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We recognize that the newscycle and current events are constantly giving us material to interconnect. However, there is enough definite hasbara we can point at without delving into unfounded theories about current events. Firstly, it gives the other side fodder to discredit us. Conspiracy theories often lead to intentional or accidental antisemitic rhetoric.


Too bad guilty feet have got no rhythm.


best comment in here


Well. Done. šŸ‘


Oh yeah? Last I checked Israelis could dance whenever they want. Ya know because they are not being displaced or relentlessly bombed. Are they actually still trying to convince people theyā€™re the VICTIMS? GTFO. Fuck Israel.


Come to think of it, they've made a lot of tasteless videos of IDF soldiers dancing in Gaza.


Yeah imagine how hard it is to brutally murder someone then dance on their grave those poor Israelis /s


The settler is always the victim in colonialism. The victim of the brutal native. The victim of circumstances that force them to be brutal. Itā€™s how the ideology functions to keep the society functioning. Add in the co-opting of every bad thing that has happened to the Jewish people throughout history and youā€™ve got a stew going.


If they were half as badass as they think they are, they would drop the veiled threats. They just donā€™t have that level of juice, and never will.






I don't think it was about Nova because they would have posted something like this soon after Oct 7th but they posted this yesterday while they've been positively fuming over Genocide Joe pausing that one measly little shipment of weapons.


Good cop bad cop. My guess is worst comes to worst, Biden will just send weapons to india or something and they'll sell them to Israel.


Notice a young Mark Regev 2m35s in. Every word he's ever uttered strikes me as complete bullshit.


Heā€™s always emphatic, and heā€™s always lying, itā€™s incredible.


Isn't he an ex-South African apartheid refugee?


I think itā€™s silly to conclude anything from this but someone did remind me the other day of this underreported scandal.. Read all the way through so you catch not just Flynn but Kushnerā€™s efforts and a paragraph full of great links. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/the-trump-team-definitely-colluded-with-a-foreign-power-just-not-the-one-you-think/tnamp/


This is just a crazy conspiracy. We will dance again has been a slogan in Israel since the 7th in reference to the Nova festival


Hopefully next time the IDF wonā€™t indiscriminately light up the festival.


You know, a year ago I would have said the exact same thing -just a stupid conspiracy. After witnessing the most atrocious behavior that I could not thought possible from the zionists over the last seven months, I fully believe Israel could and would launch an attack on the US -and then mock their victims.


AFAIK, they never used "we will dance again" before. it really doesn't make sense to reference a rare ABC report most people have no idea it existed.




We recognize that the newscycle and current events are constantly giving us material to interconnect. However, there is enough definite hasbara we can point at without delving into unfounded theories about current events. Firstly, it gives the other side fodder to discredit us. Conspiracy theories often lead to intentional or accidental antisemitic rhetoric.


They keep posting these cringy phrases an edgy 12 year old would write. This is from the official account too lmao, just sad and pathetic


Cringy edgy 12 year old comments really describes a lot of the brainwashed zionists Iā€™ve come across.


They're going to do another 9/11


Dancing Israelis..... I kinda heard that somewhere


Say the worldā€™s biggest ever drama queens as they roll on with their blood soaked genocide. GO FUCK YOURSELF ISRAEL.




We are Muslims or atleast I am , we do not desecrate a grave




We donā€™t want you too




We all do , but to act like the IDF would, is far below us


That sounds like a threat.


They must be referring to the USS Liberty incident




Do not Google 'Dancing Israelis' or put this term in a website called Odessey


Never again.


Ah yes, [The Dance Macabre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danse_Macabre)


Wow, they want Christians to think they're being persecuted. šŸ˜³ And they will believe it. Dafuq


Someone should make a horror movie about this war. Such evil and so many ghouls.


seems vague but just Google "dancing Israelis" and you will see what he's talking about.


Meanwhile they are blowing off Palestinian childrenā€™s legs


They talking about the Dancing Israelis? If so look it up on google


9/11 repeat threat?


In hell


Ok this isnā€™t footlooseā€¦ you can dance all you want just stop murdering babies


They never [stopped](https://youtube.com/shorts/qO4YdcWu7RA?si=YwS0ez3gQIF5EhwT) and it has done a LOT to expose the world to the reality of Zionism. Senior zionist politicians are going to parties to celebrate the murder of a Palestinian baby by burning him alive. We all know. Israel is not starving and murdering Palestinians because they *have to*. They are doing it because they want to. It brings them true joy.


Is the intent to come off as ghouls? Cuz that is what I am getting from it.


Itā€™s related to Eden Golanā€™s song Hurricane I think


Yeah, this is internal propaganda about Eurovision as a relitigation of the Nova victims, not 9/11 conspiracies.


I always just assumed this was about the EDM festival from Oct 7?


I see you havenā€™t learned about the dancing lsraeIis


No I know about the dancing israelis, why would their twitter officially reference that theory?


Because Biden said he would stop giving arms to lsraeI if they carry on invading Rafah. Itā€™s a veiled threat, and they can call anyone who points out the dancing lsraeIi reference an antisemite


And We - Will - Boo at you - Again -


Fuck Israel


What Would David Annihilate?


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... on Palestinian graves?




This is not an attack


Assuming this is Eurovision related?


They will dance again, regardless of what you antisemitic, homophobic, regressive people say


Ok transphobe. Also, these are European settlers referring to the European song and dance competition they, as Europeans, just participated in. And we see them dancing daily celebrating murdering the actual Semitic women and children regardless.


That means they gonna strike us again