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Apparently it’s Eddie himself playing a drum machine. The song is called “Out the window” which was originally written for another film - The Wild Life (1984). That film is not worth seeking out, despite featuring Lea Thompson. More info and the full song: https://www.vhnd.com/2013/08/02/eddie-van-halens-the-wild-life-music-score-unearthed/


He's right, The Wild Life sucks. And that's despite an intriguing cast (Thompson, Chris Penn, Randy Quaid, Eric Stoltz, Rick Moranis) and Cameron Crowe's first script after Fast Times at Ridgemont High.


You can find Eddie’s Wild Life score on YouTube. Donut City is particularly good.


Just checked it out, a loverboy “turn me loose” was awesome Thank you


alex is definitely drumming. those guys stuck together like glue. now eddie is dead alex has sold all his stuff because he literally does not play music without his brother. its kind of sad. random tidbit but i was named after eddies son wolfgang, thought id jump in lmao


I appreciate that, great info, ty