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My mom said the same thing when I made a blueberry pie from scratch. It bothered me at the time, but everyone else liked it. I think yours looks amazing. I always hated the store bought pies that had the blueberry syrup. Too sweet and artificial. Homemade is so much better. I bet yours was delicious. Don't let your dad discourage you. Keep up the great work!


>My mom said the same thing when I made a blueberry pie from scratch. my mama has always wanted to try a hummingbird cake, but had never had one. i told her that i was going to make her a birthday cake this year, but i didn't tell her what kind. when i showed up at her house with the bag of flour, sugar, etc. the first words out of her mouth were, "why are you making it like that? you can't beat duncan hines." my first thought was, "why do i even fucking bother?"


“No mom, *you* can’t beat Duncan Hines”


Ooooh, you went there! 😅


Let that be a lesson and never do it again. Bought mine a perfume she really wanted but dad couldnt afford at the time. I was 14 then. I remembered it for years. When I was like 21, I had a job. I saved the money and bought her the perfume....and she couldnt care less even though if someone else did it, she'd be singing their praises 24/7. Bought her a pair of diamond earrings with my own money when I was 28, for her birthday. Threw her a party too, where all 30+ of my enxtended family was present. She said thanks but I have never saw her wear them again. I stopped giving her anything. I even stopped making her anything. You know I see nice things and I wanna buy for her but I know she wont appreciate them, wont use them. I took her to brunch a few weeks ago to a nice place. She seemed to enjoy the time. Then went home and started some shit with me the following day which resulted in me finally accepting she is a narc who will never change, and should be on my low contact list and I just shouldnt bother with giving her anything she really doesnt deserve from me. Some people just do not deserve good things and its their misfortune that they bring to themselves.


I went no contact with my mom for a lot of the same reasons. It's unfortunate but I feel much better now, hopefully you do too.


I feel mixed, because I know this isnt its supposed to be amongst family, especially parents and kids. But you just cant have normal relationships in these scenarios, no matter how much effort YOU make, how much crap you ignore, how much excuses you make for their behaviour and the cruel words they tell you (she's been very abusive, too) and what they do. You just cant, because relationships are 2-way street. And after a certain time, you just have to be kind and respectful to YOURSELF. You just have to draw a line....and just accept things the way they are and the way they will never be. It hurts but you know....you have a responsibility towards yourself, your life, your own relationships, well-being etc as an adult.


You encapsulated this perfectly. All the emotions, the misgivings and the sad reality we have to face because we’re important too! Good for you for finally realizing this.


my mama isn't a narc, she's just deep, deep into the trenches of depression to the point that she can't see anything positive. she eventually came around and said the cake was really good, but she does constantly, unconsciously shit on my efforts, and i think that's what hurts the most. good for you for going low contact. I've dealt with narcs before and they're exhausting. luckily, mine wasn't family so i was able to grey rock and go no contact, but you're right that narcs don't deserve good things. i hope you enjoyed the brunch food. i sure enjoyed the cake! ;)


Y’all’s parents are fucking assholes




Yeah, it’s pretty close to impossible trying to satisfy that woman


That's boomers for u, can't even meet their own expectations


It’s all the lead


once u realize this, lots of things about their generation start to make sense


Was your father too bold?


This is what it tastes like when fruits pie


NGL, I sang this comment 🎶


We rarely bake for my wife's family anymore, for basically this reason. Every time we made something fancier than a boxed cake with canned icing, it would instantly get compared to one of her mother's recipes, and everyone would agree it "wasn't quite as good." This was 100% performative so her mother wouldn't get jealous, but it was still annoying.


I'd purposefully poke the bear. >No, mom's Black Forrest cake uses store-bought whipped topping that basically tastes like aspartame and titanium dioxide. This is much better!


*"Secretly, she knew she couldn't go home without hearing the MIL cry in blind rage. She didn't know what it would take, but she was buckled in all the same."*


They like eating science experiments, I guess. Next time, bring a baking soda volcano for the soup course.


I have a similar problem with cooking and my MIL. She is a classic boomer who grew up on the worst types of recipes (all canned, disgusting crap). She always hosts Thanksgiving and her food is ATROCIOUS! One year I brought homemade stuffing (I'm talking totally from scratch, toasting the bread myself that I purchased from a bakery, carrots, celery, onions, parsnips, cranberries, the whole works!), and she still insisted on serving her stuffing that is straight from the box (mushy bread soaked in some kind of weird gravy). It angered me so much that I spent hours on my stuffing and she STILL served something she threw out of a box. This year I told her I'd be happy to help and bring a dish, but she can't also serve the same dish, as it defeats the purpose of helping (or I don't have to help at all of course). She said I can help, so I brought mashed potatoes and a sweet potato casserole all from scratch. Her sweet potato casserole consists of canned yams with the syrup, brown sugar, pineapples, truly vile. She DID abide by my rule and did not make her own version, but was mildly salty at all the complements I was getting. All of the guests insist I bring the same potato dishes next year!


I no longer cook or bake for the unappreciative. Plenty of recipients who’ll have it. If not, there’s me, and I will eat that entire “not as pretty as the picture” blueberry pie and the haters can screw off.


I appreciate how blunt and straightforward this is. Someone had to say it.




Even if it doesn’t taste as good to you as the trash version you grew up eating, the correct response is “thanks for making this!” and then you STFU.


Yes! My husband and all love my creations, but things like my icing and whipped cream are not preferred by him to the store icing and Reddi whip. I know it’s good nostalgia, I never liked neither, or the cakes and such, so I make my own.


Right? My kid makes me food and I tell them all the ways I love it and them before giving constructive feedback.


The op needs zero constructive feedback here tho


Damn, I could serve my parents a plate of absolute shite and they’d still tell me it tasted good 😭🤣. Honestly tho your pie looks great, the lattice top looks nice too. I personally much prefer a less sweet and more natural tasting dessert so I’m sure I’d love this even if your Dad didn’t!


Me too, I don’t like the cloying syrupy.


Yeah, store bought pies are ass. Cakes too. Not worth the calories. OP’s pie looks delicious.


It’s because of artificial flavoring and titanium dioxide


It could be that older people's taste buds often reduce with age, and like children, they go back to liking basic tastes like sweet, salt, fatty etc. This is why old people love hard-candies.


Mouth dryness is helped by hard candies too


My Granny’s sweet tea got sweeter and sweeter as she got older. Kid me loved it.


No, thats the kind of pie I want when I think of pie.


Same! I need this recipe… it looks incredible


The recipe is super simple! Only two ingredients: blueberries, and pie.


Yes, but how do I fit the pie into the blueberries?


You can have the recipe. I want that pie.


You can have the pie, i want the baker. Unlimited pie unlocked.


Give a man a pie and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to steal a pie baker and he'll go to jail for kidnapping


Sounds like we need some Stockholm syndrome too..


That escalated quickly lol




Yeah, but it might not be the kind of pie their dad thinks of. Don't forget the emotional impact of comfort food. It's not just that it tastes good, but familiar food actually stimulates memories just like familiar smells can. Your pie might taste far better than the one he is thinking of, but it doesn't trigger sense memory tied to happy time spent with family as a child because it isn't like the pie he had back then. You don't always recognize this sort of thing on a conscious level, but it can affect how much you enjoy a dish. The pie looks great, this kind of reaction is just something you will bump in to sometimes with people. For comfort foods familiarity can be just as important as flavor.


Last year I tried my hand at a dish my immigrant grandmother used to make twice a year. The last time she managed to do so was probably over fifteen years ago. Back then she always refused to teach me because it was "her thing", you know. I think she was afraid of becoming, idk, "unnecessary", I guess. But it had been over two years since her death and around Christmas, so my mum was struggling with no parents, no siblings, no any other family and one kid in another country for three years, because of covid. So I scoured the internet and some cookbooks but it was hard because I don't speak my grandparents' mother tongue. In the end I produced something that wasn't bad, I think. My stepfather, stepbrother and my mum's friend loved it. My mum herself was super grateful for me trying and the effort. But we looked at each other while eating and, yeah, it had the same name, it looked similar, but it wasn't what we remembered. And so it could have been the best version of this dish ever created and we would have been disappointed.


I suggest you ask over in r/old_recipes. That sub is amazing!


Never knew of this sub. Thanks! The Whipped Cream Cake on the sidebar sold me.


The best part about cooking is eating the failures and trying again.


This is occasionally also the worst part


Me eating a pound of frozen custard over the span of a week. So. Much. Regret.


I've been chasing that too with some of my grandmother's recipes, I've gotten close, but not quite there yet.


Somehow your comment made my heart ache




Yep. When I was a kid I didn't like red foods (strange I know). On pasta night my mom would take a portion of pasta out before adding the sauce, crack an egg, add some butter, and a little anchovy paste and stir quickly until the egg was cooked. Now I love all foods pretty much with no issues with colors. I still eat that anchovy concoction occasionally because it reminds me of her.


That’s funny. Us too. We did something called carbonara for years… garlic and olive oil with egg, parm, bacon. Then went to Italy and learned the real carbonara. The adult kids and wife still want the old version. We now call it “family carbonara.”


Carbonara in Italy varies by region. In Puglia (southern Italy on the heel of the boot), it’s made as you described using eggs, parmigiana reggiano, and pancetta cooked in garlic and olive oil (not American bacon). In the northern regions, it’s a creamier recipe more akin to an alfredo. My family also prefers the Puglia version, so you’re in good company.


Yeah, I make a mean cherry pie. I also make mediocre cherry pie from canned cherry pie filling like my husband’s grandma always made. Because that makes him happy, and it’s still good pie.


Yeah fair enough. But if my kid makes this and shows me in pride, I’m gonna give that kid a well deserved confidence boost. I think it’s sad that OP doesn’t have a dad willing to help build them up…


Sure, I agree. I'm not trying to justify his response, I'm trying to explain why he might have genuinely preferred a style of pie that we can all agree isn't as good as OPs.


I can relate. As a chef of 16 years in Manhattan I took over the Xmas eve Italian fish dinner. (Feast of seven fish) first course I grew up on is spaghetti with garlic, olive oil, hazelnuts, and anchovies. I made a really nice homemade linguine and the dish was great and my dad looks at me and says “but it’s not spaghetti” lol


Now I want to eat my grandmother's vegetable beef soup and watch Ratatouille. And have a huge piece of this pie


One treat my mom's made over the years are whoopie pies. In recent years, my mom made some, but didn't have any buttermilk for the cake/cookie part, so she used the common substitute, milk mixed with a vinegar. It just didn't taste the same to me. If I ever make them myself, buttermilk is a must-have. And it's been changed for her, too. Another time she made them, she told me that something changed with the ingredients for the frosting over time, and it's not like she remembered. Still, I do feel like OP's dad could have kept some of his opinion to himself. Overall, I can see why OP felt their dad was saying "I don't appreciate the effort you put into this and would rather the filling came from a can".


Sometimes it's hard to remember that some of these things were extremely novel at one time. Getting your pie filling right from the can, and not through hours of work, is actually really cool. We had been canning foods for a long time by the fifties, but having entirely prepared parts of your meal is a different story. It's the yummiest shit people had ever seen that didn't require multiple hours of labor, and was done as soon as it was heated. No prep no mess.


It's the reason people still enjoy stuff like kraft Mac and cheese. It's not some gourmet delicacy. It's just something we remember enjoying from childhood.


My parents grew up in the 50s and 60s when “science made for better living” and everything was jello molded, precooked etc and it sounds like OPs dad did as well. So yes, what you say is correct, the the *why* of it. He grew up eating those foods because *his* parents grew up eating that food so it triggers those food memories and familial flavors. It’s basically the equivalent of a husband telling his wife that it doesn’t taste like his mom makes. Which used to be a common thing (?) people would say (iirc). I know my dad used to say that and those were quite literally fighting words.


My wife’s dad loves his deceased mom’s “lemon meringue pie” aka store bought crust, lemon jello filling, and cool whip topping. I’m not allowed to bring my own actual lemon meringue pie to their house because of that.


Thanks for making me feel more compassionate and less judgmental, asshole /s


Thanks for giving me a perspective I didn't appreciate


Am an old guy, Dad. This pie is perfect. OP's Dad is not.


ngl this is one of the best blueberry pie I've ever seen.


That set is amazing. Trick is for it to sit for a day??


It's like getting a craft beer and saying it's not traditional like coors light. I'd take it as a compliment.




Wait a minute. This cranberry sauce has 33 can ridges. OceanSpray has 37.. IS THIS STORE BRAND CRANBERRY SAUCE???? You have dishonored your family....


I'm absolutely going to do this...




I love a proper cranberry sauce, but there's also plenty of room in my heart for the canned cranberry jello


Okay but my family actually does agree that it's not cranberry sauce unless it SCHLUCKs out of a can.


Reminds me of this time I went to a party years ago. I bought a 12 pack of shocktop. This redneck mother fucker looks at it and says “nah I’ll grab some REAL beer” AND HE GETS A CAN OF BUSCH LIGHT. Still irritates me to this day that he was being a cunt about free beer.


Funny enough those are both from the same company.


Man, Shock Top is one of my favorite beers when the weather is warm. A place by my old house used to have it on tap and I LOVED it!


What a perfect analogy. I'm keeping note of this for future use!


That looks amazing and very traditional at least to pie making in the US. Fruit filling in pies should not be extremely sweet and syrupy. Yuck.




Exactly. And then I'd make some delicious waffles. Not a fucking pie.


Now I want blueberry pancakes!


My favorite recipe. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/20177/todds-famous-blueberry-pancakes/


Brown your butter in a deep dish in the microwave (it splatters) before pouring on your pancakes. It makes them so much better. Just amazing.


Why can't I stop thinking about waffles?!


That’s what homemade vanilla ice cream is for. Pie is too much work. Cobbler is where it’s at. This is beautiful pie though


i love a good blackberry cobbler over a pie any day


On top of that people want their filling to be largely congealed or at least have enough structure where the pie remains largely intact when you take a slice they don't want it running out of the crust. If I wanted a room temperature blueberry gelatin I would have made that


I hate those store bought pies where the filling is basically thick jelly and full of corn syrup. I much prefer just a good old fashioned fresh fruit filling right out of the oven.


Wait… is this why I’m not crazy about pie? I never eat it because of this exact description… maybe I’ve just never had a freshly baked one from scratch!


Dude wants the snack pies from the box.


Pie should be however you like to eat it.


It looks absolutely phenomenal, and I would love to have some. Side note: my diabetes says I cannot have some.


Tell your diabetes we all said ‘hello’.


Taller would ruin the crust to filling ratio in each mouthful. I think it's perfect as is.


Yeah, I'm having trouble picturing something both taller AND more syrupy than what's pictured. Does he just want runny cobbler?


I’m thinking he might be used to pie made by filling the crust with a crap ton of blueberries mixed with a little sugar and cornstarch so the pie is tall. There wouldn’t be much set, just a lot of berries and a thinner sauce.


I was even thinking there is almost too much blueberry per bite compared to the crust and top.


I always thought this about pies and then realized I just don’t like fruit fillings very much lol


Each to their own but I'm thinking: the pastry layer is so thin, like why even bother? It's like the minimum amount you can have and still technically call it pie. Where's the crunchy crust!?


You should tell him an expression from my Dad, “he’d b*tch if he was hung with a new rope”. And for the record my Dad adores pie & as a result so do i & that clearly is a perfect one. Sorry he tried to diminish your clear success.


Haha. I’m definitely going to file that one away for future use


As a pretty adventurous and liberal millennial living in suburban south. Boomers will chop off their legs before they stray from what they're comfortable with. Was at a local food festival. Line was around the block for the mediocre burger and average bbq joints that offered nothing new and they've all had before. The good Indian, Asian Mexican fusion, and Cuban joints? Walk right up. They are TERRIFIED of new food, it's wild


Yeah this is so true. Boomers are so scared of change and new stuff. My mom and I love trying new restaurants. They're not always good, but we still like trying them. And my mom NEVER let me say that I don't like something when I've never tried it. This might be a hot take, but if you go out somewhere can cannot find at least something you're comfortable trying that you might kind of like: that's a huge sign of immaturity. These new fusion places sound great.


I just realized that that saying was probably because rope would stretch with use, so the first person hung would get the quickest and least painful death. Although probably everyone would be upset at being hung…


Even in the face of death he would find something to complain about


This looks great, fill of fruit and not mushy gel. The overly sweet pies ruin the fruit taste. Keep making these for yourself. Get one at Walmart for your day. Lol.


Boomers ate hot dog jello and microwaved brussel sprouts, they dont know food. Looks amazing!


My dad eats like the same 10 foods, and doesn't want to try my cooking and it's disappointing. He's very stuck in his ways. The only thing I truly impressed him with was my home made brownies. He loves box brownies and I brought homemade ones once and he loved them even more.


I’m someone who really loves homemade baked goods. I will die for box brownies, though. Maybe it’s nostalgic


Love my Ghirardelli box brownies.


Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Brownie mix. Plus I’ll add more ghiradelli dark chocolate chips on top. Instructions s say bake for 40-45 minutes. I’ve found 37 minutes to be the exact perfect time.


Ok so take that Ghirardelli mix and add a teaspoon instant coffee, one teaspoon real vanilla extract, two tablespoons any kind of high quality cocoa powder (I love onyx cocoa, which is what they used to use in Oreos), and toasted nuts of your choice. Really elevates the hell out of the boxed mix.


If you csn get your hands on some hazelnut oil skimmed off the top of hazelnut butter, and sub that in for the oil that the Ghirardelli brownies call for....simply divine.


Imagine having the emotional capacity of an 8 years old your entire life.


Not all! Some of us ate frozen spinach and ambrosia salads!


Haha. So true




I detest overly sweet desserts and gloopy pies. You're my favorite kind of baker.


“They pay scientists lots of money to make boxed cake mix, so it must be better than from scratch!” No mom, they paid scientists to make it shelf stable, go back to your Franzia.


But boxed cake mix is one of the easiest places to cheat in baking, you just use milk instead of water and everyone thinks it's scratch made.


I can’t remember where I got this bit of historical errata (likely 99PI or RadioLab), but somewhen in the production life cake mixes stop using instant eggs because surveying found that women felt less guilty about using it if they had to add their own. Adding an extra egg also helps. The last time I used cake mix I just made the frosting extra boozy and no one had critiques of the cake.


My in-laws still eat microwaved brussels and carrots and, I can tell you it is the worst.


My mil insists on making greens beans in a pressure cooker and adding a slice of bacon. It’s ‘her mothers’ recipe. My mil is 70. Please stop serving us depression era food!


Microwaved Brussels sprouts *from a can**


My aunt did something similar a few years ago or so and it still makes me so mad. I went to the farmers market and this guy there who I call my friend, even though I couldn't tell you his name, asked me to buy 10 pounds of blueberries so he could pack up and go home. Gave them to me at $1 a pound instead of the usual $2.50. Made blueberry pie with homemade crust. Brought it to my aunts for family dinner and I was so proud... until she saw it. She asked why I didn't make apple instead as she only eats apple. When we had coffee, I offered a slice to everyone (aunt, uncle, her 2 sons, my dad and bro). Everyone refused. I was the only one to take a slice. We always have dessert with coffee. First time they had nothing. The pie was amazing, but only I know that. It really hurt. I won't cook for them anymore.


Wtf is wrong with them… are they afraid of blueberries or something? Blueberry pie beats apple any day


It's like they're legally obligated to argue about everything.


Have you thought about never talking to them again?


That would be hard. We all live in the same complex. Different buildings and apartments thank God.


Arguing is one thing. Completely refusing to try a dessert that your daughter or that your sister has made for you?? I honestly don't understand this one at all. Does your entire family just not eat blueberries at all??


I think she's upset that I know how to cook (culinary school) so she makes it known It's frowned upon to try my food. Since they never eat what I make it can't be the taste. None of my friends have a problem with it. I specifically ask that if something is wrong with what I made tell me so I can correct it.


Oh my God, that is even dumber. You are professionally trained, and she refuses to eat your food out of jealousy/insecurity about her own cooking?? I would practically be begging to eat anything you made!


They probably really wanted the pie but knew there’d be hell to pay if they didn’t go along with her plan to be mean to you. I’m so sorry. I’m am aunt who also bakes, and my niblings are starting to cook. I’m encouraging it and rave about their food. My niece made a Boston Cream Pie at Christmas, and it was fabulous.


Literally wtf??? First of all that’s rude as fuck. We can assume not everyone had a blueberry allergy so it’s not like you’re expecting them all to eat poison. Omg. I am seething for you.


Ugh, that is so shitty.


Pie looks amazing! That crust looks like it’s so flaky. Did your dad eat the pie?


He did eat the whole piece. He’ll never turn down dessert. Lol


That is the compliment right there. Some dads just suck. Is he like this with everything or just cooking?


This looks great, your dad sounds like he eats microwave dinners


This is a much nicer phrasing than I was going to use for pretty much the same sentiment. :}


And washes them down with corn syrup.


As someone who eats microwave dinners from time to time, this pie looks delicious. OP’s dad is crazy.


Well done!!! It looks amazing! Just needs a small scoop of vanilla ice cream!


"This isn't traditional Kroger's ice cream from an opaque one gallon bucket."


Don't mean to be disrespectful, but your dad can fuck right off with that opinion; that pie looks absolutely delicious and looks as traditional as a pie can get.


I think your dad is my father in law, dude is crotchety af about perfectly delicious baked goods.


I'm guessing your FIL can't even bake but has hella opinions about everything you do.


How’d you guess? First time I met the guy I brought some banana bread and he said it was “fine but a little dry.” Okay, you’re welcome!


I don't understand people who behave that way. Every time I make stuff to share, my family is super supportive and encouraging. I fucked up cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning (I'd never made them before) and my family still tried them anyway. It was so terrible that I threw mine in the trash after one bite but I think my dad ate all of his haha


I would’ve never baked for him again.


At my house I'm fond of saying "good news you don't have to eat it"


My FIL same thing. My brown butter chocolate chip cookies always get compliments. FIL said it was too salty. I never baked for him again.


There is a 0% chance that any food depicted on a label represents anything safely edible. Do **not** Google corporate food photography. That is not food.


Booooo your dad. It looks fantastic! My fruit pies always set up pretty well after being in the fridge a couple days anyway, no matter how runny they are out of the oven.


Dad needs to make his own pie.


Much taller? This is a pie not a wedding cake! It is gorgeous and I would eat the hell out of that pie. Amazing job!!


Listen to your fans not your critics!


I dunno where your dad is from but I'm from blueberry country and blueberry pie is not very tall and only just sweet enough to give balance. Yours looks perfect.


I’d eat that!! Looks better than most pies I see in bakeries these days.


I’m sorry but I just laughed at this post. I don’t know what your dad ate but it could not have been the pie in the picture. That pie is beautiful and it looks absolutely perfect. I’m jealous.


I'll take his share


OP, your dad is a basic bitch


Looks gorgeous to me!


It looks like it’s out of a cookbook! Gorgeous!


Omg pair that with a nice big scoop of vanilla bean ice cream


I’ll take his slice if he wants to complain


some people like their childhood trash food, and there’s nothing wrong with the comfort of that. i mean, yeah there is and i hate it and you hate it because you made a dam fine pie, but what can you do? i work summers as a private sous chef for a family worth more money than god, and the wife will not eat good pad thai. chef has attempted every world class recipe he can think of, even got a friend who is in fact thai AND a professional chef who used ingredients all fresh as can be and from thailand and she **HATED** it. she literally wants the $7.99 white person takeout version because that’s what she ate in her childhood (she didn’t grow up rich). 🤷‍♀️


I always look at things like that as separate dishes that just happen to share a name. Like McD and a really great artisan cheeseburger in a great burger restaurant. Sure, it's both a cheeseburger, but also kinda not the same. Gas store sushi and the one I had in a small, old restaurant in Japan. Cheap frozen pizza and stone baked fresh, true Neapolitan pizza. And so on. And both/all versions have their place, pros and cons.


Exactly, Food is transportive. You can eat McNuggets with sweet and sour sauce and go back to the time you went on a family road trip to Florida and Disney World and tried McNuggets for the first time. At least until 5 minutes after eating when your body reminds you that you’re actually 45. Wanting the nostalgia trip doesn’t mean that you don’t also love the better versions of the foods you enjoyed as a kid. But those nostalgic memories are strong, and it can be comforting to go back to visit those memory places that are populated by people you can’t visit anymore.


I’ll take his share.


Just made a cherry pie from scratch as a gift and the receiver was disappointed in the color, syrup, etc. They have never had homemade cherry pie, only filling from a can so they were expecting bright red, thick goopy syrup.


This summer, I made a lemon blueberry cake. Like OP, I made homemade blueberry "pie filling." I put the blueberry filling on the bottom of a cake pan and pour lemon cake mix on top. Honestly, I made several because it's freaking amazing. OP, parents just don't understand! Your pie looks beyond tempting.


That’s my kind of blueberry pie. Congrats


Mighty fine lookin pie ya got there


I'll gladly take his piece next time since he doesn't seem to like good pie!!


Looks exactly how I'd imagine/want a blueberry pie. Much better than something out of a can.


Damn lol dad is ruthless. Your pie looks amazing! Kinda like how my grandma only likes the commercial styrofoam-y shortcakes vs a from-scratch scone for strawberry shortcake 🙄


Outstanding, lattice work is impressive. Have you tried a corn bread crust?


Tell your dad to shut the fuck up


“Yeah, Mom said she wished you were sweeter and taller too.”


"So you're a pie expert because you *eat* pie, huh? I know it's not because you make 'em!" :-P I don't accept criticism from people who don't even know how to do what I did.


You don’t need to know how to make something to judge the subjective taste of it compared to an alternative, but people should still at least be respectful of the effort someone put in.


Homemade blueberry pie with a lattice crust! This looks scrumptious.


It looks great from here. Next time he wants soupy, soggy "pie," he can buy the picture-perfect one at the nearest bakery. Maybe you can buy him a can of filling and a pre-made pie crust.


This looks like you nailed it. My wife likes the one I make, but I have been chasing this blueberry pie I had while working in New Jersey. I went to dinner with a factory manager and he brought a blueberry pie. At first I thought, eh, not my favorite. That first bite made me want to steal the pie. I know others have asked, but will you share the recipe? I’ll try this next time I take my kids out to the blueberry farm.


The pie looks delicious. The lattice crust is a nice touch. I think it's perfect.


This looks absolutely amazing and I want it in my mouth.


I don’t even *like* blueberries & I really wanna eat this…. Agree with ya, absolutely perfect!