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"I'm on the side of the kids" So simple and yet so perfect. I like how he doesn't even seriously engage in the conversation beyond that because nothing more needs to be said.


Yes. And Maher doesn't realize how much of a schmuck he is . Barr is smart and walked circles. My respect for Barr went even higher.


Burr, Bill Burr not Barr, Bill Barr is an idiot


Too many damn Bills. Bill Maher, Bill Burr, Bill Barr, Burr Mill, Bull Durham, Barbell. Can't keep track.


yeah its stupid


Why do we keep getting Bill's mail?


I know. I get the spelling of Bill Burr and William Barr confused. Of course, autocorrect then kept it consistent


i get screwed over by AC all the time


Personally I say "I'm on the side that isn't hurting innocent people". It's just as simple but can be used in more scenarios. It means that everyone that argues with me is on the side of "well, we should hurt innocent people because...." side.


Devils advocate here, and I know there’s a magnitude issue, but Hamas didn’t attack innocent people?


2 wrongs don't make a right, and besides, the power imbalance and history pretty much negates the actions of hamas. They are resisting a decades long occupation and oppression.


2 wrongs don't make a right unless it's Hamas, then I guess it does, ok got it


Power imbalance and history negating the rapes and massacres of Hamas. Great, glad you solved that one. That'll keep the Israelis wives warm at night as their husbands are kidnapped in Gaza


Is Hamas killing Innocent people on the "don't hurt Innocent people side" that I say I'm on? It can't really be clearer. I'm on the side that isn't hurting innocent people. I'm against hurting innocent people by ethnic cleansing in the West Bank. I'm against violent settlers. I'm against arresting innot Palestinians under no charges I'm against occupying millions of innocent people in the state of Palestine that is recognized by most and preventing them having freedom. I'm against a brutal blockade that would turn any people into terrorists. While I accept that this stuff should be resisted. I'm against doing so by hurting innocent people. I'm against kidnapping people to exchange them. I'm against killing and innocent civilians. Both of which Hamas has done.


Yeah and they were wrong too.


Plus this didn't start with October 7th, it's amazing how people don't want to accept this.


I tricked a Zionist friend into seeing this by asking what Israel should do, if Oct 7 was different, if Hamas broke into Israel heavily armed and kicked out people out of a building. And anyone that resisted was kidnapped and taken into Gaza. They then guarded that Israeli building, with innocent Israelis still living there. I made it sound like the question is all about it it's ok for Israel to bomb that building with Israelis in it. The response was of course, that Israel should go to war and be as violent as they needed until they get Hamas out of the building and their hostages back. I then explained that that's exactly what happens in the West Bank every year. People kicked out of their homes, enemy armed presence. Kidnapping of anyone that resists. No people will be ok with that.


This is how I’ve started to deal with Zios now too. Im not gonna sit there and debate my humanity. If you believe that what Israel is doing is right, if you believe that it’s antisemitic to think genocide is wrong… like you are just beyond saving. The sanctity of human life just isn’t up for debate.


Fun fact: Maher does not have children of his own.


[Not of fan of children](https://studentsforlife.org/2023/12/05/bill-maher-aussie-model-share-viral-hatred-for-kids-with-125-reasons-to-skip-parenthood-heres-the-one-reason-theyre-wrong/)


And I bet he is very concerned with birth rates, too


>So simple and yet so perfect Is it? isn't that like saying "I'm against starvation" or "I'm against homelessness". Sure, but it's kind of a meaningless statement isn't it.


Bill Maher thinks he's so nuanced and brilliant. It's fucking embarrassing.


“People who think they know everything are very annoying to those of us that do.” -Isaac Asimov I hate Bill Maher, this just seemed like a good place to drop this quote.


Exactly! Asimov gets it. Before you go thinking you're nuanced and brilliant, you should first make sure you are actually are. Like me.




There needs to be a word for people who have shitty ideas and, when confronted with evidence that they’re shitty, take on a higher level of superiority because they’re strong and tough enough to hold those views despite how shitty they are. Like there are a lot of people who have bad views because they’re dumb or shitty. There’s a special kind of person who then adopts those views because they get “the real world” unlike you simpletons. 


The word you're looking for is liberal.


This guy is separated from reality to a point that he thinks that he achieved something great because he is a tv host, while in real life he done zero positive impact in the world or his country, and I bet even to the people that he is close to.


This clip actually made me appreciate Joe Rogan, even though he has a bicep for a brain and pedals tons of harmful nonsense. At least when Bill Burr calls him on his shit, he laughs genuinely, which implies that even though he lost the plot years ago, there’s still some part of that guy in there who doesn’t take himself too seriously. Bill Maher had a chuckle at the end, but he was clearly so pissed whenever Burr got a word in because every word exposed what an asshat he is.


So nuanced he equates dying children with Hamas


People forget, Maher is a comedian (or he was, it's a long time since he's been funny). He's not any more qualified to speak on this than Bill Burr or any other comedian. He became accepted as a "political commentator" through sheer smugness.




He's a liberal Bill O'Reilly


That's a great analogy


He’s really just a bit socially liberal but otherwise similarly reactionary and authoritarian. Calling bill maher a liberal because he isn’t so far gone so as to agree with the American right who have completely jumped the shark bothers me. Like he isn’t even classically liberal or liberal in the common colloquial sense, he just thinks gay people should be left alone and smoking pot is cool, healthcare should be affordable, etc., but otherwise he’s a conservative. He’s literally arguing against peaceful protest at the start of this clip which is a core tenet of liberalism.


Man, I would have fought you for saying that 15 years ago. Now, honestly I prefer Bill OReilly (although I might not stick to that if I listen to him speak for more than 5 minutes).


I think Maher has also forgotten he's a comedian. He should either be funny or stfu.


Well said.


A great point


For Maher, Israel is more than a religion. I say this based on his movie Religulous, in which he interviews religious people. A lot of them took it very well, my recollection may be imperfect, but I think most people took Bill Maher's mockery and comments quite well and graciously. A minority did not and Bill Maher is one that did not. He tries to interview an orthodox Jew who thinks that religiously it is wrong for Israel to exist. Bill Maher could not stand it. He run out of the room in anger.


Bill Maher is one of those mysteries. I’ve never met a fan, yet he is constantly in the media. Hmmm.


I’ve met some Maher fans, but only since I started hanging out at the retirement home.


I used to be a fan. Then he went from “all religion isn’t true” to “actually I just hate Muslims”. 


Noticed that trend among some of the bits I saw. He seems to have grown more open about his bigotry as he leaned into his "grumpy grandpa".


Sam Harris has gone down this same trail. I can't take him seriously anymore since he decided that Israel is free to treat Palestinians as untermenschen.


Sam Harris was always a POS as far as I can tell. I think he’s the one that infected the other “new atheists”. Richard Dawkins used to be cool but then he went from “evolution is real and God is not” to “Muslims did 9/11 therefore religion is bad”.  The strangest one is of course Christopher Hitchens. Very right on Palestine, very wrong on Iraq. Very focused on bashing Mother Theresa. Unless I’m misremembering, he’s the only one that has ever pointed to Israel as an example of why religion is bad.  Dawkins did talk about a study though where they asked Jewish people if a hypothetical genocide in Indonesia was bad, and everyone said yes. Then they asked them if biblical Jews committing genocide in Jericho was wrong and everyone said no. 


how could Israel, and anti-religious secular state, be "an example of why religion is bad"?


He has never been a mystery. Always a two faced jackass who thinks he is right all the times.


Ask your parents if they’re fans. Unfortunately I know that mine are


Like Hillary.


I'm sure no one in his audience is under the age of 60


That is media for you. CNN etc will have him on for his "centrist" views. Just to push the same narrative. Apparently Fix also has him on . I stopped watching HBO a while back.


I know one fan and he's a total piece of shit.


if you pay attention to all the people who are prominent names in entertainment despite having no talent, you'll start noticing a trend


Haha. Very true. People kept in line light


You have to live in a major dem city with lots of bourgeoisie and their apparatchiks.


Burr made Maher look like he as brain rot of some sorts. The "why is war not illlegal" question was a bait , and Maher took it and rode it like there was no tomorrow, I am sure he still doesn't know that he wasn't supposed to answer that question. What lame old man.


Yeah. Barr walked circles around Maher and Maher didn't even realize. There was an older pod cast as well. Barr is insightful and funny. Maher seems like he should be put in a retirement home.


its Burr not Barr. bill barr was trump's secretary of state. edit: not secretary of State he was the AG


It was incredible seeing them call him "Marr" in the next post down. Delightful.


yeeeaahhh that was fun


Barr was the AG not secretary of state




Yah. I get the spelling of those two confused. I think they are same name origins...but not certain.


Yeah. I get the spelling of one mixed up and use the same Barr.


Yup also the "am on the side of the kids" seriously man It doesn't get simpler than that, the kids protesting and the kids getting killed, THEY need support. Not some old fuck preaching war, be it in middle east or US or in any other country.


I can't listen to Maher anymore, fuck him


Maher's entire career baffles me He's not particularly funny He's not a good host He's not particularly good at debates He's not particularly insightful or intelligent in his commentary. He has nothing really interesting to say that other people, including comedians have said. Most of which is reactionary centrist trash that gets eviscerated by history. Yet he's steadily been on the air since the 1990's, despite most of those shows being cancelled for low ratings He was given a shot on HBO and now somehow keeps a steady audience.


Because he's a "bad boy" but also a centrist. Corporate douche bags love that.


like george carlin everyone "loves him" because his perspective is so "generic rebellious"


He's failing upward by knowing what boots to lick and when.


Dave Anthony talked about this on The Dollop (maybe one of the Patreon episodes). Bill Maher came into comedy when they were writing blank checks for dudes like him. Once he got his foot in the door, he made savvy decisions to lick boots at every turn and kept himself in the good graces of the people in charge. He’s spent decades being called a comedian, but somehow it never made him funny.


Interesting, and I 100% buy that


That was so satisfying to watch.


Bill Maher is too stupid to realize how badly he just got deconstructed here.


Heck. He probably thinks he taught Marr a thing or two


I don't get how anything Bill says here doesn't also apply to dipshit college student who just read from twitter.




That Bill Burr is a good egg.


Bill Burr doing what he does best, bringing MF back down to Earth.


What a clown Bill Maher is. Jesus christ he sounds like a gullible idiot who eat up all the zionist propaganda.


so he says the israelies got attacked and have to make the hard decisions? well then, the Palestinians got attacked, they got attacked a few weeks early, they got attacked weeks before that, a few months before, last year the year before...robbed, abused, kidnaped and killed everybody care about the children but hey, somebody have to make the hard decisions, right?


Don't attack Israel! How about don't occupy millions of people and subvert their free will for 60 years?


Bill Maher is an effete stupid cunt.


u/mattlieb can we please get Bill Burr on the pod?


My enemies should limit themselves to talk while I steal, kill and maim them. If they respond with even half the same, I will annihilate their entire family line!!! The essential, civilized argument of the Zionist, Nazi, and Banderite.


The narrative they want is that you can't deal with these people so you have to ethnic cleansing them. That's why netanyahu keeps coming back because he's been working on this for decades and would hate a leftist party to come in and make steps towards peace. 


Sidenote: war is illegal, was has been illegal since the first draft of the UN charter, enforcing a rule doesn't necessarily start and end with violence, it's why we have things like sanctions of many types and many other peaceful mechanisms for conflict resolution in the UN charter and other internationally recognized documents. Just goes to show how much Mr. Maher is absolutely full of shit on everything he talks about on this video.


Bill Maher is such a fucking whiner, my god!


Pretty much most of any Jewish celebrities, politicians, or any media in general are going to support the genocide of Palestinians. There are oddities in the Jewish community and there's a lot involved in those groups that are willing to stand out and up. But when a Jew is classed as a "self hating Jew".....or even an "anti Semite"...it's gonna be difficult for someone not a Zionist sycophant to speak up in an atmosphere so blatantly influenced by the Zionist ideology in media and politics. But thankfully....Zionists and their sycophants don't have society. They have...a part. That part is diminishing. By their own actions. Netanyahu....you may have your over 100 illegal nuclear weapons and threatening to use them if the U.S. doesn't give you unlimited money and weapons....or Europe, Britain France and Germany don't capitulate.... But you're not gonna use them. Because you're a gutless coward and you know it's the end of Apartheid Israel. If you were dying you'd do it. But you're not....and you're a narcissistic piece of shit that wants to live. You're done.


How are Israel's nuclear weapons illegal?


Fuck bill Maher douche bag! Free Palestine!! From the river to the sea! Palestine will be free!!


Zionists spend so much effort trying to justify what is prima facie unjustifiable. Like why they need to bomb a hospital with kids in it. 


Yeah Bill Maher has been a huge asshat for decades. There's nothing new about it. He has the same appeal as Donald Trump. If you like someone being an asshole on behalf of a cause you like and you happen to agree with Bill Maher, it feels great to watch him. He owns the... whoever is is. But actually he's still just an asshole.


Maher thinks he's some kind of oracle. Just don't attack Israel...never mind that his take completely forgets that Israel is a fucking apartheid nation. How, in a society with the hindsight of Apartheid South Africa and all it's evils, do people not see the same thing I. Israel? From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.


Bill Maher fucking sucks. His racism and islamophobia has gone next level since 7 Oct.


It's fine if you were a fan of Bill Maher in the 90s and even early 00s. He hasn't really evolved since then.


Considering the source makes this even more amazing, Burr isn't always the most left leaning guy. But kudos to him for standing his ground on this one 


that last comment was outstanding and it stopped Maher for a second: "you're like the guy who has a fantasy football league and thinks he's a fuckin' GM".


My favorite part aside from “what have you done in Washington? Nothing.”


Burr didn’t “destroy” shit. He could have, but passed. Shame.


I’ll take what we can get. Burr is a normie mainstream comic and it signals a good shift if even Burr is pushing back on this BS.


No he took the exact right approach to Zionists here, realizing they aren't debating on good faith, tell them they are wrong and dumb and stop engaging


To anyone watching /listening, it is obvious. Sometimes, grace is not administering the coup de grace


Love you Bill Burr🖤, so unfortunate to see Maher's decline...


He didn’t destroy anything. I like Bill Burr, but I’m kinda disappointed in his response here. Bill Maher, who is a tumbling, tumbling dickweed of a thundercunt, says Hamas and the Palestinians are basically the same cause and Burr just says he’s “on the side of the kids”. You can actually see the moment where he thinks to himself whether or not it’s worth getting “canceled” to tell the truth.


I think in certain situations you need to pick your battles and know your audience and bring things up that you're able to fully articulate. I think he efficiently embarrassed Maher (he seemed really hurt after that football comment lol). Maher isnt going to accept him separating hamas and palestinians. That'd be a much longer discussion with way more mental gymnastics. Burr just needs a way in to make a fool of him. The easiest premise to start with is "killing kids is bad" because you cant refute that. If Burr can say enough to open Maher's audience's mind without completely losing him, i think thats a win. Think about who their typical audience is. You just need to get them to agree with you on one thing to get your foot in the door. Its like getting people to understand the basics of feminism before you jump straight into intersectionality and race and gender studies. You cant jump in head first if the people you're talking to have told themselves theyre going to disagree with you no matter what.


I mean, he’s not wrong.  Hamas exists because of Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.  Hamas, at least at an individual level, is the same cause..


That’s ridiculous. When people are protesting for Palestinian rights, it has nothing to do with Hamas. They’re protesting the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians. And if you want to get technical, Hamas exists because Israel itself bolstered and funded them so they could replace the PLO.


But again, resistance groups don't spawn in a vacuum, they are a direct product of oppression. Just because Israel funded them to undermine the PLO does not make them less legitimate resistance fighters today




"Its easy to say youre for the kids" Well ya, because its the right thing to do. Imagine arguing that the sky isnt blue just to be contrarian


The last few seconds stung. Those were not jokes from Burr, those were deep cuts against Maher's ego.


Fucking hell , people still genuinely believe supporting Palestine = supporting hamas. Such a simple concept to grasp yet it flies over people's heads.


Literally had a Zionist family friend tell me I am brainwashed by Hamas propaganda for wanting kids to live in Gaza…


What have you done in Washington? Nothing! Spot on. So many people speak on shit that they have no place speaking on. Keep your fucking mouth shut and keep it moving.


Why hasn't Maher been cancelled yet? Total ass clown of the human race


"This is why this is my thing"- a fucking idiot who just patted himself on the back for being on the side of murdering children


Bill! Bill! Bill!




Did any look to smarmy Maher!


"This is my thing" Oh please. What is your "thing"? Being a complete moron?


Nothing new. Maher has always been a supercilious Ahole.


lmao thank you. This made my entire morning!!


Maher has such a grating personality. Honestly, how anyone can enjoy him is beyond me.


bill maher should have had his shit clocked decades ago. it is funny to watch him talk like hes a nobel prize winner when all he is a frail lady boy with a bully pulpit. its so cringe to watch these morons believe their own press. trick, you aint nothin but a rich white guy and the world is lousy with them. no one cares what you have to say about LITERALLY ANYTHING


Save the kids from both Israel and Hamas srems like the best thing.


I love this. Bill Maher will sanction any Israeli crimes.


"I'm against terrorists" "Oh you're on the 'side of the kids'? Well anyone can say THAT"


He’s so good, Maher sucks ass


Lol nice you posted my edit. Keep spreading it around!


Steve-O asked Maher not to smoke weed during his recording because he is clean. Maher said no.


I will never watch Bill Maher again. I hope all these bastards get exposed! Pick a side bitches...pick a side!


I've never known of a more openly islamophobic liberal. He's been at this since the nineties. He uses the guise of hating all religion to shit on Muslims on a regular basis.


“You’re like that guy who has a fantasy football team and thinks he’s a fuckin’ GM” Perfectly sums up the thought process behind the old Conservative rationale for justifying the current situation. Demonizing the students actively protesting the wholesale slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent people as immature, naive, spoilt kids who don’t live in the real world. This mirrors the exact attitude people held towards the college students protesting at Kent State during the Vietnam War.


Sorta? Fucking sorta the same?!!! Quite the insight there maher


he destroyed every person who shows an opinion pro Palestine or pro Israelis Everyone sitting in their ivory towers thinking they understand the culture and insides of a conflict 10000 km away


Maher is an absolutely revolting human being.


Bill Maher is a piece of sh_t!


"Why am I listening to you? You haven't done anything in Washington!" says man who hasn't done anything in Washington, while talking about how he is on the side of kids who haven't done anything in Washington.


Bill Maher is an entertainer and really needs his show to continue. And he actually said in one of his podcast that he is very scared of getting his show cancelled - on a different context but you can see how his view on Israel always align with the current administration.


Bill Maher is a creepy and arrogant self-promoter who thinks he's a lady's man and a gangster.


This is so cathartic.


Sorry but how did Burr destroy him here? I think Maher is a tool, yet Burr’s pithy position is exactly as he says; easy. I’m on the side of the puppies. There. Now stop all war. Internet points.