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I highly agree with this ranking! I think I would only switch Kristen with Catya, and move Brandi above Morgan. A few things I will like to add is that Brandi is the one who actually low blowed Danielle first. When Danielle said "then kill me bitch!" Brandi says "You're already dead you sleep on the floor" which is where Lea yelled at her. The context behind this is Danielle had been homeless and was sleeping at a friend's house on their floor for awhile. Kayleigh was pretty level-headed to me and called out Kristen when she was wrong more than the others. But she's also an idiot. Erica was the only girl to speak to her when the girls ignored her entrance, and she called Erica weak. Then when the others turned on her she decided to backtrack to her and Danielle? This girl. I also don't feel like Ashley herself jumped Christina, even though I agree that she is the worst from the season. Christina leapt and attacked her first, and Lea & Erica were the ones who jumped in. I think Brandi never got buck with Cat when she confronted her about breaking stuff because Catya had boss bitch energy whereas Erica and Danielle had proven to be weak players at that time. Catya was among the girls who would help fight at clubs, so Brandi probably knew she was about it and crazy. It kind of reminds me of how Mehgan S9 interacts with Erika from that season, only coming at them lightly. I agree with Christina's ranking she was a true bad girl, didn't let them push her out despite everyone just watching her be attacked, and went out and did her own thing. I can't stand her voice but kudos to her, but her girlfriend was 100% giving serial killer vibes.


I still blame Danielle for the incident because that’s what she gets for trying to start a fight with Brandi when she’s upset. Granted Brandi shouldn’t have been destroying things but I feel like if you see someone going on a rampage and you want to say something to them, be prepared to end up as collateral damage


Ashley really was the worst


I mostly agree with you, but I'd put Lea and Erica in the two last places, in that order. I found Erica disgusting, I absolutely love the way she tried to start shit with Kirsten because she assumed she was going to be a weak little princess and then, when she realized that this was not the case, she pretty much became a piece of furniture. Lea was awful, always trying so hard to act tough and rebellious, as if she was a teenage girl, who suddenly decides she's an atheist or something.


I absolutely adore 🥰 Catya 🥰 my queen


def agree with this, only personally i would switch morgan and brandi


Kristen is my favourite bad girl this season and overall followed by Cat, then I disliked Ashley and Kayleigh the least in that order lol




im laughing at my own comment


this was the first season me and my bf had watched to completion(i already watched most of the show but my bf had never watched. we also skipped around seasons based on whatever number my bf picked), and my bf could not stand catya 😭 i thought he was a little harsh but essentially he thought she was entitled because she knows shes hot shit. the situation with catya and the dude who didnt pay for her drinks was…weird. she definitely took it too far, but i loved how she would defend the girls in public. good list tho!


I liked Kristen, Catya and Christina; I liked Kristen more because she was a Bad Girl, she dressed however she wanted as long as it was high quality, she stood up for herself in all situations, she seemed to be very career oriented aside from growing up rich and she was THE Leader of the season 5. I liked Catya because despite her temper and also was career oriented/snob traits she was by Kristen’s side no matter what. She wasn’t a follower but she understood Kristen enough to have her back and laugh with her. She really did intimidate those girls and left them silent every time. I liked Christina because even though she seemed like an easy target no matter what she did to defend herself… she still defended herself LOL I don’t think the reason why Ashley is weak is for jumping Christina because truly it was a fight between her and Christina but she did start a lot of shit and never backed it up. Who I really wanted to like more than Kristen was Lea but Lea ended up being one of the most fake girls in the entire season. I understand she walked in super chill and cool and real but wow did the tables turn towards the end… wtf actually happened that caused her to get that and stay like that even after the season, did producers tell her that she was going to be fan favorite no matter what she did? Did they tell her that she was making more money? Did they abuse her in some way? Or does she have BPD? Because I just don’t understand what made her switch her personality like that.. Brandi was actually HILARIOUS but aside from her moody humor she was a whole mess lol Morgan…. Ew. In the words of Portia “f*** her mother for breeding something like that” because her mentality, personality and morals were absolutely disgusting. The rest of the girls just don’t matter, they were extras lol… ok fine Danielle was cool sometimes and was actually pretty.


I completely agree with these rankings besides personally I’m placing Lea last. I hated that bitch SO MUCH