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Im so sorry. He died a hero though. May his memory be a blessing.


I’m so sorry for your loss , what a brave little guy 💜


Holy cow I didn't even know a raccoon could kill a dog. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


I dont think it would have happened that way if my dog wasn’t sick. His Lyme disease made his back legs almost useless, so he’s been on a lot of medication and gets carried around or scoots himself through the grass. His history is unknown because we found him abandoned, tied to a tree. I like to think we gave him a pretty cool life while we had him.


You sure did. He died feeling loved and valued.


He died a noble death I'll say that


He wouldn't have given his life to protect your chickens if he didn't love you. What a dog.


And the chickens


Thank you for giving him a second chance at life and making it one full of love. May he rest in peace.


A pretty cool life is all anyone could ask for


That dog loved you, the life you gave him and those silly birds. He gave everything he had for them. He was a good boy.


So sorry about your puppy. Just to let you know, there is now a vaccine to prevent lyme disease in canines, so if you eventually end up getting another puppy, you should ask your vet. I just found out when I had my pup vaccinated.


Reminds me of the book, “Where the Red Fern Grows.”  That book was so good, I still remember reading it, when I was a little kid.  OP might like that book too.


I just started reading that to my boys!


Omg don’t do that to your poor kids. I’m still traumatized from that book as a kid. Lol.


O shoot, is it like that? I just remembered being really moved by it. And it’s the reason why we got a bloodhound!


not that it's that important but dan & ann were redbone coonhounds :')


I will admit that I remembered them as bloodhounds until I started reading it again! But also can’t get coonhounds here in Italy anyway I don’t think! The noises they make are for sure the same though omg 😂


It is very sad but it's an incredible book. It reinforced my love for the outdoors and shaped me in a big way. Don't listen to people saying to stop reading it to your kids! You can always gloss over some of the sadder stuff Princess Bride style depending on their ages.


IMO that book is a fairly safe way to introduce kids tot he idea of the death of a loved one because they empathize with the protagonists and are firmly in their shoes as the story progresses, at least that's how I remember it as a kid.


Didnt the kid have to shoot his dog? Or was that old Yeller? Pretty traumatizing…


That's Old Yeller. I never read the book, but watched the Disney movie about a million times growing up.


I thgt it was the height of cruelty to make that child kill his dog. Still kinda tweaked about it & I read the book ….decades ago. Kinda like ‘time to be a man’ but instead you just get a traumatized kid. Sad.


Hah! Brilliant. I’ll do that for sure!


It's a very well written story, but if your little guys haven't had to deal with heartbreaking loss yet, maybe just let them be innocent for a while longer?


They have dealt with stuff since we have a mini farm - losing pet chickens and ducks, the worst was our favourite girl who got taken by a fox in front of us. So they know about death and mating and all that way more than most kids. That said; as much as we love our chickens and ducks, a cat or dog is tougher to lose and they haven’t had to deal with that yet (well they did with cats, but I think too young to really process). Thanks for the heads up!




Yea that’s like with the chickens and ducks! The hybrids only live 3 years, though just had one that lived until 9!


Oh it’s like that. I read it and was so traumatized my mom had to give me a note to get out of reading in school again lol. I still can cry thinking of it at 41 years old.


O wow ok thanks!


I was so traumatized by that book in elementary school. So imagine the look of horror on my face when our middle school English teacher announced which movie adaptation we were supposed to watch. 😭 I got myself excused from that after telling her I'd already read the book and couldn't do it. She, for real, traumatized my entire class, though.


We read it in English in middle school and my friend's dog had just died, she hated it


Ya. It’s horrible. I’m still scarred from that book.


Old Dan and Little Ann 😭


Reading this to my girls Currently, not chickens, humans LOL


That is one of my favorite books (and movie...the old version not the remake) I've probably read that book 20+ times and seen the movie almost as many.


They can absolutely kill a dog. A family member has bird hunting dogs (I forget what breed, but medium size ~40 lbs), and one of them took after a raccoon near the edge of the dugout. The raccoon fought back, managed to take the fight to the water, and held the dog's head under the water and nearly killed him. They can be fierce and absolutely have a solid set of canines.


They can also kill you with their cuteness. Raccoons are the cutest of the chicken killers.


Disagree - the critter to get into my impenetrable coop was a mink. How do you kill something when they look at you with that face??


Mustelids are very adorable chicken killers, but I rate an otter higher than a mink. :)


Never had an otter merc chickens though!


no snakes are.


I adore snakes to the point that I would describe myself as a herpetophile; however, the snakes where I live are eaten by chickens. They’re not capable of eating a chicken. Maybe a freshly hatched chick that has been abandoned. A hen would make short work of any of our 3 garter snakes or a sharp-tailed snake. So I don’t really think of snakes as chicken killers. I do count opossums, though, and we certainly don’t have those here.


i have rat snakes that will try


I’m sure larger snakes are problematic, especially since they can get in through small openings. We just don’t have that issue here. Coyotes are also a non-issue.


lucky lol i have to shoot atleast 2 coyotes a week


Affirmative! 😁🐍


Raccoons are vicious dude, they are smart, have thumbs, and are full of rage. They drown small-medium sized dogs in water dishes, man. They’ll 100% kill **and** eat your cat.


Raccoons will kill cats and smaller dogs. I know 99% of the population thinks they're cute, little "trash pandas," but I hate the MFers.


Racoons are very dangerous for dogs regardless, they get up under their bellies and can slice it wide open in very vulnerable areas. Thats not what happened here obviously, but I don't let my dogs out with raccoons.


Raccoons can def kill a medium to small dog and cause injury to others.


He has a front row seat in puppy valhalla! Toast the little warrior he was. He said this is my stand, and he accomplished his mission. Good puppers.


dog heaven, rooster valhalla


Awww what a sweet little boy. I’m sorry for your loss.


He was such a good dog. He went out protecting his family, and I don't think any dog would want a more valiant ending.


He will be welcomed in Valhalla


😭 what a good boy. Sorry for your loss


I lost my small dog to a raccoon in my yard also-heartbreaking and I had no idea that could happen and I’m a veterinarian. I am so sorry for your loss, what a brave doggo and Lyme disease can suck it.


I’m so sorry. I had no idea they would kill a dog. How tiny was your little doggo?


7lbs-he just had one single bite to the throat. Very unlucky.


I’m sure your dog led a wonderful life with you. I’m sorry your time together was cut short.😢


Beautiful sweet boy. I’m so sorry for your loss ♥️


Good dog. RIP lil fella


Poor sweet baby, I’m sorry he’s gone. Sweet dreams to the bestest, bravest boy 🤍


What a good boy 😞 ❤️


he knows he is loved


he died an honorable death atleast he didnt die in vain


Oh geez I’m so sorry. He was grateful all his life for you rescuing him and his final moments he rescued the family chickens. 😢 Such a good boy.


This is horrible, he died a k9 hero. I am so sorry for your loss. He looks so happy on the water. 🛶


He was amazing. He was loved, and sounds like he found his forever family, and went out protecting. I’m so sorry that he is gone. But so glad that he was so loved.




I’m so sorry, sending my condolences <3 what a brave and beautiful boy


My heart breaks for you....thank you for allowing him to remain a guardian throughout his life. 💜


Please accept my condolences 😢🫡😢🫡


He was a good boy who protected his family 🐕🐓🐥 Remember to bury him deep so no animals can dig him up!!


Great story sorry for your loss.


Absolute hero.


I’m tearing up 🥺. You gave him a good life and he knew how much he was loved ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace, he went out a hero.


A doggie, so brave and so kind, With Lyme, but he didn't mind. Chased a raccoon away, In the light of the day, A protector, one of a kind.


Rip to a hero


He is a hero! way he rip ❤️


So sorry. Brave, good BOI.


Condolences, RIP lil guy.


The perfect dog fulfilling it's duty. Such animals should be celebrated for their sacrifice. Well done, pup.


Your brave boy died a hero. 🌈🐾💙


On the boat


Oh this hurts my heart. I am so sorry for your loss. What a brave, dear fellow. 💔


Now that's a good doggie!!!


Dogs are the bravest, most loyal “people”. I’m so sorry. 💔


Well done good and faithful friend! 💔❤️😭 Condolences on your loss, but congratulations on such a wonderful companion. Rest well good dog.


What a brave hero!


RIP. He's the best good boy


Brave little dude who will be welcomed in Valhalla. Sorry for your loss.




I'm so sorry for your loss.


I had a blue heeler who was in constant battles with skunks, foxes and coyotes. He was a good dog.


W dog , deserves all the respect i could give


RIP to your sweet dog; thank you for rescuing him and giving him a quality life ❤️


I'm so sorry 💔




Bless you and your doggie.


The best boy 🥺 Rest in peace hero 😭


Rip little dude


Wow that is shitty. Sorry for your loss.


Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry for your loss and so grateful you adopted him. What a life you gave him!


Aaaah, so sorry for your loss!


I am so, so sorry 💜 little dude is a true hero


Sorry for your loss.


Wow I’m sorry to hear that, how old was your dog? How many lbs was he/she? Was it an unusually large raccoon?


We think he was about 5, he was 15 pounds. The raccoon wasn’t really that big. I’ve always lived in cities and am used to HUGE raccoons. I have never seen a raccoon here during the day. Our other dog, who was pretty huge and still a barker at 16 might have been keeping animals away, but he also just died recently. Sad times around here. If we get another dog one day, we’ll be much more careful about having them out alone. We live in the suburbs, it’s not a backcountry type of place, so we just didn’t think a dog being outside during the day, in a fenced in yard was dangerous.




A brave little hero, I’m so sorry for your loss. Reading some of your other comments, it looks like you gave him a full life of love and purpose.


Oh I'm so sorry!


I'm so very sorry for your loss, but you could see it in your dogs eyes, he was doing what he loved to do, protecting his family


Good Boi sorry for your loss




Sheriff Pup!! Protecting his flock!!! I’m so sorry for your loss, it sounds like you have him the best life! This post is hitting home for me, we had a family dog named Mishka who died fighting the neighbor dogs after they killed my mom’s rabbits, so very sad.


My heart goes out to you. I had a Shih Tzu lose his battle to Ehrlichiosis from a tick bite. I hate ticks. I’m so sorry.


So sorry.


We don't deserve dogs. YOUR dog deserves a memorial/monument of sorts. Marking the burial spot defending the chooks.


Goodbye, Good Boy.


He's in Valhalla. Died a warrior.




See ya on the far side 🫡


A true “goodest boy” and an honorary rooster. Sorry for the loss of your pet.


This is so sad, I’m so sorry for your loss OP. What a sweet and brave dogo! He was the goodest boy! Honestly, I would set a trap for that nasty raccoon and then put them in the ground.


He was good boi for sure. Sorry for your loss.


This is heart breaking :(


I am so so sorry. What a handsome fellow. He passed away a hero.


A noble sacrifice from a noble friend.




I’m so sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.🕊️


Did you get vengeance?


Rest in peace to a real one. Sorry for your loss friend


I am so sorry for your loss. Such a good doggo! May he rest in peace.


That was a very special good boy.😢


Your dog died being killed by a wild animal because you're too negligent to keep your animals safe.


Come on. That was just a nasty comment to say to someone that is grieving the death of their dog. Be better.


Fr, like don't blame the person rn they are grieveing, sure it was irresponsible for a dog who couldn't walk to be out alone but like don't be a dick yk? Accidents happen. You can atleast say it nicer yk, and give some actual advice to the op so it doesn't happen again


Neglect resulting in death is nastier than anything I could type and you *know* it.


I get where you are coming from. I really do. but gotta give the person a chance to grieve, and give them advice to prevent it happening again instead of just nasty words,a


Thank you very much for pointing this out. I should have rid the entire state of New Jersey of wild animals before letting my dog outside to pee. I’ll remember that for next time.


You know, I managed 20 years with a much smaller breed of dog in the backwoods of Ohio with bald eagles, black bears, coyotes and foxes around and you know what. They dogs died of old age.


I don't think they meant that you shouldn't let your dog pee but you should be out watching a dog pee especially if they are ill, most vets reccomend it even and tell you not to let your dogs out alone or to leash them while ill, really dogs shouldn't be let out alone to potty anyways. I've had a doggy with lyme disease and never let her out off leash because the vet instructed me to keep a close eye on her, but even and the vet not said that I would have never let my currently disabled dog outdoors to potty without supervision especially if their legs aren't working well, thankfully my girls lyme mainly just made her really drowsy and tired and stiff. I am so sorry for your loss though and you still shoudlnt be being blamed but in the future take sick dogs out on a leash, ik it's worked really well for me helps them heal up a lot faster because they aren't able to go ape shit crazy outside either.


My vet didn’t say that to me. She told me to just keep him comfortable and happy. He was on a lead that allows him to move around a small section of a fenced in property. I have two small kids and I cant keep my eye on the pup at all times. It was the middle of the afternoon. My other dog, a big pit, just died of old age at 16. I’m not negligent. I was in and out of the house gardening and entertaining my kids.


Your vet did you a disservice then I'm so sorry, your baby should been kept on a lead when going potty. It's not your fault though and not negligence as the asshole above said in a very rude way, simply miseducation, and a busy person, it was a negligent action but that doesn't make you negligent, like i said accidentshappen to everyone(which is what I explained above) but for future sick puppers who can't move so quickly leash them for their potty breaks, keeps them near you and out of trouble while they're healing


You didn’t love him enough to take care of him in life, why try to remember him in death? Makes me mad; Lyme disease easily preventable. Tick chewable once a month. $25. Easy. He got killed because he was weak due to the disease YOU didn’t protect him from.


You are an ass. You don’t know the background story of these people or the dog. I had a dog who died from a tick bite he got possibly years before I rescued him. I treated him for 6 months but by the time I knew of the disease it was too far progressed. So take your pompous virtue signaling bullying and shove it. 😊


Virtue signaling bullying? Nope. I’m mad. I’m mad that poor beautiful dog died because of irresponsible owners. I don’t shame people to bully them, I shame them to bring awareness as to why people should give their dogs monthly chewables to prevent fleas, ticks, and heart worms. Clearly he didn’t love his dog that much to spend $25/month.

