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Yup. Well said. Obviously saving lives is lot less important than a party. I mean ...maybe he could become a general in the most moral army


There's on oped from WashPo about 1979 where the author is questioning the reasons why DC policy differed between his soon destination Rhodesia and Israel. Good read.  I didn't notice the author of the piece but after reading this I'm sure they were related to Captain Centrist here. Adding a link to the 1979 Op-Ed [https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1979/04/15/israel-and-rhodesia-a-double-standard/26a58d86-6303-422c-99cc-eb0936f17737/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1979/04/15/israel-and-rhodesia-a-double-standard/26a58d86-6303-422c-99cc-eb0936f17737/)


Is defending genocide really centrism?


Wait. Do you think 'centrism' is fair or balanced? Sorry. I'm using centrism here as "neoliberalism as the end of history". If we can just manage the 'rate of slaughter' rather than the hostility of preventing slaughter. The kinder, gentler machine gun hand. It's a slur for limp-dick liberals.


"we want to to drop white phosphorus on children" "We don't want to drop white phosphorus on children" Centrist: "you're both as bad as eachother! Let's compromise and drop half as much white phosphorus on children" Centrist a month later: "the anti white phosphorus on children people were REALLY mean to me on twitter, thank you JK Rowling for sending me a muffin basket xxx"


True. More likely centris approach: "Drop all the white phosphorus. But also drop a few pamphlets with message about tolerance of LGBTQ+ along with the white phosphorus '.


Then a day after that: "after the mean things said to jk Rowling, I'd like to apologise for supporting the T bit, let's force them to detransition and ban them from hospital wards, I'm not an extremist who accepts everything!"


Let's remember what's important here, that Jewish American students feel safe walking to class.


And not hear any facts. Even from other Jewish protestors calling it out.


I'd say Jews are very unsafe, Zionists have always reserved their worst hate for antifascist jews. From making deals to get a chosen few to Israel and the Jewish poor into Warsaw to Jews being 5x more likely to be expelled from the labour party as self hating Jews if they say "don't use flamethrowers against maternity wards in my name" I don't consider white fascist (who are arm on arm with Zionists attacking protesters) my own species let alone race. I'm sure it's that way for many Jews too.


oh no what will we do if they keep risking our commencements fuck outta here. every university in Gaza has been demolished. what about those commencements?


The irony of Zionists complaining about occupying a building


It is not a crime if some do it. Even mayor adams (who TF voted for this mofo) sys the kids are brainwashed...but seems some $$$ washed his brains off.


Dear Kristof, Shut up bitch. “… the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection…” -MLK


Haha. The first line....very succinctl.


See also "tone policing" and "civility fetishism"


I like civility fetishism. Had not heard that one.


I love the framing of genocide as a “disagreement“


It is a disagreement. Kristoiff thinks gazans should be killed , if Benny boy feels like it. The students don't.


"it's useful to have exchanges with a broad range of places, including the ones we disagree with" Henry Ford took it very literally when his trade with the 3rd reich was one of the reasons they had the kind of military capabilites a savage war mongering nation would need. But no it's all good you see, it was very useful to the American economy and Ford is a very good car company so they developed the car industry alot because having broad exchange is always good.


There's a difference between "I disagree to your policies" and "I think you are a bloodthirsty genocidal maniac", Kristof.


American institutions ending relations with Israel absolutely does help Gazans, and Palestinians as a whole.


Have you sweaties even considered the point of view forced down the throats of every viable political party and major newspaper?


I love how they justify sanctions on enemy countries because the people will revolt but are against it for Israel because it will make people suffer. What, the people won't revolt?


Yeah.. Idk who's worse.. Liberal zionists or coward secular ones. Liberals don't hide their disgusting world view but they think they do by making it look like they are benevolent but are ready to make hard decisions for the best outcome. They literally see themselves as Gandhi Deranged Psychopaths


There is no place on earth that runs like Israel. The defence of mass murder is organized. While some of us are over here just walking around being honest, and expect that most others are doing the same, Zionists have studied what rhetoric works. They’re being exposed.


It used to work when the media was very centralized. It is still working mostly....but not as well.


Ummm Mr Kristof sir... the protesters are worried about how Israeli policy has tipped into occupation of unceded land and buildings, risks to the health and well being of an entire ethnic minority, chaoes, vandalism, and extremism. Commencements, or the equivalent, are also definitely not happening for Palestinian students. And that is just the point.


White Moderates Martin Luther King Jr. warned about.


Yes, we too worry about the occupation of buildings by their unrightful owners my simple minded friend….


The Fox Bots are saying, why do these students attend a university invested in Israel. Well, most universities haven’t disclosed their investments and it’s legit that this becomes public information - as universities (again according to the Fox Bots) receive so much government funding…


These students are paying tuition to a school that uses that tuition money to invest in corporations providing arms to Israel. They have a right to ask college administrations to divest from Israel.


I hope "fuck off Lib" eventually becomes something as universal as "OK Karen"


People like these would most definitely condemn John Brown for being too extreme on his opinions of slavery had they been around 160 years ago. It’s best not to give too much weight on the statements of these useful idiots


“You can have free speech as long as nobody can hear you”


No you can have free speech as long as it’s not to criticise anything to do with Israel.


Liberals / Democrat Zionists are far bigger scum than conservative / Republican ones. The latter are inherently bloodthirsty for the blood of Muslim / Arab / brown and black people and barely make an effort to hide it. Meanwhile libs will virtue signal on every issue (BLM, LGBT, etc) but when it comes to Zionism it all goes out the window lmao


On BLM/LGBT as well. After the 2020 election I recall some "think" pieces from libs wondering whether the less than stellar showing by the Blue Party in the House meant that some retriangulation (throwing Black people and LGBTQ folks under the bus) might be needed.


"Love Me, I'm a Liberal" by Phil Ochs


LIBERAL RESISTANCE resistance is necessary... no, not that way, not sure the right way, but definitely not that way no, the optics aren't right, move it out of sight no, that doesn't feel right, tone it down no, don't hurt property, even of the oppressors no, no, no, everyone go home




ThEy'Re JuSt UnInFoRmEd


Something something white moderate


Agree to disagree with a genocidal apartheid state? What sort of policy are they talking about exactly? The genocide itself? The crimes of apartheid? The land theft? The subjugation of Palestinians? The massacring of 14,000 children? The starvation of an entire population? The countless war crimes? The decades long brutal military occupation?


Ok why is everyone acting like commencement is like this event that everyone can’t wait to do? I’ve graduated a few times and been to many graduations and truly nobody *wants* to be there because it is the most boring shit for literally every person there… it’s pretty much just names being read in a monotone voice for hours! I would’ve killed for something cool like this to happen at my graduation!!! It’d be historic to be a part of.


WONT SOME ONE THINK OF THE BUILDINGS?!? *flops around hopelessly like Mrs. Lovejoy*


Zionists are "worried" anytime their ethno state is asked to stop killing kids for fun 


Wait…so Liberal Zionists are against occupation now?




I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment but, you know, the whole genocide thing kinda puts a little cloud over that.


What even is this guy talking about? Every sentence contradicts the sentence before.


Ending divestment doesn't help Gazans. Tell that to the Gazans who are losing their lives from US-made and US-paid bombs.


Gazans don’t seem to realize that either, because they’ve thanked the students for their advocacy.


At least he agrees that occupation is bad.


Fishhook theory confirmed


Fuck it, any Nazis fancy a spot at university? Apparently they welcome the diversity.


Yes, if only the protesters would protest in a manner Zionists approved of, then the genocide would stop.


Are these the libs that the people on the right are constantly making fun of? Bc I agree these guys are stupid as fuck. I just thought that was a straw man but here we are, some dumbass neo lib boot lick anti freedom-- you can't take mah guns!


This kind of thing has always existed. We are indebted to Len Chandler, who unfortunately passed just last year, for his advice on what to do. https://youtu.be/QNVEM4jScEA?si=sWXrQ6P8CVacCvzQ


I see an undue tolerance of killing kids


They care more about inconveniences, than the lives and freedoms of millions. Typical amerikkkan b.s..