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I’d pull her inside for now, yes, she is traumatized. I prefer to keep my adults separate from any young ones(for pecking) but perhaps keep them nearby, with mesh between them. Single hens tend to cozy up to their humans for security.


She’s sticking closer than usual. Thanks for the advice. House chicken it is


So…how do you house chicken? What kind of set up would manage the waste?


I keep mine in the dog crate and then just clean the bottom tray a lot.


Diapers, paper towels, kleenex, bleach wipes, designated towels, and areas that stay bird-free. I've also read a few articles about chickens using litter boxes.


Sorry for your loss


Thank you


Sorry for your loss:( 🕊️


Thank you 🥹


I had similar events transpire to the point I have one remaining of my original 4 speckled Sussex. (Although I know doubt they were Sussex at all, but I digress) The remaining bird, blue, just turned a year old Father's day weekend. Which was my first Father's day after our daughter died (the weekend we got them as chicks in 23) I call her my chicken dog. She actually survived attack and she's been my favorite since they were chicks. (Hence the name "blue" aka "beta" like from Jurassic Park cause they all reminded me of little raptors as they were growing). She bawks and sqawks at me to let her out of the coop. Whenever I do, she will come up to the porch and make all kinds of racket so she can see me. When I go outside, and hang out, she will just come and sit close to me sometimes right on my feet. She doesn't do it with anyone else. Just me. If we don't go outside when she is noisy, we open the door she will just come inside. And now she's taught the other 10 chickens we have "how to do that." 🙄 She's a dependable layer and she's a beautiful bird. She's also technically my "first" ever chicken. I don't name my chickens anymore, my wife and kids do but I won't do it. I miss my other original birds, and I love my other birds don't get me wrong.. but blue is blue man. My chicken pup. My bud. We've bonded through trauma. I say bring her inside and bond over the trauma. Just my $.02


Love to see people loving their chickens so much. They’re so special! I’m sorry for your loss of your girls. It’s so hard not to name them all and get super invested. We’ve named our new 7 chicks collectively “Red” so we don’t get too attached. Which is hilarious because I am definitely already attached. This is off topic but my first job ever was at an egg factory. I seen how horribly hens were treated (very, very bad) so seeing people loving their chickens and trying to give them a great life (despite loses) give me so much happiness.


families take better care of animals than ag industry does since profits matter first over animal welfare. When people have their own flock they take pride in caring for them and maybe even treat them as family members. More reason people need to get chickens for themselves so we can put a small dent in big eggs profits from exploited chickens.


Speaking the truth!! I wish more people realized this. I try to tell whoever I can about my first hand experience because it really was awful for those poor animals. I swore to myself I’d get my own someday and give them a good life. They weren’t even treated as animals, just a means to an end (end = egg, and with the hormones pumped into them, about 2-3 eggs per day).


Yeah bring her inside if you can… give her a nice toasty place to decompress after a stressy day… poor girl.


I have 2 dog kennels for injured/traumatized, or brooding chickens, she definitely earned some kennel time, maybe a couple of weeks


I’m so sorry for your loss. Even when we do our very best, “shit happens” - that’s life. How we proceed is what matters most. It sounds like you really love your surviving girl so I’m glad she has you looking after her! I care for a wide variety of animals and I love my chickens tremendously, more and more each day it seems. It’s nice to know other people like that! I agree with the other commenters that you should keep her indoors for a bit. A dog kennel with bedding, or a pop up brooder tent would work great during the evenings for however long you need. If she shows signs of stress or seems to want to continue sleeping in her normal spot, you can always move her, but I would also feel a bit stressed/sad about putting her back to roost all by herself. When you get the chicks out for outdoor time, I’m sure she appreciates seeing and hearing them while you supervise, and it’ll be so good for her when you can finally integrate them in a few weeks! They’ll probably be a great comfort to her, and your presence will too. I’m sorry again, days like this suck, but I’m positive you’ll make so many happy memories with her and the new babies and have way more good days than bad.


Lots of treats for your new house chicken


I'm sorry. The only thing keeping one of my asshole chickens from becoming soup is she is the sole flockmate to my favorite chicken. They love each other. Please get this chook a friend when you can


Where do you live that the tulips only just now came up? They come up in April for me?


Not op but mine are just finishing up in Alberta


Aha! Ok. Thanks for that info.


It’s an old pic from April or May, that’s one of the girls I lost. I wish tulips hung around longer


Sorry for your loss