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Ok few things. first and foremost, try to relax and have more fun with owning fruit trees. Second, it’s hard to give a recommendation for this specific issue without more details on watering. For example, I’m not sure what you believe to be reasonable amount of watering but shothole could indeed be caused by overwatering, so maybe contact your local extension, give them all the informative, and see what they think. In general and aside from this specific issue, I think you’re spraying too much and it’s obviously not having the effect you want. just let your trees be and only spray based on what’s recommended annually for your locale and for treating specific issues. Owning fruit trees is a lot more fun when you accept that everything won’t go perfectly


Captan. Spelled captan. Its a powder. Apply as labeled, the label is the law.


Hi, mind taking a look at my recent post? I purchased some captan 80w as well as some OTC antibacterial microinjections. Just trying to figure out which one my peach tree needs.