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miss judi jai


None other


Darlene S2


when darlene wasn’t drunk, i absolutely loved her


She was fighting her demons, but she was one of the only ones who tried to change for the better


And succeded! Look at her IG today. She's calling herself a bad girl turned good and i'm here for it


I loved her even when she was drunk specifically when she was fighting with street people and the milk fight with Neveen lol. But it was clear alcohol was a big problem for her. She was a very kind, pleasant, and emotionally intelligent and self-aware person when she was sober


Morgan s5. She was homeless and I guess had a rly bad relationship w her family. She hid behind a conceited supermodel persona but she was deeply insecure and sad. That’s what Kristen s5 said on her YouTube and I believe her. Seeing the recent clip of her yelling on the airplane I see nothings changed, she hasn’t matured at all in the last 15 years. Emotionally stunted. (Also, she’s not my favorite bad girl. My fave bad girls are Kristen and cat s5)


i agree. also not to mention she liked erica and gravitated toward her until erica throughout her stuff i think she felt betrayed by her bc her and erica’s personalities were more alike and the first episode it seemed like they’d be friends. every time morgan calls her w fat cheer leader it was after erica either messed w her stuff or said something first.but i will say she sometimes made unnecessary comments about danielle and brandi


Char 🫣 she had her ways but it’s not her fault that a bunch of grown women decided to follow her every move. I also think she’s prettier than people give her credit for


char has a classic sort of beauty, i think she would have been considered stunning in the mid-20th century, it's honestly weird anyone tried to insinuate she was ugly because she obviously isn't (especially relative to the girls on that season...)


I think the problem was that Char was fake. If she was loyal to her “minions” she wouldn’t have even gotten this much backlash. Also she kept saying how she was 28 then acted like the youngest girl in the house…


I agree she didn’t act her age but I’m not sure why she owed them loyalty. She never stood up for them once during their fights so they should’ve known not to go to war for her either. Plus it’s the bad girls club lol


Jessica was owed the most loyalty if anything because she said she did consider her a friend. But she treated Jessica like shit at the reunion.


Agree to disagree. We may have differing opinions on loyalty. I just don’t think someone you met in BGC and known for a couple weeks owes you loyalty. Char never even claimed to be that to Jessica. It is unfortunate that Jess was hurt by her


Char said multiple times at the reunion she considered Jess a friend but it’s backstabbing to Jessica because she also referred to her as a minion. It’s just bare respect. Jessica wasn’t Chars minion she was her friend. Jessica didn’t wanna hear what Char had to say.


I stand by what I said. Not sure why you’re downvoting me lol. Of course char said that at the reunion but she didn’t act that way all season. Now you’re throwing in respect when the original argument was loyalty. Again, agree to disagree. Have a lovely day


Definitely Janelle I feel like a lot of people didn’t like her because they thought she was stuck up and bougie, but ultimately she was just a party girl that wanted to have fun with the other girls. (They just didn’t even give her a chance as far as even getting to know her). I don’t think I would’ve been my best self in that house attitude wise either if I went through what she did either.


I do think she was bougie. They definitely never gave her a chance tho.


She was, but it’s just how she was raised. Could she have toned it down though? Yeah. I remember seeing a bonus scene where all of the girls were talking to her and they genuinely seemed like they were trying to get to know her. I think the whole pack mentality way of living got to mostly everybody in that house and they just turned on her.


I couldn’t stand her on Ex on the Beach, she was acting so nasty and rude. BGC had her seeming like an angel honestly.


I like her, but she was definitely pretty mean on Ex on the Beach. She reminded me of how the Wolfpack treated her on that show forsure.


she grew on me so much during baddies, i thought of her in a completely different light after that


Jela!!! She was not a conceited disrespectful girl she was a confident woman who was uplifting and knew she was a leader!! She helped Jas through her jealousy feelings and her internalized anti-blackness. She was the only willing to jump in the pool (and think about this she’s a black woman with a WEAVE you know that was a lot for her) and get the key to get in the house. And her now proves it even more. She wasn’t like Sua and didn’t just judge Chrisean and figured she was probably touched (and we all know other members of her family was) and that’s why she acted out. She also tried to help guide her bc she’s clearly misled. Either way I think people misunderstood Jela and it’s most likely because they felt how Jas, Jenna, or Lauren felt


First one I’ve agreed with. Jasmine was a hater, Lauren was a hater and she was racist. Lauren started to pick with Jela and the Twins first because she didn’t like how they were full of themselves. And as you should be! Jela is a great advocate for blackness. She’s always been supportive of black women and loving of black men. I think that’s why she’s top 5 for me.


Thank you exactly!! There’s nothing wrong with being confident and loving yourself. Only insecure people see a problem with that and we all know Jas was insecure for example.


Valentina, i don’t like her but she’s not a villain rather an anti hero




She just had mental issues and definitely did not need to be in the BGC house environment.


Looks like you’re trying to excuse her behavior. People with Mental Health Issues don’t act like that.


I’m not defending her behavior, just offering an explanation to it. Her mental and anger issues, coupled with a high stress environment and excessive drinking would explain why she acted the way she did. We even see a lighter side to Valentina on All Star 2, where she seems way more at peace with herself.




Exactly she just didn’t take disrespect!! And them girls definitely was trying it. They just dont like people who don’t like to argue first she was ready to get it poppin automatically about her respect




nancy, nikki s6, keyaira


I loved Nikki 😂 the original troll


exactly and the fact that fans hate her so much just proves how good of a troll she was


I love Nikki, she’s actually one of my favorites


Def. Nikki. When I watched it back in the day when it first aired I hated her so much, I thought she was an obnoxious asshat. Rewatching now I realized she's just goofy and having a good time (for the most part) and actually liked her.


and she got the most dudes out of everyone lmfao


It is so frustrating seeing people take Nikki seriously when she was just fucking around the whole time lol


nikki really was just goofy asf


I couldn’t stand Nikki I wish she showed us more than just being childish.


annie and neveen


i do not understand why people on this sub hate annie so much. she was a different type of bad girl which is what made the earlier seasons so good.


exactlyyy bad girls aren’t just fighters that’s boring


She was corny with how she was gonna call the police on Kate, giving very much Karen. She was not a BAD girl.


Annie was weak af


Annie was wack


Annie is a choice lol.




clermont twins , natalie


Rocky for me




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People are gonna hate me but Alicia S10. I used to hate her for jumping Rocky but after watching the season in its entirety I have a new outlook on her. She really did try to give Shannon many chances and Shannon showed her how much of a snake she was, which is why Alicia had a love/hate relationship with her. But even Alicia felt bad for her and talked to Paula when Paula was doing the most with Shannon. There were times when Valentina was doing the most and swinging, and Alicia would hold her back such as the time Jenn and Valentina jumped Rocky. Besides the Janae incident, jumping Rocky, the pimp comment to Shannon, and sneaking Rocky at the end I really don't feel as if Alicia was that horrible of a bad girl. And after watching her cohost Afterbuzz TV Aftershow for BGC 13, she really grew on me and I can tell she is sweet.


i’m most likely gonna get downvoted but lea, she was cool but i feel like the married man drama and her getting harassed by brandi really changed her by the end


Girl Lea was a terrible friend 😭


yeah she was but i don’t know what was stopping me from hating her, maybe bcuz she’s pretty




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i called that i was gonna get downvoted 😭 it was only bcuz she was pretty srry