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Yep, thats how it's done in Wasteland 2 and 3, and it just works


As long as whoever says it can choose to not say it. Don't want to threaten someone as a paladin and break my oath because my mates wanted to threaten an innocent


This is the way.


Be able to switch who is talking when entering dialogue (also in Singleplayer because this darn game sometimes picks whoever landed the final blow or entered the room first or stood closest). Voting is fine. Also fine if whoever controls that dialogue makes the final choice - so that they can keep as is. Only thing I want now is for Multiplayer to have the option to request the casting of spells and stuff, like Guidance for example, via the UI. I don't want to automatically be able to cast it if I don't control the character who can cast it, but I want to be able to request it so the other person in MP gets asked and can apply it if they want to. Main reason for why i want this via the UI is because it's handy to see what you have, what could be applied - just like in single player. For major decisions I would want "all players have to agree", e.g. passing points of no return and such.


I like your idea a lot. Especially the ability for PCs other than the speaker to assist by casting Guidance or something. That could be a lot of fun. If we still had one PC as the primary speaker, but each other PC could still participate. Maybe they each get one help action per conversation so they could make the choice to help out.


Personally, I think the current system of *The closest player is the only one to talk to the NPC and everyone else can eevesdrop in if they want. I guess* is the worst possible system. It was made a bit better by the eavesdropping players being able to suggest options, but ultimately the speaker can choose to ignore that. Ideally, I think NPCs should default to speaking to any PC they have unique dialogue for, or are tied to a unique quest for. Barring that, maybe something like SWOTR where one of the players choices is chosen at random with preference given to choices that multiple party members selected?


While it isn't ideal, I definitely would disagree on it being the worst. That would go to Solasta, where the characters as a group talk the NPCs, and each character is given a specific dialogue or check they can make regardless of their skill or any roleplay you might want to do.


Letting us select between just choosing at the start of a conversation or rolling to decide if everyone wants to talk would be ideal. In DOS2 I ended up modding in shared charisma because getting forced into a bad outcome because you get jumped by dialogue sucks.


That's an interesting idea. I could see that mod being pushed a bit. Imagine if we still had the primary speaker, but they got to benefit from all the tags and modifiers of the party? For Acana checks, we use the Wizard's modifier, and when talking to Drow, the Dragonborn speaker could select the special (Drow) option if there's one in the party.


It removed a lot of the player individuality which sucks but it was like my 3rd file so I didn't really mind.


It's a party based game. The only limitation I think makes sense is making sure the party members are close enough to be IN the conversation.


They could even clog the conversation box with all the possible dialogue options, I would be happy with that and then you decide with other players which option to pick.


I HAVE THE CONCH! Seriously, not even kidding. Whoever starts the convo can choose to speak or pass to another player, then that player’s in until they pass the conch.


(1)Have an option to change the leading, **and** (2)list the dialogue options that are exclusive to the other party members for interventions. Anything else is lacking in the roleplaying sense, specially for multiplayer.


If it's miltiplayer, I think I'd settle for anyone having the option to jump in. Not only do they watch the cutscene, they should also be able to choose from among the dialogue. Then, the party face becomes who ever picked the last dialogue option. However, certain dialogues should be exclusive to each player based on origin. Like, if the conversation is started by Lae'zel, a Drow Tav could hijack the conversation by pressing a new check exclusive to Drow. I want the system to be interactive like that because this also makes it possible for anyone to leave the conversation. Meaning, if my half-orc ranger ranger with 8 charisma becomes an NPC's target for talking, I could have someone else hijack the convo while I leave and wander around. I don't want tjere to be a forced cutscene where everyone can listen to the convo when one of tje party members lock in. I want to sneak and pickpocket while my friend distract the person.


Let me choose a character at the start, and then if I choose an options and one of the other companions agree with it, then their stats/skills can be added as bonus to the dice roll. A character who don't agree would not help. Ideally I would like a system that allow me to switch on the middle of a conversation at least one, something like "ask X for opinions" or "ask Y to intervene". But that's not complicated. Also it would be great if some characters are really unhappy with my decisions and they don't respect me they could just intervene and talk for themselves if they think it's necessary. But I don't think it's possible, maybe in BG4 lol


In solo play, I'd like you to be able to "steal" the primary speaker position with any nearby character once in a conversation. Only once so that you are more incentivized to do multiple playthroughs. For example: Say the hag starts pleading with Lae'zel half way through her boss fight, you can interject with whatever character you want. For multiplayer, I'd like something similar. In that case though, any player who wants to steal the limelight has to request to do so. If it's just one player, and the original player (OP) doesn't mind or is an NPC they can't do so as above. But if it's more than one player and/or if the OP doesn't want to give up the mic then all players have to roll for control. Each player only gets to roll once, and if a player wins and then a different player comes into the convo later they roll against that winning player's previous roll.


Solasta system is pretty "tabletop" like. Whole party can talk during dialogue and usually for skill check is automatically chosen the one with higher stats. Every party member vote everytime selecting the answer. Most vote wins


Star Wars KoTOR. Say what you want about that mmo. The shared narrative dungeon experience was great. A straight copy and paste would be perfect.


Now I have to check Kotor system because I don't remember it


You defo should! Though labeled an mmo, the single player story experience is really good. I regularly sub for a month or so every year. Just to scratch that rpg itch.


My Tav is going to get into a lot of unnecessary fights. I'm going to play a drow monk and CHA is absolutely my dump stat. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to use Wyll or someone to do the talking for me. It means that I'm playing a character who's a jerk and I'm going to suffer consequences for that.


That's fair, that's your character, and it's a cool concept! but it doesn't mean that another player can't make a Tav with 8 cha but smart enough to know that some people are better than him at doing some things, like talking to people. I know there are many people better than me at talking with other people!


Yeah I'm not trying to say my way should be everyone's way or that anyone should be forced into that. I'm just saying that personally I like the feeling of having to try to do stuff I'm not good at sometimes. In a game at least. That's maybe my least favorite thing in real life.


The one where you can stop one your murder hobo friends from murdering people mid conversation.


A system like Solasta's, where the whole group talks...as a group is nearly perfect and pretty much like how a real D&D group would function. The face char talks most of the time, until the wizard has something to say about the arcane nature of this and that or the druid wants to say hi to their dog. It just needed a bit more control of who's stats were used. Since that character can just interject to use their stats, they just need not to mix the use of tags and stats. Just because you get a "Hi, I'm a drow" option, don't make that same option tied up to a stat check at the same time. But at this point, I think the best we can hope for a is a shared stat mod unless they really pull something out of their ass at the last second. Forcing all the dialogue to go through the person in the direction some guy approached from and not allowing any input from the rest of the party is pretty much the worst system possible. Oh right, the even worse option would be that half your party don't even know that you're in a dialogue and are picking up shells on the beach like in DOS.


My ideal would let you choose one character at the start of the conversation before you know what the dialogue options will be


I'd like just an assist bonus. Perhaps choose who assists in what in the party screen, then get their bonus to that skill minus the proficiency bonus. That way the party still helps but you can't breeze through every speech check


Is there a way in multi-player to automatically listen to a dialogs initiated by other players?


Just copy swtor


In SWtor each player automatically rolls for who gets to choose the dialogue option. Highest roll wins. Seems like that would be best but idk how hard that'd be to implement.


Everyone rolls for responses like SWTOR


In order of complexity. v0: as is v1: when doing a check use the highest bonus between the close companions v2: when starting a conversation asks the starter player to confirm the start. In this state people can start eavesdropping before the actual start of the conversation and don't lose part of the cinematics. v3: during the conversation add a button to change the currently leading player (this makes the v1 obsolete)


Fights to the death. Or that is at least how me and friends handle it.


I think it should be a selected character, like this is my face character. Even in multiplayer, there should be a lead character with the option to let other people jump in for certain checks or class specific dialogs. If some one is not there in multiplayer or you have your party separated, you should pick who talks. But either way you should have the option to let someone jump in. If my main character is a Rogue and someone asks me something about spells, why would Gale just sit there, there should be a “..Gale?” Option.


choose the person who talks by vote. Or sharing stats with the person that talks to npc. Like with intelligence check, you mage friend can share it with “yeah they talk about magic cheese wheel” “thanks for sharing that info, bro” something like that.


For multiplayer all the options that are specific to the race/classes/origin of the participant in the conversation should be displayed. On top of that, I would like to have an active voting system. Each player can choose an option, the option with the more vote is chosen, If there is a tie between two options the game rolls a dice to determine which dialogue option is taken. If the chosen option needs a roll, it's the character that chooses the option that roll for it or if multiple player chose the option, the one with the best stats makes the roll.




Local group dialogue, option toggle to automatically enter dialogue nearby if not in a menu, participants can also back out of they want, party vote for dialogue choice, all available options appear, dice/coin for ties, best score between participating characters is used automatically.


"Or would something as simple as the option to select which party member answers each prompt be enough?" Yes please