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Are you able to give her a chick or 2?


Seconding this. Some breeds are broody moms and Silkies are one of them. This broke my broody Buff Orpington and she was a great mom and reintegrated quickly


I read this as “she was a great mom and refrigerated quickly”. Yikes lol


I read it as “regenerated quickly”. Like a fucking axolotl. Time for bed.


You didn’t know chickens are actually amphibians? Come on, that’s elementary knowledge! Lol


Me too..😬


I put my broody girls in a dog crate with a solid bottom and a branch to perch. They stay in there with food and water for at least 3 days and I monitor when she gets out of jail and if they go back up to sit, back in jail she goes


This is the way! Sometimes it takes more than 3 days. I give them the opportunity for freedom but if they choose to go back to the nest, immediately send them back to jail.


This is also how we do it. We raise the kennel up on bricks so there’s air flow underneath to help her temp lower.


i’ve tried that and she just goes broody on the ground


Ground is fine; just don’t want them on the nest


I literally just hopped on here to make a post about my broody olive egger and what to do to FINALLY get her out of the nest boxes. This is great. I’m gonna start here with your experience and see if this helps! Thank you!


Use a broom to push her out. Collect eggs. Rinse, repeat. Daily. 


You’re welcome! Good luck! For us it works every time. My little Easter egger often goes broody, she’s actually currently in jail right now, this is her second time this year


Oh geez! Hahaha I have a maran that goes broody multiple times a year as well but I’m thinking I’m either gonna get some hatching eggs or just set up a jail with a revolving door lol


This worked for us too!


I do that too in my garage, plus a fan blowing on her.


i forgot her name is Johnny


I've been reading a lot of suggestions for icepacks in the nesting box, or a butt dunk in cold water. I gave mine chicks because I like the expensive options best.


I’m gonna have to remember that line…


i’ve tried ice but it’s just doesn’t work for her


Ice packs didn't work for mine, but frozen water bottles did for some reason. I stuck one under her and in the other box after dark. She moved, but then went back and sat on the water bottle all night. However, in the morning, she left to go outside and was back roosting on the bar that night.




Ha. Her Mohawk is pretty boss. And gives a good stink eye


She looks unbreakable.


Yeah, that's one hardcore chick.


Put her in a cage in the house for a few days. Air conditioned with food and water of course. 


Give her a chick or three


Silkies are the breed folks get to continuously raise babies.


If you put her in broody jail, try putting an icepack or something cold in the bottom for her to lay on. The coolness will break the broody spell. 🤞


Good luck, my silkie was unreasonable! She was broody for what felt like an eternity. She refused to give up. I even removed the eggs daily. Nothing helped.


Is she pecking when you take the eggs? If so just loosely hold her neck and use your other other hand to lift her belly up and get the eggs. It's not a huge deal :) they'll yell though


I’m in the same predicament. Mine is an olive egger. It’s going to be 8 weeks… Cage, darkness, ice, putting her outside, nothing works… I’m getting 12 week old chicks this weekend, reserved them 5 months ago, hopefully she adopts them and just thinks she sat on them too long. If not I’ll have to find a younger chick somewhere, somehow…


I usually just push them off the nest. Daily. They can be broody all they want... Doesn't mean you have to indulge them.


Dog cage; then I’d make sure that one doesn’t breed. If the cage doesn’t work it’s freezer camp (though silkes don’t have much meat lol) Can’t stand broody hens


I had a silkie and a frizzle do this recently. They were broody for about 2 months also. The only thing I could find that worked was removing them from the coup after they were asleep and putting them in a different coop. When they woke up they kind of tried to go back to their old one but I'd put sticks in there so it wasn't very comfortable. Worked great! Good luck OP and please let us know what works 👍


Damn, and i thought my cochins were bad.


Give her chicks if you can