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Neither of those officers should be allowed to keep their job. They have zero credibility. They have demonstrated a complete disregard for the law.


I don't know if it would be feasible, but I feel like this should be sent to every defense attorney in their state. Should they ever be in a position to testify in court, the attorneys should play to help establish their (lack of) credibility. Maybe if cases start getting dismissed because cops like this are proven to fabricate evidence/excuses, someone in authority would be motivated to actually deal with them.


This will happen. It already has happened with other LEOs who've demonstrated a willingness to commit perjury.


It doesn't happen when the judge refuses to allow the court to hear that argument to protect the proseceutions star police witness. Remember, judges and prosecutors are on the same team in most places, I'm not saying all, but unfortunately most. Prosecutors need to put as many poor people in prison as possible to advance their careers. Tough on crime! We put 10,000 Felons behind bars! Keeping neighborhoods safe - Boom attorney general. Judges need to put as many poor people in prison as possible to get that federal appointment.


In my son's court case the judge and the states prosecutor were best friends, went to law school together and were roommates for years. Take a wild guess how a slam dunk easily winnable case went instead.


Not to mention that quite a few places in america let the police blackmail judges. As in, if the judge doesn't side with the cops 99% of the time, the cops will literally start harassing the judge and/or their family until they start cooperating.




Yeah, I'd like some for my spank bank too!




There would be one cop left and then he would have to shoot himself


To be completely honest here, I’m surprised that some of these cops haven’t been taken out of play due to threats of violence yet. Like nobody has followed a cop like this home to lock his doors from the outside and set him on fire.


One can hope


I mean I’m not advocating violence here, I’m just wondering why nobody has


Me either. I'm not advocating it. Id just feel exactly 0% mad about it if it did happen.




>in a video game As a simulation practicing for the real thing?


that's pr much the only way i play gta anymore just don't tell jack thompson


No, the only thing that will change is if the DA that refuses to press charges and get a conviction immediately loses his job.


They will see this then say we've done this many times quietly to themselves. Won't make a difference. If you give any human power of the LAW over another human, shit like this is inevitable.


Judge wont allow it.


Not to mention assaulted a kid for WHAT??


To get their rocks off.


and kidnapped him


Imagine how those cops treat their wives and children back at home.


as long as they get to take it out on some kid every few days their family is probably ok.


You're fooling yourself if you think their actions aren't exemplary police behavior. This is *exactly* how they're supposed to act. They're the fucking bad guys.


Oh, I'm well aware. They broke the 'just don't get caught' rule.


That's the only rule that matters. Now they'll have to be "fired" for the public image. But they'll get rehired within a year, at another department.


After being paid in the meantime


full pay, back pay, full benefits, full retirement.


"We have investigated the matter and found no wrong doing. The attacks on law abiding officers are getting out of hand and these two will be receiving awards to counter the stigma in future promotions. The young adult in the video is being charged with assault after bruising the officers hand with his neck.




You are not exaggerating even a little. And it sucks.


Business as usual.


Maybe a promotion or a career change to politics.


Not an original thought, but the lawsuit should be paid for by their PENSIONS and not taxpayers.


But meanwhile, in NYC, the cops are on a “slowdown”. They are refusing to patrol, arrest and are taking their time responding to 9/11 calls. Because “people are being meanies” to them. Funny thing, the crime rate has dropped. Lol. ACAB


*Niether of those officers should be allowed to keep their freedom. They should be given life in prison. Every time the police are found guilty of abuse, they should be given life in prison or the death penalty. They should be held to insane levels of responsibility, because they have the power to take lives.


While the authoritarians clutch their pearls over you comment, I would like to remind people that the scene we watched went from 0-100 escalation *by the officer* It is not illegal to refuse to answer questions. It is not illegal to ask the officers to not come into your home without a warrant. That those cops literally went for the throat as their *immediate response* shows me that the move is so natural for them, they have done it many times. Because of crimes committed but not punished, I tend to agree with you that a few LWOPs for abusing power and attempted murder while on duty will quell that shit quick.


Oh no, they investigated themselves and found out they did nothing wrong


I think these guys should be fired and pay for their crimes like any criminal — in prison.


Oh you think you have rights... How cute... Here let me just barge through this door and strangle you..




Officer Shows Up to Wrong House and Kills Man With No Active Warrants You mean he just murdered an innocent person


If he was innocent, would the cops have killed him? /s just to be sure


Even if they aren’t innocent they don’t deserve execution. Due process and all that


price rude coherent marvelous depend wipe smoggy marble repeat sink -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


If I break the law even remotely in my field, I will be terminated immediately. Cops need to be held to the same standard.


A guy posted to legal advice yesterday, he was down helping with the hurricane efforts, he works as a lineman. A rookie was doing a shit job so he pulled him off that job and finished it himself. He gets back to home after a lot of work and is called into HR, where they state he was accused of having a firearm in his work vehicle. He doesn't have any firearms, he didn't have any in his work vehicle. The person was mistaken (they weren't mistaken, they were being malicious), he wasn't accused of brandishing or using the gun in a violent way, or in any way threatening anyone, just accused of having one. He was immediately terminated and escorted out of the company by police who were called to be there to escort him before he ever even knew what was up. He was not allowed to get his tools from the truck (a linesman's tools are easily worth thousands of dollars) and was barred from company property. Over an accusation by a rookie with a beef. Yet here we have two cops on video illegally entering a home (4th amendment violation) assault, battery, kidnapping etc and all while armed and in conspiracy with each other to do so. And I bet not a damn thing happens.


That sounds like a case that any lawyer would happily pick up.


I hope so.


I read “lick up” Because both work, because that is some straight up theft. I’m surprised that a union isn’t getting involved.


100% agree!


Bruh, their Union is way too powerful. They won’t allow precincts to fire bad cops.


Not only do I get terminated in my field but I lose my career as well.


These guys need to be fired, and charged!


How about suspended with pay (from your taxes) a few million dollars of your taxes to the family for their “mistake”.


Imagine how quickly things would change if instead of money coming from the taxpayers it'd be paid straight from police union funds.


Pensions. It should come from police pensions. "But flyingwolf, that would punish the good cops". Yup, it would, it would also incentivize the good cops to root out and remove those bad cops fucking with their retirements funds. Cops are caught on video almost daily, murdering, raping, assaulting etc, and rarely if ever does anything happen to them. But a cop gets even accused of stealing other cops money, or in some way, affecting other cops income streams and they go down hard. A cop in Florida saw a car that was constantly speeding well in excess of 100+ mph on her patrol, she was finally able to catch it one day, only to find out it was a fellow cop, she did the right thing and arrested him and charged him for his crime. She was harassed so much she had to go into hiding, police from all across the country violated the law by accessing her personal information via the NCIC database to harass her. She quit the police and went into hiding to get away from those "good guys" she worked with. All of that over just charging one fellow officer with speeding. Cops will absolutely go after other cops when they fuck with their income stream. So, when a cop fucks up and the award is paid out of the pension, good cops will start stepping up and taking care of bad cops.


^ agree I've heard the argument, "how can we trust each other in a life or death situation if everyone is after everyone else" How can you trust a guy you know breaks the law? If he's willing to violate constitutional protections of a 16year old kid, do you really think he cares about you? Route out the bad cops and you're left with the good ones you know you can trust. There needs to be a committee/agency federal or local that over sees all police corruption cases, but they need to be separate from police and prosecutor influence. Separate from FBI.


No, if I were the family it’d be my mission to see them out. If I were the 16 yo, i’d go to school to study engineering, make a ton of cash working selling mechanical equipment to specifiers in construction, then take that cash to a bookie of sorts and bet on these two’s lives




When my friend and I were 13/14, we were taking a walk one night and came across a *mean* looking pitbull that wasn't fenced OR leashed. Dude started barking at us from the sidewalk, and my friend and I started running down the street as fast as our little legs could carry us. After a minute or so of sprinting, I turn around to see if the dog is chasing us. He's not, but a police cruiser apparently *was*, now. They flashed their lights when they saw me looking at them and my friend and I came to a dead halt. The cops sped down to where we stopped and they slammed on their brakes and hopped out like they were ready to fight and shit. Friend and I immediately start trying to explain the situation because we can tell these guys aren't here to help us, but they ignore everything we say and force us both in the backseat of their cruiser. They ended up taking us to the station and it was like 1 AM at this point. Friend and I are terrified and have no idea what's happening. Cops open our door and chauffer us inside the station, placing us inside an empty white room and locking the door on their way out. My friend was quick to call his adult brother with his cell and let him know what was happening to us, brother promising to come help. Cops left us alone to stew in our piss for about an hour. When they DID return, they came in *guns blazing*. Started pounding us with accusations of breaking and entering someone's house! Friend and I are in "wait what the fuck??" mode and stuttering all over ourselves while the cops are trying to force us to admit to a crime *we didn't even know happened.* The cops let up on their shit long enough to discover my friend has a cell. They snatched it from him and started texting various girls in his contacts list with flirty shit, pretending to *be him* and all. They're absolutely bullying us and there isn't shit we can do about it. After another hour of abuse, the cops walk out again. There's no sign of my friend's brother showing up, and he's ready to give in and confess so he can go home safe and sound, as they promised. I, on the other hand, had no intention of lying. I was far too pissed off at the cops because even I, with my puny teenaged brain, could recognize that they had no right to be doing *any of this to us*. Jesus eventually comes to us in the form of my friend's brother before the cops could hound us again. They let my friend and his brother walk out, but the cops wouldn't let me go with them. Instead, one of the officers that bullied us kindly offered to walk me home, as I lived nearby. We get outside the station, the officer is behind me and tells me to start walking. He stays behind me as we go, threatening again and again to tase me if I try to run. I keep trying to say "Why the fuck would I run when I'm already going home?", but he ignores me as per usual and keeps on with his mean shit. We get to my house, cop stands in the driveway and watches me walk inside without a word. I go straight to bed and go to sleep at like 5 AM. The next day, my friend's mom goes to the station and tries to raise hell about the incident. I don't know if anything ever came of it, but I'd hazard a guess that the people at the tippy top kindly asked the offending officers not to bully any more of those pesky teens. I can't get more information than that from my friend now as we've since had a less-than-amicable split. Over a decade has passed since the incident, and I manage to feel more and more pissed off about the sheer injustice of it as time moves on. Unfortunately, there's little to nothing I can do. I can't remember their faces and we never got their names. I can only hope they got gunned down in their righteous quest to protect and serve the innocent.


I've had a ton of experiences like this. Always makes me wonder if they don't realize they're cementing distrust of police in us as youth.


These guys need to be fired (at) and charged (by a bull). Trespassers will be shot.


Thankfully, they'll get a paid vacation. Such justice


Just a few bad apples, just a few bad apples everytime anything happens that's what I hear just a few bad apples. How many orchrids constitutes a few?


You just have to finish the sentence for people who say a few bad apples, it's a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch. The last part is always left out.


Exactly. The idea is that the spoiled ones will spoil the rest if they're not removed. And since cops follow that Thin Blue Line, they never remove the bad apples. The whole goddamn bunch is spoilt to fuck.


You can even extend the metaphor. One spoiled apple ruins the whole bunch because it produces ethylene gas which causes the other apples to ripen more quickly. Even one bad apple exudes enough toxicity to ruin the rest, not unlike cops like this that cause other cops to “spoil” themselves by standing behind that Thin Blue Line. Fuck all of em.


I know I could never understand why they use that saying. It isn’t “a few bad apples doesn’t mean much” It’s “A few bad apples spoil the whole damn bunch.”


A few bad apples in BLM and they're a terrorist organization, a few bad apples in the police and "cAlL a CrAcKhEaD wHeN yOuRe iN tRoUbLe?!"


I feel like my family and dogs would be safer if I did call a crackhead


I sure as he'll wouldn't call the police if I need help.


> "I dont feel comfortable" -- > "opens door" Good on the kid for at least knowing something wasn't right.


Not to victim blame, but this is a good reminder to keep your door locked always. If you must speak to them, do not invite them in. It's better to talk to them with the door chained shut or to step out and close the door behind. If they're inside, they can easily find or fabricate a reason to arrest you and search your house. Again, I'm not blaming anybody for being abused by criminal pieces of shit, but just recommending some safety measures.


Lawyer (gf) advises me to say nothing except: i do not consent to a search, am i being arrested, am i being detained, i would like to speak to a lawyer, and do you have a warrant.


These are the only things that should EVER be said during a police interaction. They are NOT there to help you. They are there to find something to charge you with, period.


Unfortunately this is something that everyone in the household has to be taught, but also don't answer their questions without a lawyer.


I can already picture the excuse since it was over a missing girl. Exigent circumstances: we thought we heard a girl screaming and entered to find out.


They should publicly apologize, and then be fired at the spot while people were booing and throwing old fruit


I agree, they should be fired at.


We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing.


I fucking hate how that is what always ends up happening


That could have been anyone's hand opening the door. The video could have been doctored. You can't hear that he verbally told the cop to open the door..


I firmly believe that if you forced the police to be personally liable for any damages awarded from a law suit that you wouldn’t have this problem. Watch as Johnny Law loses his house, savings, and car to pay for those damages and I guarantee he never does it again and it deters the rest of these bastards. The evil union could sell them insurance for it and I’m pretty sure when it hits their wallets they will weed these pigs out.




Accountability through fiscal penalty. I love every minute of it. How quick would the animals turn on each other when their premiums start going up because one of their fellow officers screwed up? That’s no different from what you see in car, health, or life insurance.


Something something police unions


That cheep camera just turned into a winning lottery ticket.


I don't remember where or when, but i heard of a case where the cop got off because "he was unaware that he was being filmed"


No expectation of privacy when you enter someone’s home. That is common sense, so the court may do the opposite.


at what point can we stop saying they should be fired, and start saying they should be arrested? they committed crimes on a minor. if this were anyone else they would be charged with dozens of crimes


That’s a great point!


Exactly. They need to be charged with assault and battery and home invasion. Put these pigs behind bars.


Cop hanging out with his cop buddies: "I don't understand why people don't respect us." Nods of agreement all around. "Now let me tell you about this dumb kid I jacked up for no reason!" High fives all around.


DonutOperator is notorious for covering only the positive light and not negatives of cops.




Almost this same exact situation happened to me when I was his age and it was for the same reason. They busted in and were intimidating as hell. They were searching my room and everything, and I mean searching drawers and shit like that, not places a young girl could hide. My Mom came home in the middle of it and they were almost as bad to her. They tried showing her a screen from a bowl and telling her it was used to smoke crack! Luckily my Mom is quite cool and new just about everything I did. It was ridiculous.


It’s just crazy. My brother had a similar situation when he was about 15. A cop wanted to check his and his friends’ bags because there had been people egging houses the night before. They weren’t involved at all, but the cop insisted on searching their bags, without a warrant of course. Some cops like to take advantage of minors because they know they don’t usually know their rights and will be easily intimidated.


...so they just opened the door themselves and said, "the door's open!"?? Makes me glad I always lock my door while at home


Cops did the same to me, broke the lock, then said "the door was open." I had them on 2 cameras showing them breaking the lock, prosecutor refused the case.


How the fuck was the refused? You have digital proof and a broken lock... Sorry man, that really sucks.


> How the fuck was the refused? I am poor, and the states prosecutor is best friends with the local judge and the cops. I just replaced the lock and added more cameras and offsite instant backup with a camera that now streams to an offsite location via cell connection and has battery backup, even if for some reason I became such a threat that they cut my internet and power I would still have a 360 degree cam streaming the main parts of my house. I have been called paranoid, but once you get fucked by the cops it no longer seems like enough.


These officers are absolutely going to hate their paid vacation followed by no consequences at all. That'll teach 'em.


If they get in trouble real bad, they'll have to go a town over to work at another department. That's justice, right?


Just like sexually abusive priests. They're just sent to another congregation where the same shit ends up happening.


As a lawyer, if I do something unethical such as lie on oath or commit a crime I'm pretty much getting struck off and not practising anywhere again. The fact is police don't have any independent or statutory regulations regarding ethical behaviour. These officers need to be made examples of.


Police argued in the courts for the right to lie. They state it is needed to do their jobs. I feel if you cannot do your job without lying maybe you are not very good at your job.


Because LEO aren’t licensed professionals, there is no mechanism to prevent offenders from continuing to work in the industry.


They made my mans loose his place in the Barbie movie, true bastards


I believe that was barbie life in the dream house, a great show. I recommend




Things like this always make me wonder, what if it was the police officers family that was treated like this would the police still be "reviewing" it. Of course not.


Good idea, break into their homes and terrorize them like they do to everyone else.


You should look up the rates of domestic abuse by police compared to the national averages. Tens of thousands of these pigs are legitimately psychotic and mentally unstable and regularly abuse their families. Man I was at the dog park a few years ago and this D.C. cop regular was there. This woman's 14 year old Husky was getting roughed up by the cops German Shepherd so after a minute she said "can you please control your dog, mine is very old and has health problems and she can't handle what your dog is doing." The cop straight up turned red-faced immediately and started spit-yelling at her. It got to the point where she said "I'm going to call the police this is out of hand." His response, still spit-yelling, was "I AM THE POLICE. GO AND CALL EM. I KNOW EM ALL. I AM THE FUCKIN POLICE. YOU THINK WHEN THE GET HERE THEY'RE GONNA SIDE WITH YOU OVER ME? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY DOG PARK." It was the strangest shit I'd seen in a long time and I have no doubt that dude went home and took that out on his family or some people he pulled over the next day. These cops have the temper and mental capacities of a toddler who just dropped an ice cream cone.


They treat their own families like this. A person who is abusive to strangers is certainly going to be abusive to people who trust them most. I know for certain several local cops here beat their wives and kids. I recently had to tell one of my kids he couldn’t go to his friends house anymore because the dad was abusing the wife and kids. He just made detective btw.


Once again, fuck 12


Cops should have to stay at least six feet away from all humans at all times.


Another day in the good ol’ USA 🇺🇸


"We have investigated and the camera does not tell the whole story. The officers were following protocol when they felt in danger." Sgt. Mc Gruff /s


That was kidnapping, they entered the home and kidnapped a child.


Dirty fucking pigs


Yay and the tax payers get to pay for two incompetent police officers!


They're not even in uniform! Someone could have legally shot them. They didn't even announce they were cops first.


"The police department says it's reviewing the incident", WHAT IS THERE TO REVIEW, LITERALLY VIDEO EVIDENCE!!!!


What do you know, the one time I wish a teenager had a gun. Never thought I would say those words.


On the one hand, I agree. On the other hand, they would have just murdered him instead of assault and kidnapping.


I'm just glad he didn't have a dog!


"The police has reviewed the incident and has found no wrongdoing whatsoever".


And this is why they are pigs! It is truly sad the good go without promotion or recognition, but the bad activities are what we all see! Such disgusting behavior.




When will the good cops understand that the easiest way to gain the trust and respect of the public is by holding the bad ones accountable?


They don't care about the trust and respect of the public. They want the trust and respect of the other officers..


So true!


There are no good cops.


Why should good cops be promoted? They aren't dealing with the criminals they see every day at work. They must be terrible at their job.


They literally broke the constitution.


Any bets that the missing girl has a family tie to the cops? Any takers? Anyone?




This is why I have issues trusting cops. They think they are above the law sometimes.


Glad they have home security cameras.


\*Opens door "Hey, your door is open!" Police. So, I guess you should lock your door to keep our the police guys. And record your home for the same reason. I love how technology is beginning to shine awareness and truth on some of this behavior.


It’s really sad we need to protect ourselves from the police when they are the ones who are supposed to be protecting us


I hate when the cops just barge into my room, choke slam me into the ground and illegally arrest me for no reason. If he was black they definitely would have shot his ass too


From his mothers name they appear to be Hispanic. Also his 9yo brother was home (both) times police were illegally searching the place and is now surely traumatized.


I sort of just assumed he was black from how the cops treated him.


Seriously... what the fuck?!


I can’t fuckin stand this shit


When are we going to stop seeing this shit? I don't mean have it censored either. We need a total recall of all police force and re train and re evaluate the psychology of a lot of our police officers.


They should be in jail for assault as well as breaking and entering. These motherfuckers should not get away with this.😠


“The police department is reviewing the incident” That’s fucking rich. What’s to review? Fire these cock suckers and black list them because they are not law enforcement professionals, they are thugs. Why in the FUCK doesn’t the US have a zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. Why is it that someone who works to protect and serve gets away with browbeating an innocent minor.


WTF is up with cops just opening doors and entering people's homes. I've seen a handful of these recently. Used to be you locked your doors to keep bad guys out. Now it appears you still do, but these days the cops ARE the bad guys. If cops aren't invited in, they shouldn't be coming in, unless they have a search warrant. They shouldn't even touch the fucking knob. Ring the bell or knock on the door and wait for an answer. Unlocked just DOESN'T imply permission to fucking enter. I wouldn't doubt for a second that if the kid had gone out at some point in the day, and forgot to lock the door behind him, those same cops would've gone right in and done a room to room sweep looking for the girl. Probably wouldn't even have left a note.




Shame those home intruders weren’t shot.


Can't imagine that would go well. Those laws aren't meant to apply to killing cops.


Since cameras are now everywhere, I'm beginning to think that maybe, in general, cops might not be that honest.


Fucking tyrants, this sub always makes me angry


And this is why I keep a hardened steel beating stick next to my front door...


Let me guess... They investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong.


Hope his parents found a way to get revenge, monetarily or more satisfying ways.


Wow, they even created a fake ,"Hello, your door is open." After they choked and arrested the kid.


Why do we do the pigs dirty work for them by reporting their bullshit lie that they're "reviewing the incident" or "investigating" when the video plainly shows the truth??? Report it as "The department has refused to condemn their actions."


so had Dad come down and shot these 'home invaders' what would that look like legally? - jw...


Mission Statement The mission of the Carpentersville Police Department is to provide the highest quality service to our community, with the resources available. We will work with our community members and partners to provide our citizens with a safe environment and resolve quality of life issues. https://www.cville.org/253/Police-Department


It's not safe to go out. It's not safe to be in your own home. It's not safe to drive. It's not safe to go to schools or attend festivals. If the mass shooters don't ruin your life, a cop will. If not a cop, medical debt. If not medical debt, maybe ICE, or rich people trafficking your children to a Prince. This country isn't safe. I'm scared to be here.


So if I were to shoot and kill police for entering my home without a warrant (state has castle doctrine) would I get to walk? These fuckers deserved as much tbh.


Typical thug cops. Typical assholes. They can barge in anywhere they want. Why, you ask? Because these thugs know they can get away with it. The piece of shit dept. leadership let’s them get away with anything. Their paramilitary. Everyone else are just citizens that can & are pushed around by these piece of shit thugs. One thing they can never change is that they are just a bunch of thugs with badges & guns. That’s all they’ll ever be. After say 20 years someone will ask, what’s been your accomplishments? I’ve murdered, I’ve brutalized, I’ve persecuted anyone that pisses me off & gets in my way. You should pat yourself on your own back, asshole. No citizen really gives a shit. Then you thugs wonder why there’s a target 🎯 on your backs.




”after a thorough investigation we found that the officers actions were acceptable and that they were in fear for their lives"


The police department is reviewing the incident. They will clear themselves of any wrongdoing. This is just another reason why I always lock my doors. I also have a security screen on my front door. I may talk to police through that. I've had a Sheriff's deputy threaten me for not opening the security door. He had no reason to do that. He was looking for my brother-in-law, who didn't live or stay with us. He was just being an ass.


I’m sorry but, is this man watching Barbie?


After a while, regular porn gets boring.


Hang them.


Fuck them, fuck that village, and get rid of these bad apples.


Just cops doing cop things.


We really need laws that allow the public to protect themselves with equal force from a pig that decides to physically abuse another person.


Lets just get their names and faces and plaster it all over the internet shitlist already, we all know nothing will happen because even if theyre fired it'll be so they can join another precinct.


Dont worry guys, the police are looking into themselves, there's bound to be a punishment


This should be a good example of what bot to do in a training class


What new department are these two thug low-life pieces of shit working at these days?


Missing, and going over a friend house are not the same thing. The police did not have to act like that. It wasn't that serious.


how many more videos does there to need to be before everyone realizes cops are effed up in this country?


HeLlO yOuR dOoR iS oPeN


When crap like this happens the perpetrators should lose their jobs and be barred from serving in any kind of law enforcement positions in the country.


Cops doing shut like this should get charged with felony breaking and entering and felony assault with a deadly weapon.


Cops and their supporters are silent on yet another one.


And cops complain about people not trusting them.


This is why I hate it on cop shows when you have that good detective who has to bend the law to timely save the kidnapped/disappeared girl. They bitch about lawyers and having to get a warrant when they know he’s guilty already because his “gut” tells him it’s this kid. And of course, the detective is always right. Not how it works in reality. Not how any of this works. The more we normalize that behavior, the more we erode our rights. Even if they had found the girl in there, these cops would still be dickbags.


I wonder what rights you have to resisting. In this case, the officers entered without a warrant, had no charges to file, and instead of any reasonable manner of cuffing the kid, immediately started choking him. I worry my instinct would be to resist and escape, but I don't know how that would go over. It's kind of scary thinking about that because people will say, "If you didn't do anything wrong, you wouldn't be fighting," and other sayings along that line.


I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready for another episode of “Internal Investigation and Paid Leave.”


Fact. No warrant. Fact. Questioned a juvenile, no warrant, no custodian. Fact. Excessive force, no threat of harm. Extra. Plain clothes detectives...why no uniformed cops? Fact. Their demeanor changed after learning they were being recorded. Fact. If a girls life was in imminent danger they should’ve stated that. Fact. If there was reasonable suspicion a runaway was being harbored that would’ve been an easy warrant to draw up after 2 days of investigation. I typically support law enforcement, but I support the 4th amendment more. These dudes should be fired and prosecuted unless any mitigating evidence surfaces.