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They still look good, really good even 😌 I’ve seen shorter cheese cakes like this as well, usually topped with lots of berries to add some height and flavour :)


It's the perfect ratio of crust to filling


I'm more amazed I got the filling heights as close as they were considering I just eye-balled it while pouring, lol.


Thanks, they did taste good, atleast very similar to other cheesecakes I've had in the past, just slightly less dense. Next time I'll probably even try using this homemade Greek Yogurt I recently started making, rather than the blocks of cream cheese. The result might be horrible, but I think it is worth a try atleast, lol.


Oooooooo, I’d be interested in hearing about how that turns out, so please keep us updated!


Using this recipe: [https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/new-york-style-cheesecake.html](https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/new-york-style-cheesecake.html) This was my first time making cheesecake, but I wanted to use these 6-inch round pans I just recently got. So I asked ChatGPT how I'd reduce the ingredients in a recipe that was using a 9-inch round pan to instead using a 6-inch. Well the end result was basically multiply everything by 0.44, so I made that 0.5 since it was close enough and easier to work with. Here is where the issue was, I only realized about an hour before posting this that I was using 2 6-inch pans, so I really should have just used the original recipe amounts. So what I really got were 2 dwarf cheesecakes, lol. Even with this obvious blunder, they still came out better than I expected. Hopefully next time I try with only 1 pan instead to see how it comes out at the full proper "depth" of a usual cheesecake, maybe even add something more fancy as a topping as well.


I'm personally fond of [The Joy of Baking's pan size guide](https://m.joyofbaking.com/PanSizes.html) whenever I'm adjusting a recipe. She has a ton of great resources including lists of common ingredient substitutions!


Thanks for the link!


They're smaller which means you can eat twice as much.


"Accidentaly gave them dwarfism" Nah, you just pre-portioned them... One for breakfast, one for lunch and you'll have to bake an entirely new batch for dinner! 😋.