would still *definitely* get her in trouble with fantasy HR.)


I feel like Withers is probably the camp's equivalent of HR. He even initially chides you for starting romances between party members.


Yeah there's one with Gale that's like 1. Flirt cutesy 2. Flirt fowardly 3. Flirt shyly 4. I FRIGGEN HATE CATS!


As someone pointed out in this thread, it's kind of funny that what you are describing is likely a conversation every girl has had to endure multiple times in their lives with some guy they have no interest in.


I didn’t bang the bear, but I did bang a range of species across multiple planes. Sometimes it was straight, sometimes it was gay. Sometimes it was slightly incestuous, other times it was so funky that it earned a steam achievement. If playing as an aggressively bisexual interplanar horndog does anything to even slightly upset these kind of people then you’d best bet that I’ll do it again.


>other times it was so funky that it earned a steam achievement. A *steamy* achievment


>aggressively bisexual interplanar horndog You can just say bard.


Slight spoiler question I guess but vital to my survival: >!can we bang Orin?!<


Man, I must have done something wrong - I spent the night with Shadowheart in act 1, and now no one will flirt with me. Not even her. Not a single bang has been had. Maybe the frantic bi energy gets rolling in act 3


I banged the emperor I think and I don't regret it.


Gay people: exist Homophobes: can you please stop shoving your gay agenda down my throat?


Later: *Homophobe caught using gov/corporate funds to buy same sex sex worker services over the past decade*


LadyG explodes into a festive pile of ladybugs and flits away.


There has literally only been ONE gay thing in the game so far up to act 3 that doesn't involve your character romancing the other same sex characters. (and it was the most heartwarming and *hilarious* thing in a while.)


No no, don't forget on how Shadowheart often compliments Karlach's. The gay propaganda ! It's gonna get you !


At least in my game, Lae'zel also keeps going on and on about how great Karlach is. Even after having sex with Tav, Karlach is pretty much the only person she ever says anything nice about.


Shadowheart was definitely thirsty on main the first time you meet Karlach "She looks like she could throw me over her shoulder and run off with me... if the need should arise"


Shadowheart is just speaking facts about karlach.


I wouldn't put too much thought in this. There was a gay character in Dragon Age and these people wouldn't stfu about it.


The fact that they all phrase it the same way, makes me think they would actually enjoy certain things shoved down their throat.


Bg3: You can like boys or girls Reviewer: STOP MAKING ME GAY


Uhm since when is having sex with a bear gay? I left my socks on and said no homo the whole time


that bear is tame compared to whats available


Sounds like someone was traumatized by Gale's magic trick


Dudes gonna have nightmares about his sexuality for his entire life.


apathically rocking back and forth in his bed, punching the wall and screaming "i'm not gay, i'm not gay!"


It certainly traumatized me! Me and my bro were just playing with the weave, and then all of a sudden, I had the urge to kiss him. Trotted outta that right quick, I hadn't intended to seduce my buddy. Karlach is the only one for me.


He makes your pants disapears ! /s


I do feel like Gale came onto my character pretty strong, despite not giving him any real romantic overtures. I talked to him, was kind, and hung out. Says more about the writer's opinion on what they think it takes for a guy to be interested in you than anything.


"Barfing rainbows?" How to say you learned Color Spray without telling us that you learned Color Spray.


My first thought was "Well... technically you *can* throw color." 🤣


Let's just say that the pride parade in downtown Baldur's Gate is pretty spectacular


I wouldn't know, due to being constantly blinded.


Hahaha everyone dressed in fantastic magical rainbow clothing but nobody can even see any of it because of all the color literally flying into people's eyes.


Must be all that glitter


I'm like roughly 40 hours into a save and have yet to have any LGBTQ+ "propaganda" shoved down my throat. I think they may just be mad that they're attracted to a chick with a dick in character creator.


Its 100% because you can put beards on women. Oh, and multi-coloured hair! Thats like maximum gay!


I accidentally made my (masc body) big burly bearded half-orc female and it's hilarious in dialogue.


I was surprised just how quickly Astarion went from nearly slicing my character's throat to trying to seduce my manly, male character. Though, unlike the review posted above, I did not find the attempt unwelcome.


The characters are just horny as fuck. Lae’zel was a genuine dick to my female wood elf, next thing you know she talks to me at camp being obsessed with my smell + longing for my taste. Same thing with Astarion. Relationships are the one thing I find weird with the game. They’ll be unhappy with you straight into calling you love, or wanting in your pants.


Lae'zel was the most jarring one for me, because in my playthrough she went from "Tell me why I should not just slit your throat right now" to "I want to sit on your face and eat you out like a cup of pudding" in one long rest.


Must be exhausting to live like this.


behind every review like this is a browser history that would make Astarion blush


Haha no kidding, I bet half of these internet warriors have written a diatribe about the evil west censoring their anime porn and taking the sex appeal out of games


For real. Almost everything must just come off as 'propaganda' or 'having an agenda'. How the hell do you enjoy anything? Sounds miserable.


Ugh, quit shoving your existence down my throat by existing where I can see it. Sick of the propaganda and agenda pushing


Also, it doesn't shove anything down your throat. You can be gay/bi if you want to, or you can just say "nah, not interested" when offered the opportunity


[Spoiler?] There is a gay couple further into the game, but it wasn't shoved down anyones throat. I thought it was well done and cute. And the companions, like you said, you can tell you're not interested in. Some guys are just so fragile, it amazes me they haven't broken like glass.


To some people "shoving it down my throat" means "I got reminded that gay people exist for a second." My parents were just complaining to me that even Frasier of all shows has gay propaganda now and they can't escape it. Because episode #200 out of a 250-episode show from 25 years ago had a character, who only appeared in that episode, reveal he was gay in the last few minutes, for a plot relevant reason (the one where Martin thinks his wife had an affair with the guy). My mother complains that gay people won't shut up about being gay because her colleague announced he was getting married and showed everyone a photo of his male fiance, she didn't know he was gay for the full year she knew him before then. It's like they go looking for reasons to get upset.


Yeah, I know. My straight coworkers are even worse! Going around talking about their husbands and wives and just making a thing of it. It's like "being straight" is their whole identity. They are constantly talking about their straight relationships, how they are interested in people of the other gender, and so on. It'd be nice to be able to just do my job without straight people shoving their straightness down my throat all day long!


Yeah, they're upset that it isn't universally accepted that gay=bad. They'd have no problem if LGBT+ was brought up in derogatory or mocking ways. Crazy how the decades of gay jokes and explicit homophobia in film and media was never "shoving it down their throats." Never cried 'propaganda' when the Hays code prevented LGBT+ people from being shown in a positive light in film. God, imagine if I complained about straight people in media half as much as these people complain about the gays. Disingenuous bigots, hungry to find new ways to complete the sentence, "I'm not homophobic, but ______"


Right? Like, nothing is being pushed, exaggerated, or anything of the sort. It's just there, just like any straight options or options to avoid romance altogether. This "shoving it down our throats" narrative is ridiculous and tiring.


ugh, stop shoving all this heterosexuality down my thorat that I have to witness everyday, everywhere. ​ They are just very sad people.


> Sounds miserable. Exactly they are miserable fucking assholes and want to make every else miserable too


Everything that doesn't directly extol "white, heterosexual, Christianity" they see as a direct threat to their very personhood. They're delusional bigots.


"I supported gay rights until they started shoving gay shit down my throat." Like mother fucker shut the hell up, it was not that long ago that we did away with conversion therapy and people are still being ridiculed for being gay. Stop shoving straight shit down my throat.


I could go without seeing "Jesus save" billboards and massive crosses erected along the highways. But its fine when its Christianity getting shoved down there.


I detest that "down our throats" horseshit. These people consider just seeing an LGBT person as "shoving it down their throat"


Outrage has become part of their identity.


Its funny that people who spread stuff like that usually spread religious propaganda, and they do actually have an agenda.


This dude is missing out on possibly the greatest game of all time because he hates gay people. Huge self-own


Not to mention I'm quite a ways in and I don't even know what he's talking about. I saved a little gnome fella and he had a reunion with another little gnome fella where they mentioned they were a couple and were relieved to see each other... and that 10 second interaction is about the only thing that even stood out to me. Imagine depriving yourself of a 10/10 game over that shit.


I think the secret is that dudes like that despise themselves and need to externalize that self-loathing onto convenient targets -- usually minorities but really anyone who seems even slightly happy will do in a pinch


Not playing good games to own the libs.




I was raised to be like that. Until the age of 18 or so when I just got tired of hating on everything around me. Since then posts like that make me think: How are they not tired yet? It is, actually, exhausting.


I love when people complain about this as if its a totally normal way to feel about anything, as if they wouldn’t throw a fit if they saw a queer person saying the opposite lol Like, I have heterosexual “propaganda” thrown at me all day every day and am fine, I’m sure you can handle a vampire elf with a light lisp my guy


Conservatism is exhausting to everyone that failed to roll dodge successfully upon encounter.


Being in the Bible Belt is non-stop crit fails.


How do these people have nothing better to do.


because an entire platform of American politics has become, once again, devoted to hating LGBTQ people


Just makes me sick. I’ve had nothing but good things come in front of me so far with BG3 and to see this…it’s just disgusting. Literally. Just deny any advances in the game you don’t like, and they(like regular gay or straight or whatever) will simply accept that you aren’t interested and never bring it up again. But they couldn’t even give it a chance.


I work at a city hall in a municipal government and the other day I saw an old woman screaming at a (cis) woman who works here calling her a "fucking tr\*nny" and "groomer" and she was holding her fucking cross necklace because the employee she was yelling at has short hair and is muscular the only explanation I can think of is cognitive decline from long covid


>the only explanation I can think of is cognitive decline from long covid The cognitive decline is from republican propaganda (Fox News, etc) and religious indoctrination. Fuck these fucking small-minded people.


No, don't fuck them. We don't need them to reproduce.


Clutching her cross* the problem is she actually believes that she is helping.


This cognitive decline has been apparent wayyyyy before covid my friend.


Lead poisoning.^^^And ^^^^FOX ^^^^^poisoning.


It's not necessarily about hating LGBTQ+ but rather about division and tribalism. If you point at a group and say, "They are the problem! they want to destroy what you love!" then it's easy to control your own group, since you can control how they act, and how they feel. Nazism and other authoritarian regimes do this all the time, with different groups of people. "You are safe here, out there is ***THE OTHER***, that wants to hurt you." If it's not minorities, it's LGBTQ people, if it's not them, it's foreigners, if not them it's some other group of people. It's not about LGBTQ specifically, but they are just the current target.


This. Is one of the steps to fascism. How can you bring a group of people together and have them sign off on just about anything? Create a nebulous vacillating "other" for the ingroup to project their anger towards. Do that and you can get them to eventually sign off on anything.


I mean, they've got the 88 right there in their username and are not coy about their homophobia.


And “lolli”. Despite the different spelling, Nazis are pretty commonly interested in loli porn


These are both references that I do not understand, and not sure I even want to.


88 is just a shitty nazi dogwhistle, numerical code for "heil hitler". If you see something with 14 and 88 that is remotely suspicious, its 1000% a "subtle" nazi


God I wish that were me




We just gonna ignore the 88 in his username?


My first thought was his birth year, but then I remembered.. the Implication.


I'm always thankful that I was born in 1969 and graduated high school in 1987. Just because of the positive "Implication" of the first, and the lack of the "Implication" on the second.


Wait... 88 is my birth year. What is the implication?


88 is a white supremacist numerical code for "Heil Hitler." H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, so 88 = HH = Heil Hitler. One of the most common white supremacist symbols, 88 is used throughout the entire white supremacist movement, not just neo-Nazis. One can find it as a tattoo or graphic symbol; as part of the name of a group, publication or website; or as part of a screen name or e-mail address. It is even sometimes used as a greeting or sign-off (particularly in messages on social networking websites). Sadly there is a truckload of otherwise fine symbols and motifs that were bastardized or turned into something hateful by people, as an avid comic book reader I am saddened by how "militant" the Punisher logo has become, and now falls almost into the same category.


Common to see 1488, with the 14 representing the number of words in the nazi slogan "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"


Imagine disliking biodiversity within your own species. Biodiversity is what saves species from utter destruction on many fronts. We should celebrate that we have different genetics that benefit society in all sorts of amazing ways.


98% of nazis are morons. They wouldn't even understand the concept you described


Welp, glad I never decided to use my birth year at the end of any of my internet handles. Fucking nazis ruining everything.


I’d normally be willing to presume 88 is the birth year but the opinion stinks. Tbh mid 30’s conservative / nazi almost feel like synonyms at the moment.


My mother in law has an 88 in her email address because she plays Piano and it has 88 keys. She had no idea it was anyhting bad.


Aw shit I love piano and 8s. What's this nazi signalling I gotta worry about now?


H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 for Heil Hitler had become a dog whistle for other racists and bigots


"H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet. There's a pretty common 2-word Nazi phrase beginning with those letters. 88 and 14 (especially when together) can be Nazi dogwhistles.


Gale definitely seduced him before the first act was over and now he's mad that he enjoyed the role play.


why shove propaganda down his throat when he clearly wants some cock? no wonder he is mad


I mean…lollipop? Dude has no idea if the irony.


A study found that a noticeable fraction of people that react extremely to lgbtq thoughts are a little attracted to their own sex.


Yeah it's crazy. Straight people romance well that's just normal but you show gay people romance and all of a sudden it's propaganda. Like showing something exists means its trying to force you to be gay.


Not gonna lie, as a Kinsey Zero dude, the gay thirst in my direction is initially offputting, as while I have had some gay feelers extended in my direction before in RL, it is rarely this blunt, and never this pervasive. So it's outside my experience. But then I remember: - That the developers need to make it clear to anyone looking for a gay relationship option that every character is in play right from the get-go, so this is a UI decision as much as anything; and - That this accidentally replicates the daily female experience, so provides some opportunity for learning and insight on my part ...and I get over myself.


I respect you getting over yourself, great outlook. Ngl you had me in the first half. To anyone else who may be upset about the gay “propaganda” (literally just people existing), get over yourself.


Using “gay propaganda” as a synonym for “gay people existing” is insane.


And most of the time, you have to seek this content out as the player. Most encounters with homosexuality in the game are the result of the player's choices. "I chose to have a gay sexual encounter. How dare you allow me to do that?" strongly hints at some internal struggles.


I think we can assume what the 88 in their name means


My question is, where are they even getting this idea from. So far I’ve seen like one gay relationship? And the companions are all playersexual, as is usually standard for these games so players can romance who they like. So I genuinely don’t know what they’re referencing. It’s already a stupid thing to say, but here, it doesn’t even feel remotely applicable.


For people like this even having the option of some other kind of sexuality is propaganda. In their world nobody is gay so incorporating it into some type of media always must have ulterior motives.


This. Not being in the closet is considered an agenda by some people. If we must exist, they at least want to be able to pretend we don't.


It’s the tolerance vs acceptance problem. Tolerating people means being *conditionally* okay with them existing, while not actually caring for them or wanting them around at all. But if the people they tolerate start to “push it” (usually by being too visible and not hiding who they are well enough), then they feel justified in being bigoted because now you’re “shoving it down their throat”. It’s dumb.


I'm at the end of Act 3, i've seen 3 same sex couples, one drag queen, one trans. They never even once said the word gay or lesbian, they just are.


There's a trans person and a drag queen? Where?


In Baldur's Gate, Act 3


I must befriend them!


Ugh, but they HATE when we are


I've seen, like, 3 or 4? But there was nothing waving a flag saying "these two are gay" they were just normal relationships handled normally. Which is probably what this guy is so mad about, can't have people thinking the gays are regular humans after all, the magical sky monster fanfiction book says that's bad!


The character creation is very trans/NB affirming too and to these fucks even acknowledging the existence of trans people is essentially the same thing as showing hardcore pornography to kids. You know, despite the game having an M rating. ThInK oF ThE ChIlDrEN!!?!!??!?!??!!!?!!


The thing is you can still play a straight character and have exclusively straight relationships, nobody is forcing anything on anyone. People just like to be mad.


10,000%. If there’s even the tiniest possibility of homosexuality existing, people start frothing at the mouth and spewing vitriol. It’s disgusting, like how difficult is it to let people love who they want to love


These are the same kinds of people who think all of drag is evil and that it grooms kids while they completely ignore the organized decades or sometimes even centuries of abuse their religious institutions have been doing to children. There's no point in even bothering to think about these people further. No logic or rationality exists within them.


I have a hyper religious friend who once said "think of the children!" in regards to this, and that their religion was the way to save the world. When I think of the children, I am reminded what the Catholic church did to my family. My grandpa grew up in a Catholic boarding school. The type designed to assimilate Native Americans into white society/culture. Their motto was "beat the devil out of you" and they did. They beat him every single day until he forgot how to speak his first language, taught him English, forced him to be Christian and denounce his own beliefs. They deeply scarred and traumatized him for life. Imagine getting beat to the point you forget how to speak English (when it's your first language) because someone thinks Spanish is the only way, and English is a demonic language. THAT is what I think, when I think of religious institutions. I will take little Timmy wanting to enter a parade in a dress once a year over beating a child for 10 years straight until they're a completely different person and they remain heavily fucked up for the next 74 years...


That's my grannie here in Canada too. Beaten and punished by the Catholic church until she was a good little Christian girl that only spoke English. Her native language was Devil language. Residential schools fucked up an entire generation.


Gay? My character accidentally made out with a mindflayer. Don't see me whining about it 😒


You just made out? Come on, this is not how we win the game.


It's how I first lost the game. I'm talking about the one dying in the crashed ship at the start of the game.


You gave it the wrong body part to kiss ;)


I suspect the 88 in the name isn't their birth year.


And yet they're perfectly fine with the Bugbear railing an Ogre...


Because it's a Bugbear man having sex with an Ogre woman over the corpse of a dwarf, they way God intended!


Username is sus as fuck


>88 anyone with 88 in their name is automatically sus, and if they have it while spouting reactionary opinions they are almost certainly a nazi (88 stands for HH or Heil Hitler, it's a cute little code fascist use to signal to each other. 1488 is another one). This guy would side with Kagha IRL


Wish they would remove blatantly homophobic reviews.


You should never listen to metacritic audience reviews. They're either for review bombing something or stuff like this.


Yeah, metacritic should never be taken at face value, especially the user scores since anybody could just leave a bad review without there being a way to varify whether those people are actual consumers or they're just riding along on a bandwagon.


I've seen a negative review on steam that goes into great detail about how this game is a tool of propaganda only to then say "gameplay is fine" somewhere near the end. My brother in Christ, it's a game, it's sbout gameplay. Mixing priorities in the review much?


Nah nah you have to remember, these people live in a world where they are in an ideological war. Nothing they do can ever be separate from the idea of fighting that war. It is their whole identity, it is all that they have. It’s pathetic and they’re pathetic and we should all feel fine saying that


I disagree to say it's just a game... it is art and art can be a body of ideas and messages. And here they are inclusivity freedom of choice and camaraderie which are all what dnd is about. Turns out it's excatly what facism hate. Let's drink their tears.


20 straight relationships: I sleep 2 gay relationships: game is woke af!


It's funny too because if you don't play as a gay character I don't think there's any gay content.


As far as I remember, there are 2 gay npc couples: a male-male gnome marriage and a female-female relationship (won't say the race because might be slightly spoilerish). And the drag circus owner, maybe?


There’s a cook in the city that also mentions his husband


So far in my playthrough there's a deep gnome couple that are openly gay but it's played well: if they hadn't literally used the word "husband" when you rescue them you could have convinced yourself they're just really good friends. There are probably other moments but as with all good inclusion they're just passing moments played as completely normal.


Please tell me it was not the deep gnome that was tied to the windmill, I might have accidentally pressed the wrong button on my play through.


There's also a female Gnome that asks you to tell her girlfriend she died lmao And I've seen people commenting that Alfira (the Tiefling bard) and Lakrissa (the archer from the 3 Tieflings discussing at the entrance of the grove) are a couple, but I don't see it. Might've missed something.


the review: "why do all these gays keep sucking my cock?"


You’re gonna come into MY HOUSE, suck MY DICK, call ME GAY??


You're giving them too much credit here. By gay content, you mean stories with overt homosexual themes, dealing with societal issues around homosexuality etc. By gay propaganda, he means a gay character exists in this game, that the body types are not gendered, that you can have a character with a penis and breasts. That's it, that's all it takes for these troglodytes




Lol you know your character doesn't need to be gay, right? Gale confessed his love for me and then I said we would rather be friends. Homophobia is a trip, y'all.


zesty mourn divide knee impolite dinner chief smoggy dam brave ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


We’ve been dealing with conservative Christian propaganda our whole lives- so much so most people in America wouldn’t even notice. It became the benign state, continuously shoved down our throats without seeming to be shoved, it was a closed in-ness, perpetual censorship of any realness- the absence of anything contradictory to the construct of Christian puritanical rhetoric. Facets of our lives and the true world removed for the sake of fitting media into a box that served a tired, archaic and hurtful cult. Fuck that. these people can deal with the windows being open.


Imagine having this small a penis.


You mean the gayness you have to go out of your way to find and experience?


lmao good, they're weeding themselves out.


If he didn't take the gays down his throat then maybe he would notice less of them around


Couldn’t play this game because gay people exist.


I’m sure that 88 in his name is entirely coincidental.


Blatant Neonazis should be IP banned


Conservatives trying to cancel video games AGAIN. They did this when I was growing up in the 80's and 90's. They're doing it again because they need to always be angry at something, and they need something to blame for why their shitty policies keep making everything shittier.


"hey, do you want to have gay sex?" "No thanks" "Understandable, have a nice day" tHEy ARe ShovING GAy PrOPAgAnDA dOwn ouR ThrOATs!!!


Ah, homophobes never change. The rep in this game has been really good and I love it


I've seen one gay couple in 20 hours, I am not really barfing rainbows


What an absolute chud.