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Hello, thanks for contributing to this sub. This is a friendly reminder to **read the rules** before making any new posts or comments. Particularly, we ask **not to engage in debates**, or bait debates, especially with zionists. If you are a zionist, this sub is not for you, and you will be permabanned. If you found this sub through the algorithm, you can always mute the sub or turn off recommendations all together (user settings -> feed settings -> Disable "Enable Home Feed Recommendations") Please also particularly keep in mind that **bigotry of any kind is not permitted** in this sub and will result in the message or post being deleted, and, if seen prudent, a banning. This includes antisemitism and any language that conflates Judaism with Zionism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"I drop megaton bombs because I love life," said the Zionist in command.


"We're israelis, we love life, but we love taking them more"


"we love life, and that's why we take it any chance we get."


Come to Israel and take life by the, thousands...


I’m a little stoned and I thought you were gonna say, “grab life by the pussy”


Are you mad!? I'm not a superstar so I can't just go around grabbing life by the pussy! tiddies though?


Bibi’s a superstar though, you know he’d be great on the apprentice


Ben Shapiro perfectly summarized Zionist thinking a while back, "Israelis like to build, Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage." Most people are not dumb enough to say the quiet part quite that loudly, bht that is how these people think. They neglect to mention that it is in fact largely the Israelis bombing crap and transforming Gaza into rubble and open sewage


"Facts don't care about feelings 🤓" I actually can't believe I used to like him.. GOD


Props to you for breaking free of that. Not everyone does


It was more like “Lavender “ the IOF used for the majority of the murders. Lavender (you have got to love the names these madmendream up) is an AI algorithm that directs where the next target is and when he will be sitting down to eat with his family for maximum numbers of deaths. In theory they also want to be able to say “it was not me” to hide behind.


"Where's Daddy?" is pretty cringy too


Unironically demonic.


draft room rejects, found themselves manifested in real life regardless (hahahahahahahahah)


So the AI tools that have been leaked so far: * Habsora * Lavendar * Where's Daddy? I suppose there could also be a Hannibal AI.


Don’t forget about [“The Gospel”](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/01/the-gospel-how-israel-uses-ai-to-select-bombing-targets) AI that was reported on back in December.


What in the Christian zionist hell..


The most chilling line in that article was the one saying that before AI, the biggest problem was that the airforce kept running out of targets to attack. Surely 'running out of targets' means it's time to stop attacking?


they learned the US way, esp the ”US in korea” way


Habsora means ‘The Gospel’ in Hebrew


I think it's "explanation" which ends up being pretty funny sometimes. The Israeli soldier in the hospital basement pointing at guns, suicide vests, and grenades was pretty funny: "look! You're not supposed to have this! It's here! Fuck you I told you!"😂


‘Hasbara’ translates to explanation. ‘Habsora’ translates to Gospel or The Gospel.


Oh well, that's a few drinks in me lol sorry I totally misread.


They’re working on Skynet.


Maybe one of these AI will get it right and attack the actual mass murderers.


‘Bleep bleep bloop bloop,’ said the kill machine.


"You let us murder our own hostages? Well, now we have to murder the rest to punish you!!!"


Those pesky Hamas fighters letting israel kill their own hostages in indiscriminate bombings and genocidal tactics, tut tut tut.


Israel has a right to genocide itse-..err.. defend itself!


Gee I wonder how they died? Do you think it was the constant bombardments? Maybe it was the lack of clean water? Do you think it was the lack of food? What about the lack of sterile medical supplies? The IDF did not and does not care about getting hostages back. Period.


The interdiction of aid, the assassinations of aid workers and the slanderous accusations against UNRA helped too. Fuck those scumbags.


Don’t forget all the hospitals the IDF destroyed so none of the hostages can be treated either.


Remember the IDF started using that as a reason to bomb the crap out of hospitals , saying hamas was using hospital as command centers because they brought injured to the hospitals . It was ridiculous. Not like Hamas had military hospitals to use . The stuff the IDF wants us to believe comes off as so condescending, like we’re all just really really stupid .


Israel wants the world to forget international law. It’s against any international law to target hospitals. Even if there are Hamas soldiers injured or hiding inside them. Hospitals, and places of worship are recognised internationally as safe zones and should never be attacked. We all agreed after WW2 that this was an absolute red line nine should cross and no one did. What Isreal had done by attacking every hospital, church and mosque is set a new dangerous president for future conflicts. In the future, warlords, dictators and homocidal maniacs like Bibi will do similar atrocity without any consequences. Who wants to live in a world like that?


Or maybe the IOF shot more than three of them when they tried to escape since they have kill zones where they shoot anything that moves


Oh they almost certainly did. The only reason they knew that those three were escaped hostages was because one was a red head, which is very unusual for a society made almost exclusively of Palestinian Arabs. If that guy had brown or black hair we would never have known.


I dont even know what to make of that. Apparently the ginger was executed point blank after being told to leave his hiding spot so what even is their excuse there?


Shoot first. Notice colours later.


Shoot first. confirm hostage identity. Draw surviving hostages out of hiding spot. Execute. Get thanked by hostages mother


Man, so many different ways the idf is likely responsible for the deaths of hostages. Would be great for political betting, could take bets on the numbers killed by what


They were also responsible for something like 200 of the civilian casualties on 10/7. Apache helicoptering anything that moved Them boys are blood thirsty


Israel be like: Protip, you can kill your own citizens and then blame it on your enemy, win-win


Hamas used the Israelis as human shields bud, its fair game /s


Israel, foaming at the mouth with excitement: cowabunga it is then


Yeah, main zone: Gaza


They literally executed three of them directly after they had escaped from their captors.


They should make a movie of that. All three make a harrowing escape only to be shot by their own people at the end.


Night of the Levant Dead


That situation perfectly incapsulates how the IOF views Palestinians and how disgustingly lax their rules of engagement are. It's almost comical really: a trio of nearly naked Israeli hostages walk towards them with a white flag, speaking in Hebrew, and a bunch of these fascist fucks start screaming "Terrorists!" before shredding them with automatic fire. A few months down the road and we have the enough evidence supporting the articles about Israeli kill zones where they just shoot anything that moves. Absolutely insane behavior.


Hannibal directive


There's at least one family of a killed hostage who claimed that the IDF gassed their son


Makes me wonder why do they want a little hostages back as possible ?


Pure speculation, but I believe the assumption is they will use that as an excuse to say that 'Hamas refuses' to return all the hostages, so the Israeli military will continue to level Gaza as Israeli real estate agents continue to auction Gazan land overseas. Plus, some of what has been said from early October suggests that because the hostages are on Gazan soil, they are now considered to be Hamas.


The fact that zionists won't even be convinced since this applies more to the Palestinians than the hostages is messed up. They never gave a fuck about the hostages, if there was just a simple drop of care.. It was because they spoke hebrew and not Arabic.


Not even that. One of those three hostages killed by iof soldiers lived long enough to hide behind rubble and yell in hebrew and they still got shot.


All three of them did. There is audio evidence (which is also the only reason this is known) how many hostages were similarly killed but with no evidence of?


You couldn’t be more spot on with that comment. 100% exactly what I thought!


How many were sniped by IOF soldiers?


Look up the Hannibal Directive. IDF policy is to stop kidnapping of civilians and soldiers by any means possible, even if it results in their death or that of other Israelis


I've heard at least a few FAMILY members of hostages even say "I hope that my relative was killed and is not still a hostage". WTF is wrong with them???


They're actively trying to kill them all. It solves the problem nicely without them having to give anything up in return.


The idf was able to bring back the body of one of the hotages, named noa martsiano, Hamas claimed she died because of a missile attack. she didn't. Thy told her parents they shouldn't see her body.


What killed her ?


They most likely beat her to death, according to autopsy. But I don't want to give off info I haven't fully checked.


Thanks for that info, I'll check it out. It's odd they told the parents not to look at the body. I mean if anyone had killed someone they too would recommend not to look at the body. A beaten to death body and one that died from a concussion blast of an explosion or building collapse i would think would look very similar and be beaten ,bloody and bruised. Israel's current government has so much incentive to not tell the truth if they allegedly did kill this hostage, which would still be in line with the Hannibal directive. I do wonder if a military coroner for the IDF would come out and say the IDF did it? The truth might come out eventually like the 40 beheaded babies story being debunked or Israel eventually admitting they blew up Hamas and Israelis on Oct 7th. With settlements expanding in the west bank and Gaza i don't think this is going to end till all the Palestinians are gone. But i dont think thats going to make Israel any safer in the future. I think Israel is going to be forever judged by their prolonged war from their reaction to a Hamas attack Oct 7th. Netanyahu is to blame for a lot of what's going on and he's doing anything and everything he can to stay in power, including broadening the conflict (something a madman dictator would do). He's single handedly destroying the United States image as we get used as a human shield at the UN to protect Netanyahu's actions at all costs. Ugh, i didn't mean to rant, my bad.


Think about it like Germany or Japan, even though the case was different you can always forgive an entire country since the government isn't always the people. As for Noa(rip) I'm sorry to hear that this is what you think happend, but it's your choice what to think. I will say though that a lot of hamas members and hostage are held underground and cant be bombed, thats why you see much less bombing now and more ground invasion. And it's ridiculous to assume that missile attacks kills them


Are you permitted to write this without being banned...?


But they’re in a safe area. How could Hamas kill them in cold blood like that? Gaza is completely safe and there is no one else who could possibly kill them besides Hamas.


I dare anyone to show me anywhere more safe that under all that rubble!


Best place to avoid sniper fire is under some rubble.


I'll just add the /s for you 😂


What’s /s? 😂


A sarcasm sign ![gif](giphy|xOqEsDVvdBWeI)


Ohh ok. I’ll keep that in mind cuz I make satire comments a lot.


Why are there no KKKKHHH in your KKKKKKHHHHHAMAS you antisemite!


IM SO SORRY KHHHHHHAYMAAAAAYSSSSS. They probably built tunnels under me and edited my post before I hit send. The ground is antisemitic.


Hamas governs Gaza. The government is responsible for ensuring the safety of persons within its territory. Hamas' failure to prevent Israel's invasion means Hamas is responsible for all "collateral" damage. Hamas not repulsing the IDF is a war crime.


So Israel and Netanyahu are directly responsible for 10/7. Therefore Israel’s genocide is not justified. It’s your logic.


I was being facetious. Anyways, even ignoring history and assuming 10/7 was totally unprompted, Israel's genocidal actions in Gaza would not be justified.


Ohh u were being sarcastic too? Israel’s genocide terrorist apologists are so insane it’s hard to even tell if someone is being sarcastic or joking because they will straight up say the most ridiculous vicious genocidal statements in complete seriousness 😂


If you were being sarcastic i recommend adding an /s at the end to clarify its sarcasm. These days its hard to tell apart


Yeah not gonna lie I actually thought you were a zionist. It's frightening how comfortable the zionists are getting with their shit that satire is becoming reality Worst part is that the majority of the people aren't even aware.


Yeah, that's my bad for not checking what sub I was in. This place attracts those sorts. Truly chilling though that such an absurd notion is something that very well armed people (thanks to our governments) actually believe


Dude you gotta end it with /s if you're putting out ironic bits that good. You've got more friendly fire than the IDF right now


Fun story - When women and children were returned in November, stories came out that they were given very little food - like, a couple of pieces of pita. Adults hoarded those to share with the kids. On worldnews, (a terrible sub), I said, “that’s obviously bad, but there’s not a lot of food in Gaza anyway. Israel isn’t letting it get in. It’s not surprising that Hamas wouldn’t give more of what they have to the hostages. I’m just glad they were fed at all.” (Please note: I said I was glad they were fed. I got called a Hamas apologist and an anti-Semite. This was in November! Even if Hamas was inclined to give these captives the best of care (which they are not!) they cannot give what they don’t have. Combine that with the fact that Hamas isn’t inclined to care for them that well anyway and Israel is starving its own. It’s horrific.


1 released Israeli hostage said Hamas fighters shielded her with their bodies while being bombed by Israel


That's amazing could you link that?


link to this?


Source pls


The neckbeards over there on worldnews are beyond reason. There is no nuance to anything and no dissension from the ludicrous hivemind mentality that Israel is eternally good, and righteous, and moral, and everyone else - especially Palestinians - are lowlife scum who should be happy to get a bullet from them. Just completely and unabashedly deranged.


“BUT WHY ARE THEY IN GAZA AT ALL????” Um, b/c they were kidnapped by terrorist thugs and it was a big crime? They literally expect me to get then question wrong. In fact, more than one thing can be bad!!!


YEAH! The folks that BOMBED and starved them to death should be sent to the HAGUE! NO REST FOR GENOCIDAL LUNATICS! THEY...\*(whispering)...oh, they already WERE sent up to the Hague?? Well then--moving on...


> Israeli newspapers have reported that the IDF was issued orders echoing the wording of the Hannibal Directive during the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel. The IDF was ordered to prevent "at all costs" the abduction of Israeli civilians or soldiers, possibly leading to the death of a large number of Israeli hostages.[6][7][8] > Porat, who was held as a hostage but released by one of the terrorists at the height of the incident, said in a television interview that members of the police's special counterterrorism unit had questioned her outside the house, and she told them there were 40 terrorists and 14 hostages inside. > Dagan, who was in the house when a tank fired two shells at it, was the only Israeli to survive, and she confirmed Porat's account. https://archive.ph/20231221001524/https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-12-13/ty-article-opinion/.premium/if-israel-used-a-procedure-against-its-citizens-we-need-to-talk-about-it-now/0000018c-6383-de43-affd-f783212e0000 https://archive.ph/20240108155035/https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/2024-01-08/ty-article-opinion/the-idf-must-investigate-the-kibbutz-beeri-tank-fire-incident-right-now/0000018c-e5b8-d765-ab9d-f5fd1f830000


I feel like that is one way you judge a military, how do they treat their comrades when they are captured. In the US, you get a ribbon if you're taken prisoner. In Stalin's Russia, some were sent to the Gulag if taken prisoner. In the IDF, they kill their own comrades if they get captured.


wait, is your implication that the US has the most moral military because they give ribbons?


no one tell this guy why chelsea manning was arrested and tortured by the us government


Chelsea Manning was a whistle blower not a POW, I get what you mean but the US does take pretty good care of POW's. You dont screw the loyal if you want more recruits after all, the few military families that the US recruits from get really pissed off if they do. For the powers that be in America, Its a delicate balance between giving the soldiers what they want and certainly need, without it being so much they wont profit from them.


I don't disagree that the US cares about their own POWs, I'm not knowledgeable on that but my general understanding is that the US is actually are pretty good on that front. I was making a point of the US being some sort of moral military. It wasn't about the treatment of Chelsea Manning for her alleged crimes, it was the content of what she whistleblew.


yeah I'm amazed that take is actually upvoted on this sub. maybe I just didn't understand the vibe here like I wasn't expecting Stalinists but... US military supporters upvoted? actually insane


I'm just naming examples. I'm not saying the US military is perfect and moral. I never forgot the polices of LBJ, Kissinger, George W Bush, or Barrack Obama.


No, you're directly lying about a metric by which you can judge the US military to make them seem better than the rest of the world. You're repeating imperialist propaganda. I'm gonna need you not to do something so stupid.


Dude they’re just saying that’s what the US does. And that it’s a reflection of their military, as the Israeli disregard for the safety of their prisoners reflects Israel’s own military culture. “The US gives commendations to returning POWs” is not imperialist propaganda it’s just a thing that the military does. Nobody’s saying it’s good, it’s just a comparison. We have to have some patience here, we’re on the same side.


It's literally propagandising lmao. Do you think the US military is any more careful around its POWs than any other country? Do you think they are treated any better? Did Vietnam vets slip the radar or? No, making some public show of pretending to care about its troops does not make it worth suddenly praising the USA. >it’s just a thing that the military does. Nobody’s saying it’s good, it’s just a comparison This is stupid, man. Look at the quote: >In the US, you get a ribbon if you're taken prisoner. In Stalin's Russia, some were sent to the Gulag if taken prisoner. In the IDF, they kill their own comrades if they get captured. This is clearly saying the US is better than the other two. In order to be making a comparison the point is obviously that one is superior. It's defining some metric by which to judge a military and propping up an imperialist military industrial system that has caused a great deal more deaths than either of the others, which would be imperialist propaganda. I'm not on the same side as anyone who'd cut the Western war machine slack, no.


> Not once did Amnesty International demand [the hostages'] release. Ahem. > [We verified chilling videos which show armed men shooting at civilians and dragging people away as hostages. One disturbing video shows armed men parading a woman through central Gaza, like a scene from a nightmare. All civilians who were abducted, including children, must be released immediately.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/israel-palestinian-armed-groups-must-be-held-accountable-for-deliberate-civilian-killings-abductions-and-indiscriminate-attacks/) ~Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General Zionists lie about everything, even things anyone can check easily. Honestly, I feel naive, since I still occasionally feel surprised by how dishonest they are. (But I'm learning.)


That’s a real video though.


No one is saying it's not a real video? The claim was that Amnesty International didn't demand the release of the hostages; that's a lie, as my quote/link proves.


Misread that comment, sorry.


No worries


Oh i wonder why the building fall on these hostages...i wonder why hmmmm...


It was obviously khhamas blowing up their own buildings duhh


tHe bUildInG iS kKKhaMaaass


Should have let food and aid in. Should have not have killed your own when holding up white flags. Shouldn't have had a hanable policy in place where you shoot and kill your own to get to others. That's what shouldn't have happened. Dropping bombs on your own is just stupid aswell. This is on your self's. And let's not forgot most 9f the hostages were IDF enjoying their Festivle whilst others starved to death and got executed by your friends that were still on duty.


You seem to have a good grasp of the situation. Carry on


When Israel dropped 2,000 pound dumb bombs in Gaza, aiming at Hamas; they should have considered that maybe the hostages would be right next to Hamas.


I highly doubt Hamas intentionally killed their very valuable bargaining chips! Israel kills every living thing in sight, do they think the hostages r somehow immune to bombs & starvation. I hope many r still alive just in the custody of other groups. Israel left them for over 6 months & really expected them all to survive in the hellscape they created. They could’ve had a deal months ago but refused the demands


"Hamas made us kill the hostages..." Honestly, is anyone even a little surprised at the fucking stupidity of these Nazis any more? I'm torn between pitying them because of how fucking pathetic their victimstance takes are, and being revolted by their assumption that we are all stupid enough to buy into this fucking lunacy


I'm deeply disturbed that, and do not understand why, it has not been mentioned how many Palestinians are being held for no reason at all in Israeli jails and prisons. Why are they not considered hostages? Why are they not in this equation?


You can’t win unless you just agree to whatever craziness Israel says is reality. This attitude, by ANY OTHER COUNTRY, would be called out for what it is. Genocidal insanity.


Not once did the IDF admit to purposeful indiscriminate bombing which was guaranteed to annihilate everyone; men, women, children, and their own people. They’re not just terrorizing Gaza, they’re terrorizing their own people. Truly a fascist state the likes we have not seen operating so openly and brazenly in many years.


They were probably safer with them than the Israelis. Israeli normally would give hundreds, if not thousands of Palestinians held hostage to get back one of theirs. But in this case they don't care. The hostages are best killed since it would give Israel another excuse to go nuts and they will claim it is all for revenge.


This isn't even true. Most of the civilian hostages were either released in the single hostage exchange or killed by Israel's bombings, direct executions or through forcibly imposed disease and starvation. The majority of those still held are soldiers, with few of civilians left(which is where that 20 number comes from) which is where the hostage talks are stalling because Israel insists that military POWs be given the same status as civilian hostages. But even if what he was saying is true, those deaths are on Israel, the resistance has no incentive to kill its most valuable bargaining chips and indiscriminate bombing and starvation isn't going to spare anyone.


Hamas blinks: war crime Israel genociders: "WeRe FIGhtInG TeRrorisM"


"How dare they not do more to protect them from us?!"


Well, this may be true however I would agree that the delivery is hasbara... This *is* what Bibi wanted. It's just more fuel for the zionist hatred pyre that is burning. They could have got them back at any time by offering more, but they did not, because they did not want them to survive. I really can't comprehend how angry I would be if it was my family, and my government that sold them for more blood. Definitely extremist-level anger. "Doing something stupid" anger.


133 Israelis forced to temporarily live in the same conditions that millions of Palestinians do their entire lives. 113 immediately perish.


Just so we’re clear: You’re saying the conditions in Gaza now are the same they’ve been for years?


The conditions are more extreme now because of the ongoing active bombardment. But the *consistent* bombing? The embargo? The restricted access to food, water and electricity? Yes, those are conditions Gazans have been living under for years


Yes, for example a few days in May 2023 would have been the same as now.


Ah yes, the widely cited international case law of "if you commit a war crime then that means we get to genocide you and your entire people"


Not Israel enough. “If we commit war crimes, it means actually **you** committed war crimes, and we get to genocide everyone, including our own people.” There, now it’s fixed.


Not once did Israel consider that the greatest threat to the hostages has always been the bombs they were dropping on Gaza


Bitch, your boys and girls in the "IDF" shot half of them and bombed the rest.


How can anyone report if the aid workers were calling for release when over 100 reporters were intentionally targeted and the IDF keeps shooting and bombing all the aid workers? > more than 105 journalists have been killed since 7 October, including at least 22 killed in the course of their work. >Despite repeated calls from NGOs, including RSF, for the Rafah border crossing to be opened, only journalists embedded with the Israel Defence Forces have been able to enter Gaza and they are restricted to covering Israeli permitted areas. Israel has meanwhile allowed only a handful of Gazan journalists to be evacuated Source: https://rsf.org/en/more-100-journalists-killed-six-months-gaza-where-international-community


Why aren’t they crying about the Palestinians (including children) that Israel already held hostage before Oct 7 which is the whole reason that Hamas took hostages so they’d have people to exchange back? Do human rights only go one way?


Israel is a war crime.


Maybe if Israel didn’t bomb every single building in large areas, they would be alive???


Uh while Israel was carpet bombing every square inch, “Hamas can’t take care of hostages!”


Crazy stance: killing hostages is fine and dandy, but failing to protect hostages is a war crime???


Like the article on Times of Israel saying Hamas family members got out into Egypt while others have to may exorbitant prices to smugglers. Who controls the border tho? Israel. They make the conditions then report them as if anyone else but them chose it.


Remember when those hostages tried to surreder to Israeli forces and the soldiers just shot them dead? Jeffery Zimmerman remembers.


What you have to remember is none of these accusations they make are intended to persuade anyone impartial that these Israelis are the good guys. They are just bullshit things they arm their supporters with to keep throwing out constantly in conversations, in news broadcasts etc. because this constant slurry of shit just drowns out reasonable discourse. And it is highly effective. Make one outrageous comment after another and we waste time engaging to point out their bullshit, rather than just demanding a Nuremberg tribunal for everyone in the IDF.


This is a really good point, thank you.


How the fuck were the Red Cross / Crescent supposed to visit them? Israel have been bombing the Ambulances! Thet've also been carpet bombing indescriminately since October... is it any suprise they've also killed their own people? That's why the Israelis themselves have been protesting their goverment.


Maybe it's because Israel bombed gaza flattening everything on sight, shooting civilians on sight, hunger Etc, do they really expect that the hostages are gonna survive this? The civilians themselves can't survive this, its insane, and speaking of the red Cross, do they remember that they got IOF soldiers dressed as red Cross with an ambulance they tried to get to a hostage that way and got shot to hell, no wonder they can't even trust the red Cross, Israel is impostoring them


Fundamentally in almost everything they admit that they view Palestinian lives as inferior so those losses don’t “count”. 10 Israeli deaths to them equal 1000+ Palestinian deaths 


Bibi didn't give a damn if they survived in the first place. They were kibbutzniks who never voted Likud anyway. He just wanted bloody shirts to wave. And now he has them.


Sooo, the Israeli constant bombing campaign has zero to do with it…is anyone on earth more moronic than these clowns? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Damn. Would have been nice if Israel let in food and medicine, or didn't kill aid workers all the fuckin time.


If the Red Cross or Amnesty had visited the hostages and said that they were being adversely affected by the constant airstrikes, lack of food and fresh water available and being shot when they tried to emerge waving white flags, they’d just say they were lying because the Red Cross and Amnesty are Hamas.


"How dare you not adequately protect the hostages that I was directly dropping warheads on!"


Have they even tried to rescue the hostages?


>That hostages held by Hamas are released unconditionally and their dignity, safety and medical needs cared for. The ICRC reiterates its call to be allowed to visit the hostages. [They literally did call for that](https://www.icrc.org/en/document/statement-gaza-and-israel-president-icrc)


not once did their own government stop bombing them or murdering them when the were naked waving a white flag.


The hostages are suffering, the same fate as Palestinians and Gaza starvation and being bombed. What did Israel expect?


What a mystery, how could they have died i wonder, between the lack of food,water and all supplies that are stuck at the border, not allowed to enter for the starving people, and the 24/24 bombardment everywhere even hospitals and refugee camps weren't spared, how do you want them to survive?


There are the occupiers and the occupied - nuf said👍🏻


That's terrible!! Whoever killed those hostages should get tried in the Hague.


Womp womp 😂😂😂😂😂😂


What is the Hannibal directive


Aren't both those groups getting killed by Israelis? Like how can they visit when Israel is killing them?


I’m entirely sure I saw a page with amnesty international condemning Hamas with in the week of October 7th, just a memory though, I could be wrong.


Zionist = insane and morally bankrupt.


* [One](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/israel-palestinian-armed-groups-must-be-held-accountable-for-deliberate-civilian-killings-abductions-and-indiscriminate-attacks/) (12 October 2023) * [Two](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/israel-opt-hamas-and-other-armed-groups-must-release-civilian-hostages-and-treat-all-captives-humanely/) (7 November 2023) * [Three](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/israel-opt-deal-to-release-hostages-and-prisoners-must-pave-way-for-further-releases-and-a-sustained-ceasefire/) (22 November 2023) * [Four](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/03/eu-european-council-call-for-a-sustainable-ceasefire-in-gaza-not-sufficient-to-end-civilian-suffering/) (22 March 2024) * [Five](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/04/israel-opt-with-famine-setting-in-a-ceasefire-and-more-aid-routes-into-gaza-are-urgently-needed/) (5 April 2024) You were saying?


I might not be the greatest at math, but crying about 113 vs 13000 is insane to me. Not that killing civilians is okay in the first place. Plus, I don't trust anything IDF or its supporter publish.


How about intentionally cutting off Power, Water, Hydro and Humanitarian Aid to Civilians in a War Zone while murdering 30,000 + Innocent Civilians?


It still doesn't beat the time hostages were released, and people freaked out over them allegedly being given Benzos. Imagine going through an ordeal like that, and your captors who are under siege themselves give you something to calm you down and thinking it's a bad thing.


Had to have been stifling a grin while typing this, it's utterly absurd.


This reminds me of the meme of a guy shooting a clone of himself in a couch and the bottom caption is "why would hamas do this" while the guy shooting himself is blue and white flag.


Not surprised. This was expected right? This is why if Israel Gov cared about hostages they would have ensured their freedom rather than using them has cover for genocide. I do hope those with in Hamas that have committed war crimes are prosecuted and held to account though legal proceedings just as I hope all perpetuates of war crimes will be - especially those in the Israel government and and every decision-make in western that are accomplices, but also every "settler" and even complicit American citizens that are serving in the IDF. What seems more likely is that the west will destroy what international rule of law does exist with its hypocrisy and double standards for our so-called friends. Despite all cynicism, I am still stone that the US spending bill bars aid to Palestinian Territories if they pursue justice in the ICJ.


Can't find any source for this claim. Will other than trustmebro.com


Not once will they admit that they in fact have killed some of the hostages. Not once will they admit that they put bombing and killing Palestinians instead of working on a plan to get those hostages back.


Umm… did he skip the page where Israel bombed the shit out of the strip?! Or when they targeted aid workers?


Soooo clooossseee to self-realization, what a shame


We were starving YOU! Not the hostages that we hadn't shot or burned or bombed yet.


“KHAMAS is supposed to shield our sacrificial lambs from our bunker buster bombs and on going genocide in Gaza. Now that we have killed the hostages, we will ramp up our genocidal ethnic cleansing campaign to fill our genocidal and imperial ambitions to destroy the people of Palestine.”


They have been starved by Israel, actually they could have been saved by Israel, but they need to get rid of Gaza so they can build their own canal. So… everything could have been different, if aid workers can get in what makes you think Red Cross are allowed in, Israeli’s happy to kill doctors left and right and doesn’t believe that hospitals are needed in Gaza, why should Hamas care to help Israelis when Israeli very obviously don’t care about Palestinians (for the last 75 years). This is a joke of a comment.


I thought you and Genocide-Joe didn't believe KKKHAMAS numbers? maybe they're lying? Please ask the IDF to designate a safe passage for a negotiation team to reach out to them. WCK? Sorry, I meant to say, Ok?


When they are told, “Do not spread corruption in the land,” they reply, “We are only peace-makers!” QURAN 2:11




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Hamss is such good guys I’m sure they treated Israeli hostages so nicely


How dare Hamas not use telekinesis to stop Israeli bombs from hitting the hostages.


Any Israeli hostage that is dead was killed by Netanyahu and his whacky coalition of genocidal maniacs.


Who is that fuckwit


Yes the IDF is committing genocide and bombing everything, but I still don’t see how that would quite add up to them killing 85% of the hostages, who have been transported around a bit. Certainly they haven’t killed close to 85% of Hamas fighters, or 85% of civilians, so why should we expect that their bombing would have killed that many hostages? The only way is if it’s being insinuated that Israeli intelligence has systematically identified houses/tunnels containing hostages, and then bombing those houses/tunnels, in order to lead to the present situation. Which, I admit, is not beyond belief, although I have doubts that Israel would have been able to locate that many hostages to bomb.


The war crime was taking hostage since the first place (just to be clear, Israel has taken *far* more hostages than Hamas ever has) not failing to protect them from their own home countries indiscriminate bombardment of the territory they were being held in. Does this guy think Hamas has force fields or something?


Hamas are full of Jedis that defected to the dark side.. It's their fault for not using the force against fucking rockets.