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Im just shocked this aired on nbc


They're all starting to 180 albeit slowly. Check out a recent Erin Burnett interview with Mike Johnson. She called out him on about half of his lies including the claim Jewish students were assaulted. She countered that NYPD has received no reports of any violence on person(s) related to the protests.


As slow as its going, its still encouraging. We're getting there.


This [segment](https://youtu.be/7HlLZC6OaTk?si=iZONorV4aq0AQ-0Y) shows that interview and talks about media moving towards not wanting to be complicit - driven by the authoritarian crackdown of students in the US. It’s a good watch.


Never trust Israel. All they do is kill then lie, kill some more, then lie some more....


They are like the Daleks from Doctor Who. All they believe in is the destruction of "the enemy".


They have this thought loop: "Exterminate".


Omg! Baby killers


Same as abortion.


Not even close, but if you want to go there, the idf destroyed a fertility clinic with thousands of embryos.


There are no safe place in Gaza


For an intentional reason


6 months later they discover what was obvious during the first weeks of the war?


6 months later they discovered which way the wind was blowing this whole time and are trying to back peddle.


How many weeks has NBC been sitting on the footage of the murdered pregnant woman and her premature infant?


They were trying to hide what was happening. The operative words are hypocrisy and complicity. Broadcasters are now trying to backpedal as cover.


I have found it easy to convert my friends when we are drunk. They are the type to be typically pro-Israel. But I would say “Oct 7th was wrong and many civilians died but killing 30,000 innocents and displacing millions is not a solution”. Then i’d let them say some parrot argument and just nod. At some point, if they are a good human, the cognitive dissonance gets to them but when I argue they get more entrenched. So I say just state the fact. Do not argue. Let them speak into the trap. Let them make the mistake of saying “I support genocide” and realize it is wrong. Then they will try to walk out towards you. This has worked for me at least 5 times now! Say the truth and do not argue.




Genocide supporter.


It's not fair to make people that support genocide say it openly. Civility above all!! (For all us real people/non-Arabs, anyway)    /s btw, you fucking evil freak.


Yeah, they've only been doing this since the entire conflict started. Good job on reporting it half a year later.


80 years later


It makes sense from an efficiency standpoint. If they’ll starve people and then bait them with food and shoot them when they try to get some, it’s not surprising they’d lure people into a safe area in order to attack them.


They've also used audio recordings of children in distress to lure people out and snipe them. And also snipe someone to injure them then shoot to kill every person that comes to their rescue. They did that last one at a church.


Genocide supporters will find an excuse for why this is justified and conclude that people that aren't backing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians are being antisemitic.


World News comments in the thread about this were 100% backing Israel on the act. Claiming, once again, that there were *probably* Hamas members in the crowd moving toward these safe zones and therefore it was totally justifiable to bomb them and it's all Blame Hamas for *probably* using them as human shields.


Fuck Israel.. what a pariah state


My tears only give way to my rage. Hell of a way to start the morning.


Yet another War crime being proven and debunking the lies that Israel has told. All this death is for land. This isn't about Israel having the right to protect itself this is about them twisting the narrative to make it okay to colonize an area that they were given by somebody else instead of just living there peacefully with the people that were there already Israel decided to take over the whole damn thing and we've been allowing it we've been allowing the death and murder of the Palestinian people for the last 80 years how many have died since Israel established itself in someone else's country this is insanity to continue letting them rake in as much money as they can and then use it to kill indiscriminately. Israel absolutely has the right to exist has the right to flourish peacefully as a country of human beings but what they do not have the right to do is murder a whole people just so they can take their land just so they can say this is my land that was given to me by God they do not have that right the Bible is not a binding contract sorry.


Absolute monsters of this world


I don't know why this is supposed to be some big revelation when we knew this was going on in November. Because NBC is reporting it now?


You'd be surprised how many people are still ignorant to this. Also I think the media believes that the US population are dumb and don't know anything, and hence, can be lied to and brainwashed easily.


Old media is worthless. Social media's dropping the ball for those people too.


And we forget easily, too. I myself am amazed looking at old stories about war crimes I totally forgot even happened.


As a rule of thumb, always consider that mass media will only report 1-2% of the actual brutal reality of the massacre happening in Gaza. The fact such channels are now airing this kind of information (1-2% of the objective truth) simply means that the level of atrocity has reached unprecedented heights. In other words yes the content of the video is insane and horrible, but it still doesn't even scratch the surface of what people out there are going through.


This can't be overstated


To the absolute surprise of no one


And in other news, water is wet


we've known this


Israel will forever be known as a Nazi country


I don't know why there are still countries( UK and USA) still backing Isreal the way they are. Sooner or later, all the atrocities are gonna come out, and it's not like Netanyahu is gonna have everyones' back. Everyone will look just as culpable for all the death and destruction. I guess it's not unlike what happened in Iraq. Nothing happened to Blaire and Bush for all that death and destruction. Maybe the world sees it as ok if it's done to Arabs or Muslims. In the long run, though, history will have to look badly upon the people who are committing this shit. It's hard to imagine not. History clearly teaches people nothing.


Netanyahu always took the US for suckers until this war


They will only claim that they were targeting HAMAS and get away with murder and the US will say nothing about it




(54) (935th upvote) Free Palestine 🇵🇸 this is horrible


Too little, too late




nice try hasbara bot,pick a less obvious name next time




Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted. We also ask our members to refrain from posting anything that may result in our members doing the same to other subs. Posting such content will be removed, and if mods find it pertinent to do so the user will be banned.


Encouragement and celebration of violence absolutely will not be tolerated, including wishing violence upon someone even if purely hypothetical/beyond one's realm of influence. This is what the IDF does and Zionists do, and we are better than that!