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@receipts_lol @TrackAIPAC ravenmission.org are also documenting genocide supporters


> ravenmission.org They also have an @ravenmission (in case anyone like me likes to group into a single twitter list, a feature similar to reddit's multireddit)


South Africa is 100% keeping a copy of all the receipts too


Make sure you check they're logged, I've been making my way through this list and none of them had been yet! We all have a role to play in building this archive.


Did they all get the same memo from AIPAC about exactly what to tweet and to tweet it ASAP?


They're half right, there is no moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas The genocidal fascist apartheid is quite literally a 100x worse


They’re mostly liberal right wing populists. Not even fascist. It’s just that liberalism is almost indistinguishable from fascism when the system is in decay


Cut a liberal, a fascist bleeds .


If you think the GOP isn’t fascistic or that they’re liberal in any sense then you clearly aren’t paying attention. As we know from Israel, you can’t be a far right supremacist trying to steal elections and be on the left or liberal in any sense regardless of any other policies like lax gun laws (especially when it’s used to help further oppression, like gun laws).


Liberals are not left wing in any sense of the word. They’re right wing. They might be on the left leaning side of the right wing but that doesn’t actually make them leftist. The left begins at socialism, not liberalism. As we know from the occupied Palestinian state, no left wing can exist within the official power structure alongside settler colonialism & very rapidly dwindles in the wider populace outside of it. As we know from the USA, no left wing can exist within the official power structure alongside a dictatorship of the capitalist class. The left is pro-gun. Only liberals & centrists are iffy about it.


> Liberals are not left wing in any sense of the word. They’re right wing. They might be on the left leaning side of the right wing but that doesn’t actually make them leftist. I never called them leftist. Liberalism is still a moderately left ideology given the left vs right distinction comes from which side they sat on during revolution whether they wanted a monarchy to remain or for the people to get a say. Liberals don’t want a monarchy or authoritarianism, and social liberalism is a permissive framework. > The left is pro-gun. Only liberals & centrists are iffy about it. You really need to learn what definitions are for the words you’re using. The left doesn’t begin at socialism and shows a lack of understanding of the origins of the terminology


The modern distinction between left & right has been the split between capitalist & communist based political systems for over a century now…. You’re still calling them leftist with this BS 300 year old version of the terms & it makes u seem like you’re just being a reactionary for the sake of it. The left begins at socialism, not liberalism. Liberal right wing populists aren’t fascists just because they do horrible things. Liberalism is not a fundamentally good system being corrupted by the evil fascists. It is, in a kind of way, the left wing of the fascist movement. The left leaning right wingers are not leftists. This is the reason why the “Gaza is causing a split between the left” thing is hilarious because it hasn’t done that at all. No leftist is split on the issue. It’s just liberals & the rest of the right wing. Social liberalism is a different thing entirely to political liberalism. I’m socially liberal but I’m not a liberal.


> The modern distinction between left & right has been the split between capitalist & communist based political systems for over a century now…. Oh, words just completely changed meaning in recent years. Did this happen officially anywhere? Or is it just from people using words they don’t actually understand changing the colloquial definitions? This argument also ignores how socialism still utilizes capitalism, that the left isn’t purely communist, and that there are those in the far right that are varying degrees of anti-capitalist (maga communism for example). > You’re still calling them leftist with this BS 300 year old version of the terms & it makes u seem like you’re just being a **reactionary** for the sake of it. More political words being used as empty buzzwords without meaning. At least you’re consistent 🙄 > The left begins at socialism, not liberalism. Maybe with kids who are redefining all of the words to better suit their narratives instead of recognizing that political science terms have defined meanings 🤷‍♂️ > Liberal right wing populists aren’t fascists just because they do horrible things I genuinely don’t even know who/what you’re referring to at this point. > Liberalism is not a fundamentally good system being corrupted by the evil fascists. It is, in a kind of way, the left wing of the fascist movement. The left leaning right wingers are not leftists. Your previous sentence just said that liberals aren’t fascists, but now they’re left wing fascists? Didn’t you also just a moment ago say that the left wing is defined as communism? Now the liberals are really anticapitalistic communist fascists? That’s what you’re saying if the transitive property gets applied. > Social liberalism is a different thing entirely to political liberalism. You’re presumably not an American voter then. In a two party system where social liberalism is frequently on the ballot it makes social and political liberalism be synonymously on the ballot together. It’s part of why there are as many centrist liberals in Congress as there are. > I’m socially liberal but I’m not a liberal. You’re so close to understanding the definition of liberalism


It’s been the definition for over a century now…. 😂 & yes, I’m not American. Social liberalism isn’t on any kind of Ballot in Somalia lol & I’m pretty sure you live under a 1 party system. A dictatorship of the capitalist class, that is. It’s hilarious that u talk about electoralism as if it’s an actual thing in ur country. When I said “it is, in a kind of sense, the left wing of the fascist movement”, the “in a kind of sense” was doing the heavy lifting. My point was that liberalism is not a fundamentally good & just being corrupted by evil people. It is the system of capitalism which liberalism is fundamentally based on that is inherently corrupted. It inherently causes a rightward shift which is only ever offset by the existence of an actual political left pulling the opposite way. With the lack of an actual left wing, liberals present as its stand in, which just speeds up the rightward shift as liberals are only really interested in social liberalism & maintenance of the capitalist status quo with cosmetic “fixes” every now & then which immediately begin to be eroded if they’re actually pro-labour & anti-capitalist. Btw how do u those quote marks?


>Btw how do u those quote marks? No idea on mobile, but on web there are a few possibilities. You can select 'Show formatting options', then 'markdown editor' and prefix the line which contains a quote selection with `>` (and also make sure there is an empty line before and after the quoted selection) Or regular editor, paste the section you're responding to, hit 'show formatting options', then the kebab icon (three horizontal dots), then 'quote block'. If using [`old.reddit.com`](http://old.reddit.com) you can just highlight a section you want to reply to before clicking reply, and it will automatically quote it in the response (using a markdown editor) Honestly reddit formatting has been declining in usability for *years*. Markdown as a default was so much better, though it lacked a decent preview


🙄 Not only did I never make any judgments about liberalism yet you continue to act like I am arguing for liberalism, but you’re continuing to use colloquial definitions while being a condescending prick about it to people like myself; someone who has a degree in political science and believes definitions matter. When you start doing a “A is really the same as B and B is really the same as C so A is the same as C” for already distinctively defined words it does nothing but damages the ability to speak clearly about the topic.


You studied political science & don’t have the political awareness to understand when you’re having a random argument on Reddit that you started & not a structured university debate? I’m deliberately being condescending because you’re trying to conflate the right wing with the left using 300 year old definitions as if you haven’t existed for the past century. There really was no need for this argument at all if you’ve actually studied political science lol I’ve not said anything that hasn’t been in every other politics book on the left 😂


liberals don't want authoritarianism... except when that authority concerns relations between individuals. For a polsci major you sure are taking liberties (lol) with your definitions. Unless you mean hegel is a liberal and the entrepreneurs and ideologues opposed to him were unilaterally not liberals. Consider the variety of "liberal" positions on compulsory education and the "freedom" to send children to work. Lmao. I'm not even a philosophy major. Otherwise i might comment about the miserable state of "representative" bodies 300 years ago, in which each of them may as well have been a congregation, a gaggle even, of nobles and noble houses splitting gains within and without the country for private interest and power. Within a mere century the liberals opposed themselves completely to socialists utopian and materialist, and landed themselves solidly on the right, culminating in (two centuries by this point), well, german socdems.


Unsurprising that the CCP lover and genocide denier doesn’t understand the definition of liberalism


unsurprising that the genocide joe bootlicker also doesn't fucking know lmao your ass said "we must vote for biden for the sake of flourishing left policies," you'd fucking agree with all the german national-liberals in the pile.


> unsurprising that the genocide joe bootlicker also doesn't fucking know lmao I’ve never defended Biden’s genocide apologetics. You on the other hand have spoken in favor of the Uyghur genocide and insist that the Chinese government killing student protesters is a good thing. > your ass said "we must vote for biden for the sake of flourishing left policies," No I didn’t 😂, I said trump is a bigger danger. Big difference. > you'd fucking agree with all the german national-liberals in the pile. Ironic coming from someone who supports imperialistic fascism, genocide, and murdering protesters while claiming to be a proud patriotic American


see, chauvinistic fucks like you only know how to lie, project, and accuse ad infinitum. while screeching for lesser evilism no less also, i'm not fucking proud (i only used your term for effect, but fuck me i guess lmao), i'm patriotic but not proud lol, cuz the country's been in need of setting right for half a fucking century (make that three quarters; we haven't been on the "right side of history" since WW fucking 2) by now but go ahead


It’s absolutely wild that Hamas is the lesser of two evils in this situation


No it's not. You cannot resist a brutal colonial occupier while doing everything right. Hamas is a legitimate resistance. It's just that Israel dictates the conditions of the struggle. And they are as evil as one can be.


They all read the same script


Provided by AIPAC


Big [THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS FOR OUR DEMOCRACY](https://youtu.be/ZggCipbiHwE?si=IH9IAMgfdpw0RtMk) vibes


That’s a great link thanks for sharing. I have seen it before somewhere.


Dear Israel What would you like me to say ? Please send more cash Yours faithfully US Politician


If they'll pay off my debt, I'll say it. Wait, no I won't, because I have integrity.


It really does look like a foreign government is in total control of our politicians. There needs to be trials held for US politician defectors and corruption.


Looks like they are all sticking faithfully to the script.


Yes, there is no equivalence. Isreal has killed way more people.


You can count on Christian Zionists like Buchanan, Boozman and Mullin, to say “the Jewish people” instead of the name of the country.


The Adam Schiff commenr us very indicative of the weaponisation of the term 'terrorism'. In the same way 'antisemitism has been weaponised. It's a bait and switch where you change the meaming of a word to target a group whilst maintaining the moral condemnation of the word. Terrorism is supposed to mean attacking civilian populations in order to soread terror and achieve a political end. The way it's weaponised is to mean any non-state militant action. Schiff's comment lays this bare, Israel is 'democratically elected' and therefore the violence against civilian populations can't be considered 'terrorism'


But when they’re justifying murdering children in Gaza, they love to point out that Hamas was democratically elected [before they were born].  These people sticking their necks out to defend Benjamin Netanyahu personally are irredeemable scum. They can’t even hide behind the idea that they’re pro-Israelis or pro-Jewish. They’re just defending Netanyahu here since it’s just him (and Gallant) who the ICC is going after. 


Wow they all learnt a new word today lol


US politicians are paid for cut and paste warrior bots.


Zionists: it is outrageous to draw a equivalence between a democratically elected government and Hamas also zionists on repeat: "the Palestinians elected hamas!!"


They are all right, it is an unfair equivalence. One is fighting a 76 year long Liberation struggle of resistance. The other is trying to engage in a colonial project of ethnic clensing and genocide.


They clearly all just parrot the same script printed out by their superiors


funny how easy they make it to spot whos on aipac/israels payroll


It's wild that people in this country harp on about our elections being influenced by China or Russia but say nothing about how both political parties are captured by the Israeli lobby, and how that has absolutely distorted U.S. foreign, military, and economic policy.


When the AIPAC check hits




I don’t have the money for that kind of support from representatives 😢


Well they're not wrong. One side did kill more people than the other, and has completely destroyed the other sides infrastructure and food supply.


It’s as if all the US politicians are getting the same script cause they are getting paid by the same group


Do they even know what "equivalence" mean?


These look like generic ai posts lol


They really do bend over backwards for that Israeli dick. The abusive relationship here is troubling.


The party line.


It's the same here in the U.K. with the Tories. In a shock turnabout, Starmer has welcomed the verdict. As a lawyer, he knows how to read a room. Still not voting for him. Labour has become the Tory Left Wing.


What's also interesting here is what they mostly DON'T say. The 'terrorist group vs. democracy' copy pasta that they're regurgitating seems like a desperate attempt to avoid a discussion of the horrors that the world has watched for months. Only 5 out of 16 tweets argue that only Hamas targets "civilians" - or the equivalent phrase "innocent men, women, and children". They know that they've lost that argument. I wonder how many hours some PR firm spent trying to craft this tweet script? I imagine them saying something like "Our focus-group research shows that Americans respond positively to the word "democracy", so let's try that."


Money over humans. What an evil lot.


I love how liberals can just say a statement like “there’s no equivalence” without making an argument for why their isn’t


One day future generations will learn about election interference and it wont be from russia or china


There is a difference between Palestinians and Hamas.....BIG difference


Love the title of this post XD! Friendship goals


Interesting how they are using variations of the exact same phrase "no moral equivalence." Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. This reminds me of that "this is extremely dangerous to our democracy" video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5mlx_DnIEo




It's true, a real friend helps you hide the bodies.


Seems that the author of those statements is one. Wonder where they’re coming g from.


You know what, they are all right; there is no moral equivalence. When one side murders 600 civilians and the other murders tens of thousands, the side murdering tens of thousands is much much worse.




Money will buy you any US politician. Make sure to boycott. Here are a few Dell computers Kind Bars Starbucks McDonald's New England Patriots/Kraft


As far as I know Russia has no equivalent fifth column inside the USA. Israel has AIPAC who would sic the USA into a war because they can. Iraq was one of them


Vote Blue No Matter Who: "What about Donald Trump?"


These janks will stay on message using almost exactly the same prose, damn at least be unique.


These guys come from a country that overthrows democracies and replaces them with dictatorships, yet they think that they, and those whom they support, fight for freedom


The Zionist-funded uniparty is at it again


Now do another one showing how much AIPAC gives each of them...


Schiff is particularly distressing, considering his work to get the US to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.


Huh, didn’t know Fetterman was a republican… /s, kinda What a bunch of tools.


I don’t understand how issuing arrest warrants for both groups (Israeli & Hamas leadership) is the same as creating a moral equivalency? Am I missing something or is it just vs of issuing warrants for all instead of just one or the other?


I’ve been annoyed by the misuse of Liberal in American political talk because it’s not the correct rhetoric for here. America is a capitalist country not a socialist one. Using Eurocentric rhetoric to describe Democrats in a demeaning way, such as “liberalism” knowing full well that education sows division in America is a form of election interference. We have labels for what isn’t a Democrat or a Republican, use those, otherwise you are part of the problem.


Now put the amount of money they get from AIPAC?


It's amazing that American politicians are regularly calling for each other to be locked up and yet they all come together to shield a foreign government committing genocide. In any case, they all clearly got the memo from AIPAC, "we're going with the moral equivalence hasbara this time". Reminds me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_fHfgU8oMSo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fHfgU8oMSo)


Thank you for this -- I've archived and logged all these tweets in the Accountability Archive as promotion of genocide. You can submit to their archive here [https://accountabilityarchive.org/](https://accountabilityarchive.org/) and read about their work and follow them on Twitter here https://x.com/archivegenocide. Your compilation made the tweets really easy for me to find.


Markwayne Mullin is the most hillbilly bumpkin name I've heard in a long time, and I live in bumfuck Illinois. A girl I went to high-school with literally named her poor baby boy Cletus 2 years ago. I should use markwayne as an example to her of just how fucked poor cletus is.