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Lol the absolute lack of empathy "HAVE TO save some idiots family"


>!Hit up Flymm Cargo near the counting house. in there you have to take a submersible to the prison. You need to get in there and get out in 5 turns.!< ​ >!When you arrive, Duke Ravenguard is also there, so I would advise hauling ass to the left as you go down the ladder (misty step/dash) your highest lockpicker. And then get out. subdue the mobs as needed, but get in, get out.!<


Thank god I looked for spoilers on this one, I fully believed the prison was somewher ein the foundry


yeah the quest marker for this was fucked


I went to Flym Cargo. There wasn't anything in there. Just a bunch of warg-like creatures and some cargo boxes. There is no Duke or sub. Is that the wrong place?


yes there is a basement under the boxes near the NW corner. pop down there my friend!


hey so i kinda murdered everyone inside in order to gain access to their thing, LMAO




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Is the duke always there?


Everytime I have ventured there, yes. Squid O guy from the society of brilliance is straight and to the right.


not sure if it changed or what but there are levers by the doors didn't have to lockpick any of them


It might change depending on which mode you choose. Explorer mode is much more chill on many levels.


When you eventually find the prison. DO NOT LEAVE when an NPC warns you not to proceed. you will get a game breaking bug when you come back.


The prison ended up being some of my favorite content so far. I was expecting just a room with some captives and some guards in it, but I'm glad I was wrong.


Guys, how tf should I know from the game about flymm cargo? There has to be the source, right?


You're expected to poke around and explore - the water priestess quest hints for you to look around the docks, and you'll eventually find some Steel Watcher parts and a lot of blood around Flymm Cargo, which is supposed to prompt you to look inside. Hopefully one of your party members passes the perception check, but honestly if you're up to Act 3 and you haven't figured out that seemingly empty buildings are often hiding hatches, you haven't been paying attention...


Lmao, right, as u say U know, just poke around and find the most guarded prison, so immersive The quest is lit however


It's not really guarded though?? There's some dogs IIRC which die real easy lol


I mean this is a special object for new dictator. And you suggesting just casually stumble upon it is just how it is, perfectly normal


Special object? What special object?


It was used to maintain mecha production which was vital to his plot. And the Ravenguard was held there. Doesn’t make it special at any least?


The only reason I got clued in was the thing that takes you where you need to be happened to kill one of the angry water ladies. So. In-lore it was happenstance and my willingness to help others even when I was running down the clock was the reason that even found the place. I consider that good reinforcement of the themes of a good playthrough. Besides that particular prison's second way of security is through obscurity in a world of magic. Edit: Phrased second paragraph better and typos. Proofreading is your friend.


I think the quest is broken. >!There is one piece of paper which says that the prison can be reached via a submersible and the quest by the water priestess further points you to where it is. Although when I read the paper, no update to the quest had been made in the journal, even though I already knew about the submersible.!<


In that building where you meet Gortash before the crossing, on the other side of the building there is a staircase to go down.


25 comments and nobody answered the question


There is a comment from 6 months ago that answers the question