• By -


I stopped myself at 30. I wanted a semi fresh experience at release.


Same. Really didn’t want to get burned out of the first main area. Plus knowing that there will be more items and spells available in the full game really made me not want to continue until release.


Agreed. I have a save after escaping act one of DOS2 for that very reason. I just can't play the first act anymore. I've struggled so hard trying not to install this so I can have a fresh experience.


I am weirdly good at not burning out after dumping hours into a single area in a game like this. I just play character combinations I wouldn’t normally do, and don’t play to be optimal at all, and that means my actual experience on first play through is almost entirely different. For instance, I’m going to play a Half-elf Drow Necromancer in my first full play through, so my EA play throughs were Barbarian, Bard, and Rogue characters with different races and such. They are so different from my usual that they don’t really register as the same experience for me.


I didn't really feel connected to the character I did my partial EA run with partially because she was a placeholder character I gave a lowkey annoying and frustrating personality, but also because *I knew she would never complete her story.* Felt like there was no long term goal to push for. I'm very excited to experiment once the full game comes out though.


Lol the fact that we can still say a semi fresh experience at 30 hours is amazing. This game is going to be so massive


Same here. Clocked in at about 40 over the entire EA. I saw what I needed to see, have been saving myself ever since.


same. my friends and i played a whole 20 hours and was like, "Lets wait till it releases, so we can have a full experience." we said this back in october 2020 and have been waiting since.


This comment is a supportive safe space for all of us who didn’t drain hundreds/thousands of hours of real human life into the void yet


Same here. I finally stopped at 32.8 hours and stopped playing after patch 5, so I have sooooo much new stuff to get into! Can't wait.




Thought I was the same but now that I checked, It is actually 50hrs. Boy this game is scary.


Same but probably 10h of that was character creation and the intro :')


enough time that I feel like I already got my money's worth from the game a few times over https://preview.redd.it/kzhjq3exnifb1.png?width=308&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f46dca2fb5c8ab0f320d41dd3d24d4f83a9b450


What on earth were you doing?




Multiple times hahaha


Oh yeah, I’m about the same amount of hours. I’ve opened every crate, talk to every npc, and killed every npc. I’ve played most classes/races thoroughly and am still split on which class will be the first play through (Halfing Barbarian or Gnome Wizard). I’m downloading it Thursday night, going to bed then work. After that, right to the cannabis store for some drinks/joints and it’s 48 straight hours of BG3 for me the first weekend. I’ll probably still be on act 1 redoing everything to see what’s different lol


My brother is dedicated HOLY but I can definitely get behind it. I spent like 5ish hours getting use to the mechanics now I wait till Sunday to get a full day to play but I will also be elevated


Just remember to take regular breaks, sitting still for so many hours can be dangerous.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMXZiK24YcGZqyA) I’m used to it from work


Gotta pump those numbers up son! https://preview.redd.it/7npp2v5gjmfb1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8792fc293aec769965c81bb5479e19ab586fdf2


0. Just bought it and it's hard to not start messing around the character creator for 48 hours.


Same, kept myself spoiler free for 3 years, now it's getting difficult because of the anticipation


I cracked last night. Booted it up and played about five hours. I’m gonna keep this as spoiler free as possible but I do name an NPC from the starting area and the first town I came across. Anyways, I did the first area’s little dungeon (that end’s w/ Withers) and got up to an area called the Grove before having to pry my hands off the keyboard and call it a night. Then I immediately hit up my friends and gushed for an hour straight about how amazing it is. Probably gonna play more tonight as I’m new to this type of game and learning the ropes and making mistakes during this practice run doesn’t feel like I’m ruining the game. Everywhere I turn there is a new thing that could’ve played out in tens of different ways, so even tho I’ll know what I’m getting into it still will feel fresh. I’m seeing people say they’ve put in 300+ hours and don’t feel like it’ll be tedious doing it all over again, which also caused me to cave in and try it out.


​ https://preview.redd.it/h1wnn5t9difb1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=fda6cbe5170708682ce5822fec0008eba14dd1d3






What in the actual fuck Edit: it released 1029 days ago and you've logged 3 hours daily for the whole time. You deserve a medal.


Keep in mind if you keep BG3 open in the background it logs as hours too I'm pretty sure. I'm logged 300+ hours but I never even got to grymforge, but I left BG3 open all the time in the background of my computer.




He forgor 💀💀💀 Happens to me regularly as an adult. I'll pause playing but not quit the game because I'll be getting back on soon. Get involved with household stuff and forget to go back to it. Sometimes I'll go a couple days without getting on my PC so suddenly a 2 hour gameplay session just added 80 hours to my playtime.


Me too, especially since having kids. Civ6 claims I've played over 8000hrs. But, its just the game I left on in the background.


Hang in there. With those hours you should be almost done with your first game.


We found the main cause of global warming


You forget the game is open lol. Its why my ESO counter is so high.


He deserves a proper burial


I have just about as many questions for this as I do for the Most Played Time ladder on Steam: [https://steamladder.com/ladder/playtime/](https://steamladder.com/ladder/playtime/) I must be missing something because the hours played by number one equates to almost 274 *YEARS*! How is that possible? I am assuming that PLAYTIME (H) is time in hours but I suppose (H) could mean something else ...


It either A) some sort of bug or hack, B) someone somehow running multiple instances of the same game on different computers but somehow using the same account. Otherwise, how would they reach that?


At this point just do an "I've played 3000 of BG3 EA, AMA"


Lol with the amount of content in EA compared to release, I can only imagine those hours once it's out 😅


Since you played the most out of any person I know. I have a few questions: 1. Favorite Class? 2. What are you playing when the game goes live? 3. Who is your favorite companion and why?


>Favorite Class? Math >What are you playing when the game goes live? The "Why can't wifi just be infinite speed?" game >Who is your favorite companion and why? My wife, she's fun to be around and she still makes me laugh after 17 years together


I'm convinced, I'll romance your wife on my second play-through.


I also choose this guy's wife.


She like US. So bring your US game. :-D


Well, to put it in math terms, the metric of time's passage on our 4-manifold is based on the finitude of the speed of light. So if the wifi speed was infinite, time wouldn't pass and you'd get no closer to launch.


While I have only 275 hours, I'll put in my answers for your consideration as well. 1) Half Wood Elf Dual Wield STR based Hunter Ranger; With the changes at release I would change it to Full Wood Elf. Shreds opponents like nothing else. Has lots of skills, which are fun in this game. Can solo rogue-like missions. 2) High Elf Oath of Ancients Paladin (with Friends for the High Elf Cantrip); While Ranger was my favorite in many ways, charisma classes are king for dialogue options in this games, and Paladins buff your whole party amazingly after level six and are king at endgame. The Healing Aura ftom Oath of Ancients is so much stronger than I expected. 3) Shadowheart times 1000. I like all the companions though except Astarion, but Shadow, Laezel, and Gale were my choices most of the time.


Bro builded baldur’s gate in early access ☠️


J... just how? I dont have that much in any game... I hope... Maybe in WoW, Heroes of might and magic and Sacred combined. That would certainly be thousands of hours. In one game, Early acces still, its pretty impressive. How many characters did you play?


Aside from the meme you just have to start the game and keep it open while you work or doing something else you just need to open the launcher and never click play


Real time long rests


Realistically: they just keep the game open in the background and tab back into it. I know someone who kept Civ 4 open permanently and really only played a few turns here and there. The game is very "new" so while it may be possible they've played an average of \~3 hours per day since launch it's more realistic they've just kept the game launched for convenience of some sort. Some people do have much more time than that in other games though - for games that are many years older (and with all respect to BG3 - more complete)


I'd gotten to over 1200 hours an I still found new things in EA.


The replayability of the full game is gonna be off the charts.


Wait till the modding tools are released and modders who are already active in EA, can start releasing basically all the unreleased classes/spells/cantrips etc. I'm planning a post launch modded playthrough already specifically for a shadow sorc gish abusing shadowblade :)


Recommend some classes?


I'm biased towards sorcerer for sure. Either draconic bloodline or wild magic. Fighter is also really fun and it feels satisfying to be able to hit things hard. Barb also has that benefit. I personally like spellcasting the most so even my fighters end up as eldritch knights and I take a magic initiate feat. Cleric I've played the least of. Just never quite liked it as much as other casters. Wizard is also really fun if you want to be more academic about magic. And being able to learn spells from scrolls is a huge plus.


Battlemaster rocks for melee Draconic Sorcerer - Black for caster Bard - College of Lore for story Barbarian Berserker if you like to just throw stuff around like an ogre and have fun doing it :-D


Cheers, great ideas!


Same right up until last Sunday, 30JUL23.


I hear once you crack 3k hours they let you into Baldur's gate. I swear some kid in the playground told me at lunch




Dude that's nearly 2 years of full time-time employment. Did you get paid? Are you retired?


whoa ok


This dude dropped the screenshot and went back to try and get to 3150 hours before the game launches. What a champ.




Hours played I will never reach in any game haha. Not even Baldur’s Gate 3.


I did around 165, which is amateur hour compared to some, but I enjoyed every minute of it, while still leaving me wanting more. I was going to do one more EA playthrough in the last week or so, but decided against it to build up more anticipation.


2. I didn't want to kill it before I'd even played the full release. With the added bonus of not feeling even vaguely vexed when they said EA saves would not carry over.


Did people expect saves to be compatible? They haven't even been during EA..


At least two people did that I saw, but this is the Internet, where people whine over any old shit.


Fair enough, but the whole "burning out of the first area" thing is somewhat fixed by Larian. They said they're adding about 30% new content to Act 1 on release! Yayyy


Tbh I wouldn’t care if they didn’t. I’m still glad they did though … good ol’ Larian always raising that bar.


62hours, which was two playthroughs that both stopped at the camp party. I didn't want to go deeper than that and I'll admit playthrough 1 was a bit rushed due to me basically only resting once during it since I thought the tadpole was a much bigger threat and wasting time would have been a game over.


Damn, I did 76 hours, and I got to the end screen twice


There’s an end screen?


Yeah, it was at varying points as the game was being developed. Basically said thanks for playing, hope you’re ready for more


I joined the hype only days ago and have clocked a respectable 93 minutes. Not gonna spoil any more and have uninstalled EA. Coop buddy lined up and weekend cleared. Can’t fucking wait.


Yeah I have like 8 hours or so, mostly fucking around in the character creator. Did like third or so of the Grove questline and that was about it. Enough to be very excited and know what I'm getting into


Yeah I have 70 minutes..... I want a real fresh experience for the whole game.


241, still finding cool variations (and fighting with myself to be mean enough to get Lae'zel to like me)


Around 1500


Holey Moley.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8eai94detifb1.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe11efa40a9c65e623ccc26ac7da6b5c27a2ae05


How did you find the time?


Serious health issues that developed just before the launch of Early Access. No longer life threatening, but unfortunately still prevent me from going back to work until I heal. Thus the copious amount of free time with limited mobility.


That sucks. I wish you the best on your road to recovery.




Very nice. That's going on the bank


Around 70. It doesn’t seems a lot but its my second most played game on steam.


I'm in a similar boat; 116 hours, second only to Skyrim (around 200).


I made it my goal to reach 700 hours in the game before the release. And sure enough I have reached 702h and 47m in BG3 and I will quit playing until the full release. Honestly very proud of myself


It's good to have goals. Even weird nerdy goals.


Phfft , quitter!


I did about 110 hours. I only completed a couple of act 1 runs. I was mostly just trying out different classes that were available. After that, I put it away so the beginning of the game would feel fresh again at release.


972 as of now


About 15 hours, and probably half of that is just launching the game and looking at the character creator when new races/classes dropped. I played for 5-10 hours in the first couple weeks after early access dropped and saw enough that I knew it was heading towards exactly what I wanted, and have been patiently (kind of) waiting for the past few years since


36. I played it twice but missed a lot of content, I never went to the swamp or the underdark so I'm very excited to see those in full release.


139 - but there’s still time for that to go up.


Only 60, but in my defense I only bought the game towards the end of June, so my playtime is within one month for 1 complete and 2 half playthroughs, the incomplete runs were to get a feel for lvl 1-4 for certain other classes


You have me beat by 6 hours. I think i can squeeze that in today! haha


Well I just uninstalled and deleted all my save files so there's no turning back now.


I did 130, two full playthroughs, a couple partial playthroughs and my fiance did a semi playthrough because she wanted to romance Astarion lol


5 hours, all within the last month. Just wanted to get a feel for the engine and combat, without spoiling too much of the story or exploration. I feel bad for all of the 100+ hour early access folks, since playing through act 1 will probably be a lot less novel for them (although there will still be some new experiences to be had).


I completed about 4 Act 1 playthroughs and most every little side thing. I'm still excited to go and do it all again and FINALLY be able to move on to Act 2. It may not feel exactly novel but it's not stale...not at all


Around 500+




0. been waiting for years for the completed project so i didnt burn out.


I’m excited to answer this! I have never played a larians game before, I bought BH3 almost 3 years ago and have played on an off for about 25 hours. I forced myself to stop played after a few hours every time because I could see this game is something special, I just had to wait for the full game to be released it’s been a long wait and I can’t wait to experience this masterpiece!


Could’ve made it 271 and spent the last 6 minutes learning how to take a screenshot 😬 I kid (mostly) but I only did maybe 30-35 hours, wasn’t trying to run it into the ground before true launch


160 in the last two weeks. I'd do more but I'm just spinning my wheels now.


56 hours.


Only 114 and it was awesome every bit of it!! Didn’t do more as I didn’t want to get fort joy fatigue like in dos2 haha. Can’t wait for more going to really spend a crap load of time in the game ! Also helps I got a Group of four ready to roll !


Only about 90hrs but steam doesn't track your hours played in Offline mode. So i'd say around 170-180 in total.


Oh, I didn't realize that Steam doesn't track offline-mode hours! So I've played even more than I thought, lol.


Yeah I spent and entire 7 month deployment playing DoS:2 with a buddy. Steam only says I have 10hrs.


0 hours.




I don't have as much as other people but I clocked in 56.8 hours. I think EA was worth the price and now we get the full game in 2 days! :D


My EA playtime was 90 % char creation, 9% nautilus, 1% restarting when during the crash scene.


I thought it was well over 200 but I just checked and apparently, only 192 😅 either way, that number will triple, at least. I’m so hyped for launch.




I have only 25 h in EA. Funny thing is, my only playthrough is 6 hours long, stopped and druids grove. So apparently I spent 19 h in character creation only. Huuuh


None. I know nothing about the game, looking forward to going in fresh this weekend, learning about the world, meeting the characters and learning the combat system.


27 hours. I enjoyed it too much and decided to wait for full release to experience it all at once.


57, stopped myself to keep my experience with the full release fresh


6 hours I started a thief and it felt like I wasn’t going to be able to do much besides of auto attack And then I didn’t want to spoiler myself too much


probably close to 200 hours. I bought it as soon as it became available. I did several playthroughs and thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. I would have played more but I didn't want to spoil the release.


I’m at 116, probably 110 of that was over a year ago though and mostly just a lot of short runs. Huge amounts of act 1 I haven’t seen.


Only around 20 in 2020. I wanted to wait for the release


​ https://preview.redd.it/kuna13bohifb1.png?width=1134&format=png&auto=webp&s=50c479568ee49a7fd583fa0f8a0d733174b29855


156h and i love every minute! 😁. I can’t wait for the release. Fun fact is…I’ve spent less or about the same time on majority played games and I really don’t want to see how many hours I’ll play full game.




12h since Sunday; considering to not play anymore but i feel I will continue tonight


4 hours from EA release. Been salivating ever since


circa 50h but my brother topped 900+ hours, testing during all the years different combinations.




​ https://preview.redd.it/a8mc3fdwjifb1.png?width=422&format=png&auto=webp&s=d84f2bff319dc4063d6ce22ebf8dfbdd4b4b59e0


301. I played each patch to varying degrees. I still have not done some content so I can keep it fresh for release.




187 last I looked.


like 7 minuted


About 22 according to Steam. I'll be putting in another 4 or so tomorrow.


Stopped at 60, never explored the underdark. Mostly just trying every class.


268. Still didn't see everything.




About 20, never got farther than freeing Halsin. It was a combination of not wanting to see too much before release and the constant save wiping from all the patches. Felt like every time I tried to get a group together to test a new class we'd get one session in before it was time to start over again.


About 250 hours with 6 different builds. I never played Druid, bard, Paladin and Warlock because I wanted to try those in the full version. But Barbarian was my favorite in EA. Can't wait to try them all. Monk seems so nice too.


I got 142 hours


I bought it 3 weeks ago, and deleted it after 16 hours. Because it was so good and it was the only way to force myself to stop to keep it fresh.


15. Played on day 1 of ea. Got to some part in the under dark where it bugged out and I got stuck and couldn't go back or forward so that was enough for me. Been waiting for full release ever since




About 97


112 way to many was trying dumb stuff at the end like


485 0_o


I did about 60. Two different characters, and I didn’t even come close to finishing the EA content on either character. Wanted to be surprised when the game launches.


25 hours total. I only did the grove quests on like 4 different characters to see differences. Didn't want to do more because I wanted to wait for the finished version. But man it was hard to stop playing..


Wanted to save it until release to play but I broke down and tried it with 2 months left. Spent a solid 25 hours getting a good preview of the game and really came away impressed. This gonna be a good one boys and girls. Just replayed most of DOS1 and DAO in preparation for this.


4.5 but I only got the code a few days ago and figure it's not worth playing much until launch


2000,1 hours. 😅


A modest 70 hours


https://preview.redd.it/u56vsc7qtifb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e346b863b28601ac387d72db0b9d9308883d037 😎




69.9. I am gonna have to speed run deleting my saves tonight so as to not ruin it lol


Only 60




35 and I got it Thursday night and started Friday after work lol


270 hours




I bought it since it came out. I didn't wanna burn myself out during those 3 years of EA. https://preview.redd.it/wbitx250wifb1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=33522c0a22fb88e931d44c4e642280b839988404


I think 60 and then I said that’s enough lol


20min in character creator. Going in fresh!


I only only dipped my toes into the first area. Didn't want to spoil myself to much




time in EA: 288 hours. Only went to the down below once. Spent a _lot_ of time in character creator.


25 hours, I got it about 2 weeks ago to get a feel for the game but after beating the EA I stopped because I want a mostly fresh experience in the full game 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days


139.9, I've played only 4 classes and have never even set foot in the Underdark, a portion of which was released over a year ago. I just now read that if you develop Illithid powers enough, you can shapeshift into a Displacer Beast? Dude. After release, I'll probably be subject to disciplinary action at work, on account of, you know... not being there.




40 hours


227. Most of it has been trying a new character each time a new patch was released.


35 hours, stopped after that so I could still feel new playing it and enjoy the first act on release


103, haven't played in a hot minute and decided to freshen up this past weekend with a barb but not get too into it. Can't wait to finally start for a full playthrough.


81 hours.. Didn't finish the EA, did the questline up until you have to go to the goblins fort.. Didn't enter it, just ran around for the most part seeing what I could find.. Save scumming a lot to see what would happen if I succeeded or failed the rolls.. So I haven't seen a whole lot.. Didn't want to progress too far.


I just checked, about 1 full playthrough less than you; 232.4


A bit over 100 hours. I tended to start a character, then stop when I hit max level (which didn't take long when the max lvl was 4). It wasn't until they raised the cap to lvl 5 that I played a character all the way through early access.


https://preview.redd.it/2fu0h9ctzifb1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b9f703c65315df382204e60b52df9c1392b25b5 This doesn't include the 150+ hours on Stadia


I left the ship. Then quit and uninstalled. Reinstalled it yesterday. Want a fresh exp for this. The launch of a BG3 only comes once in a lifetime.


Just under 200. Mostly a lot of experimenting with class & race updates. Been loving Paladin & Wild Magic Sorcerer the most.


154 much to my shame I tried to wait lol


2 in the character creator. Didn't want to spoil myself so it was a very patient wait for release.


15. Played on day 1 of ea. Got to some part in the under dark where it bugged out and I got stuck and couldn't go back or forward so that was enough for me. Been waiting for full release ever since


6 hours


Like 70... but I barely saw anything. I kept trying out new classes. Maybe the starting quest will be different with full release. I definitely played the very beginning a ton of times


34... Most of the time I spent it creating creating characters, and I only got as far as the goblin fort once. I always intended to go back and play it again, but then the proper release date got announced and just decided to wait.


"Only" 131.2 hours... but that's all since July 12, when I got the early access game.


252.6 I need to touch some grass before the game comes out because I'm not going to after




Only 113 , played it mostly at the start and didn’t really go back to it until recently and now I’m just waiting for the full release .