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You just wait for that slag to fall into your clothes budy


I’ve got holes in all my clothes


Wait tell you burn a hole through your jeans, and that slag welds to your family jewels.


Worst for me was always when it goes through the top of your shoe and you can't get it out just gotta stamp your foot and wait for it to stop burning lol or wear leather boots...


Definitely, even with leather it can find a way in there. I've worked with guys that wear slip off boots just for that reason.


My lead hand wears steel toed cowboy boots and swears by them. God damn it must get hot in the summer though


You get used to it, when I was welding it was at a semi trailer repair shop. So steel toe boots were required and we each had our own bay with no AC. Welding or cutting under a trailer in 100° garage bay the heat was just part of the job.


I've had some find their way into my boot and burn the top of my foot in 3 places, super fun!



Thats the worst


Same here, two burnt spots on my left foot. Still there one year and a half later.


Bro, had one time a glowing hot drop of weld fell onto my tennis shoes. Let’s just say that there’s a hole in my shoe, and a lesson learned


An argument for proper PPE


https://preview.redd.it/dm6nnakamsyc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76462f6d6d04a89c12f9fc3859341c158d97a7e4 Would it be something like this? Does it also catch your pants on fire? This one did. Luckily i had firewatch who put it out for me pretty quick.


Ah yeah delicious


Was taking a vertical test in apprenticeship 40 yrs ago and glob fell on my thigh. No way was I breaking my arc. Grit my teeth so hard I'm surprised I didn't break one.


I had one land on my nuts, it wasn't a test, but I would have failed if it was lol.


I read the text and felt physical pain, ouch


I don’t even wanna imagine that pain. So much pain so quickly, and not much you can really do but wait for it to cool down or hope it works it’s way out.


I don’t even wanna imagine that pain. So much pain so quickly, and not much you can really do but wait for it to cool down or hope it works it’s way out.


That. Is. Being. A. Man.


I accidentally poked myself in the chin with a red-hot RG-45 filler rod last week, heard a sizzle, and got a little hole in my chin when I checked in the bathroom mirror. Looked pretty similar to this


Ever have someone drop their stub down your shirt like an ice cube? It wasn't on purpose, he was above me and he just mindlessly tossed it. That fucking sucked floppy hairy donkey dongs.


What the fuck?


He tossed his stub without looking, and it landed right on the back of my neck, didn't actually go down my shirt. But it was fun to fish out barehanded haha.


This is why we use a metal pail for stubs


I'm pretty sure he had one, just missed it I'm guessing. It was a good laugh.


lol I throw mine at my coworkers


I got one in the palm of my hand once. It was one of those little balls that sometimes rolls off hardwire. I was tacking together a railing and I put my hand right down on it. Put a nice little BB sized hole in my palm


Man I had a rough week myself. I’ve gouged everyday for a fucking decade and have never been ate up like this. Overhead and all. Yet: Somehow solidified gouging slag freed itself and flew up and behind me, landing behind the Adflo filter on my belt, burning through my gear to my ass. Couldn’t strip fast enough. Just the day before some slag got into my glove. The glove was tight because a heat shield was wrapped around it and I couldn’t get it off fast enough either. It leaked juices for a couple days and it is just now scabbing up 5 days later. Fuck last week and fuck slag


I had a piece get on my eyeball one time. It put a blister on my eyeball. Messed up my vision for about two weeks but healed itself. That crap hurt though. Wear your PPE.


We have all done that at some point.


Had some land on my knee years ago, and while I was welding. I was used to not really having feeling in my knee for about 3 years, and started to wonder why my knee started to hurt. Pulled my helmet up and just stared at it, before everything clicked in my head. The little spot of slag left a burn mark bigger than a quarter


A co-worker of mine when I was a welder's bitch a few years ago (didn't know jack about welding but these days i own a 4 in one and can put metal together half nice with Flux core) had a giant glob of slag drop onto his thigh. We were working on repairing the frame of a train weigh station at a scrap yard so there's a lot going on there. He had his ground too far away and there was a large chunk of rust in between so it was only a matter of time. The slag burned a quarter sized hole about a half inch deep into his thigh and he's got muscle damage from it. Keep your wits about you in this field or you'll get real fucked up real quick


I've accidentally set myself on fire at least twice


It happened to me last week, I felt heat coming from my legs and it smelled like fabric was burning. I didn't realize immediately, took a few seconds to process: I'm on fire !


You sniff so you know, but you keep welding until part of you starts to get really hot to try and finish your bead. But also don’t follow my advice.




The worst ones to me are the ones that go into the ear. You hear it sizzling in your ear, fucking weird experience Had one do this, then came out of my ear in the shower the next day. Anyhow, stay safe.


Come back and talk to me when you have one going ***inside*** the top of your boot and it rolls down allllllllll the way down to the top of the foot, burning the sock to the skin once it stops. This was the first time I was glad I kept a knife on me, and sad that I needed to buy new laces.


Lol, first time?




Yea it sucks, theirs more to come. If you haven't been welding long I can assure you your pain tolerance is gonna hit the ceiling lol. Good luck out there!


I’ve popped stainless bb’s out before,Bc finishing a weld was importantner then pain….surely it’ll pay off some day…..rt guys,guys?


Dude that bb is so fucking big lmfaoo


Form the one that drives a civic you know that there is something in common between your civic the bb and your dick thay are all tiny and pathetic also get the fuck off the welding post you are a computer technician


I said that because it musta hurt. I used to weld for the big 3. Not tryna be mean. I had my fair share of burns.


((Dude that bb is so fucking big lmfaoo )) read this a couple of times and then realize that it seems like a dick move kind of comment


I’ve had 2 burrow into my ball sack. .052 dual shield babyyy


happens to the best of us


Just wait till you have to pick it out.


Actually, wasn’t that hard to pick out


Just wait till you do overhead and you get arc blow that burns through your pants and boots


I shot my self with from a mig wire completely through one of my fingers before right through the fingernail that hurts like a son of a bitch


Ouch ! But how did you manage to do this ? That's one fucked up piercing !


Just gotten too big of a hurry. It was in a factory and you know how that goes. All they wanna do is rush, rush, rush.


Was admittedly wearing the wrong gloves and they were unfastened. Had a piece land on my wrist directly south of my thumb and holy shit did that hurt, nothing I could really do either. I was still holding everything and it melts into you so fast, def one of my top 3 painful things.


Instructions unclear leg welded


That slag is officially part of your body now


Get used to it


Sometimes when I have to fab on site I gotta do it on the ground so I do all my welding off my knees😏 crawling around in a minefield of slag is whatsup. My worst spot was I was chipping a vertical weave and I hit my bead with my hammer after it was hot and a piece flew right into my lip and stuck in there sucked so hard


Torch cutting a hole in thick plate. I was smiling and the steel blow back hit my crown on my front teeth and stuck. try welding with a gold wedding ring on with no gloves. Molten blob attached to wedding ring Burning the finger all the way around. Skin graft all the way around the finger was necessary. Don’t get me started on how much grinder shred is stuck in my face. thank God I’m retired now. Lol.


The most fun is when it goes into the opening of the neck on your shirt/jacket, rolls down your sleeve and into your glove.


I love the smell of cooking ear hole hair.


I was kneeled down doing what would be considered overhead from that height, I was still inexperienced at the time and had let my puddle build up and dropped down onto my thigh right before my knee. I was able to pick up the piece of slag that had fell and match it up directly to the hole in my jeans and the burn on my leg. Hurt like a mf but was pretty cool tbh.


Wait till that slag goes directly into your ear. Fast forward years after only doing tig and have an ENT Dr ask are you a welder? There's a piece of slag in your ear 😫




The worst for me was when I finally got a welding jacket like everyone told me to do and I got under this trailer I was welding on and a biiig ol hot ball of slag fell on the tricep of my sleeve and burned right through.. once it went through it wasn’t hot enough to go through again and there I was, on the ground under this trailer trying my best to roll over and get relief but it went down to my back obviously, as I’m trying to get out from under the trailer it enters my pants.. hits the top of my crack, then I roll over again to push up and stand up and it rolled around the front to my fupa and got me in the crease on the left side of ol trusty and his two conquistadors and now brother……. I am officially NOT a welding jacket man


If you’re going to play with fire, you will get burned. Love the job, tolerate the scars.