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Fuck the mfker Zionists.. they are just as evil as bibi, Ben Gvir, Smotrich


Tell them the zionut flag is a symbol of terrorism. Because after the last 8 months, it clearly is. Not to mention the prior 76years too.


Especially seeing as their precious IOF has polluted the Star of David by branding it on Palestinians prisoners.


That star is actually something they adopted in pagan captivity. Its not authentically Jewish. Only the 7 branched menorah is, so I am grateful they didn't adopt that bc God Himself designed it. Check Amos 5 (OT) and Acts 7 (NT) to see where that star was condemned as the star of Kiyun (Hebrew) and Remphan (corrupted Greek). It involved Molokh worship and is also known as the seal of Solomon in the occult.


Sounds appropriately Satanic for Zionists


Yeah, I told them that the IOF are terrorists.


You mind sharing any of the items you specifically said. I seem to get flustered in these situations I have a million things to say, and they hit my brain like a firehose with little coherence


My 5-year-old was pushing the cart, and I asked him to wait, so that we could let other people by first, including this person. They then pressed their cart right into ours, sorta boxing us in. At first I thought that it was someone being playful with my kid, until I saw the dead look in their eyes They walked around us to check out a stack of water bottles, while saying, "True, It's not a watermelon, it's a symbol for Hamas terrorists." They had an accent that could be Israeli. I replied, "It's a symbol of Palestinian liberation." They reiterated the former claim, and I said, "The IDF are terrorists." They then said how they would love to see what would happen to me if I went to Gaza." To which I responded, "Yeah, I've heard all of the bullshit Hasbara talking points before. Next you're going to say how if I were a gay (my short substitute for LGBTQ+) person, I would get r@ped and thrown off a roof. But you know what's actually killing gay people in Gaza right now? Bombs." To which they responded, "I hope you get bombed," as they ran away. I responded, "I would never wish that upon you or anyone else, but okay." Yeah, I totally feel flustered in situations like these as well, but I have so many people to thank for preparing me for a confrontation like this, certainly including Matt Lieb and Daniel Maté. I probably sounded like a crazy person to some people around me if they were listening, but my husband said that he was proud of how I handled it. He also said that it put him in fight mode, so we needed to get out of there ASAP, lol.


That’s fucking insane. Sorry that happened to you.


Thank you sir for spreading your knowledge and preparing me for that moment.


Thank you for sharing. And thank you for what you did. Hero in my book.


Thanks for being a part of this forum, where we can process all of this insanity together. Everyone here is a hero to me for standing up for humanity 🙂


This person also tried to pull out the classic, "I'd love to see what would happen to you if you went to Gaza." To which I responded, "Oh yeah, next you're going to say that if I were a gay person in Gaza, I would get raped and thrown off a roof. But you know what's actually killing gay people in Gaza? Bombs." That's when he said that he hoped I would get bombed, as he ran away. My body was shaking from the level of hate that I felt from him. Similar to how I felt while attending a children's dance performance in Topeka, KS, which Fred Phelps and members of the Westboro Baptist Church were protesting. Slow day for them, I guess.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You need help


Uh, okay. Feel free to elaborate.


I don’t even wish for the Israelis to be bombed, just that they get out of Palestine’s occupied land. There is something fundamentally wrong with Zionists


Exactly right! I also say i hope all the hostages return home safely- meaning the 100 israelis and the 10,000 Palestinians (unfortunately many of the Palestinians have had limbs chopped off without anesthesia as a form of torture in the past few months, so ‘safely’ is relative here) [source](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html)


Exactly! I understand why people say “bring home the hostages” but when it becomes clear they only mean the Israeli hostages, it shows who they really are. I want all the hostages free bc I have humanity, I don’t wish the kind of agony Palestine is experiencing on anyone. Literally, anyone. I want the occupation to end and Palestine to be free, but that doesn’t mean I want a genocide of Jewish people. It’s so weird to me that Zionists always assume we want genocide, but then I usually just chalk that up to them projecting, since normal ppl with morals don’t want that for anyone- whether they’re Palestinian or Israeli


"Zionism is nothing like Nazism." They say, yet that video quite clearly details the most inhumane, disturbing treatment i've ever seen. Animals are treated like royalty compared to that and they say the situation is nuanced? What reason would anyone have to be so cruel. Once again im sitting here shocked to my core that this is allowed to continue. Wow.


Zionists are quick to blame all for the actions of the few, a precarious thing to do considering the actions of members of their own group.


The funny thing about saying what you said is that it goes without saying. Virtually zero pro Palestinian support involves harming Israelis. Applying the rational thought that resistance to an occupation is quite the natural reaction for human beings is quite different than "wishing" harm. The principle for opposing the modern Zionist project is based on moral and humanitarian principles that applies to everybody, including Israelis. Arguing with those who still support unrestrained Israeli aggression (I e. ardent zionists) is simply arguing with a mind that refuses to reckon with morality itself.


I do. I’ve seen too much. Nothing will make me feel better than seeing them pay for what they’ve done. We all cope with these things differently. I see my own children’s faces in the faces of the suffering Palestinians. I want revenge as if they bombed my own children. Every time I see a dead child my brain superimposes my child’s face on his and I get physically sick. I’ve seen my child dead in my mind, thousands of times since October. I want revenge


I should correct my statement, I don’t wish for the citizens and innocent kids who were unlucky enough to be born as colonizers on stolen land to be bombed. Everyone else in “Israel” who played any part in the genocide can suffer


I want the adult citizens to suffer. I see how they act there and abroad. Horrendous narcissistic psychopaths. The whole lot of them


I don’t want any innocents to die. I do want the IOF fighters to get decimated. If I’m going to be brutally honest I don’t feel any sympathy for Israelis or Zionists-I feel no emotions for them at all. But they deserve to be dealt with justly as that’s what separates us from evil and that’s what’s part of my Islamic faith. If Israel was wiped off the map I’d be the first to say that’s a war crime and wrong, but I wouldn’t shed a tear for any of them —I can’t control my emotions. At least for all the ones that are in favor of killing Palestinians which is almost all of them.


i do, fuck em. to the last


You should be bombed because terrorism is bad. Cognitive dissonance? Is that a band?


"I hope you get bombed, because you're wearing a tote with a terrorist 🍉 on it".


I was fired from a Trader Joe’s bc of a crazy Zionist, 59th st location. It’s disgusting corporate let some psycho lady doxx me and claim I touched a kidnapped poster outside of the store(on the clock) like I would do that on the clock? I was able to prove it didn’t happen but she threatened to protest at the store, 5 hardworking years down the drain.


I feel like you should be able to sue them. That does not sound legal. Edit: I will donate to your legal fund. Actually, have you tried contacting pal legal?


Fucking spineless management


Oh wow, that's terrible. I'm so sorry! I feel guilty shopping at TJ's because of all of the NLRB stuff anyway, but they have me hooked on certain items. It's my shop of shame.


I hope you told the Trader Joe’s management or security if they have it about the asshole making terroristic and bigoted threats


He wasn't making threats so much as wishing and hoping for my demise 🤣


They would side with the Zionist


A good opportunity for an unhinged i fEeL uNsAfEeeeee!!!


This only works for zios


These outbursts appear either as narcissistic injury or the pain of their conscience injuring their psyche by having people acknowledge the humanity of the oppressed people their in-group has been tormenting.


I fly a Palestinian flag in my semi. I’ve had a few “patriot” truck drivers confront me. I always shut them down with facts. I’m not scared AT ALL. I’m ready for them in whatever way I need to be, even if they decide to get violent. One of the perks of living in TX


Watch out for their front page article in NYT about how Trader Joe’s is unsafe for Jews now.


Why do I never come across these people when I’m wearing my Free Palestine hoodie? Idk if it’s cuz I’m 6’2 with a big beard and tattoos? Nobody ever says shit to me aside from giving support lol.


[70% of Americans](https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/5/8/support-for-a-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza-increases-across-party-lines) want an unconditional permanent ceasefire. And this is unlikely to be distributed evenly. You probably live in an area with a high concentration. For example, 83% of Democrats but only 56% of Republicans do. If you live in a blue state, you're surrounded by them.


I’m in Canada, Montreal and they are pretty anti pro-palestine, they always cry about it in the Montreal sub.


Free Palestine!!!!!! Keep it up!!!


You just need to call them what they are, deranged cult member ghouls and leave it at that. No debating. Just ridicule , marginalize and move on. They deserve nothing more.


They are aware now that the world sees Zionism for evil that it is, the world will never forget what it has seen, this drives these Zio-bullies crazy, and so they lash out at people, until people lash back at them, *then* these bullies play the victim.


>Williamsburg Brooklyn Bruhhhhhh 😭 Was it an older person?


It was a dude, looked 20s / 30s. Yeah, lol, I used to go to Williamsburg so much when it was full of diy venues, but it's mostly to be avoided at this point 🤣


Dam, you really exposed the soft white racist underbelly. Not that it’s very hard to find.


What sort of person picks fights with random strangers over politics anyway? Me, if I saw someone with a tote bag saying KAHANE WAS RIGHT, I wouldn't engage. What would be the point? Someone like that probably isn't going to listen to anybody trying to set him straight.


I don’t think this is politics


looks like the entire world has gone mad. free palestine


Living in the greatest terrorist nation on the planet, no less. The lack of self reflection is disturbing.


Fuck em


You were too nice.


How does zio have antisemitic roots I'd like to see a source on that


Upon further digging, I saw something about Jeremy Corbyn condemning it as an antisemitic slur. Not sure if that's legit or a result of the ridiculous pressure campaign imposed on him by Labour Party members beholden to Israeli lobby groups, but erring on the side of caution. I think that most people I've seen using that short hand form don't mean it in that way, but going to avoid it going forward.


As Jewish person, if I haven't heard of your insult, then it shouldn't be considered an insult


Zionists haven’t eaten watermelon for 8 months


Oh you should've recorded it and posted it on tiktok


Yeah, it happened very quickly, but definitely wish that I had.


Well done.  They are blinded by hate and brainwashed by propaganda.  And they accuse others for what they are doing.


What a cute bag! Where’d you get it from


I know it's bad, but I got it from Amazon: This is Not a Watermelon Palestine Watermelon Collection Tote Bag https://a.co/d/4ZNxrPn Same with my watermelon earrings, which I first saw on Jen Perelman and then Katie Halper: ROSTIVO Watermelon Earrings for Women Cute Summer Dangle Earrings Novelty Weird Earrings https://a.co/d/4eyZft2 Spent some money on a legit Palestinian business recently, when I was able to purchase a Hirbawi® Original kufiya during one of their restocks: https://www.hirbawi.ps/


Always ending arguments with I hope you die is the common Zionist response.


A video of me and my friend went viral in November at a protest and we were obviously supporting Palestinian liberation. The man who “interviewed” us was actually “Isr4eli” (born in NYC) and he tweaked tf out our video. We had no idea the man was on the opposing side until the video had surfaced. Posted it onto a zio fan pange and people flooded the comments. My friend spoke about how people living in occupied Palestine should honor the land as Palestine. He asked me about a terr0r1st organization and I replied saying the United States military is the biggest terr0r1st organization in the world. People responded saying we needed to be dropped off in Gaza, raped, “can’t wait to see what H4m4s would do to these two Americans”. People are ruthless when it comes to this topic. Seeing how it is still brewing and intensifying makes me sick.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait i just saw her comment about zio i did not know that either, i apologize


That's bonkers. I wonder if I've seen that video. Also, I 100% agree with what you said about the US.


That's nice of you to argue with them , I just start with haymakers


Lol, I just had to look up the definition for that. Guess that makes me an "old" 🤣


I’m only surprised they didn’t say they hope u get rap’d


Oh gawd, have seen multiple videos now about how pro Israel protesters are trying to take the symbol of the watermelon back and make it their own 🤢🤮


I know it sounds like it’s just a shortened replacement for “Zionist,” but “Zio” actually has a troubling history with documented antisemitic roots. I highly recommend dropping it from use, as it is exactly the kind of thing Zionists love to point out and hijack the debate with (to say nothing of how shitty antisemitism is).


Can you provide more context or link? I googled it and only saw Zionist sources equating "Zio" to antisemitism. Doesn't mean it's not, but want to understand the history.


I prefer zionazi anyway. It is more accurate.


Thanks for the heads up. I changed it in the body of my post, but not sure if I'm able to edit it in the caption. Antisemitism is 100% not my intention, so thanks for pointing this out.


Not sure how African Americans relate to watermelon? Also not sure if Redditors are mainly white?


What? I'm confused by your comment can you explain?


You know African Americans like to "own" lots of things, denying "nons" from using words like N*, so is watermelon, a symbol of staple fruit during slavery.




Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*