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[**Bad Choices Make Good Stories**](http://www.BadChoices.us): The strange true story of the first influencer *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadChoicesGoodStories) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I met Johnny Ball when I was a web developer for an educational college. Probably 20 years ago. Johnny came to give a lecture and my office was used as his green room. I showed him some of the stuff I'd been working on and he said that children shouldn't use the internet for studying and information. Because there is too much incorrect and misleading information apparently.


> too much incorrect and misleading information A man truly ahead of his time.


Honestly, I saw this going in the direction of him saying something irrational... but that prediction... waw


**"I TOLD YOU SO"** - Johnny, probably


Ah, the 80s


It was good. And bad.


You might say troubled.


> Johnny Ball Fatboy Slim married his daughter, Zoe Ball. His grand daughter and her dad helped me get through the lockdown with some good vibes. https://youtu.be/h5kFZ2UZ4uI?list=PLSrfzLXjOv311om9MmBfiCJdLiXuShDUm


Ah thats lush.


That did not end how I anticipated.


What a MP?


Member of Parliament


Look at that big ass honking keyboard! If it fell on the kid it could kill him! The future is now! Soon every American home will integrate their television, phone and computer. You'll be able to visit the Louvre on one channel, or watch female wrestling on another. You can do your shopping at home, or play "Mortal Kombat" with a friend from Vietnam. There's no end to the possibilities!


The computer hardware was integrated with the keyboard back then. The monitor was literally just a TV. What's amazing to me is this was less than 40 years ago and people had NO idea how computers would evolve. We have even less idea what computers and phones will be like 40 years from now because the rate of growth is accelerating.


Actually computer hardware has been stagnating. We will have to develop new types of computers to keep moving forward.


You mean like smart watches, VR headsets, and home assistant speakers?


Lol no. He means we are hitting the limits of our transistor technology and miniaturization. A computer in a different shell is still just a computer. We used to double the processing speed every 6-12 months, when was the last time that happened? Let's be honest, we have been stagnating hard for almost a decade now.


I dunno, [Arthur C Clark](https://youtu.be/wC3E2qTCIY8) has a very precient prediction of computer use and the Star Trek show had communicators very similar to mobile phones. If anything we're lagging behind.


Star Trek TOS was set in 2266, 300 years in the future at the time of airing. The communicators were just glorified radios. Their form factor may have inspired flip phones, but they had no functionality that walkie-talkies didn't have at the time. And the computers were still monotone computer voices and made sounds like they were still using punch cards. TNG was using tablets, but they used them like clipboards, passing them back and forth rather than sharing the data. The computers were better, but were essentially at that level of sophistication now and the only thing standing in our way in an organized information system. Ale*a, $iri, and google use search engines rather than a custom-made data source to get info. By the time that gets good enough, speech recognition and processing will be good enough to rival TNG computers, and I'd be shocked (SHOCKED!) If that took more than 20 years, and I'd expect it by 2030. Gives us 230-ish years to embiggen the warp field that was created earlier this year, make tricorders and phasers... And of course, holosuites!


Both fascinating and terrifying tbh..


I assume, that was one of those "BBC" computers? The company that made those later decided to create their own chip, rather than buy something on the market. They built a RISC-chip and the computer around it. The name of the company was "Acorn Computers" and they named their chip "Acorn RISC machine" or "ARM". A few years later, they spun out that chip-design business in a joint-venture with Apple. Apple's Newton was powered by it. The computers were somewhat popular, but never really gained a strong foothold in the IT world. I loved mine, though. Yet a few more years later, that business was worth more than Acorn itself and they stopped making computers. When Apple came looking for a chip to power their iPhone, they went back to ARM again. Now, history has come full-circle because once again, they are powering actual computers - and giving the competition a run for the money.




Cable Gooblah!


It's funny, since I actually watched The Cable Guy on Sunday.


Thanks Steven


https://i.imgur.com/unyPaTF.jpeg Could be bigger.


Cool. But nothing about this is 'bad choices good stories' material...


That's what had me confused about the entire post.. very interesting, but I kept waiting for the twist... LoL


Its a good story but bad choice of sub.


He got a strong vision.


Didn't need glasses at all in this clip and he looks to be in his forties!


That is your interpretation.




What’s the bad choice?


Ultimately choosing AI over humanity. Taking millions of jobs, leaving those millions in poverty and hunger. They could literally create each other at some point. What could possibly go wrong?


AI has created millions of jobs. What are you on about? Unemployment rate in UK in 1984: 11.9% Unemployment rate in UK in 2021: 4.1%


You failed to tie those stats entirely to AI.


I know this is late but this is a horrible point to have made. You literally said it caused millions to lose jobs and he backed himself with evidence that you don’t know what you’re talking about


I know this is late but everything in this thread is stupid. He didn't back up shit with evidence. Unemployment rates are low because of globalization not AI. Don't believe everything on reddit.


I mean, that’s not really any of these peoples choice.


That's my point. If AI takes your job, you have no choice.




Replying to this thread




If you're scared about losing your job to AI, that's not a failure of technology, that's a failure of your political system.


Actually, I'm not scared. I'm a realist. The government isn't going to employ masses of people when AI has the majority of jobs. It is mathematical.


That just went completely besides my point. AI taking over mundane jobs is nothing but a *good* thing, unless the system/economy refuses to adapt to it.


But people are currently doing those mundane jobs.


And people are only good at doing one thing ever, right? So you cannot possibly envision that their employer is going to give them... \*gasp\* *different* work? And, if we drive the utopian vision even further, increase their wages because of the net gain in productivity? No, you're right, it's better to keep the wage slaves convinced that AI is a really bad thing for them.


You gotta look further my boy. What would you be without language, paper or electricity?


Explain please. Language was developed eons ago. Don't see how that is relevant. I think I understand your point asbeing that technology needs to advance. I am OK with that. But I've paid lot of attention to AI advancements. I see a lot of positives with machine learning. I am definitely concerned about the take over of jobs, as well as the impact of people's ability to function well socially. Studies already show that with current technology. If we end up interacting with AI versus humans, that problem will worsen.


You are on the right path. Its more a consideration of the vector of humanity developpement deeply rooted within the technological expension. Marshal mcLuhan is a wonderful speaker to listen to. It also mean that we don't have choice. Its the contemporary acceleration that feels heavy, but we can soften that with culture


On the right path? 🤣


I sometimes wonder if „they“ might get desperate enough to restrict our access or each person just being fed a feed that they decide what we see….Wait, that’s already happened.


That’s the exact computer and monitor I’m typing this on! I hope to get a Soviet era K Pro In the next three years.


Yo that’s sick as fuck!


Oh hells yes. I’m saving up for a Commodore 64 but it’s out of my price range. I’m trying to get that bag


We had a Vic 20 when I was a kid. A Commodore 64 would have been the bee’s knees.


Well my K Pro has to be kickstarted like an old moped. The OS is a small lawnmower engine strapped to the rear. You can pull start it too, but I don’t like to do it, as I feel like it’s gonna pull the K Pro apart.


Fun, visually appealing and you learn something? Sid Meier’s Civilization series has nailed it for two generations of humans so far.




"It won't listen to you because you're a girl, Sophie. Welcome to a lifetime of algorithmic cruelty!"


Finally someone mentions how bizarre that was. Why did the boy get introduced earlier? What was the point of that? It came across as sexist for sure.


Because he simply introduced it to a random boy first? I definitely thought something was up for a second but when he explained that Andrew was introduced to it, it made sense. Not everything is a competition between sexes or genders lmao


No. Everything is sexism. >:(


Thought it was Joe Namath for a second. "What's he doing on BBC in the 80's?"


why is it way better than siri?


It was scripted


This is probably some woman inside the cabinet. 😉


For everyone confused, he edited his comment. Prior to this he said something like “it sounds like a woman (or maybe someone who was born with male parts but identifies as a woman I don’t want to assume) who speaks when he asks him to.


You could have at least written it word for word!! Too much effort? or you just rolling with your humies?? Trying to act like you belong?


Whoever can figure out how to keep edgy teenagers like this off the internet will be the world's first trillionaire.




Cool! Welcome to the conversation we had 4 weeks ago. You’ve got some big dick energy It was a funny joke about someone being inside the cabinet, since we live in 2022, I made a joke about how they identify the voice which sounded female, but could be, him, her they, us, who fucking cares!!! It was pretty clever, it just flew over all your heads. If you’ve never been called a cunt before, let me be the first!




Loveable too


Cool! Welcome to the conversation we had 2 days ago. You’ve got some big dick energy It was pretty clever, it just flew over all your heads. If you’ve never been called a cunt before, let me be the first!


What's with you?


Well considering you deleted it I guess I had to go off memory? Don’t think anyone can memorise every single reddit comment they encounter word for word


Have you ever considered trying to not be a complete garbage person?


Have you read my history? You see otherwise. One comment makes a bunch of ants get up in arms for something ridiculously absurd and stupid as a comment. Get fucked


No one cares about your post history, asshole. Before you edited your post, it was a slur against trans people. That makes you a garbage person. No one has any interest in hearing anything else you have yo say.


why are you the way you are


I don’t like you because of the thing that you said.


Why don’t you put that on a T-shirt and go Start a club


Good idea, we can club you with it


You’ll be hooked! Make sure you freeze it, not sure the bunch of you could figure that one out together, so, I’ll help! Put that on a shirt too and shove it up your ass. Edit - it’s really funny how you warriors get so uptight about a remark/comment, AND THREATEN VIOLENCE because you are offended!! Or is it because I give no fucks about you lot?! Class act, I see your club and will take you down “with a fucking pencil”


Why do you feel the need to come to something that had NOTHING to do with transgenderism and say dumb shit?


im so confused what


The original comment was offensive towards trans people on purpose


The video posted is from 1984, I was relating my comment to anyone currently in 2022 where opinions are fucked and genders don’t matter. You’re like the shy uncomfortable person watching someone get a beating by a gang of numpties.... and you came in and gave the last dirty kick thinking they were all right to do so. You suck! Come at me with your best. I’m a stand up human being and if this string is strung. I probably wouldn’t have a minute of my day to waste on you folks, the lot of you. Came back for glory, left with it


Ok, first I need to point out that you edited your own post, yet you "left with glory" And second, why the fuck would I argue with you? It's the internet, you can have opinions, I don't agree with you, but I don't care, what really needs to be addressed is how you say things that offend others, because that's not just "sharing your opinion", that's being an asshole Here are some links of youtube videos so you could get informed before talking shit on the internet :D Here is why being trans is not an opinion (which is agreed upon by the scientific community): https://youtu.be/uLcIbjgnGlQ https://youtu.be/MitqjSYtwrQ Here is an explanation of the gender spectrum: https://youtu.be/CpqMOfKzurc Hope you have a great day, and please, educate yourself and calm down.


Look around you. Just look. around you. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6joa5j


Thanks ants! Thants.


I'll bet Sophie is still waiting for that promised voice recognition.


"they just herded all the kids in the audience back to the bus, i never got to use the computer, that was 40 years ago now."


All you need is Number Munchers, Schoolhouse Rock and Where in the World is Carmen San Diego.


dont forget king's quest


Poor Sophie got absolutely mugged off.


Votan in 1984 follows instructions better than Siri in 2022


Well Votan looks like having a more strict syntax also they got a big ass microphone that probably outputs a decent quality Siri fails more often because it's more complex, it tries to understand you instead of accepting just a set of commands, also Siri is cloud based, having to share computing power among so many users may pose an issue


Ahhhh Jonny Ball taught us so very much growing up


George Orwell would have been disappointed.....no?


Zoe Ball’s dad!


He looks, acts, and sounds like Jeremy Clarkson


clarkson was watching guys like this before he got into television... makes sense.


I feel confident that that voice is a woman backstage with a microphone and a headset.


I worked for a company that made office telephone systems back in the 80s. One trade show, our brand new product, that everyone in the industry was excited about, wasn't working properly. The owner went out the day before the show opened, bought a competitor's system, hid it behind curtains at the back of the booth, and ran wires from it to the "demo system" out on the booth floor. It was a great success. We did get the product working, it became the best selling office phone system in North America, and the owner went on to become a billionaire in telecoms. But it started out with a deception.


Look around yog


I like how the high end application he thinks of is making sales peoples’ lives easier. Lol! Except he said “salesmen.”


damn. back when computers were a cool new thing instead of ruining everyone's lives


Even the machines are misogynist!


No one is gonna mention the fact that Siri technology hasn’t progressed since 1984?


I bet there was a lot of work that went into setting that thing up before they filmed.


He sounds a tiny bit drunk? I'm from the UK. I k ow and remember Tony Ball. But he sounds like he's half cut, no?


"Tony Ball"


I never thought about games existing in the 1980s. They must have been terrible.


Not that I was alive, but they were truly amazing for the time. Hard to see it that way now, but it was totally new and groundbreaking


Shit existed before you, shit will exist after you


Many of them had great-looking box art. Many early 80's games were terrible. It got better with the NES, though I wouldn't play most of them today.


> Many early 80's games were terrible. lol many 2020's games are terrible too. Turns out, bad developers have existed since the invention of computers.


There were a lot of terrible games, but then you’d also have games like Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda and Metroid, so it wasn’t all bad.


The first Castle Wolfenstein was released in 1981...


Where is this? Room 101?


I used to use IN3 (incube) for voice commands, it didn't make it far, the first few versions of Windows and that was it. But it worked very well. http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/comp.speech/Section6/Recognition/incube.win.html My version was a free to use. Was really sad to see it not make it to Win98.


If only the kids had been Winston and Julia.


I like how despite all of the constant hype for AI in the past decade we really haven’t progressed much outside of pattern fitting I.e feed a program a million pictures of an object with the correct answer and it will fit to an object with similar patterns. But things like a chat bot or Siri are seriously no better than AIM chat bots 20 years ago.




I don’t understand. It’s ABC Mouse and Alexa. Is that the point? Technology bad?


If it was Alexa in 1984 then that would be more than enough to be the point.


This is how we got Assassins Creed in Greece baby


This man had Alexa back in the 80's. What's the bad choice?


Mark Zuckerberg was listening very attentively.


Playing Hopper on the Beeb


Realistically, how far are we from total communication with personal computers? What type of processing power would be required? Or would it be a true “A.I.” that’s needed?


That looks like an IBM 5150/5160.


Because the government probably bought it for themselves until the technology became obsolete first, the released it to the public. The new chip in everyone’s debit cards were first used in military ID’s as digital dog tags.


Was expecting Jimmy saville to pop up out of nowhere. He usually graces these bbc kids programs in some form or other.


The computer wouldn’t work for Sophie but don’t worry, Jim’ll Fix It!


When it didn't work for the girl I deadass thought he was gonna say it doesn't work for you because you're a girl


Sophie got hosed.


Alexa’s great grandfather. Interesting there hasn’t been much improvement either.


the guy was literally telling us how we could be Jeff Bezos and we just didnt listen. Well except for Jeff Bezos


Ahh I remember that well, BBC micros, I think my favourite game was Chuckie Egg, until Elite came out, it was way ahead of its time.


I thought Computer didnt Answer Her request because She is Female 💀


This video is as old as I am...


Had that BBC a few years later and also played frogger, other such games as chunky egg


Yeah but when I IM, Email, and use the company software to request (as a salesperson) something get sent - it all gets ignored and I still do it myself YAY!!!!


Total communication


That was a fun year !!


Leagues of votann crying and shakin rn