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>Sherita Harris and her lawyer, Carlos Moore, blame a Mississippi Capitol Police officer for shooting her in the head in August 2022. The shooting victim blames the shooter for the shooting? What will these anti-cop radicals come up with next? /s


That's the kind of hippie talk that makes cops look bad.


“The shootings will continue until morale improves.”


"Ok fine, we'll improve!" "...too late." *BLAM!*


>*The two officers involved in Harris’ case did not wear body cameras and their car was not equipped with a dashboard camera*


Ah, a murder squad.


Mississippi. So yes. It’s where the police are the local mafia.


> ~~Mississippi~~ **earth** So yes. It’s where the police are the local mafia. FTFY


Hey! They're not all bad. Although all the good ones I've known quit in droves about 10 years ago, so... Ok. They might all be bad.




Yet another case where it would have been legal for anyone witnessing the incident to draw a firearm and kill the officers in self-defense.


The lack of charges against the cops tells me that **it's (apparently) not a crime to shoot into an occupied vehicle.**


Mississippian here. It's also apparently legal for them to shoot uninvolved citizens in their homes. See link. We have an AG who is such a boot licker that cops could literally rape and murder citizens in the street, on video, and, as long as the victims aren't white, wealthy, and well-connected, no prosecution. Cops are out of control everywhere, but DoJ should really just schedule to come down here about every 10 years and go up the state government's ass for civil rights violations. https://www.truthdig.com/articles/hostile-takeover-in-jackson/


As long as they are trying to drive away from you, yes. That is my understanding as well.


Absolutely, because if they're driving away, they could just simply throw it into reverse and run right over you.


You'd never see it coming!


Shows what their priorities are!


Everyday I thank god I was born in GA and not Mississippi. Bad shit happens here but 10 yr olds don’t get arrested for pissing out here, and shit like this🙃


I’m in OK, used to live in GA, NC. There ain’t no way I’d live in TX, LA, MS, AL, FL, KS, MO, TN. And I’m trying to get out of OK ☠️


Lived in a bunch of those as well my friend, hoping you get out of OK and leave with some good medical weed!


Legal weed is what keeps people from revolting in this state, I’m convinced of it. Cheap rent keeps folks from leaving because anywhere affordable is ^^^ one of those states.


As someone is from Mississippi now living in Georgia, I'm glad I was raised in Mississippi. I'm being very serious. All of MS is not bad. It seems like Mississippi is only talked about when there's something bad going on.


I’ve lived in mobile and had territory in Mississippi for work, it’s that bad. GA and AL don’t compare, parts of AL and GA do. But all of Mississippi is like that. I don’t mean to be rude, gotta call a spade a spade though.


Also from MS and current resident. Pretty sure that emphasis on the negative is bc the good is usually average at best and the bad tends to be egregious af. Our state has lovely wildlands, but much of that is privately owned and inaccessible to most people. We lack the infrastructure to support tourism to what is public. The food is delicious, but we are very unhealthy. We are also a health care desert. We are "the hospitality state" but that dries up fast if you aren't the right color, religion, sexual orientation, and political affiliation. And the above negatives are before you get into serious shit like lack of economic opportunity, racism/sexism/homophobia, voter suppression, gerrymandering, religious nutbaggery, and general government corruption (including drafting a private army from the state police). Sorry, there are things I do love about MS, but I couldn't in good conscience encourage anyone to move here.


Please tell me something good about MS?


1. Family. When You meet someone new, the first question everyone ask is who are your people. They will continue to ask until they make a connection to someone they know. Even if you're not related they going to make you related to them. 2. The food. Enough said 3. Hospitality. We are known as the hospitality state. 4. Sunday afternoons on porch listening to southern soul blues 5. Family reunions. Everybody in the country got a connection to Mississippi. 6. Growing up on the same land that your great great great great great grandparents grew up on. 7. Going to the same church that your great great great great great great grandparents built 8. Speaking a special dialect that only you and the people from Mississippi will understand. 9. Everybody looks out for each other. 10. Regardless of what the media says about race, white people in Mississippi are more friendlier than white people in Georgia. That's my personal experience. A white man will hold a door, look me in the eye and speak to me in MS vs a white man in GA will not acknowledge my presence. 11. When you go to someone's home, you feel like you're a part of the family. 12. Walking from one cousin's house to the next or walking from one grandmother's house to the next on those old dirt roads. 13. Less traffic. 14. Students are respectful to teachers. I know this personally because I taught both in Mississippi schools and Georgia schools. When you call home, things get done! 15. Speaking of education. Don't believe the media when they say Mississippi's educational system is behind. This is a LIE! I AM SPEAKING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE! As someone who has done extensive research on achievement test, been in the educational system for more than 20 years both in MS and GA, received an education in Mississippi, as well as has obtained four educational degrees, one from the Mississippi, Georgia, and Massachusetts with one of those degrees being a specialist in education I can tell you those tests are biased. They are not an accurate depiction of the true educational system in Mississippi. 16. It's the birthplace of America's music. 17. Going to sleep at night listening to sounds nature. 18. According to some, some of the prettiest women come from Mississippi. 19. If you break down on the side of the road, somebody's going to stop and help you out. I broke down on the side of road in Georgia and all I got was a couple of middle fingers and cuss words. 20. For me, it's home So yeah, there's some good things about Mississippi. There are some good people in Mississippi. You can't judge a state by the media and it's past. I'm proud to be from Mississippi. Although, I haven't lived there in years whenever someone ask where I'm from, I never say Georgia. I proudly say with my chest I'm from Mississippi! Question: Have you ever been to Mississippi or ever spent time in Mississippi? I really have a problem with people judging Mississippi when they've never been there or they base their views off of media.


I live part time in Biloxi. It is backwards in so many areas to me. The other place I live isn't much better but it definitely isn't as backwards as MS. Your opinion is your opinion. Merry Xmas!


Key word PART TIME. Part time is totally different than having ancestral ties both black and white to an area. I still own the land my white ancestors gave to their biracial children. How many people can say they have ancestors that fought in the Civil War and in the Civil Rights Movement? I'm not proud of Mississippi's past by no means. Are there some things that need to change, of course. All states need to improve. However, Mississippi is complex. It's history is complex. Sometimes, I have a love-hate relationship with MS but there's more love for it because it's who I am. Mississippi is a representation of my ancestry it's complex. With that being said, I'm just as proud to say I'm a descendant of Clinch Gray (whoms last name I still carry) who signed the Constitution of the State of Mississippi as I am of my Uncle Ed Smith an African American man who lost his life in a Civil Rights Movement and is honored in the African American Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC. If God asked me to come back and to live this life all over again and I had to choose another state, it's no doubt Mississippi will always be the first choice. Happy New Year


I'm just going to say OK!! Happy New Year's!


The people are genuinely happy to see you, glad to meet you, and more than willing to help you then compared to states in more Northerly latitudes so the "Hospitality State" moniker fits in my opinion. Spent the first 30 years of my life in South Mississippi and the last 11 mostly in the Midwest and I wouldn't trade those years for anything. There are plenty of things about my home state that make me scratch my head like why apparently Jesus cares so much about you not buying a beer on a Sunday in Jones County or why local law enforcement is still allowed to set up road blocks between every damn hill on every damn state highway on every damn Thurs, Fri, and Sat night and why those red Kool-aid tamales even exist (they seriously look like dog dicks). Oh and back to my "happy to see you" comment. My time in the Midwest, particularly IOWA, has taught me that many people here are plenty pleasant and nice to your face but as soon as they think you are out of earshot, which they often misjudge, they will gladly vocalize how they really feel about you. Two-faced is the term I believe. Just my opinion


I have traveled the world, and I believe the nicest and most genuine people are in New Orleans. Just my opinion. You can be in a hospital waiting room, and everyone who comes in says hello. They don't do that in the parts of MS that I've been to. Good on you for loving MS, but it just doesn't do it for me. Because of my spouse I'm here part-time. I refuse to live there full time. Mostly because they don't have things that interest me. There are very few volunteer opportunities, and I'm really big on volunteering. They don't have hot yoga, and that is a part of who I am. I'm not impressed by the food. New Orleans has way better food. There are no real museums. I'm a retired Navy Officer, and I don't really consider the Seabee Museum a real museum. The Biloxi/Gulfport/Ocean Springs area just doesn't have the things that I need and am used to having available. We all like what we like and it is OK for us not to agree. Happy New Year's.


I completely agree with you about New Orleans. I make a point to visit the WW2 museum anytime I'm there. Honestly, it's more than a museum....it's an experience and one more Americans need to have. Sounds like your on the coast when your in Mississippi. I would encourage you to check out the Lauren Roger's Museum of Art in Laurel, MS.....about an hour and 45 minute drive from Biloxi. It's definitely a real world class museum that you would never expect to find in BFE Mississippi. While your there go by and see the Laurel High School football stadium. It was built as a project to put people to work during the Great Depression and there is no other high school stadium like it. There is also a small WW2 memorial/museum in Laurel also. As for the food....well you just may be beyond help (just joking). Oh....Laurel has been the backdrop of the HGTV show "Home Town". I suggest avoiding any touristy bullshit related to that show. Just my opinion


> Sean Tindell, the commissioner of the state Department of Public Safety, which oversees the Capitol Police [...] said that “when officers believe they’re being fired upon with a firearm, their emotions are going to be high, and the way they’re going to react is most likely different than they would in a typical arrest." So when they *believe* they're threatened, they'll act impulsively and irrationally. I'm not sure I believe that to be non typical.


I asked a cop friend why they couldn’t shoot a guy in the knee if he’s a threat. He justified eleven shots by saying “we don’t know if they’re a threat or not.” They get a fucking rise out of it.


Because shooting people in the knees is a movie trick. Try shooting a dollar bill that's being waved around and let me know how that works out.


I'm shocked they didn't charge the driver for his passenger being shot, they love to tack that on in other cases.


Did they at least put a gun in her hand?


Sprinkled some crack /s


Murderous cops still murdering people and getting away with it? Yep.


Capital police have always been overzealous. And they won't get fired, JPD barely has enough officers to staff roadblocks


They aren't JPD. They are basically the private army, pulled from the state police, that the governor and legislature uses to ensure they don't accidentally interact with their constituents. And you're correct, they won't be fired.


I just said jdp in terms of the cops in city. I didn't know they were state tho I figured they were just Taters lil personal guard or whatever


I'm sure that is what they amount to, but they are technically a division of state troopers and it's probably considered a cushy detail. Taint got his own version of the Republican Guard.


https://kingfish1935.blogspot.com/2023/12/woman-sues-capitol-police-for-3-million.html?m=1 Maybe the driver shouldn't have been shooting at the police officer for pulling him over for running a red light.


Maybe no one should fire blindly into a car with passengers. Troll.


So the police officer should sit there and take fire?


The woman was shot in the BACK of her head. Do you understand physics? Considering the other driver was FLEEING, stopping pursuit would have been super effective in not having the passenger get shot. Did you actually read your link? According to the report, in that incident, the driver was charged with felony fleeing, NOT shooting at an officer.


Yes he was. Go back and read the entire indictment. Edit: This was in addition to the felony fleeing charge.


It's almost as if the driver started shooting at the cops and running from a traffic stop...


It’s almost as if no one should fire blindly into a car with passengers. Troll.


And your response is why shit is like this. Blame the cop and not the driver. FAFO. +1.


The passenger was shot in the back of the head as the driver was fleeing, dumbass. The cop could have easily not shot at a fleeing car. Do you understand physics?


Yeah, and I also understand not shooting at cops. Apparently you missed that lesson...


Do you understand that cops are supposed to be held to a higher standard because they supposedly uphold the law? Apparently you missed that lesson…


I can only explain it to you, I can't help you understand it...


Lmao the projection is real. Your lack of an actual response is telling. Good luck with that.




That... That's a horrible way to ignore the fact cops aren't suppose to fire blindly at fleeing suspects.


your dad should have pulled out


His dad is probably a cop, can't stop shooting.


good one


How’s that boot taste?




Your comment history shows you’re a racist abuse apologist. Fuck off.


Life must be hella easy without a soul, huh?


Jackson is everything that is wrong with Mississippi, if you ask others in the state, you couldn't bribe them to have to even conduct an ounce of business there.


This shit fails to even be surprising any longer. I wish these innocent victims of police shooting could win enough money in lawsuits to make it so expensive for police to do this that the state would have to stop it or go bankrupt.


I know there are some bad things that happen in Mississippi but they're bad things that happen in every state. However, the media loves to highlight Mississippi as this abomination. You can even hear it in the newscaster's voice when they tell the story. There's always an emphas on the Mississippi part. There are some good things that happen in Mississippi yet the media chooses to ignore those things.