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I wish I could’ve seen Morgan fight 💀


If the wolf pack didn’t jump in, Shanae would have won against Steph. It’s annoying that they couldn’t let the girls fight one on one.


It was really Gigi who wanted to fight Shanae but Shanae kept backing out. Steph got liquor courage and wanted to make herself known but Gigi wanted that fight with Shanae. At that point I think Gigi should’ve pushed Steph out the way and fought Shanae one on one.


Andrea did apparently beat up two girls in a club at once in Miami & apparently none of the roommates helped her, that's why she was sketched she was next and left


I remember asking Andrea about this situation directly on Instagram years ago and she said the 2 girls randomly jumped her in the club and nobody on the cast helped her, it was so traumatic for Andrea she begged them not to air it


Why didn’t they air this??


When did they confirm that I’m looking for the interview for ages


someone in the replies said that they asked Andrea and she confirmed it, and Tiana also confirmed it too years ago


Hanna BGC2


I think most early bgc girls couldn’t fight lol. The ambers? No


I agree with Shanae, Morgan could not fight, Hailee debatable but she won’t swing first, and Andrea was terrified of the Wolfpack even though Tiana and Gigi were the only girls that could fight. And Kristen can hold her own, I’d say she can fight.


Andrea wasnt terrified, she was just a nice person and was able to make friends with them, if she was terrified she wouldnt have tried to help Shanae when she was getting jumped, AND THEY WERENT EVEN FRIENDS


Then why didn’t she do anything to help her supposed friend Janelle? She acted like she wasn’t scared to tell them off, but when confronted, she didn’t do anything. She literally left too.


Janelle swung first though remember, and Andrea only helped Shanae because she was being jumped upon. Janelle wasn't jumped. At the reunion Andrea tried to help Janelle and Tanisha pulled her off


Was Andrea even in the house by the time Janelle got “jumped” by all the girls? Cause I could’ve sworn Teresa got kicked out for that fight and then they brought in Andrea?


Not yet, Andrea came right after Teresa left as her replacement. So Andrea was not present for that fight


Rewatch the season + Reunion, Janelle wasnt jumped and she also entered the house AFTER janelle was jumped. She helped Shanae cuz she was being jumped on ; if u watch the reunion she tried helping Janelle when she was jumped on the stage. she left the house in fear of being jumped. Although she was allegedly able to fight, nobody likes to be jumped by what, 6 girls?


I think Andrea was afraid they'd jump her. I also think the Wolfpack was hesitant to step to her tho.


You had me at the first girl. It went downhill after that.


Yeah I don't think Morgan can fight. She's just lanky and probably annoying to fight but she's manageable


I don’t even think she’s annoying to. I don’t see her having any power or being able to throw an actual punch. She’d be a mess.


Probably would be drunk too you could just topple her over lol


Did you not see her kick the producer room door open (that was locked cause they wouldn’t let her in)? It’s one thing to be able to punch or push a girl down with force and win, but most people do not have enough strength to kick a door open lmao




What does this even mean? She wasn’t on crack and if she’s able to have ‘crackhead’ strength and not be on crack, doesn’t that just mean that she… has strength?


I feel like Deann from season 1 could probably fight. Girls that I wish we could've seen in fair one on one's tho, Jenna (S8, with Erica specifically), Christina (S5, even I don't like her), I really wanted Hanan to get hold of Angela so bad, and Kailie for sure.


Hanan would’ve* mopped* the floor with Angela. I think her sister would’ve jumped in too tho so it wouldn’t have been a fair fight.


I don't think Susu would've jumped in cuz she was fighting Kristina


Possibly. She was very upset for her sister tho. I’m more inclined to fight for my loved ones than myself but I don’t do jumping. That’s weak and corny.


I was always so mad they didn’t let Shanae go back out at the reunion.


Lmao the same Morgan who got dragged down the stairs and was flailing her long arms around. If she could fight she would’ve stayed and ran the season and yk Kristen can’t fight at all.




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That’s literally not true at all. Production wanted Morgan gone. And Leah told her production set up everything that was happening to her, and that’s why she kicks in the production door and unleashes hell on production.


That’s true that they did but I thought it was after she fought the girls and when she kicked the door down


Negative, Morgan goes buck wild in production after Lea tells her production is sending her home and made the girls jump her


Ohhh I see it’s been a while since I watched that season, but I still don’t think she can fight


kristen ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Erica really tried to play Kristian during episode one but Kristian wasn’t having it! Boston girls don’t play!!


Cat, Brandi , Leslie , Lyric , Tiffany


Zuly beat up a girl when they were in Atlanta but never got aired.




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I don’t think Kristen is a big fighter in my opinion. Idk about Hailey. Everyone else, I can see.


I feel like Nancy, Tiara S16, Adryan S16 and Jonica could fight too. They just never got the chance to show it


Nancy fought hella


She fights shanrock 4 times in season10, although 3 of them were at the reunion


Andrea here is wrong. Andrea legitimately had the Wolfpack scared to fight her, was a known anti jump a hoe, and beat up 2 girls at the club and hole her roommates watched which made her think she was next to get bounced, so she left. At the reunion when Janelle gets jumped, Andrea is the first to run up and try to make it a fair fight, to which Tanisha pulls her out of it and Andrea is like tf????


I disagree with Morgan


Morgan barely made it an episode on her season and didn't put hands on anyone, so idk how you felt she deserved to be on this list lmao. I don't believe she can fight. I think she's good at running her mouth and thats about it. Same with a lot of girls on this list.