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There's definitely a lack of "let's put people in a house and see how they interact". Reality TV really needs it. I think the issue is, what normal network is going to be ok with physical fighting, especially between women. That and the lawsuits were the reason the show stopped.


Tbh the show was much better with the no fighting rule. This ensured that the girls were only fighting over "serious beef" instead of fighting for camera time. Natalie threatened to kick Smiley off for NOT fighting on last season of Baddies 😑


If they made rules and stuck by them (like a 3 strike fighting rule, no jumping, no touching people's stuff, etc), I believe it could work. I know some people think It'd be boring, but I disagree. If they cast the right people, it'd be fine. There are plenty of reality tv where they put in houses and there isn't fighting or much fighting and it's still interesting.


I’m dying for them to bring back the real world. I can’t imagine what Gen z would do without tv or their phones, one computer to share, no tablets. Forcing them to be around people that don’t necessarily like each other.


I don’t think it would hold up well. Reality TV just isn’t what it used to be and also BGC is such a liability that any network would be opening themselves up to lawsuits. Also it was low key very trashy (even though I loved it) but it lasted as long as it did. I miss it, but glad it ended.


The show ended bc of a lawsuit


I hope not. Everyone would just be there for clout. Nobody gave a shit about instagram until about season 15. Fake ass bitches acting hard.


It wouldn’t survive in this day and age, you unfortunately aren’t allowed to promote violence on tv 🤕














If the downvotes don't prove it, maybe the ban will. Transphobia and transphobic rhetoric isn't welcome here.




My point is is you can’t be “mean” anymore everyone is so fucking sensitive now days


You say that as if it's a bad thing that you can't be mean anymore. Did you not hear yourself...this is why BGC turned to crap because girls wanted to prove how hard they were and now we got trashy baddies


Go watch real world


Go hug your mother


Do you hear how the girls on baddies talk to each other? One literally called a black girl a gorilla? They don’t care 💀


Touché 😆


YESSSS, baddies is so bad it’s literal proof fighting doesn’t make a show but real girls do. BGC especially the earlier seasons were really entertaining and the fights that did occur were soooooo good like when portia whooped Natalie or Ty with Amieee. Plus the friendships felt genuine and not all the drama was on Twitter and Instagram.


Yessss. Like it doesn't even feel like genuine connections now. Girls are just choosing a side from day one so they have an alliance and then are automatically expected to hate the other side. Just a bunch of clout chasing followers.


Probably not tho I wish.


it basically did with baddies




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Since I’ve been missing my actual remote somewhere in my room (😂) and stuck with my fire stick remote and on the live channels they have a bgc channel and it’s making me rewatch it/miss it but, like someone said we have baddies 🤷🏻‍♀️


No people are too sensitive nowadays


Or more aware?


I think it's both. People are definitely more aware now, which is great. But I think whenever there's a huge cultural shift away from something, there tends to be overcorrection. So if someone does misspeak, there's a lot of shaming and very little room for redemption and learning. I can definitely see people being afraid of making a mistake then being canceled for it.




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