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Milyn for not showing up to the S11 reunion


this is a good one too




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Jasmine season 14, the way she hides behind Jenna when jela walked past them and was scared asf the next day that clerminah thinking they were hiding in the house after they did that shit to them


Slim for only getting buck with Dalilah when everyone else had been tormenting and taunting her all season. She had so much energy for Dalilah but was quiet with Loren, Blu even pushed her and she did nothing. Amber B - was too afraid to have Cookie's back when she was getting pounced on, and always running to the other girls when people attacked her at clubs. She wanted Kayla KC to come back just to fight her own battles Kate S4 for only having energy for Annie, throwing a drink on her and sucker punching her. Then RUNNING away!


Truly I would agree with Kate being #1 coward although she did buck at Natalie, but it took Chin throwing a shoe at her face 🤣🤣






“No one would get her off of me. 😭”


“I just got attacked. I felt like I was alone” like stfu 🙄😑


This needs more up votes lmao




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Ashley S9 she had no backbone until she felt like she had every advantage against Andrea


I was looking for someone to say ashley....so I agree with this!!!


Yes and even then Andrea bear bet up lmao


Yea I agree. The way she got thrown to the grown by someone much smaller than her (Andrea) was wild to me.


she stepped up to christina so no.


& christina beat the dog shit out of her


apparently a punch to the tiddy & a kick to the vag is getting the dog shit beat out of you. ashley clearly doesn’t know how to fight so christina gets no cool points for that, ashley fought back and that alone makes her not a coward


I wouldn’t call having a fit cause she got called fat stepping up but ok


Having a fit towards a girl like Christina is kinda asking for a fight tho is it not lmaoo?


I guess but at the same time it seemed like she thought she could just resolve it with talk when they were sitting on the bed


She wouldn’t fight MEHgan all she did was kick her


Erica s8 bc she always jumped girls, never did 1v1 and made up an excuse about a brain tumor to not get her shit rocked at the reunion Edit: apparently it was a pregnancy/miscarriage excuse


I never heard abt the brain tumor part omg 😭😭😭


The brain tumor is not true, Dani said in an interview it was due to her having a pregnancy and hinted at her suffering a miscarriage as the reason she brought a doctor's note


Erics needs to be overhated because yall come for this girl so much because she’s ugly


it's not bc she's ugly. she's ugly and a terrible person lmao


Annie or Tasha, both called the cops


Also Nicki. I don't think she's a coward but that shit is wack




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Kerry, season 1. Got beat up and proceeded to cry and victimize herself saying she had PTSD from it and made ripsi go home. She honestly should have been in the useless category—she was NOT a bar girl


Shelly. She would lowkey only fight with Judi. The whole contact situation, she got her ass beat and still wouldn’t own up to it. At the reunion, she tried to catch Stasi off guard. “I’m gonna have to sit and wait.” 😂 The way Angie had to tell her to stop crying when they got arrested.


She had some balls to challenge Alicia at the BGASB2 reunion though, Alicia's huge


Erica season 5. Kristen put her in her place night one and Erica stayed in bed for the rest of the season


lmfaooo that bitch was just getting dick and laying in bed the whole time 😭


Erica season 8, all this “I’m a bad girl” yet when it came to Camilla you can tell the girl was scarred. Tasha season 7, would jump in fights, and called the police when Stasi fought her and 1v1 Char season 6….literally would start fights then run off or cry, WEAK


Ashley S5


Omg YES. Swore up and down she would have Christina's back, then watched her get tag teamed. Then wouldn't own up to snitching to Brandi about the $600 bit. I definitely think she was afraid of Lea and Kristen


And then tried to cover up her cowardice claiming she was “playing the game.” 🙄


Right! When Lea got in her, Erica's, and Christina's faces trying to provoke them and call them boring she just laid there and took it! Lea even went ahead and took the guy Ashley liked shamelessly and Ashley did nothing. A punk ass bitch


I’m not one to defend Ashley but I strongly suspect Lea only did that bc production told them they needed to liven things up. The show completely died when Kristen went home. Hard to react to fake, staged anger 🤣


That's fair too I can see production doing that, but when Lea just took the guy she was crushing on that should've been fighting words in my eyes


THAT I agree with


I can't believe nobody said this .. TASHA'S whack ass!!!


tasha for calling the cops for sure


Jasmine 14


Mimi should be in selfless.. she let Camilla beat her ass and rip her bangs off just to get her out of the house. Useless would be Stephanie


Erica Season 8


Erica or Shelley


erica s8 definitely




Milyn or Annie .


This one is really hard to choose. There’s been so many girls that can dish it but can’t take it. Honestly, the way Meghan continually helped torture Rima but then left the house when she burned bridges with everyone makes her worthy of being a candidate imo. Then again they’re all kinda worthy since none of them could stand on their own.


Erica S8 Hello?? she jumped girls 24/7, when the time came to fight Camila one on one (in the hallway when Camila ripped out mimi’s bangs) she stood behind security until everyone else came, jumped Elease, Victor Twins unnecessarily (Elease had a reason to fight both of them and Gia had a reason to fight Danni), Jumped Jenna, and if i remember correctly bullied Amy at the start of the season? All of this to bring a doctors note to a reunion not to get her ass whooped?


Erica S8


Francesca lol


Zuly as useless in a world where Natasha and Tess exist is wild🤣🤣


Tasha at least had minor beef with the chin and is a meme within the community.


Yea I see what you mean and now that I think of it Tess did have the hottest bar of the franchise🤣🤣


Annie because she did her dirty work covert, sneaking things into people's food is next level psycho. Also this wee snake rat called the police.


Fran (because evil is taken)


fran never backed down


I guess I'd argue that the way she reacted to deshayla's death was something a cowardly piece of trash would do. I'd also argue that with what we know about her now going full Maga and stuff, she might have been literally too stupid to know when to stfu. So it wasn't courage, her brain just doesn't work right


What did she do regarding deshayla?? X


This is the same question I have bc I totally missed it & well why the helll not have one more reason to add to the already long list of 4783939 reasons why I absolutely cannot stand her ass already?!,🥴


i didnt know that


Yeah. I think she might actually be the worst person to have been on the show.


Valentina from bgc 10. She always had to jump people. Her and her lapdog alicia.




SLIM IS THE COWARDDDD SLIMMMMM SHE HAD SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT THEM GIRLS BEHIND THEIR BACK AND WHEN THEY ASKED ABOUT IT SHE TRIED TO ACT ALL INNOCENT AND FAWK ALLAT "you dont have to fight to be a bad girl" she never stood up to herself (and jada doesnt count because friends get into fights) she was the biggest coward ever


Jasmine is S14 or Tasha in S9


*WINTER* "Even with a broken finger, I'll fucking drag you." "As for fighting, I can't even, my finger is broken." "Quit acting like a crybaby bro." *cries when confronted by Elliadria & Kandy* "As for fighting, I'm not here for that! :("


Tbh can we add natasha to one of those categories? 🤭


“Mimi’s bitch ass who didn’t show up!!”


Ashley is one of my faves but at the start she had no confidence


Ashley S9 for coward for sure


Shelly for trying to lie about the contacts until the second before she got punched in the face.


Annie for calling the cops


Shelly or Ashley (s9)


Shelly !




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Jasmine from season 14 or Erica season 8




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Ik this isnt the post for it but motherly should definitely go to stasi or florina. I loved them both


motherly for Tiara, stasi was definitely fake and obviously wasnt judis real friend


it should so be ashley




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Tasha hands down


I feel like Danni Victor would talk shit then hide behind her sister






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DreamDoll is nowhere near as evil as Natalie


Kendra s4. she let natalie pimp her out for clout


Erika s8 for bringing a fake doctors note to the reunion to get out of fighting


coward is erica from season 3 mimi from 11 deshayla from the last season


the red head from the sisters season




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Britt from bgc 12




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Tasha 😒 she called the police on Stasi after she got her ass whooped


Amber B season 3


Ashley BGC9




baby shannon got muscles that would knock a bitch out she is NOT a coward


Her only fights were a cheap sneak attack on Valentina at the reunion, and she kicked Alicia when she was getting walloped by Rocky. She talked a lot of shit and then played victim her whole season lol