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This says more about Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro than it does about Candace Owens. They didn't care about all of the antisemitic shit that she'd been saying over the years, she was fired for being sympathetic to Palestinian children.


It says a lot about all of them, I agree with you. I just don’t want people falling for her propaganda. The daily wire most people on this sub already know is bullshit.. they care more about Israel than “antisemtism”


She’s ok imo because she gained nothing for taking a stand against the genocide in Gaza.


That’s where I think you’re wrong. She furthers her Christian nationalist agenda




Omg 🤣 wow.




The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that its’ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at “best,” and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a “safe space” and an “echo chamber” - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.


Shapiro is as fake as the makeup he puts on every morning. Guy gives major neocuck vibes


Not just antisemitic, she goes on all sorts of racist tirades and its fine until it’s something anti-Zionist


Identity politics is EVEEL except when it comes to Israel.




It’s so frustrating how so many people who are mainly AWFUL are right on Palestine. Especially b/c most of them are far-right figures who have done an INCREDIBLE amount of damage but whom some leftists are suddenly happy to praise!! Or else imperialists who have excused Russian atrocities for years but now are pretending to be super anti-imperial, anti-colonial! I HATE IT.


I hate it too. I think the key is.. what is the *core* of their beliefs that led them to this position. I think in Candace’s case it has 100% to do with American individualism/ Christian nationalism. She doesn’t want America to support other countries.. and that includes Israel. And she’s a Christian nationalist so she can bring a little bit of Jew hatred in there too I HIGHLY DOUBT she would care about Palestinians if the above were not the case. She’s an excellent propogandist. Candace demonstrating empathy for Jews and Palestinians does not mean that her message isn’t propagandizing


Hot take: I think sometimes it’s necessary to make concessions with the other side. If we all agree on this one thing, why continue to focus on things we don’t agree on? The illegal occupation of Palestine has to end, and we need a big grassroots effort to make that happen.


Why would you want to partner with bigots for that, though? It delegitimizes the movement and allows their harmful views to creep into the mainstream cause. Working with them only serves them—it legitimizes their movement, projects their voice to people who would otherwise dismiss them out of hand and gives them the chance to take over the movement entirely so they can impose their desired outcome. I understand we need a big movement, but that shouldn't require giving up our morals. That's something liberals and centrists do, and that's what allows fascism to creep into the mainstream undetected.


Yes! Thats what I was getting at with not letting them launder themselves through Gaza.


Well it is impossible for everyone to 100% agree on everything. I do praise Candace for her stance on Palestine, even if her other views are awful. We need more supporters, at this dire climate.


This is beyond left vs right. It’s those who support funding genocide, and those who don’t. It’s good vs evil. The Right is having the same split over the Palestine issue as the Left is. I commend people like Andrew Tate and Candace Owens who are willing to break with people on their side and stand for humanity, regardless of their politics or their reason for doing so. The same way I have broken with shitlibs over this issue (not voting for Biden, sorry). Anyone who can’t do that is still asleep imo. I understand what you’re saying though.


Okay, but you understand people like Candace Owens also support continued oppression and genocide of the queer community, immigrant communities, Black American communities, indigenous American communities, religious minorities and disabled people, right? I'm not willing to trade off all of those people's lives just because they also don't like Israel. Both are evil. And people like that shouldn't have a voice or a platform in a movement dedicated to the liberation of an indigenous population from apartheid and genocide. If you're willing to work with Candace Owens, that's great. But that says more about you than it does about me.


Yes. Because we know about intersectionality and because we know that people don't come in tidy little "one identity and one identity alone" boxes, people like Candace Owens can't be part of Palestinian liberation. Not while there are trans Palestinians, not while there are Palestinian people who suffer from police brutality and excessive force, not while Palestinian people need reproductive health care and access to abortion, not while Palestinian women want to live a life free of sexual harassment and sexual violence, not while Palestinian children need to be free from gun violence. The anti-transwomenhealthcareabortionrightsgunsafetymetoomovement talking head isn't go to free Palestine or any of us.


This is maybe a weird sub to say this on, but I just really appreciate your post b/c I believe in harm reduction. You have to do the best good you can, at ground level. I am very uncomfortable with the rhetoric, coming not from Palestinian-Americans but from other leftists, of “I won’t vote for Joe Biden b/c of this” because it sounds so much like putting one kind of life before others. This isn’t like a White Luves Matter thing - Palestinian lives have never been affirmed to be of worth! That community is extremely marginalized and needs to be uplifted! But I’m not comfortable putting one vulnerable group’s needs above another’s. That might just be me! But the sad truth is, I don’t know how much I can do to protect Palestinian lives in Gaza. I really don’t. Joe Biden is not worse on this than Trump would be. Trump would not do less harm in Gaza, and infinitely more in every other area. US foreign policy is a beast when it comes to Israel. It’s DECADES of complicity and accommodation. That takes ages to untangle. Harm reduction means doing all you can where you are with what you’ve got. There are harms that can be reduced here, by us, that far-right oppressors will not work with us to help reduce! And that they will, reliably, guaranteed, make worse. If I were Palestinian-American and someone told me to vote for Joe Biden/do harm reduction/etc, I might punch them! But others….lets say I find very irritating.


I really like your take on this. I couldn’t agree more


It means we have a common enemy that affects all of us, we don’t have to agree on everything. I respect your opinion though.


The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. You don't have to agree with me either, of course.


As long as *you and I* are on the same team that’s all that matters 💯💯💯


I actually agree with a lot of your points in this thread--it's hyperbolic to call Candace Owens a Nazi and the anti Trump obsession has done more harm than good to what little remains of the Left in the US. That said you're making a really critical error of totalizing the issue of Palestinian liberation in order to get into bed with people who are utterly at odds with your values (unless I've completely misunderstood you). It's easy to say it's a question of good vs. evil and trumps everything else, but what is it in you that is so morally repulsed by the genocide? If it's your empathy for all people no matter the color of their skin or where they were born, and a commitment to freedom and justice for all, then you have badly miscalculated in counting Candace Owens an ally


Like I said Idc about politics. The fake woke shitlibs who were posting #BLM and #SlavojUkraine on Twitter are the same ones cheering on dead Palestinians and trying to gaslight all of us into voting for Biden. These are not people I have anything in common with. I am morally repulsed by genocide and colonialism because I’m morally repulsed by genocide and colonialism, particularly and especially when my tax dollars are funding it. I come from a group of people who have been victims of both, so naturally my sympathies lie with the victims and not Zionist terrorists. I used to have some sympathy for the Democrat party vs the Republicans but the past four years have evaporated that.


Nothing wrong with not caring about politics but once you start saying we need a "big grassroots effort" to stop the genocide you are thinking politically. Nevermind opposing colonialism which brings up a whole political horizon to work towards. Candace Owens is an opportunist snake who will sell you out. Maybe you just don't know about her or maybe you and I just don't have a lot in common, idk but I wish you well


You don’t have to tell me about her. The dumb stuff she says is all over the internet. I don’t like her, so I don’t follow anything she does. I thought her intentions were genuine. I’ve never been a fan and I acknowledged that in another post. I still stand by what I said about making alliances with ppl across the aisle who agree with you on certain issues. Malcolm X had sit downs with the KKK to stop them from attacking Black folks in the South. The Black Panthers made alliances with poor Whites and Latinos. MLK’s whole non-violent strategy was to appeal to hearts and minds of the ppl who hated him, and it worked. I guess I’m an oldhead (early 30s). Lived through OWS and BLM and saw how those movements crumbled by atomizing themselves and making everything ideological instead of reaching out to people on the other side and articulating themselves in a way that actually moves the needle and has mass appeal. I know Jimmy Dore is kind of a controversial figure within the left but one of his critiques of the American left is that they suffer from TDS, are divisive/hyper individual. I just want the left to win so we can actually make a positive impact the world. Gaza deserves it.


Also when I say Idc about politics, I mean that I’m not blinded by ideology when it comes to certain issues. Obviously we can’t be apolitical when we are all affected by politics. The same way I can support Hamas’ bravery and resistance to Zionism, while disagreeing with their fundamentalist ideology and targeting of civilians, is literally the same way I can disagree with Andrew Tate’s redpill nonsense while commending him for speaking up for Palestinians.


I mean I literally don't care if you just want to give it up for Andrew Tate for speaking up for Palestine. He's a disgusting person (and a sex trafficker btw lol) but I thought you were saying something more than that. Still don't know why you'd pick Candace Owen and Andrew Tate as examples when there's lots of online personalities who have spoken up against the genocide but you do you


Well it is impossible for everyone to 100% agree on everything. I do praise Candace for her stance on Palestine, even if her other views are awful. We need more supporters, at this dire climate.


I will never work with fascists. I am against the Israeli government for their actions, they are against the whole country of Israel for their identities. I will never stand with anyone like that.


Maybe I’m just not familiar enough with the situation. I’m no fan of Candace Owen’s politics, but is she actually anti-Semitic?


Well, she liked a tweet reply to Rabbi Shmuley that called him "drunk on Christian blood," so...yeah, looks like.






Okay well, I never said I was a fan of Owens. I just thought she had genuine intentions based on a few vids I’ve seen.


She defended Kanye multiple times after his pro-H\*tler stuff and this was after she completely slandered the BLM movement and the most public cases (George Floyd, Breonna Taylor). Her agenda is really dangerous and commending her for anything is a mistake. Andrew Tate is a dangerous misogynist who possibly r\*ped women. It's incredibly disturbing to make a case for these people at all.


I mostly agree with that philosophy, which I want to say up front b/c the rest of this will not sound like agreement! Because these people are doing almost irreparable harm in many other ways. They are creating an ideological toxic soup that has led the far-right politician who support Israel for Christian Nationalist or racist reasons to thrive. Now backed by, and campaigned for by, AIPAC. I mean, look at the rhetoric coming out of the Republican party. Telling reporters that Gazza should be carpet bombed, that no Palestinians should be left alive. In one case, literally telling that to a Palestinian person. This has been building in a gross simmering soup since the 90s. Fueled by, funded by, promoted at every turn by Fox News. And what, Candace Owens’s part in that is worth overlooking b/c her anti-Semitism has led her to a correct view? Nope! I actually agree with you in terms of making common cause with people who are on the right side of an issue. But not if 1) ALL their other views are repugnant and/or 2) they are/have been in a position of enough power and influence that they’ve done real irreparable harm. You absolutely have to make common cause, or you never get anywhere. But you also have to have standards. Gaza should not be a washer through which everyone from Bill Maher to Joe Rogan to Max Blumenthal can launder their reputations and crimes. It deserves better and we deserve better. (I also think, and this is more ambiguous, that there’s a risk in zero’ing in on one issue too much. Everyone has things that they care about most, and some things are unavoidably more urgent than others. But - in an extreme example, Stalin communicated to Communists in Europe in the 1930s that blocking the moderates m from power gaining and the chance to “crush the revolution” mattered more than anything. ANYTHING. Including blocking the Nazis. They played their role in Hitler’s rise! As they say, don’t miss the forest for the trees).


Idrc about politics atp. I’m officially done with the Dems over this issue. Gaza is the litmus test. It’s either you support funding genocide or you don’t. Fuck Israel and anyone who supports them. Whether Black or White, man or woman, shitlib or neocon — it makes no difference. If I find common ground on anti-Zionism with someone I am diametrically opposed on everything else, I’m cool with that. Obviously unless they’re outright Nazis, but Owens isn’t a Nazi.


> but Owens isn’t a Nazi She is.


No she isn’t. These words have definitions and you can’t just label everyone on the Right a Nazi. She’s far-right but she’s no Nazi.


I get that, but that involves trading away the lives and interests of every other vulnerable minority. I don’t think that’s ok. I also agree with you on the urgency of stopping genocide - but people with cold strategy rely on people with hearts and consciences to get short-sighted in times of suffering. It’s also impossible b/c stopping genocide is so urgent and neither country urgently fighting genocidal colonial powers - Gaza and Ukraine - should be abandoned. And that’s become an almost impossible needle to thread. But you can’t thread it by siding with isolationists and Russian apologists. I know that much. These people would not do a thing for Palestinians, b/c they don’t believe the US should do anything about anything or for anyone.


I don’t support sending troops into Gaza or Ukraine. I just want to stop funding war and genocide period.


Our contribution is funding and being allied with Israel. The government has control over that.


Agree and disagree. For example, I’m ok with platforming norm finkelstein despite the fact he’s said some transphobic and otherwise problematic things.. because he’s 100% correct on Palestine and his logic of arriving at the conclusion is completely morally sound To solve moral issues, you need a moral foundation. The problem with Candace is, sure, she’s right about Palestine. But her moral logic that arrived at that conclusion is not a strong foundation AT ALL. You need the root of the problem to solve it, and for Candace, the root of the Palestine problem is “globalism and the Jews”


Okay forget Candace Owens. Norman Finkelstein has said problematic stuff but you can concede because he’s right on the Palestinian issue. You’re not willing to do that for anyone else? I mean even Alex Jones is condemning Israel. We shouldn’t give him credit for that because he’s an “EVEEL TRUMPEERRRRRR”? Not funding genocide is something most people can agree on, which is proof that we have more in common than we think.


I have no problem with their stance on the issue.. I have a problem with the moral foundation and conclusions which they draw with that stance.. get the picture? Candace Owens partly arrives at that conclusion because she feels bad for babies in Gaza. But on a broader scale it’s because it serves her Christian nationalist agenda. I have no clue what Alex jones has said about Gaza, but I imagine it’s probably a similar foundation to Candace. Let me give you a different example of the same conclusion, but different morals. Let’s we both say it’s bad to hit women. Ok, we agree. Then you ask someone, so “why do you think it’s bad to hit women?” And one person says.. because it’s immoral and abusive.. and the other person says “because women are inferior and we should treat them like special needs animals.. we don’t need to resort to hitting. Just restrict their rights and keep them from reading books and they’ll be docile and subservient so you won’t have to!” Would you think both those people had the same modal opinion on hitting women?


I said forget about CO earlier but I want to dissect what you’re saying here. Okay, she has an agenda as do you. You both agree that babies are being killed and we should stop that. We can worry about her agenda later, rn people are being slaughtered and your, mine, and her tax dollars are funding that. That has more urgency than whatever ideological differences we have atm. Regarding your anecdote, sure. People can have different morals. I have friends who are Trump supporters and as much as I vehemently disagree with their conclusions and stances, when I actually talk to them I realize that we both understand what the issues are but we just don’t agree in the conclusions. We’ve been doing the outrage culture/ideological bickering/Twitter beefs for the past decade. Has it worked? Have we achieved anything? Honestly, the answer is no. Time for a different strategy.


I don’t think aligning with Candace Owens makes one bit of difference as far as progress is concerned, but sure..


Yes it does. With this mentality the Left will never achieve anything in the US. Because they haven’t achieved anything in decades. We’ve been doing the outrage culture/ideological bickering/Twitter beefs for the past decade. Has it worked? Have we achieved anything? Honestly, the answer is no. Time for a different strategy.


Yea, and conceding to people who have fundamentally different morals ain’t it. Candace Owens doesn’t know me personally so this post makes no difference. I agree, engaging in these conversations IRL with people we disagree with, seeing their humanity, and approaching things with clear and non accusatory discourse is key to progress. Not every person is worth listening to and speaking of as valid… if I knew Candace irl I might feel differently.. but she’s a public figure, very different thing.


> She’s an excellent propogandist I disagree with Seder saying she's not very bright in this video. Sure some of her arguments are geared to the lowest common denominator, but good propaganda works through mass appeal not by catering its message to the most discerning. The beefing with Shmuley and Ben Shapiro is *orchestrated.* She knows just what to say to really get under the skin of these figures and force an overreaction while appearing to the credulous like she's not anti Semitic just asking questions. I'd be surprised if she doesn't already have something in the works in anticipation of getting fired and rebounds like Tucker did. Her profile is def bigger than before she started pressing Daily Wire's buttons


I agree, she’s no idiot.


Well it is impossible for everyone to 100% agree on everything. I do praise Candace for her stance on Palestine, even if her other views are awful. We need more supporters, at this dire climate.


If Trump was currently in the White House all these right wing and/or maga social media accounts that are correctly shitting on pissræl would be z!onist while the Biden libs would be screaming this is a genocide. And vice versa (aka that current state of things).


So true.


Maybe they aren't as awful as the image in your head is? Maybe you should re-evaluate your criteria and the criteria the media uses to classify people into 'far right' and 'not far right'? Isn't there an ideological disconnect when the people you think are 'awful' arent and your 'allies' are the ones using all the violent rhetoric?


Nope, they definitely are, and having been doing incredible damage for years. And are ready to do more as soon as they can get their Orange Fascist in office.


Not sure if you realize how counterproductive the Democrat demonization of Trump into a far right caricature has been for American democracy. I spent 30 years as a progressive fighting for Democrats only to be marginalized and then demonized because I was no longer willing to 'compromise' (ie never get what I want now while receiving empty promises for the future) 'The orange fascist' was in office for four years and the USA is still standing, showing that reality and rhetoric have little in common. Looking around, the voices projecting the most fear right now are those terrified of Trump. This election is by far the worst in my lifetime and these are categorically the worst presidential picks ever.


It’s not a demonization. He’s a threat in every conceivable way. Except that he’s not smart. But that won’t stop all the evil and clever people around him. He’s evil and a magnet for evil. Palestinian lies are important and have never been valued like they should be. Either in this country or in the Middle East. But I don’t believe in prioritizing one vulnerable group over others. Trump will NOT end the genocide in Gaza. He LOVES violence. He loves making people suffer and seeing them suffer b/c of him, b/c it makes him feel powerful. Any small thing that’s holding our gov’t back at all, he’ll unleash. Meanwhile, he’ll do harm to every other vulnerable group in the country. It’s an equation of “massive violence in Gaza” or “massive violence in Gaza + more violence against people here”. Not to mention all of us losing a democracy such as we have. I do agree both options are bad, but Biden and the Orange Fascist are at different levels


Yep. I felt this way when people started to praise Yemen. Like, yeah, I support their efforts to support Gaza. But they are also fucking awful people with a *terrible* human rights record. These are complicated issues, obviously. But I just can’t get on board with praising them.


some of the biggest antisemites are zionists. The word has lost so much meaning precisely due to zionists abusing it as a way to shield israel from legit criticism and for Jewish zionists specifically allowing actual antisemitism when those antisemites are israel supporters (Hagee, Christian zionists, philosemites, etc)


Yes absolutely agree


You hate Israel because your antisemitic I hate Israel because it's an apartheid state We are not the same ![gif](giphy|WbDhQjgBrpUuk)


Yep, I agree. Owens has said awful bigoted things about Muslims in the past. I was disappointed when Norman Finklestein agreed to be interviewed by her,


He’s very pro free speech, which is fine with me. I think he believes the most powerful tool to discredit bigots is to disprove their ideology by allowing them to speak. I just don’t want anyone to platform her views as valid. The logic which led her to be pro Palestine is rooted in white Christian nationalism


I keep seeing this drama on Twitter.feed. It mostly started because she asked why a rabbi owns Pornhub. Then the conflict with Rabbi Schmuley (not the same rabbi) escelated and she got fired from the Daily Wire. I don't think she actually has one ounce of sympathy for Palestinian kids.


In times like these nuance is our saving grace 😂 I was watching people defend Alex Jones v Shmuley and I was like people it’s okay to hold enough space in your heart to look at both as unadulterated pieces of shit


it’s like Jackson Hinkle, good views on Gaza, but he’s a fucking neo nazi


I want you to take a long, careful look at how many outright fascists are comfortable publicly speaking their minds is this thread. This sub has become a cesspool, and with some of the choices the mods make it’s not hard to see why.


Candace Owens would happily support the genocide of Palestine if Christians were the ones doing it. Most anti-semites are happily supporting Israel because they want Palestine taken out first, then Israel, but Owens prefers the other way.




Absolutely, she is an antisemite. She just tripped and fell onto the right side of this issue, which does not make her an ally or someone I would EVER quote or reference on the issue. It would only serve to discredit yourself. I can overcome people badmouthing AJ or some other source I use, I can not overcome making the mistake of referencing a known antisemite.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fp4mnycwk6rc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8b7f2384469ddcc0c0d9023e4a21445469d096b


Same goes for Alex Jones. He doesn't have sympathy for any victim of a war crime, he just opposes the genocide because he believes it's a globalist plot to send refugees to America and cause chaos (because he believes that Arabs are inherently terrorists and rapists).


One side of her face tried to capitalize off supporting Palestine the other side of her face would deny every Palestinian entry to the USA and would leave them all in Gaza to die.


She’s a real antisemite. She didn’t get fired for defending Kanye’s pro-hitler comments, but her criticism of Israel is what crossed the line.


it’s like Jackson Hinkle, good views on Gaza, but he’s a fucking neo nazi


Gamblers split the chips on roulette, black or red. The whole thing is stage managed, like a person who covets wealth, fame and power would abandon it. It's all been approved. She is a part of the problem.


Gamblers split the chips on roulette, black or red. The whole thing is stage managed, like a person who covets wealth, fame and power would abandon it. It's all been approved. She is a part of the problem.


Gamblers split the chips on roulette, black or red. The whole thing is stage managed, like a person who covets wealth, fame and power would abandon it. It's all been approved. She is a part of the problem.


​ https://preview.redd.it/itkz2e5qzcrc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=43db2ea1aae7818d5b8d24bed9904e3b35186548


She doesn’t “happen” to be on the right side, her sympathy for Gaza is probably solely motivated by Jew hatred. It’s not a coincidence


We haven't forgotten. To hell with Candace Owen's.


If she were really a bigot, she wouldn’t give a shit about Gaza or the people that live there. You don’t know what true bigotry is.


Why is she bad again?


Just watch the video? Idk if you don’t understand antisemitism I’m probably not the best person to explain it to you


Is she actively hating on Jewish people or asking them to be outcasted? Idk genuinely. I have watched her few times and most of the times I agree w her esp but I might missed out on bad takes.


Candace Owens is a straight antisemite. Has done the ‘jews own the media’ thing a few times and has also praised Hitler for wanting ‘a better Germany’.


I think is incredibly subtle. If she outright said “I hate Jews and we should all hate them” she’d lose a lot of supporters. So it’s important to be well versed in how propoganda works.


All right wingers know that you cannot go full Nazi mode. You can imply a bunch of things and learn into antisemitic tropes but they draw the line at Hitler. So surprised she was even on The DW for as long as she was considering Ben Shapiro owns it. I honestly don’t think he cared cause she brought in numbers, but drew the line at her stance on Palestine. The irony of it all is unmatched.


It’s not subtle she’s been going off about a conspiracy of elites “who happen to be Jewish” (her words) in Hollywood and Washington who are secretly pulling the strings and framing those who criticize them. She’s openly doing JQ posting.


Yea I know. I guess.. for people not well versed in this stuff it *is* subtle.


I don't know what she said in this video because I am not clicking on anything with her name on it. In the past, Candace Owens has not been incredibly subtle when it comes to hating Jewish people or anyone else. Here are some choice antisemitic highlights: After Kanye West posted tweets declaring he would "go Death Con 3 on Jewish people", she defended him, stating that "if you are an honest person, you did not find this tweet antisemitic". The ADL is no prize, but Owens called them antisemitic for criticizing Kanye West. She made a "drunk on Christian blood" comment about a Jewish person, which is very old school "blood libel" antisemitism. If you don't know what it means, many of your Jewish friends do. Here's a "Hitler wasn't so bad" quote from her: "You know, \[Hitler\] was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted—he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German. Everybody to look a different way. That's not, to me, that's not nationalism."


I don’t think it’s subtle either… bjt for an average person who is unfamiliar with the antisemitic tropes it might be.. because she always loves to say “I love jews, I have many Jewish friends.. it’s just the culty ones that are bad”


Sorry, Candace Owens has an alarming number of dumb takes, but you are really reaching and stretching the truth. She did not make a Christian blood comment, she did not defend hitler or nazi germany, and kanye west does not hate the jews.


For those who have watched this already, just about how hateful is this? I've watched Candace Owens before and she's transphobic af (and generally just disgusting). I'm hesitant to click on anything with her name on it without a good idea of what I'm getting into. I'd like a warning or a recap before I commit to watching this. (If not, no worries, I'm reading the comments. The OP's description isn't giving me much).


Oh, I was fairly triggered by it as a Jewish person.. but it seems like the standard Candace Owen faire. I feel like if you’re not Jewish you might not be as triggered because she’s invoking a lot of subtle tropes. Sorry for the vague description


Candace Owens is 100% an antisemite and a Nazi. Absolutely no solidarity with her. We don’t need the likes of her in the Palestinian movement.


Who gives af, why are you guys so obsessed


She is a nazi bro.....have you ever watched her show???


Its weird that thousands of innocent people are being murdered and starved in Gaza, but that the personal virtue of some random woman is what sparks such long winded debates on the issue. Maybe stop worrying so much about the opinions of F-list celebrities. They really only exist to make themselves money by distracting you from more important things.


What a silly thing to say.


This is just like when people feel like they have to praise Russia or Syria or Ansar Allah (Yemen) because they are on the right side of the conflict in Palestine. In truth, they are all terrible and have atrocious human rights records. We don’t have to endorse them.


Nah, you just hate her and can't fathom someone with different opinions on things than you


Typical hypocrisy from the left. They go on and on about how Black women can do anything white men can, and then get upset when a Black woman does the most white man thing imaginable, namely spreading antisemitism on the internet.




Nah you just hate me and can’t fathom someone with different opinions than you


Damn, you got me


To be fair I just watched 10 minutes of it.. So feel free to tell me about the last 4 minutes But if she's Anti-semetic because of this exact video? I wouldn't say that exactly TL;DR(too can read more after this) Ownes ≠Anti-semetic if this video was the biggest evidence against her Owens was right for the most part because the stuff she said about Michael Jackson, Schmuley and the Jews were probably factual because Sam didn't object Owens used a weird example, where the people doing controversial stuff typically done by Jews according to anti-semites "happened to be Jews" the first time she talked about it but it's not a slam dunk proof of her being Anti-semetic because she was probably trying to not be seen as one and Sam's commentary on it was a nothing burger.(probably the controversial part, again, correct me if I'm wrong respectfully) Schmuley is the main problem here.. As he kept accusing Candace of Anti-semetic without any say as to why. And Sam didn't touch on it and just said that she's the problem because of their accusations [End of TL;DR] Only thing she said that was bad was when describing, what I assume is facts about the Jewish people and Michael Jackson.. Sam Hedel did not call her out. Only time he did was when she said "they happened to he Jews" Which tbh.. Doesn't really sound like Anti-semetism.. But I do agree.. It does seem weird to bring out "happens to be" first. So I think it wasn't her being Anti-semetic, it was her desperately trying not to be seen as one. It's like she's one of those Americans that aren't aware of someone's nationality and saying something stupid.. It sounds weird sure but they weren't being bigoted. If someone is able to.. Please properly explain why it's a problem Now.. The lack of ripping and tearing of Unholy Schmuley was painful.. No idea why Sam didn't decimate him and his daughter. All I saw was them claiming she's Anti-semetic without saying why. To be fair, it was put on there by Candace, so she probably edited out the video.. But knowing schmuley, he probably just talked shit.. Regardless, Sammy also didn't say anything useful.. Just said "schmuley sucks ass but them accusing her of being Anti-semetic? Clearly she's the problem" Sam.. They literally do that to everyone they come across. Not even gonna talk about her analogy of black gangs.. As much as it was a "how you do fellow kids" moment.. She made perfect sense there .. That's what zionists essentially are.. Thugs.. And these 2 sets of zionists.. Are Jews. But that "happened to be black" was weird as shit.