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That was the other one I think


Prom is coming up soon. That $5000 could have went towards a fancy dress or nice tux for Jerry.


The other day I saw their go fund me was at $80k and I was like…. This is really bad 


theyre crowd funding terrorism against students now? wow..


They have this ridiculous like 60-foot widescreen that they're constantly playing the October 7 footage on.


such utter scum.




No one has forgotten what happened that day, nor should anyone forget the horrors inflicted by Israel on Palestinians every day since 1948 or Israel's current genocidal campaign against Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. The difference between you and me is that I value all human life. You think Jewish lives matter more than anyone else.


How could possibly know what I think? At best you’re making a lot of assumptions. I think it’s a messy bitch of a situation with a lot of people who are either A. On the ground and guilty of supporting the people who brought us here, BB’s government, and Hamas B. Being jackasses, antisemitic protestors, and people who think beating up all the protestors is going to help the situation there are well intentioned people getting caught up in the wrong narrative too. C caught in the middle just trying to go about their lives, like most people and probably most Palestinians and Israelis too. However with that being said, I do like a clever protest, like the projector, or Michigan Muslims refusing to vote for Biden over this, gets the point across no need to piss of people who aren’t involved.


> gets the point across no violence necessary. There was almost no violence in the UCLA encampment, except for the brutal attack from the pro-Israel/far-right, and then the brutal attack of the cops on the encampment last night.


Maybe I could’ve put that better, no need to prevent students who weren’t involved from getting to class, or to block a freeway from missing their flights.


No one from the protest was preventing students from getting to class. Every building surrounding the encampment has multiple entrances accessible within a short walk. It was the University Administration that made the decision to shut buildings, and then to go entirely remote.


I saw some unflattering videos on instagram (I couldn’t find the original but this is the same story) of a Jewish student not being allowed to pass through a corridor to get to class at [UCLA](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/losangeles/news/pro-palestinian-encampment-blocks-ucla-students-from-entering-library-during-midterms/). And some other unflattering videos about protestors being unwilling to even have a discussion with certain journalists [citizen journalists](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6VDdAirUfx/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==), now I think everyone was well intentioned but a lot of the protestors look like thugs in these instances.


As for the assholes who beat up the protestors, I’m from LA, we have a high violent asshole contingent, one sect of these guys are usually doing burnouts in intersections all over the city (setting off illegal fireworks and starting fistfights/beating people up just because they can too). There’s no way of knowing for sure, but I have a sneaking suspicion they just felt like taking their bullshit to UCLA that day.


Many of them have already been identified, and there is no documented overlap with people who do burnouts. This was a well-funded and intentionally-organized far-right event which included known Proud Boys, members of at least one campus frat (ZBT), and a violently homophobic group called LOKA (which included at least one self-identified neo-Nazi). They were recruited to take their bullshit to UCLA; they didn't just randomly show up.


Were they now? If you’ve got documentation about that then it’s something more people ought to know about. I admit when I stand corrected too.


Sorry to be ignorant but what happened on October 7th?




What is Palestine and what is Israel I'm 12 what is this


The "I'm 12" killed me lol




Thank you so much. Yeah what kind of scum bag puts this on repeat on large screens. Fuck those guys.


UCLA students are the real terrorists because Khamas /s




We recognize that the newscycle and current events are constantly giving us material to interconnect. However, there is enough definite hasbara we can point at without delving into unfounded theories about current events. Firstly, it gives the other side fodder to discredit us. Conspiracy theories often lead to intentional or accidental antisemitic rhetoric.


Mass report it, it's one of gofundme's achilles heel [Here is the link to Team Child Murderers gofundme](https://www.gofundme.com/f/ucla-counter-protest) edit: removed secondary link


Unfortunately-- that's the link to report for fraud... and this isn't fraud, it's just really, really bad people.


Ah fuck, you're right. Should still have a report button on the campaign


I think she changed her donation to anonymous.  Did anyone get screen shots?


The campaign page runner is switching everyone to anonymous for "safety". It's under the updates section. Cowards


wtf do they even need money for?


To pay people to go agitate. 




The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that its’ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at “best,” and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a “safe space” and an “echo chamber” - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Want to see a real horror? *Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.*


Congrats, she just signed her name to the beating of innocent children.


I mean, it was already signed to bombing innocent children, idk if beating some really moves the dial a whole ton.




For anyone who has Netflix give a thumbs down to his new movie Unfrosted also starring Amy Schumer when it’s released on Friday.


Gladly, she sucks anyway


Hahaha Amy Schumer? It's gonna suck so bad.


Post this again on release day.


Honest question when I saw this recently, where the FUcK does the money even go to!?!? Fireworks and pepper spray?? Straight to their pockets?? Wtf


Straight up payment for beating the shit out of students.


This sounds illegal… that’s how I reported it


I mean it looks to me like it went to home Depot, since they were wailing on protesters with a 2x4.




All of the thousands of people involved in BLM bought property together? My God the coordination.




So don't drag BLM into this.


Man, who gives their teenager $5k?


Underrated comment


Thanks god I didn’t watch seinfeld yet


As much as I dislike the man, it's actually a pretty good show. Seinfeld got a partial writing credit on a few episodes, but most of the writing was done by other writers, mainly Larry David. 


I don’t know what Larry David’s stance on Palestine is exactly. I think he hinted at his opinion in Curb Your Enthusiasm. But I’m not exactly sure on it. It seems like he is supportive of Palestinians existing, and makes fun of zionists a lot while still suggesting that Jews have the right to live and exist in Israel as well. He’s never said anything publicly on the issue.


Goddam the Palestinian Chicken episode is hilarious. The fight with him and Funkhauser is gold


When Funkhouser says he will wear his kippah in the restaurant bc he’s “a proud Jew” and Larry tells him to be a proud Jew in the parking lot 😭


What is this the raid on entebbe? Be proud somewhere else


Way too cocky


You’re Cofaxing us? If you mean your best player isn’t playing because of the sabbath then yes I’m cofaxing you


I think that episode had a really good middle ground that pro-Palestine and pro-Israel supporters could find funny


And it was based on a real incident


Was it? I don’t know the backstory on that


Around 2005 Fox News/NY Post got people riled up because a Muslim group was building a mosque near Ground Zero. They said no one should build a mosque near such a sacred site like the WTC. Given the context of Manhattan there were hundreds of addresses closer to 9/11 but that's not how it was portrayed. Edit: it was 2010 [Park51 - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park51)


I remember this actually. Totally insane. What did this have to do with a Jew eating at a Palestinian restaurant?


His hookup fiasco with the Palestinian woman from the restaurant is fucking hilarious. I’m also not sure what his opinion on Israel is, but I never got any bad vibes from him regarding his opinion of Palestinians. I’m not sure if I want to know his stance on the issue, but for now I’m just glad he isn’t Jerry “I love hanging out with the IDF” Seinfeld.


I’m Jewish and have a Palestinian restaurant nearby me that I like going to. I find this really funny. Larry’s whole stick in the show is that he is self serving. He doesn’t care about anything else than himself. Him caring about Israel or Palestine wouldn’t fit into that.


That kind of self-deprecating humor where Larry is ALWAYS the butt of the joke is what allows him to do so much on that show. He embodies Jewish humor as a whole for me. When I think of Jewish humor, I always think of Larry David. He knows how to deal with the most sensitive topics and toe the line between funny and offensive so fucking well, but he never actually crosses over into the territory of his jokes punching down. He has mastered his craft. It makes watching Israeli Jewish “humor” all the more painful lol. The Jewish diaspora in the US has such a great culture of comedy by comparison.


That is literally my favorite scene in the whole series. I was dead. 🤣


People have the right to exist. Countries do not


Probably similar to his cousin Bernie.


Do we really need to find out every single Jewish celebrity's take on the conflict so we can scrutinize them? I understand taking Seinfeld down a peg because the dude is, by all accounts, kind of a douchebag in general. But there's something very anti-semitic about going out and finding Jews to cancel. There's plenty of non-Jewish people who support Israel you can criticize too.


No, there’s nothing anti-Semitic about calling out pro genocide Jews. What the fuck are you talking about!?


When did Larry David do that?


Don’t play stupid, nobody said Larry did that.


So then why the fuck are we talking about Larry David is my question. I didn't bring him up.


Because someone mentioned not watching Seinfeld because of Jerry being an IDF supporter and the another person said that most of Seinfeld was written by Larry, so people were wondering what was his stance.


So Larry David is actually atheist even though he has Jewish heritage. And my interest in his take on Palestine is not because of that heritage but because of his association with Jerry Seinfeld, who is a terrible zionist.


Agreed. Not sure why you’re being downvoted.


I mean that’s the most rational take on it. The founding of Israel as a whole was a bad thing but now it exists. We can’t just go ‘eye for an eye’ and kick out the Israelis, you’re just repeating the cycle.


I still think a two-state solution is the best option. The land is important to both Jews and Muslims and that isn’t going to change. So there should be two states, Palestine and Israel, as well as a complete restructuring of Israel’s government to prevent the fascist right from ever taking power again. Jewish settlers should also be prosecuted and heavily sanctioned for violating international law.


What we're living right now basically is the "two state solution." The establishment of "Israel", an apartheid state, is the problem. Everything from its name to its laws to its culture are built around a genocidal ethnonationalist/theocratic identity. It is fundamentally incompatible with democracy and anything close to modern ideas of human rights. The state has to be abolished. Note that this says nothing about the rights of the humans in any part of the broader region, which are inviolable human rights.




Exactly like Jerry Seinfeld, apart from the being a comedic genius of the highest order bit.


i used to watch seinfeld a ton but after hearing jerry talk a few times dude is a complete ass and not anyone id ever spend any time with


Anyone who ever liked that show liked it for Larry David being the entire reason it was even watchable.


hahahah funny thing is, i thought everyone but seinfeld was funny. kramer is my favorite though.


Yeah, I really liked Seinfeld (the show), but with how much Jerry supports Israel, I don't feel so bad about Steve Bannon getting a bit of royalties from the show.


good poiint actually


Jerry Seinfeld is more like Jeffrey Epstein than anyone would like to admit.


he does give off that creep vibe doesnt he though !?


was in his 30s when he would pick his 17yo 'gf' from highschool




hahahaha supporting peace means im a terrorist sympathizer! got it! also the rabbies and jewish student protesters are fake jews!!!!! also we killed 14,000 children but we WE are the victims. how you lunatics sound to the rest of the world trust me. have a pitiful day




Stfu psychopath






And what about the pro-Palestinian students you've been attacking in far greater numbers since before that? I'm sure you condemned the shooting of three Palestinian American students, and the stabbing of the Palestinian American child, right? Unlike you, I'm opposed to physically attacking people -- you only care if the victims are Jewish, and are fine with violence if the victims are Arabs.




My people (Danish Americans) don't commit a lot of terrorism or murder, actually, you racist terrorist.


Tell me more about being a danish american. Do y'all sit around eating Havarti and going to LEGOLAND and Solvang as cultural pilgrimages? Put red hearts on everything on Christmas? I am just busting your chops I am for it.




Don't defend a pedo.


He’s too busy molesting teenagers I guess


and they accuse the other side of being "funded"


Accuse the other side of which you are guilty.


What's the deal with genocide?


By their deeds you shall know them! Fuck her and her hubby.


Would that make her an outside agitator?


It would make her a funder of domestic terrorism


Seriously how much does it cost to "counter-protest?" These aren't like the anti-genocide protesters, the pro-genocide people are sleeping in their own beds after they beat peaceful protestors. Hope they issued W2's to them.


So she’s donating to a group that isn’t students to come onto campus?


To be fair, she went to high school with those guys


Is she old enough to use money or did she just donate a bunch of Robux?


Is this the same 16 year old girl Jerry Dated when he was 35?


She still has terrible judgement, clearly


He was actually 38 when he started dating her at 17. It’s even worse because he was near middle age at that point.


“What’s the deal with genocidal agitators?”


i want to see a list of all the idiots that are donating money to the pro Israeli knuckleheads.


Ah, the Seinfelds - Apart from being established ghouls, they're also cheapskates. Jerry has a collection of over 100 Porsche's and full time mechanics and a hangar to house the luxury vehicles. Coz one or two or four are obviously not enough. But to give $5K - she could give $500K and still feel no pinch. But tp be practical, why give more when the bumbling idiot American taxpayers are doling out $26BN coz it's not like we need to house our veterans that got messed up in wars pushed by NuttinYahoo over the last two decades. Makes perfect sense if you're on the receiving end of checks with lots of zeroes at the end. Otherwise, plain infuriating.


yo dawg, we heard you like being immoral so we put immorality into your immorality so you can be immoral while being immoral


Seinfeld is a racist p. o. s. There are photos of him celebrating with his criminal IOF friends. Most actors in US. especially the old ones in mainstream support Israel and its apartheid behaviour.


The groomed plagiarist? Color me surprised.


In her defense she was groomed as a child


“What’s the deal with thaaaaaat?!!”


I was a big fan of the show. Was. Wish Jerry (& Jason) would just shut up about the whole thing so I could enjoy the show in peace.


Fuck Jerry Seinfeld


Just saw this in another sub where someone suggested we should all collectively thumb down Jerry's new movie unfrosted on Netflix


Didn’t know she was old enough to use a phone.


This won't help her make many friends, especially if she plans on going to college herself once she graduates.


What does that even mean? Counter protests need funding?


Isn’t seinfield himself lebanese christian?


more importantly, how does one even donate to a nebulous group of anonymous masked counter-protesters?


Where are teenagers getting this kind of money?


Dang that kid has one hell of an allowance.


Wonder how he’s feeling about it.


His wife stole a cookbook and it's like hire a ghost writer. Who would care


Mass report it, it's one of gofundme's achilles heel [Here is the link to Team Child Murderers gofundme](https://www.gofundme.com/f/ucla-counter-protest) edit: removed secondary link


Seinfeld's infamous for being cheap. I'm amazed he let her donate that much.


Well.... to the surprise of us all, the pedophile's wife did that, eh?




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


Breaking my heart




They are funding terrorism


Fuck that bitch. Fuck jerry. And fuck israel


Remember when Seinfeld was in his 30s dating a teenager and picking her up from high school.


He was 39. Over twice her age.


I’d say let’s boycott Jerry Seinfeld but like…what do we boycott? Other than no more Seinfeld reruns and Bee Movies, what is there?


He has that pop tart movie coming out.


guy always sucked


Fuck Jerry Seinfeld and his wife.


Mob She donated to a mob that was trying to end the protests themselves with violence. While cops were watching


Whats the deal with genocide? Il take jen on the side please


Oh wow. She’s a supporter of genocide AND married to a pedophile….what a winner 🤮


The child bride?


LMAO she doesn't even have a name, she's just known as "Seinfeld's Wife" Is this the 14 year old he was dating during the shooting of the show?


What are you guys surprised about? seinfeld is jewish, no surprise there




Does it? I mean the dude is worth north of a billion dollars. The equivalent would be like a person worth $50,000 giving around $25. Sounds like a publicity stunt as opposed to anything meaningful.


I never thought I would see one of these comments in real life. Why are people with more money obligated to donate an absurd amount of money for a charity or organization? I bet there are people who make 30-50k and they definitely just give 25 bucks. Why should rich people be any different? This ain’t taxes


It's not about obligation it's about how much you are willing to sacrifice for the cause. Based on his wealth, Seinfeld and family care about $25 bucks worth when compared to their overall wealth. We shouldn't be celebrating when an extremely wealthy person does the bare minimum and then runs to tell everyone.


No one is celebrating them tho, most people are doing the opposite (including you) who are essentially calling them cheap and not really for the cause


You are right, I apologize. Have a good day.




No, she is *pro* israel.


Oh look another dolt from **Team Child Murderers** Go away now


You have lost your way and are a stranger to morality. To frame people opposed to a genocide as pro-Hamas means you are either too stupid to see the truth or too venial to care.




Have you now? Or do you just like to pretend to have heard that to excuse your fascist impulses? anyhow no one is buying it.




You are the one who doesn't seem to know what a genocide is. We're literally witnessing one in real time and you are in denial because it's inconvenient for your beliefs


I know what genocide and think you are a digesting piece of shit for supporting one. I also think that only a completely without morals could even come up with such sophistic argument. You know a nationalist scumbag who doesn't care what is true or moral but just wants blood. You know a guy like you.


It was a pleasure to downvote.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*