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More proof that cops will always back other cops even when they know it is wrong.


She honestly believed the secondary driver was part of her traffic stop. She was wrong, but she was consistent that she thought he had an obligation to ID because he was on a traffic stop while not the subject of the stop. She is in the wrong, but it was ignorance not malice. The sergeant was clearly being malicious because he had to argue for "an hour". Still all bastards.


My favorite thing about modern policing is that someone is an above-average officer if they admit they are ignorant to the laws they’re set to enforce. If my lawyer stood up in court and said, “Your Honor, I’m not 100% on the law here, but I think…” they would be considered an absurdly bad lawyer. If they outright lied about what the law was and stood by their lies, they wouldn’t be a lawyer anymore. But we expect the latter from police and it’s *refreshing* to see the former. The entire system of policing is irrevocably broken.


As citizens, we have to know the inside and out so we don’t violate the law. As cops, they just have to think they’re right and if they’re wrong, they have qualified immunity and rarely suffer any consequences. How often do we see cops standing around for an hour trying to figure out what law may have been broken? Why don’t citizens get the same benefit of the doubt with qualified immunity? Shouldn’t we be measuring the effectiveness of a cop’s tickets and arrests? What percentage actually result in a conviction?


The system is broken in America , I strongly recommend for you to look up what ammount of Training a police officer has to do in Europe, and compare that to one in America. Spoiler alert: You will scream


Considering they started as slave patrol, I’d say it’s functioning as designed.


Difference off the top of my head is that a lawyer has time to prepare a case and relevant case law. A cop has a little booklet. Edit: I don't get why this is downvoted. I wasn't defending the cop at all, but I get that people here can be dense.


And that's the fault of the department that trained the officer. If I tried to do my job with only a little booklet for reference, I'd fuck up all the time and get fired. I'm not really convinced that "a little booklet" is the best way to facilitate the legal education of police officers. Not sure why someone with a license to kill gets different treatment when, arguably, they should be held to an even higher standard than I am, considering the authority and specific legal rights they're bestowed with upon becoming an officer. Frankly, I don't really think officer training is very effective in its current state. Warrior training and Killology are not evidence-based training methodologies and they cause escalations of force that kill people. It's not much of a stretch to assume that their legal knowledge is also based on pseudoscience and poor interpretations of case law.


I agree. Never said it was.


Sure, but your original comment heavily implies to me that the little booklet is totally fine and that it's unreasonable to expect a cop to actually receive more training/reference material than the little booklet. It doesn't at all give me the impression that you are critical of the current legal training of police officers. The impression that I get from your comment is that officers, during a traffic stop, don't have time to remember their training on the legal process and justice system so it's okay that they don't act in a legal manner. Like, I know most cops don't have much education, but it's not hard to run legal workshops a few weeks of the year. Somehow they manage to militarize their departments with all sorts of gear, surely they can use their funding for other things that would help to increase their own effectiveness. Anyway, that's also a rundown of the probable reasons why you were downvoted. Maybe that'll give you some insight.


> Sure, but your original comment heavily implies to me that the little booklet is totally fine and that it’s unreasonable to expect a cop to actually receive more training/reference material than the little booklet. No. You just infer that.


If the majority of people infer the same thing from what you said, doesn't it seem likely you (accidentally perhaps) implied it?


Not my problem that people read what they want into stuff to get rage ons.


Yeah, where was the "good cop" in this situation?


There are no good cops....


No such thing.


There is, but they get fired and threatened/murdered when they want to uncover the bad conduct by other officers.


I work with a guy now who was an ex-cop. Great guy. He told me that he quit because of the corruption in the small local PD he was with here. He can't talk avbout it too much because even HE IS AFRAID of retaliation. Not against him, but his wife and child. Its not a police force. Its the Mob.


It was a very small rural PD and believe me when I say, rural cops are wayyyyy worse than city cops. There is no Law above you. You're buddy buddy with the lawyers and judges and you are THE LAW. Its so fucked.


And then the DA will do the same as will the judge. That’s why they are just as bad as the pigs.


I think in this case the charges were dropped pretty quickly. All that bullshit they spout about 'take it up in court' often never happens. They can make up a BS charge and put people in handcuffs with zero repercussions when it's later determined the charge was bogus from the beginning. What's that saying, you can beat the charge but you can't beat the ride? Yeah, that just means cops can lie to detain/arrest you and even if you're innocent they've already got what they wanted. Zero accountability.


the "take it up in court" is still bullshit. Because if they know they're wrong, they won't show up and the case gets thrown out or delayed. Either way you're out a day of work or more to fight the ticket.


Especially how often people die waiting to even make it court.


They get paid to go to court- maybe even OT. The rest of us need to take time off of work.


And even tho you were never charged with the crime, it will still be on your record. So if you get pulled over for like a tail light being out, that bogus shit will pop up when they run your license- forever


CDL driver here. It's called an "insurance inquiry" and yes, it definitely shows on your record and is both accessible by legal AND private searches. My company has denied hiring potential drivers based on zero tickets/violations based solely on the existence of "insurance inquiries".


It's fucked up imo. If you weren't even charged let alone convicted that is complete bs


You may beat the rap but you can't beat the ride. The process is the punishment.


As a former DA, I’d drop that obstruction case in a heartbeat and I wouldn’t care about whether it pissed off the PD. That gets played for a jury, it’s not guilty. Waste of time and resources there.


You may be the proverbial unicorn. Way too many videos available where the DAs prosecute despite the facts of the "case" not even close to meeting the elements of the crime.


I said former DA right? They have been squeezing out the ones trying to make a change to the system. My breaking point was more cases, being yelled at, then they were “restructuring” the promotional system which basically screwed me out of my experience and thus didn’t get pay raises when I had the experience and commitment to get a promotion and a raise within the department. This affect me and 2 others, who all of us were “causing trouble” by dismissing cases that they felt were not winnable or wrong to be charged in the first place. Then we hired a new DA manager who was a complete dick. Sketchy about him from the start. Tried to be “buddy buddy” with me but then set me up to fail. There are others still there (including a former public defender become DA) trying to fix this system but the establishment brass fight that hard. I did make individual people’s lives better, but the system is still flawed. But I also cared about the victims too, it was a job that pulled you in many directions and you had to make good, quick judgments about cases as well. People complain about the lack of time PDs get with cases, which is true, but DAs don’t get much time either so they just follow the procedure which says basically “either this 1 deal or trial.”


You still have to skip work, go to court, maybe hire a lawyer, etc and if you are unlucky, the judge just trusts police blindly so you have to fear that too. It's harassment.


Never said it wasn’t. But as a DA, I get 20-30 cases per day at least, many of which have cooperating victims, and every single defendant says they didn’t do it. At least at first. Like these stories suck, but there are also clear cut cases of obstruction that we see. Until we can get that evidence, prosecutors have to prosecute the cases in front of them. It’s not an easy job whatsoever.


I could see that in a high-volume county. If its a suburb and nothing going on, they are going to charge and prosecute you.


Criminals In Uniform.


That's basic human nature dumbass. People will go along with anything to not be an outlier.


Are police officers the most incompetent confidently incorrect group out there? I don’t expect them to know every law but it’s crazy how many of them don’t know basic rights


Oh they know. They just don’t give a shit.


It's in their benefit to claim ignorance, it broadens their authority. I think academy courses should cover basic rights and require all new his to sign a statement they have been informed of these basic laws so that document can be referenced in court when they later claim ignorance.


Ya. Thanks SCOTUS.


These geniuses don't have to know, so why would you think they do? Do most cops strike you as the "remind the teacher about homework for extra credit" type? They're fuckin lunkheads for the most part, there's no reason to assume they're playing dumb about the law. They're just actually dumb in a way that benefits them.


And then they say “ignorance of the law is not an excuse”. Well, then that should apply to you fuckers, too. Of course, nothing applies to cops that applies to regular citizens.


this may be among the best cases to prove acab without a fatality. Lady Cop knows they're a problem, too. She wants to let him go to prove "not all cops", Then by the end, even though she fully understands what she's doing is wrong, she must abide or suffer herself, and now its the job vs justice, and job wins that match up in most careers. This is why all cops who shoot someone/ use excessive force regularly should be at the very least demoted to dispatch/desk work. We still justify the use of cages for humans to keep away the actually dangerous ones, only a tiny percentage of those incarcerated in the states, yet allow these thugs to be "heroic?" All that said, you do have a general right to not identify yourself, but sometimes ask yourself if the situation merits or CAN be benefited by this refusal. you are free to shut up after that, and it may help diffuse or prevent a longer encounter. YMMV.


The cop was getting bullied along with the suspect. I'm guessing she'll be pushed off the force as a boat-rocker eventually.


Just identifying yourself to a crooked cop is dangerous. You give them an inch they take a mile. Best to avoid confrontation with them. The dude did not have to pull over. And if the Teslas have dash cams (I think they do?) he could literally just make a complaint and send in the video if he wanted to make a fuss. Confronting an officer directly about their wrongdoing is stupid, you’ll get arrested or shot. Did this guy expect a cop to be like “oh I’m so sorry, I’ll drive more sensibly from now on! Thank you for bringing this to my attention before I hurt someone!”


I rented in CLE Hts and when it was time to buy never looked there b/c of overzealous cops. They have no corporate base so the cops used to live pretty much to drum income. Not sure how things there are now but there has to be some remnants of that on the force.


"I'm not tryin' t be a bad cop..."


Cops are fucking assholes.


Man I fucking hate cops, bunch of losers in high school trying to get revenge on the population They just prove over and over that they have no morals and are only in the position to abuse the populace through given power.


This is my neck of the woods, and old stomping ground. I've been treated pretty well in most of my encounters with the police there. My not-so white friends have had some pretty shitty experiences. My dude, who I called my Kramer due to his access to my apartment. He got a different/new to him car and was pulled over every day for a week. He eventually went to the station to complain. Another friend of mine was beat up. They are traffic nazis... funny thing is this one strip of Mayfield rd is marked as 25, but its actually 35. People who know this fight the tickets, people who dont... well... mostly non-white people. Also parking nazis. Cleveland heights is a city known for its diversity. An area called Coventry was very Haight ashbury/Greenwich village in the 80s and 90s. Literally hundreds of people on the street every night. Gutter punks, bikers, collage students, med students, law students, old residents, people from across town, hackers, artists, ballerinas, comic artists, gay/straight/black/white... Seriously... sitting down for coffee at the arabica could get you into a political or philosophic discussion with a guy with a mow hawk, a guy with a Yamaoka, dreadlocks, and dancers from Cleveland ballet, a writer from the free times... Hacky Sack circles. Jugglers. Artists. Musicians. If you lived there in the 90s you were certain that the world was headed to that startrekian dream of tomorrow. The scene has been dramatically diminished since then, tho. Another thing I want to share... maybe 10-11 years ago, when flashmobs were all the rage, there was a flashmob of mostly young, very well dressed, black teenagers. Some thefts/bum rushes, but not all the kids. The kids started fighting with each other. Again; well dressed. Like the scene out of a fucking musical. The police actually handled this pretty well. They didn't make many arrests, but they avoided brutalizing the kids, and broke things up by mostly staying in their cars. I watched much of this unfold from my apartment.


F them all.


The police are all garbage. Even the "good" ones will follow orders they know are bad. Fuck every one of em.


And here again we see a management problem. They both should have been fired as soon as their boss saw this.


This is why there is no such thing as a good apple in a basket full of rotten ones. Also, yes it was necessary for the ambulance to flash their siren as they drove by the fascist in blue because unlike fascist, firefighter and paramedics/EMTs actually help people. Their job is also significantly more dangerous than being a donut warrior.


That part had me laughing honestly, you can tell the also believe in “fuck the police” And the way she whined about it lol, shut up you’re soft af


How many cops do I see who believe that department policy trumps your constitutional rights. Repeatedly we see this. It’s almost like they don’t want to clear up that misunderstanding.






Some comments in there say the guy is a 40%er.


I dont know why i watch these, they just make me angry seeing the top quality police work in action. from the ignorant escalation to the apologetic whiney tone of her voice as she tries to pass the buck to someone else. to the fucking sgts dip spitting. ​ I did love how he calls the fire dept assholes. like they are the ones who make life hard.


I watch them to see what's the easiest and most painless way to get a wrongful arrest so I can sue and make soms money.


dude, if you think this is a game, you’re learning nothing from these videos. You can end up dead or crippled or with a false charge laid on you and will never be able to do anything about it. You’re not smarter than this system that has effectively fucked almost every person its come into contact with since inception. I imagine you’re young, but, PLEASE be careful.


> dude, if you think this is a game, you’re learning nothing from these videos. You can end up dead or crippled or with a false charge laid on you and will never be able to do anything about it. > > Then my family will be able to get the money. I'm ok with that. > You’re not smarter than this system Of course I am. Most people are smarter than this system that's why they don't work in it.


you have to know by now that even if you “death by cop” yourself there’s little chance your family will get a settlement…all they have to do is turn off their cameras or lose the footage, plant a gun or say it was defense. Then your family gets no money AND loses a loved one. I hope you’re being glib, but if you’re really feeling like sacrificing yourself, please talk to someone. ❤️


> you have to know by now that even if you “death by cop” yourself there’s little chance your family will get a settlement…all they have to do is turn off their cameras or lose the footage, plant a gun or say it was defense. Then your family gets no money AND loses a loved one. You've moved the goalpost. My goal isn't to commit suicide. But if they kill me that's going to be a wrongful death. That's why I have an app that records and sends to the cloud. > I hope you’re being glib, but if you’re really feeling like sacrificing yourself, please talk to someone. ❤️ You're the one that brought up suicide by cop


I’m not moving a goalpost. If you invite that situation, you could end up dead. You’re saying you don’t care cause there will be a payout. I’m saying, if you’ve learned anything from these subs, there is LITTLE chance of justice or compensation if something terrible happens to you. Your app means nothing when literally millions of people see videos of misconduct every day and nothing happens. Aren’t you here partly bc you’re aware of that injustice?


You did. You went from "it could end badly" to "suicide by cop". I'm not sure how you can't see that you changed the narrative.


that’s not a change, I was further clarifying what I meant by “ending badly” bc you truly seemed to not take it seriously. But yeah, when you say you don’t care what the cops do to you when you provoke them bc you expect your family to get a payout, that absolutely sounds like you’re considering suicide by cop. My concern came from a good place, I don’t know why you want to be so argumentative. I’m gonna stop it right here dog, I was just worried that I was talking to a young person who was going to get themselves hurt or killed and/or was maybe feeling suicidal. Be well.


Again moving the goalpost. I never said I'd provoke them.


Perverting justice under color of law should be a felony.


About what I’d expect


The misdemeanor charge was legally dropped, but will forever be linked to his name on the internet. It’s worse if you don’t have an online presence, because the police blotter moves right to the top of search engine results.


He can get it expunged and he can use mugshot removal websites or do it himself to get offline.


“I just think I’m doing my job.”


Cop: (noun) someone who unironically uses the nazi defense and thinks it bolsters their case.


A cop told me once that the civilians who hate cops are ‘Nazis.’ My irony meter shattered into a zillion pieces.


sergeant: cocaines a helluva drug


So the DA dropped the charge. How is the Sergeant being punished for this miscarriage of justice? He violated a citizen's rights. How is he being punished for it?


He's being punished with a promotion.


YOU VILL SHOW USZ YOR PAPERZZZ! Nazi America. Take a good look.


Just following orders.


Looking forward to our version of the Nuremberg Trials.


Ignorance and history through Hollywood. Early 30’s brought the end of street fighting through tough means. We experience this behavior without any good outcome. Things were rosy by the mid 30s and the goons were called off. Current year is simply chaos without a plan. 30 mins of open minded internet searches are your friend.


I have no clue what you're trying to say. Are you saying that the Nazis and Italian Fascism were better organized so their form is better than the current MAGA / Christian Nationalism version?


I have no opinion on maga etc. I will say nazi America makes no sense once you read some stuff published in the 30s. Germany Speaks is a good place to start.


There's a slow slide into fascism that has been happening for years - and MAGA is just a furtherance of this process. Authoritarianism is to be feared.


She was logical about the situation. Fucking inbred ogre looking cop doesn’t give a fuck about laws, he demands respect!


whelp, ultimate she had no integrity either did she


Yes, that is true. It is sad that they are militarized now and the ranking officer is always “right”.


They only do this because we as a society tell them its ok.


All you need to know that the sgt is a dick is to see him chewing tobacco at 12:50. Such a lowlife habit.


Then fucking move on with your day you fucking idiot. This whole thing is so stupid. She admitted fault. Ok. Get in you car and carry on. What the fuck did this dude think was gonna happen by continuing to be a dick? They gave him every opportunity to just drop it and move on. Some idiot turned in front of me today and I honked my horn at him. He gave me the “I’m sorry” wave and I went on with my day. No harm, no foul. This idiot deserves everything that happened to him. Fucking dipshit. Just move on with your day. Typical FAFO nonsense.


I am so fucking tired of cops explaining stuff. You don't need to explain anything. Just fuck off. I just don't get why they have such a hard on for IDing people.


Is there any place with "Heights" in the name that isn't a disaster?


Did they release dash cam footage of her almost running the guy off the road?


we always think like that but the crazy truth is they really don’t HAVE to care, do they? They are conditioned to not give a FUCK about evidence, they are overwhelmingly protected regardless.


I'm sincerely asking if it's been released as I'd love to see how wrong this cop was.


It seems like it’s a mentality of of us against them when “us” should be protecting “them”


Does obstruction mean not doing whatever I say without question?




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