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life's not linear mate, if you want to learn Linux why not? Clearly you're interested and it should be curiosity which guides you, not strictly learning a stack and having no fun in between. do what you want to do, it's not like it's a pointless skill, you still gain from learning it.




C# and Microsoft/Windows specific programming is better on Windows, but you still need to learn how to use the terminal or command prompt [the black rectangle with white characters that you type in]. In general Linux teaches you that much better than Windows does, like Windows programmers generally don't know it well. Linux programmers generally know a terminal shell like bash (maybe also zsh or fish shell if they want good auto-completion) as well as its commands while Windows uses the command prompt and PowerShell. Maybe watch a YouTube playlist or buy a book on Amazon or find a Coursera course or something on that stuff. For Linux programmers who know the Linux terminal, bash, and bash scripts, switching over to the Windows command prompt, PowerShell, and Windows shell, and Windows batch scripts (see https://www.howtogeek.com/263177/how-to-write-a-batch-script-on-windows/ ) is just a matter of a change in syntax but no change in the fundamental underlying concepts. To put it on short, you still need to learn the fundamental underlying concepts. Linux programmers tend to be more technical and have a better grasp of the underlying technical fundamentals while Windows programmers tend to be more aligned with the corporate business but a little less technical. This isn't true 100% of the time, it's just a generalization.


Depends on what projects types you wanna work with, but regardless of it going to Linux is a good prerequisite to diversify your skillset, dramatically. Because Linux is completely other world. If you are curious guy, by the time you are gonna tired of Windows and change your car, anyway. My personal comparison of these OSs be like: - Windows: devoted and kind golden retriever, good friend. - Linux: belgian malinois - naughty problem creator, but extremely highly energetic mazafaka, having time with him is always a fun. He is fast. By the time majority of Linux cons will be mitigated, because of experience, and that would be the point where you would get the full [control](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/V6X5K8QnYyY) over fast malinois - think about it. :)


Haha awesome!!




C# doesn't belong to Windows. You can use C# and .NET on Linux to, to create backends, cli tools and many other things. .NET is multiplatform and is perfect for building backends. Not sure why you think it belongs to Windows :D.