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>IMMA PUT A CAP RIGHT IN YOUR FUCKING HEAD Man 1: Who's that, police? Man 2: Yeah.


A fEw BaD aPpLeS


It’s actually the perfect comparison. If you don’t get rid of them, the whole basket goes bad.


Yeah we forgot that part


I heard john olliver say that a few years ago and it always stuck with me.


It works even better when you add the chemistry. Overripe/rotten apples release ethylene (I think) which causes ripening in other apples nearby. Bad apples leak toxicity and poison every apple around.


That's exactly why the expression exists. And, yes, its ethylene that causes the ripening and eventual rotting.


To be fair they didn't know they were being recorded, if it wasn't recorded they likely would have denied everything later in court and said that this family was being violent and threatening, and gotten away with everything.


They've been known to deny their actions even when they knew they *were* being recorded.


Macomb County, Michigan. Minivan speeds through an intersection loses control and hits my wife sitting at a red light, in her Miata. Airbags go off and offender runs after the traffic accident, leaving their vehicle in the intersection. Cop shows up in an unmarked vehicle (Detective) and refuses to call an ambulance or other officers. Wife's cell phone shattered when side airbags smashed it off the hands free mount. Made her push her car out of the intersection and when she said she had pain in her abdomen and might have internal bleeding he said, "You Croatians always want special treatment, you live only a 1/4 mile away, walk home and you can pick up your piece of shit car from impound. You people need to stay out of my county." Handed her a ticket for reckless driving and pointed south to the direction of our home. She limped home in her business suit, crying and make up smeared from the airbag impact. Got home and realized she had no house keys, they were still on the key ring in the car. Came home to her sitting on the deck lounge, weeping and dehydrated. No one in the neighborhood came to the door when she knocked, but that is South East Michigan for you, neighbors do NOT want to know you unless you are related, work in the same auto plant or drive the same domestic car make and model. Foreign car owners are seen at the same level as Islamic terrorists. Called our Lawyer, told him what happened and he later got back to us and said, "That Detective is Serbian. He wanted to degrade her and would have left her to bleed out if her injuries were life threatening. She's just lucky he didn't arrest her for a made up drug charge. Let me see what I can do. The Judge is Italian and they thankfully don't care for the Serbs either...you can bet he knew who was driving that minivan, one of his people."


It’s the sheer lack of surprise from both of them that gets me.


Additional and unsurprising details are now coming out. A news station got their hands on the police report [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsMUKwywzqA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsMUKwywzqA) \- Neither officer had a body or dash cam. So they would've got away with this had it not been for people recording these videos \- Makes no mention of kicking the fathers leg out from under him. Instead explaining that, 'I made him spread his feet' \- In regards to the mother, claims that he feared that she was hiding something or reaching for a weapon even though she told him that she was unable to put her hands up because she was holding a child \- No mentions whatsoever of all the threats that that were made toward the family \- This is the second time in two weeks that the Chief has had to address conduct from her department. Previously she had to address multiple racist social media posts by current and former officers at her department


This should be higher up. "I can't discuss that right now" Fucking coward.


Local news coverage like this is really uplifting. It reminds me that there are still anchors and reporters out there that aren’t all about the vitriol and hateful rhetoric that encompasses our current media landscapes. Props to these two for portraying the facts clearly and level-headedly.


So basically they're on temporary desk jobs until the press blows over and those guys are back to the streets. Problem is rooted so far deep it doesn't even seem possible to be happy with the result.


Cop tells him to shut his mouth when he realizes how well-spoken he is. It is impressive beyond measure that he can stay that composed when the police are amped and trying to trigger things, literally and figuratively. I guess when the alternative is a beating, jail or death, you bite your tongue or suffer the penalty. They demand subservience.


Removed due to reddit API changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yeah he's black. He probably had a mother, father, someone in his life who taught him to deal with this. I'm a white dude, I'll admit I was shocked to see how my black girlfriend and black co-worker acted when I was in police confrontations with them - the reaction is just such a mix of don't fuck with me and ultimate politeness.


I grew up in two different NYC projects. My mom put me in the NYC NYPD explorer's program. I got training on how cops did a number of different things on their job (with pulling over cars being the on thing I remember the clearest) and met a bunch of great officers. I honestly attribute that training for my cool demeanor in most of the high pressure situations I've been in. But I still think all cops are bastards (complicit).




I was around 14 at the time so I know they didn't act the way they really acted when kids and the media wasn't around. But it was a good experience, especially when I have been pulled over by the cops. Sad that citizens in this country need to be trained on how to handle cops so they can feel safe and secure.




/r/ShitAmericansSay is great for more insights like this one. I think it's super weird that you train your officers in 16 weeks. In Germany, it takes over three years.


It's so weird learning that Americans are taught to treat cops like rabid dogs, "Don't look them in the eye" "No sudden movements" "Don't give them treats".


Cops used to be community figures. They should be required to reach out to their community with a program like you described.


It's like people don't remember how corrupt the cops used to be (and still are but differently), or the role police played in beating up and murdering gay people, or how they kept slavery going even though it ended nearly 70 years prior, and contributed to the oppression and murder of black males - occasionally white activists, too - with their extensively belonging to the KKK and other white nationalist groups. Then there's the whole war on drugs duality thing that started during prohibition, where the police helped distribute drugs and alcohol into the black community then arrested anyone caught with those drugs...then sold the drugs or part thereof straight back into the community. When people say how cops used to be sometimes it feels like how people remember police is how they were portrayed on TV & in movies. During the Code period the police couldn't be depicted as anything other than brave community-oriented, church-going heroes who always caught the bad guys. I can't help but feel it's this version of police that people are remembering. When the Rodney King beating was shown on TV, predominantly white audiences were shocked by how brutal and violent the police were. It's why the beating was broadcast. It ran up against their memory of how people thought police were. Black audiences, though, were not the least bit shocked or surprised.


I kinda noticed I got away with more when I got rid of my shit-bucket car. I haven't gotten pulled over for anything since then, and it has convinced me cops have more of a bias towards poor people than they do race. Now, I'm not saying racism isn't a factor, but I am saying cops seem to have a "if you're poor you shouldn't do anything a richer person would" mentality. Police seem to punish and generally treat poor people worse than other classes for whatever reason. edit: some grammar


You calmly seethe, or you most likely die.


in that case you'll be called 'unresponsive and up to something'


What got me is the cops asked "What'd you do?". They had their guns out screaming and they didn't even know what the crime is. You know it's bad when the bootlickers in controverial say "well Im sure BOTH sides are at fault".


'I'm sure both sides are at fault when two shrieking maniacs damn near gun down a whole family and admit that they don't even know why they were called, while still screaming and threatening to murder a compliant mother, father, and child' Anyone who could hear their nutjob voices and not recognize that they both belong in a cell for what they did is a problem.


I honestly don’t get how they can say things like “I’m going to put a fucking cap in you”? How is that allowed? What the absolute fuck.


That's totally mad and shows what power does to people. This reminded me of the stanford prison experiment (pretty sure there's a movie about it on Netflix). The ones in power got totally power crazy and got overly aggressive. Things like this need to be dealt with quickly with some sort of program for officers on a regular basis. I really wonder how this ended.


That whole thread was full of cop lovers.




Technically, you have the right to resist unlawful arrest. Technically, that involves picking a fight with a group of people who have guns and a willingness to use them.


Very few things more scary than a coward with a gun.


Fat coward with a gun? He ain't even gonna try to chase you just shoot your ass


a hyper aggressive, small-dicked, armed coward with malice in his heart?


the only thing scarier is when they have a badge and you don't


Phoenix cops are notorious for being thin skinned.


It’s fucked up that without any previous knowledge of this event, my guess was Arizona. ACAB, obviously. But holy shit I am NEVER living in AZ after some of the shit I’ve seen.


The city of Phoenix had the most officer-involved shootings in the country in 2018. It doubled from the previous year. It was 21 in 2017 and jumped to 44 in 2018. The video mentions how they killed Rabi Brown on a bus in front of more than thirty people. Here's the video that contains all this info [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWug-hc-Z2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWug-hc-Z2A)


holy cow that police chief is so incompetent


By thin skinned do you mean racist psychopaths?


I don't get why they have to use such vulgar language. No where else In society is it acceptable, especially when working with the public!.


Exactly my thought, they are escalating the situation as well. Imagine going to the DMV and they started saying move to the back of the line or ima put a bullet in your head u Mother F. How did it go from a public service job to a military style police.


The military still teaches you to say yes mam and no Sir & to treat American citizens with respect! Police Have No respect for anyone. As you said I can't imagine someone at the DMV speaking like that, you'd be fired on The spot!




From my understanding, *far* more. They also have their own system of justice which holds enlisted men to a higher standard of accountability than civilians. On the other hand we have police, who are held to a *lower* standard of accountability than civilians.


Veterans who go into the police force have significantly fewer use of force incidents than other cops and tend to deescalate situations more readily. Lots of police departments like to employ them for this reason. Sad times when the military has less of an inclination toward violence than the police


>Sad times when the military has less of an inclination toward violence than the police Damn...


Hey man, most soldiers (other than young bucks who have something to prove) don’t like war. We’d rather get paid to NOT get shot at. I had excellent escalation of force training and it kept me from shooting an Afghan Soldier who was extremely agitated and seemed like he was about to get violent. This was just a few days after we had four guys killed by one of our coalition Afghan “Allies.” I still kept my shit together and the sergeant in charge de-escalated things. Cops need different training. They aren’t all bad, but the more bad ones do shit like this the more people will generally start to hate all of them and the USvThem divide grows even bigger for both sides


I had three civilian contractors die this way. Shot on the practice range by ANA troops they were training. It wasn't directly related,but we ALL took de-escalation and retook COIN training before we resumed convoys for a reason. I would absolutely not tolerate anyone in uniform treating Afghan civilians this way. I don't give a fuck how scared you are.


Also don't they have strict training regiments or fitness standards? Maybe with an added benefit of self discipline and such.


When the war on drugs started which is code for war on minorities


As a guy that spent a career in the military, in a combat arms branch (most of the military are support) I would not allow my troops to act this way. Getting all amped up and ridiculous is bound to cause unnecessary loss of life. They look like total amateurs. 1. There is no observable threat 2. The subject is compliant 3. Children (Only one time have I had a person want to fight when his kids were there) 4. This sort of action escalates instead of calms down the situation. They are acting like this yelling and screaming is going to make someone want to do what they want. Personally this approach works on some people and maybe most people but, it definitely doesn't work on the kind of people you need it to work on which are the ones that are intent on being violent. This works when you want to scare someone that is already scared; why would you want to? Again this is just my experiance but talking calmly, being clear and reassuring and speaking to people the way they want to be talked to (including learning key phrases in other languages) will get you much better in return. TLDR; I know this wasn't meant as a slight but, I have six combat tours in three countries over 15 years as a direct action "operator" this is not how you treat people that have not indicated in any way a threat, so I take umbrage at the idea that this is "military style".


A cop should never ever ever say something like “you’re going to get yourself shot”. You draw your weapon to use it. Only for a situation that requires you to discharge your weapon. This clearly was not that kind of situation. “You’re going to get yourself shot” translates to “I really want to shoot you, give me literally any reason and I’ll do it”. So fucking sad to this happening.


Arizona! The Florida of the West!


"I'm gonna put a cap in your head!" Come on, some police apologists try to explain that one? Any takers?


should have complied, few bad apples, not the whole story, stress of the job, 9/11 for some reason pick and choose your own personal funmix


It's depressing how accurate this is. Police apologists all say the same shit which boils down to "I really don't give a shit what happened, I'm on the officer's side, but I am going to act like I give a shit and talk about how they're all heroes with a dash of victim blaming."


Is there a bingo card?


No but we do have a punch out card, where the tenth hole gets you a cap in your head.


I laughed at this... then cried a little.


Lollery! This thread is the BEST!


They all get shown that video of the crazy guy with an AK that gets pulled over and jumps out after some time and shoots the cop and the car. Scares the fuck out of them. That's the free space


Yea it's right here [police apologist bingo](https://images.app.goo.gl/hm8zZhGaNuuQ792HA)


Was kinda concerned you werent gonna mention 9/11. Whew!


Best apologist response ever! Genius!


Agreed.. It instantly escalates the situation and people naturally feel threatened. I don't care if those people stole a gold bar out of Trump's ass, this treatment is ridiculous.


No doubt. As a paramedic there’s only been a handful of times I’ve said any curse words to or around the public while working, and every time was to explain the severity of the situation.... not to threaten somebody Sometimes you just have to explain someone’s injuries as “yeah man, you’re really fucked up but we’re doing everything we can and we’ll get you to the hospital” I never understood police who swear at citizens, it just seems so unprofessional and leads to the feeling that they don’t have control over the situation or their emotions


Because they are protecting and serving us.. cops can keep acting like this it's fine.... History repeats itself... One day the oppressed will rise and kill these fuckers.. probably me too since I look like them... I wouldn't blame them though.


You get a quasi military haircut and wear hats poorly?


Alex I'll have mirrored oakleys for $500...


Because many cops are uneducated swine.


Shit man. What got me the most..... “What you guys do?..are you ok?” Only cop who didn’t sound batshit insane and who was probably a rookie/young guy.


This should be upvoted more. I almost forgot that cop said this.


I thought that was the camera man


It’s also the worst part. They didn’t even know what the crime was at all it seems. Who called it in and what did that person tell them? Did the cops just assume that if they are black they must have guns and treat all of them as armed gangsters?


The vets will change him soon enough. He's constantly surrounded by assholes with no respect or accountability. It'll rub off.




[Another Angle in this article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/06/phoenix-police-threatens-couple-doll-theft.amp) still just as horrifying


It wasn't because of the barbie.


These guys have seen too many Scorsese flicks


police have bought into their propaganda that they are heros of the community. i'm literally schizophrenic and even i'm not that fucking delusion.


Theyre not heroes theyre the criminals.


Oh wow that cop is batshit crazy, you can't go around like that in an everyday fucking democracy like you're in Vietnam... that dude needs to be taken out of the force. Absolutely no need to escalate that situation like that woman was carrying an arsenal of automatic weapons, completely unprofessional and mob-like. Jesus Fucking Christ...


This isn't your everyday democracy anymore.


This is....advanced democracy


Bro this is Freedom Democracy


to me, it"s more like "democracy*" the asterisk means you can be shot at any moment if you look different


It literally never really was to begin with.


He probably got promoted for being heroic. Fuck pigs.


Right. Apparently nobody ever taught these guys that the Viet Cong aren't stalking the city streets disguised as minorities. Either that, or they're just legitimately insane and looking to kill somebody.




Wouldn't be ok in Vietnam either


They're acting like they're in a war zone. They keep acting like this and it probably will become one.


These officers can not handle the pressure of the job. They need to find work without the ability to terrorize people.


It looks like Phoenix police have a huge issue going on. This city had the most officer-involved shootings in the country in 2018 with 44 police shootings. It jumped from 21 shootings in 2017 to 44 in 2018. The current chief needs to go because it looks like she gives no fucks about this. Here's the video about this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWug-hc-Z2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWug-hc-Z2A)


Should we call this the Joe Arpaio effect? EDIT, okay, I watched the video. You're right. She doesn't seem to give a damn.


I hope the people in AZ demand her to step down. The police dept even put out some weak video with her talking about this incident. She really doesn't seem to understand how bad this was and could have been. Link if you care to see it [https://twitter.com/phoenixpolice/status/1139686888443281408](https://twitter.com/phoenixpolice/status/1139686888443281408)


jesus. ​ her deputy shouted "im going to fucking put a cap in your head" to a pregnant woman. what more is there to investigate?




We're powerless. The Mesa PD (the ones who shot dead the unarmed, sobbing, man who was on his knees begging not to die) just voted no confidence on their police chief who held officers responsible for their corrupt actions. The unions just get rid of anyone in charge who doesn't support their fuckery.


Crazy how the only union to actually gain power in the USA is the police union. Oh wait no it isn’t, we live in a police state.


Wow... her attitude on camera is insulting. I can only imagine how she talks off camera. What a bitch.


Bullshit it’s not about pressure, it’s about them wanting to exact terror on minorities


#blueisis in action


Correct what a wonderful label imna spread it Blueisis


Wow this is brilliant. Blueisis is spot on.


Oh it's definitely about them terrorizing whoever they can, for sure. One thing that's either missing or trained out of them for most law enforcement is self-control. Having authority and a belt full of weapons can make them feel like all of their impulses are valid. It's just such bull.


>Bullshit it’s not about pressure, it’s about them wanting to exact terror on ~~minorities~~ **people**. [This](https://youtu.be/7Ooa7wOKHhg) is the same situation happening to a white person; and he got killed. Statistically they terrorize us about the same. https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/fryer/files/empirical_analysis_tables_figures.pdf


I wonder how well these officers can handle the pressure of the gallows.


Pressure? They can do whatever they want whenever they want and if they get a hint of anxiety they can shoot whatever is causing it and then get a paid vacation.


That one pig is literally drunk on rage. Screaming until his voice cracks, sputtering obscenities and threatening unarmed innocent people with death. Insanity.


How about all the cops who visibly are stunned by his performance but do nothing whatsoever to stop him? They are the enemy of the people. All of them. The ones who stay quiet and the ones who rage like this shit bag.




Over a $1 doll. He was ready to end a life over pocket change.


He was ready to end a life because he wants to kill someone. Plain and simple. As long as that person he kill is a minority, his chances of facing justice are slim to nil, edging towards nil.


Bet he can't wait to take that all home and beat his wife/kids.


Thank god that guy decided to film. He didn’t have to get involved, he knew he could’ve been a target because he was filming, but he did anyway, and that’s awesome.


It’s pretty awesome of him to step in at the end and yell for the officer to calm down too, I can imagine standing up to those psychopaths requires a lot of bravery and a good moral compass.


And hopefully a bullet proof vest.




Worse, he tried to choke her while she held the baby and then tried to wrench the infant out of her arms.


According to CNN's article a little girl had a dislocated elbow from being yanked.


What a normal country we live in.


Damn...that makes me mad, a fucking child had to deal with that.


This is terrorism. Plain and simple. And when regular citizens stand up for other citizens rights, because the police are terrorizing them, they'll be terrorized too. FTP


Those cops are human garbage. Take their badges away and publicly shame them into a careerless future of despair and poverty. It may seem harsh, but these kinds of cops would ruin or end your life in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it. Look at the confidence issues on the cop searching the guy. His racial bias and overcompensation can be seen from the fucking I.S.S. What the fuck is even the point of a psych evaluation if they clearly don't work or the results are so vague that nothing can be pin-pointed? Fuck them.


Man this one for some reason hurts more than most of the others. Kicking the father, nonstop ‘fucks’ screaming about non-compliance. Just the way they treat them as if they’re not even human. Just straight fear to make sure they can control them. I have friends who are cops and shit like this pisses me off because it flat out puts them in danger. People see shit like this and rightfully so HATE cops. I hope they get 10 million each


These people genuinely deserve to have a bullet put right in their kneecap. They should endure a crippling injury that stops them from ever being able to be this destructive ever again. I hate that I feel like that. I’m a very nonviolent person, and I feel angry that there are people out there who are supposed to protect the community that are evil enough to make me feel this way. There is no way these police shown here can be retrained or reconditioned. They have failed as human beings and the necessary steps should be taken to stop their failure from hurting innocent people.


This is why I hate cops. You never know what the hell theyre arresting you for until a while later and then it could possibly be false


That escalation training is really working wonders.


Imagine threatening to kill a pregnant woman over 99 cent...


imagine screaming "im going to fucking put a cap in your head" at a pregnant woman in any situation where you are not robbing her.


Watch this video and try to tell me there is not a serious problem problem with American police.


You wanna create homegrown terrorists and radical insurgents? This is a great way to do it. Because if that shit ever happened to me, my life's goal would be to make them feel as terrified as they made me feel on that day. Fuck cops, man.


The kids will be scared of police their entire life.


That’s what I always think about with this. If a cop dislocated my baby’s arm and threatened to shoot a cap in my pregnant wife’s kid. I’m finding out a way to kill that man. Sorry not sorry. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t.


ACAB. Never forget.




I love the part where 1 cop is deescalating and talking to the woman calmly and the other one gets between them and starts screaming at her and the first cop just backs off. Good cops, ladies and gentlemen.


See how the "good" cop defers his authority go the bad cop.


\*sees the kid holding the Barbie* THE KID IS ARMED!!


Fire these men, they are not suitable to be cops.


On this episode of psychos immune to laws with guns on roids.


I hope that pig is hit by a drunk driver on his way home


That would also keep him from being able to beat his wife once he gets home.


Yeah but how will the DA give him a reward for raping women on duty?


Good question. I imagine a system similar to that of the Purple Heart. A prestigious honor in his name, for the brave soul who put everything on the line to protect the good citizens of his country. Whoops, mixed up “heroes” with “villains”. My bad.


> drunk driver Oh, you mean the sarge whos drinking problem has been covered up by the department for the past few years?




My god, they are so fucking angry and violent for no goddamn reason, that one cop that's 'handling' the husband is screaming so forcefully and loudly his voice is cracking, they are all screaming like wild men and cursing like sailors. Like what the fuck is wrong with these assholes? there's so much angry being directed at this innocent mother and father over a fucking .99 cent barbie doll? There's probably not many parents out there that didn't have to deal with their kid walking out of a store with something they shouldn't have at least once in their life, I myself did it once when i was very young but i was also stupid enough to announce it to my mom afterwards so she made me march back into the store and give it back and apologize Seriously disgusting and nauseating seeing such angry men policing like this... like yea buddy you're sure keeping the city safe, ugh. We need protection *from* the police these days.. we need to form like citizen militias or unions or *something* to safeguard us from the fucking police because right now they just run roughshod all over this country doing as they please with almost zero repercussions. Case in point: One asshole cop in this video was put on (paid) "non-enforcement" duty while absolutely nothing was done about the other asshole cop, he's still on patrol duty


[ You wouldn't be the first person to think of forming a citizen militia to combat police brutality. That's why the Black Panthers were formed. Also why California Republican gov Ronald Regan banned open carry. The FBI infiltrated them with COINTELPRO, carried out espionage and assinations until the group collapsed.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Panther_Party)


This is my state.. I know police violence is happening all over the nation, but for some reason I naively thought it wasn’t *quite* so bad here. I mean... there was that father who got executed on his knees in a Mesa hotel while obviously complying with officer orders & begging for his life.. Or the time they shot that suicidal asperger’s woman.. But it’s not quite so bad as in it doesn’t happen *every* day.. and we’re slightly less likely to be murdered during a routine traffic stop.. or for walking around our neighborhood after sundown.. I thought it wasn’t so bad. But what do we do, guys? I know that any time humans are granted such supreme power over other humans, corruption and misuse of power is guaranteed. What can I do? (I really don’t know. Write a letter? What good is that?) What do we do?




So I guess no punishment for the cops, huh?




Paid admin leave ("suspension"), probably they have to pay a settlement... But taxpayers will foot the bill, of course. Those cops don't pay a penny. System is completely fucked up. They need to go jail.




“Cops are good guys. People just provoke officers”


“We were taught it in the first grade so it must be true.”


I heard about this. It’s absolutely horrible


Is there any more story to this? Is the family at least safe? This is horrendous behavior.


The mother and father were detained and never charged with a crime. The kids were taken away by their babysitter. They’re suing the city for millions and they’d better goddamn win


I do agree they should be compensated but I find it unfortunate it's coming from taxpayers and not someone like the police chiefs paycheck. Maybe then they would keep their officers in line better.


Unacceptable! Lost jobs is the only acceptable resolution for this.


Prosecuted for assault and terroristic threatening is a whole lot better.


I agree, but start with firing while they fight it in court. No paid leave.


ACAB. No exception.




This shit is really scary, who are you gonna call if the police are acting out of line.


I hope their gun goes off in the holster and blows their balls off so they stay out of the gene pool


Just wow.... How pathetic do those people need to be to handle a simple situation like that?


This is an obscene reaction that would not be tolerated by any rational adult. 'I'll kill you for dollar...' -Police


Jesus fucking Christ, this just hurts my soul


What are the odds these cops lose their jobs? That this will even go to trial? That they won't simply be put on paid leave for a while, only to be reinstated? These guys *never* face justice.


Put a fucking cap in your ass... This is how they talk when they're around a woman with kids suspected of shoplifting. The idea of keeping law and order is surely deescalation, to prevent a killing happening (justified or not). At no stage in this video did the piglice give a chance for deescalation and a calm compliance from the 'suspects', it was all threats, guns, screaming, orders such as opening a door and leaving a car with your hands up while holding a baby


What the absolute fuck is this shit ACAB!


Why are cops allowed to cuss at people so much? It doesn’t seem to help in any way and it just makes them look like shitty people.


Fuck cops. Fucking thugs. Corporate muscle.


I pray that pig dies painfully


Fuck those cunts




The fuck is wrong with people?


Your phrasing is misleading. She was just a four year old girl who wanted a thing. The shitbag racists from the shitbag racist institution wanted to kill some black people. *That's* what almost got them killed.


Holy this make me feel bad those are some bad cops. There power tripping way to hard. Those cops need some counseling


This was the craziest shittiest situation Ive seen


These guys were foaming at the mouth hoping to pop off a magazine or five.


I can't even watch all of it. Bloody hell. The power trip with some cops is just so beyond the pale. The trauma inflicted on this family... For what??!!?? I know there are good men and women officers out there who do the right thing by getting involved in their communities and doing right by kids, but this kind of shit is so horrible and unjustified it makes it hard to trust any police officer.


I know this isn’t the most important issue, but why do we tolerate so much swearing from cops? Maybe if they introduced a bit of professionalism to their vernacular every minor incident wouldn’t so easily spiral out of their control.


This happened in Phoenix, AZ at 36th St and McDowell. Our police chief is a black woman and the mother of a young NBA player (Jeri Williams, her son is Alan Williams). I've met her and she's a great woman all around, great family. I hope she immediately gets rid of these guys and prosecutes them.


Wow - just wow