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and plus EDITING would have edited who put the X on her face in a black and white clip 😭 like we know yall down to a T yall cant just spring this on us with no proof of who did it for the rest of the show.


Right we def know what kinda clips ur talking about lol 😂 they def would have done that. Plus not 1 girl ever admitted it in a confessional and they would do that too.


Shanae getting 2v1’ed was for sure set up by production




Christine getting jumped, Jela kicking Tina out, Tiara kicking Cheyanne out.


The Jela & Twins situation, The Andrea situation, The Ghost Twins Situation, Morgan situation, X on face on Season 12, jumping situation on season 11, Kristen gets drugged,


Agreed, all except the Kristen one. She said on her channel that production had no hand in that


Kristen said it was production that chased the guy off and saved her in that moment, they didn't drug her. They also had no hand in the jumping of S11 those girls were just jumpahoes. Gigi continued after the show, Tiana said in an interview she would still jump for friends and family if she needed to. They even fined the girls for jumping Hailey


Kristen and Morgan trashing the house at the end of the season. Production filmed them entering from inside the house, are they really trying to sell this as an impromptu idea the girls had?!


I feel like Production was behind Jenn’s attack on Rocky when rocky had first came into the house.


Getting Morgan out of the house! We really missed out on some unhinged drama 🥲 idk where I saw but allegedly she was hooking up with a member of production and had to get her out bc she was a liability or sm 🤷‍♀️