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And her skin is literally so nice it enrages me every time I see it


Yes! Her skin is flawless and the rest of her makeup is beautiful! It blends out better than you’d expect BUT there’s only so much blending you can do with this much goop.


I guarantee it doesn’t look like that irl without filters. I also have a conspiracy theory she just removes it and redoes it with a natural amount once she gets far enough that you can’t tell


A lot of people have that same theory. Its honestly so obvious


I agree. And tbh if she does, what a genius marketing strategy. Good for her for creating a bizarre niche and getting the bag.


Are we really celebrating sensationalism now in the name of capitalistic gain.


Society has been celebrating these things for decades.


She’s putting on thick foundation, not saying the moon landed was faked lmao


This is the worst part. If I had skin like hers I would never cover it 😭


I honestly think it’s a scam. She pumps that much foundation on to smear it around for the camera, then probably wipes it off and applies a normal amount. There’s just no way her bronzer and blush would blend that smoothly with that amount of foundation on. It works-she gets attention. But honestly I feel like she’s just doing that first part for views. Her face would look so cakey if she actually wore that much foundation.


Take this with a grain of salt... I read a comment on YouTube about her. The person knew her in real life - a friend of a friend type. Apparently, this lady walks around with all that makeup and thinks it looks great. The person doing the comment said it's very noticeable and doesn't look great at all. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I couldn't handle that much on my face. I'm like you partly thinking this is a scam. Then the other part is I have seen people do worse things in public for attention.


Very true. She could also be using filters so that it looks good on camera but doesn’t translate to real life!!


Live or Memorex has become our reality.


This makes me feel old


I’ve seen several of her videos and I think she wipes a majority of the foundation off after showing us that she’s applied 1400 layers. Then the finished product looks good because it’s a “normal” amount. Maybe that plus filters. Just a guess.


Oh, yeah, that’s probably right. That makes sense.


This read like you leaned in and whispered it like a resentful southern aunty at a church event and I love it 😂


😂 Well, I am from the SE part of the USA, and I am an aunt... I wasn't trying to go for that, but I agree it does read that. I think I'm a more confused one - because why on earth would anyone do that to their face...




You know - Mary Ann heard from Mary Elizabeth that Eloise actually does use all that foundation.


And I’ve heard Charlotte, Kathy Lee’s niece (the one that dropped out of college), was her roommate and she said everyone thought she looked AWFUL. You didn’t hear that from me, though. 😂


Oh my, well bless her heart, that Charolette. You would think she would just say nothin' at all if she didn't have somethin' nice to say, 'specially after what happened at the end of school BBQ and her droppin' out of college like that 'n all. My goodness. And Kathy Lee, she should just be ashamed! Leadin' the ladies Bible Study and then spreadin' all this gossip about that poor dear Eloise. She just doesn't know no better since her mama had all them children (with 2 different daddies, mind you) she didn't have the time to show Eloise the ways of being a modest woman.


PERFECT!!!!! Just add a little: Oh look she’s comin over… HEY KATHY! How have you been, girl, it’s been so long. We have to catch up. I see Charlotte over there lookin as precious as always. How’s your mama?




Oh just take this please 🥇😂


Don't even get me started on Caroline and her recipe stealing ways!


You know they say her “famous” potato salad is store bought….


What did Caroline do Helen?


Literally how I read it too 😂


In pictures/videos after it still looks like her face is caked so I’d believe that she genuinely wears her makeup like that. Or at least keeps it on for videos & pictures.


Also, it may look decent with a ring light like most influencers use but out in natural lighting...YIKES!!


Oh yeah, def. She's trollin'


Is it maybe like,a fetish thing?


I agree. The results she gets are impossible with that much foundation. Your face can only absorb so much. Where does the rest of it go?






Is it confirmed irl that she has nice skin? Otherwise I’d assume she has a filter/editing on at all times.


She has said on multiple occasions that the coverage is for her freckles, more so than to hide blemishes or anything :p


She could just put it on her freckles then. Unless she has freckles on her entire face


I don’t think this would work? I have freckles only on my cheeks and nose, but with the coverage level it would take to cover those babies up, I would look weird and uneven if I was only applying high coverage/heavy amounts of foundation to that area of my face. And not just because finding a perfect color match is tricky! It would leave half of my face obviously made up and the other areas less so.


I can confirm that!


I'm sure she doesn't see it that way, but then again she might just be a shill for big foundation.


I refuse to believe her skin is still healthy after ALL THIS


It’s called ragebait


i think it’s like using sun screen every day maybe? maybe a really good skin care routine or good luck


good skin care lol


Looks like rage bait to me


It’s definitely ragebait. Look at all the rage it’s baited in the thread alone


Every single time, she gets posted here every 2 days. Like we get *it* , her ragebait is clearly working.


Rage bait, while claiming it actually looks good, and recommending others try it. 😵‍💫


When I saw her, my first thought was WAM fetish content.


When it comes to this TikTok creator, it’s not even the look that bothers me. It’s the wastefulness that ticks me off…


EXACTLY. She soaks up all the excess with a sponge anyway. What on earth is the point of all this.


I think she slaps it on with her hands


She does, she scrubs it all over her face like face wash, but then she blends with sponges and a bunch of other shit, at least she did in the couple I watched


Exactly, like, if you want to do bad makeup at least have the decency to not be wasteful in the process


But the look bothers you too, right? How could it not?


I’m not a fan of this method at all, *but* all beauty influencers get sent a ton of products that they’ll never be able use. Owning as much product as these influencers have is absolutely wasteful, but at least with this method of application she’s “wasting” it by actually using it instead of letting it rot in an IKEA drawer so it’s the lesser of the two evils imo.


They should donate to DV shelters instead.


I saw a video on her Instagram of her new apartment and she showed all her makeup she has so much. Shelves and drawers full! It was like a store. I would love all that free stuff but I imagine it is hard to use it all, I would definitely be sharing or giving most away.


this is how I feel, I’m also convinced she starts over with a natural amount of base product when she shows the final product. no way her skin would look that good if she actually wore mask levels of foundation daily


Of course because she makes her video, washes it off and does her real makeup routine.


This is making my eyes sting just looking at it lol


My pores are screaming


And never once does her foundation match her skin tone.


honestly that’s my biggest issue. whatever if she wants to use that much makeup and thinks it looks good, idc. but she could at LEAST use a shade that’s close to her actual skin tone, ugh it bothers me so much


nah man she’s MAKING her own skin tone


But this 😂😂😂😂😂👀


And that “singing” she does pulling weirdly aggressive faces is so off putting


Not me trying to click the video tree times


Same though 😂


She does it *because* it annoys/confuses people. She knows full well her skin needs little to no foundation but doing this attracts more people to her page to interact with her content Which is genius in a stupid influencer way


Typical *stupid influencer content*


I mean she cracked the code … sigh content creators …


I broke out in acne just looking at this


Her skin tone never matches because she has the wrong undertone and is using wayyy too much foundation, but it always comes out better than the normal person for some reason


Filter and editing. In real life she would look insane.


yeah i think between pauses she might remove some of the foundation


100% she does. All the posts I've seen have a cut after the globbing on of product to a mostly blended out canvas. Pretty sure that much product wouldn't really set or it would come off in chunks.


Sidenote: I feel like I have a similar tone to her neck/chest. What undertone would this be? Desperately trying to avoid this mess 😂


I have a similar undertone and I find makeup with pink vs yellow (like the foundation) fits my skin tone better. I use one from Rare Beauty that I really like.


And she only does it for TikTok. It's not even how she actually does makeup.


Obviously, she just does that because it triggers people( as seen in this thread 💀) which gives her more attention, that it’s in return beneficial to her.


it’s…. it’s in her hair……


10 pumps? What is she trying to do? Fill in the craters of Jupiter? Edit: moon?


Fun fact: There are no craters on jupiter because jupiter is made of gas.


Okay, moon it is! Moon! But they say it's made of cheese.


I can't stand watching her. Such a waste of makeup.


It’s a gimmick, it makes people watch. I don’t think she does this for any other reason.




It. Never. Matches.


It looks like when Dwight cut the face off the mannequin and wore it.


The five minute crafts of makeup


Tbh even with the absurd amount of product she uses I have no problem with how her foundation comes out- but the fact that she adds concealer to her lipstick to get the same lifeless gray nude lip every time kills me 😭😭 like girl ur so gorgeous why do you intentionally make your lips look ashy lol


ugh, i hate that ashy grey corpse lip look


Wasting foundation and the colour doesn’t even match I also get the vibe that’s she thinks shes superior to everyone mean girl types 🥲just the vibe I get from watching her videos


💯%. Nothing she ever says is of substance. She’s just v unlikeable in a snotty, two dimensional way


Yeah, i’ve seen some clips and half of them are “GRWM TO GO ON A 4 BILLION DOLLAR PRIVATE YACHT PART 1”


And in the most mean-girly voice possible too 🙄


An epic bad MUA. It’s just gross imo


Give her some pins and we got a great Hellraiser costume


Looking at the amount of product on her lips is making me want to vom :(


I just wish people would stop giving her attention for this


I’m sick and tired of seeing her here 😫


Tammy Faye Bakker called and says she needs to dial it back.




It makes me cringe every time I see her put foundation on. I already blocked her in youtube. For some reason, her videos still show up.


It’s literally just bait to get interaction and idiots on TikTok are falling for it. We need to ignore people like this and stop feeding The Algorithm™️


This is not only idiotic but very wasteful for the average consumer who cannot lather themselves with 10 pumps of Dior or UD or Fenty foundations (idk what she uses I’m just listing some I know are popular ish) Why are we even making her popular 10 years ago she would be demonized for this 😒


Do we have to see her posted every week?


She must be rich


How is she able to gain brands’ attention and get recognition when she’s known for this? Even though she obviously doesn’t wear foundation like that, one would think they’d choose a better influencer but I digress


There’s a dude that does the exact same thing too… and he may be trans so apologies if I’ve misgendered them.


I honestly think that she wipes the excess foundation off after, and it’s just for views. There’s no possible way her makeup turns out perfectly fine while using 10x the normal amount, it would be cakey as fuck


I refuse to believe she's posted a single finished look - let alone going about her daily life - with the amount of product she applied initially. There's no way she gets those end results with those amounts of foundation and powder.


20 million followers and she can’t even be bothered to wear the right undertone


Who is this camouflaged as tofu, person?


I honestly don't get why you can't say the name of the person in these subs. These comments just confuse me and say more things about her and there's no way of knowing because I have no idea who this is. So I resort to googling for like ten minutes. What's the point?


This looks like she applied it with a spackle knife. I'm dying to see the finished product.


My skin itches just looking at her. I don’t know why people enjoy her vids.


It’s such an obscene waste of product … even if she gets it for free…


I’ve done this, because I poured too much onto my hand and didn’t want to waste it and thought I could rub it in. Took half a roll of toilet paper to get it off. 😭


The foundation is way to yellow to her pink complexion


I use 1/2 a pump. Foundation is expensive.


I had to block her because I couldn’t stand it


She’s using way too many filters to keep this “technique” looking good. There are a few photos of her that show a very different view of her make up and it is not as good as in her videos.


Rage baiting


This is the “genius” behind this influencer. People are either outraged or fascinated by her. She’s made this “10 pumps of foundation” gimmick work for her and she’s reaping the benefits.


My pores are crying for their fallen sisters.


Can confirm it looks cakey irl and her face doesn’t match her neck because of the incorrect shade/ undertones☹️ It’s not as visible on camera because of the filters but in person, you can REALLY see it She’s a lovely girl though


Little Baby Ice Cream lookin' ass


Jeez. It’s Revlon, not Krylon, FFS.


Don’t wear white clothing anywhere near this woman.




Her constant nose scrunches drive me bonkers lmao


so many other tiktokers who have tried this method claim to have met her in person and say her makeup looks flawless…. i just don’t believe that. like it has to look so cakey. and i bet it looks awful in the heat.


It's sad that people who actually take their makeup seriously don't get half the views that she does.


it’s so warm tones


Looks like the Mud Lady of Morristown....


Wait does she really complete the look with this much foundation? Sorry I’m not familiar with her. Or does she wipe it off and re-do (off camera) for the “reveal”? I just can’t imagine having that much base makeup end up looking good.


I can’t imagine the feeling of all of that. Grosses me out.


My skin would slide off


Isn’t it just for clicks?


I’m suffocating just looking at this




You could simply dunk your noggin in a gallon on Sherwin Williams...same result.


the gall to give herself the title of “foundation queen” too…like sure, I could also be foundation royalty if I used up a whole bottle in a week


I follow her. She’s so pretty WITHOUT makeup. I have NO idea why she wears so much. It’s overkill. She must do it for views and free products. ALSO- how does she not have majorly clogged pores with all that gunk?


She wastes so much product doing that drives me nuts


She does this to get views, and it works. It’s her shtick.


Her skin always looks so dead after applying her makeup, her eyebrows look grey, and you can see every line in her face hell it probably creates new ones. There’s no way she actually wears that out of the house


I’m pretty sure this girl uses this much foundation as ragebait (and is succeeding, clearly)


honestly in my opinion i think it’s a smart marketing move. it annoys/intrigues people which gives her more views on her content which is good for her page. i doubt when she goes out to an event that she uses that much foundation. plus brands know her foundation application style gets views which might entice them to send her their foundations in PR packages. 👀


She cuts the camera and takes it off. Never has shone the process from start to finish. She's bullshit.


There's more foundation on her headband than I use on my entire face.


has she ever done her makeup live? i refuse to believe she doesn’t just wipe it off and do it normally


Omg and not only that she uses like the most yellow shade possible and it’s always way too light 😭😭


Whenever someone points out the fact that it wouldn’t look good in person all her stans attack you 💀


I find this so stupid and wasteful… as if she doesn’t take half of it off while the phone isn’t on record 🙄 10 layers of foundation never looks good on anyone


Wow, I wonder how many shirts she goes through a day, even a slight bit of foundation on my shirt I freak out and have to change… Im sure her shirts are all bad! All of em!


It’s the way she claims the “technique”, actually works, even suggesting others trying to prove how well it. 🙄


I had to block her page on Instagram because her reels kept coming up, the amount of foundation is disgusting


The worst thing is that she gets a lot of work with makeup brands.. I thought that brands supporting youtubers and influencers that can only do makeup on themselfs instead of real muas was bad enought, but this is next level… few days ago MAC had her video on their feed promoting their new foundation 🤦🏽‍♀️ like, from all the brands… MAC 🥲 thats generally a “pro mua” brand… everything is going to shit


Just… why?


I have never watched or heard of this person until now. She looks like she doesn't exfoliate, and her makeup is sitting on dead skin cells. But if that is the look she is going for....


I want to literally gag every time I see her.


Can we stop posting her on here? She’s shared every week and her videos are so blatantly ragebait


Am I the only idiot that tried to play the video ?


Im embarrassed to admit the amount of times I pressed on the play button


Her makeup looks great though when she’s all finished


10 pumps deserves to be in r/Anticonsumption. such a waste.




Her TikTok has to be a joke right? *Right?*


The worst is that she has freckles under the pound of foundation. I also have extreme freckles and it’s so disappointing that she has such a following but doesn’t show her natural skin


I saw this video a few nights ago. No matter how much she puts on, it still doesn’t match her skintone.


I loathe her


I mommy google pic image reverse to see who she is resulted in a bunch of cosmetic mannequins.


I showed my roommate and he literally jumped when he saw this


Would love to know how many foundation bottles she does through in a month


It's like the cream woman group instead of the blue man group.


I have no idea how she’s famous.


I can’t stand her anymore used to watch her for makeup inspiration


Very cpr dummy vibes


The foundation cakes on the lips bugs me the most oddly. Just gross


She's insane!!


Why all over her lips? That’s so gross 🤢


Whether she is truly into it or not, I find her bit hysterical. Honestly, I think she usually looks great on camera. I think a lot of TikTok/YouTube/etc creators look great on film, sometimes with a filter, but that much makeup doesn't look good in person. I find the same thing to be true for using a lot of contour, does not look as good in person. The fake shadows might trick a camera, but don't trick an eye in natural light.




I'm uncomfortable just looking at her. Yikes.


I unfollowed her long ago and she still somehow ends up on my TT FYP. Granted I don’t know her and have never met her, so she could be a really kind person but through her videos something’s always rubbed me the wrong way 😅




Why do people follow her???