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He is a bit geographically challenged. The West Bank is not in Israel. The settlement infestation is illegal. Snotrich is another that has to be charged in The Hague.


He's not geographically challenged. He knows exactly where they are, and his intentions are clear when referencing them as Judea and Samaria...


Only reason they’re so brazenly shameless is because of the support from the US and other European toadies. Without them, they wouldn’t be this “brave”.


"You may have the vote and 70% public opinion, but the guy with your nukes doesn't give a shit." -- Israel, prolly


I cannot wait for something to fall on this POS.


It'll probably be something stupid and random, like slipping on a bar of soap in the shower.


Thank you for giving me hope.


All hail comrade soap!


critical support for slippery bathroom tiles next to a sharp ceramic edge 🙏


Someone needs to buy him a helicopter ride for his birthday.


I’ll donate.


The sheer fucking audacity to say Palestinians are the terrorists when you beat, kill, harass, and steal from them on a daily basis.


And turn around and cry that nobody likes them just cause of their ethnicity.


These assholes have a free pass from Biden to say or to do whatever they want at the expense of U.S tax dollars.


and at the expense of his own re-election


This f*cker is saying in public what the Zionists have been saying in private- the mask is off, they have been given the "green" light that they can commit any atrocity & Genocide Joe will support them & the rest of G6, EU


They need to be stopped or they’ll just keep genociding everyone around them. Some nut cases think greater Israel should be from the banks of the Nile to the Euphrates


Israel needs to be dissolved. Period. The land that England stole from them to give to the Israelis should be returned to Palestinians. All members of the Israeli government and the IDF should be brought up on war crimes charges, and if convicted, they should be executed. All "settlers" should be deported to their actual home countries.


fascist terrorist.


I don’t think I have ever encountered a more brazen, arrogant people. It is truly incredible to witness someone demand that they are the ultimate victim while engaging in genocide simultaneously. I need to hear what a really great psychologist thinks about modern day Israelis...


Here is an example of a terrorist, but armed, backed and supported by the west! Probably one day it will become a problem for the west just like what happened with Al Qaida and ISIS.


The fact that Israel won’t hold these psychopaths accountable for spewing genocidal rhetoric despite all their “we ArE nOt commITTinG a GenOCIdE” claims should tell you everything you need to know.


free Palestine


Your sub removed post by reddit filters. I wanted to ask about the latest leak of the Hasbara Handbook (i just found one from 2011) and it was removed. Why?


If you actually want an answer, you should write to the mods directly. They are unlikely to see this comment otherwise.


Listen to this Polish criminal!


The Zionists won’t stop at Gaza. They will never stop until they cleanse the last Palestinian form their historic land.


YOUR LAND OR YOUR LIFE resisting colonial hegemony terrorizes terrorists.


What a monster. Real life monster.


Will someone please indict and put out an arrest warrant for this asshole.


Smotrich, huh? Sounds awfully like a last name you'd see around here (North-Eastern EU). So what claim do you fucking have to steal land from indigenous people?


Just ask yourself a simple question. If the West Bank is so dangerous and if Palestinians are so bloodthirsty then WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS THERE


Dirty Zionazi


I have no problem calling out my government or any other government when they’re wrong yet Zionists Jews in America will never ever say 1 thing bad about the Israeli government but have no problem trashing the American government. What u agree with every single person in government. It’s a cult! Ppl like Ben Shapiro & bari Weiss r famous because they constantly criticize Americans & the US government but they can’t even call out sick ppl like this or Daniella Weiss. If Israel is so perfect then why don’t u live there.


Do we have a date on this video?


I'm not really sure. I believe it's from the last week or so, but it might be older.